Iron Condor - Strategy Guide (2024)

The iron Condor is an options trading strategy involving four options contracts with the same expiration date but at different strike prices. This strategy consists of two put options (1 long and 1 short) and 2 call options (1 long and 1 short). The goal is to profit when the underlying asset’s price stays within a specific range between the intermediate strike prices until expiration.

Iron Condor strategy is popular among traders looking to generate income in a low-volatility market. The iron condor strategy is a kind of strangle. In the strangle strategy, the loss is unlimited, but in the case of the iron condor strategy, your loss is protected. You already know what will be the maximum loss you will incur. This is the best strategy for the sideways market.

The iron condor uses both, unlike other strategies focusing only on calls or puts. This strategy has almost the same potential reward as a standard condor spread but with more flexibility.


  • What Is An Iron Condor?
  • Iron Condor Strategy Example
  • Iron Condor Payoff Diagram
  • Iron Condor Margin Requirement
  • Iron Condor Adjustments
  • Iron Fly Vs Iron Condor
  • Iron Condor Success Rate
  • Best Iron Condor Strategy
  • Iron Condor – Quick Summary
  • Iron Condor – Frequently Asked Questions

What is an Iron Condor?

An Iron Condor is a multifaceted options strategy comprising four separate options contracts. These contracts share the same expiration date but vary in their strike prices. The configuration of this strategy includes a pair of call options (one short, one long) and a pair of put options (one short, one long). The strategic objective of an Iron Condor is to generate profit if the underlying asset’s price remains within the defined range set by the intermediate strike prices at the expiration.

The Iron Condor strategy is particularly favored by traders keen on generating income during low market volatility. It functions similarly to a strangle strategy with a significant difference in risk exposure. With a strangle, the potential loss can be unlimited, whereas, in an Iron Condor strategy, the maximum possible loss is defined upfront, offering a layer of protection for the trader. This makes it a go-to strategy for markets exhibiting sideways trends.

In contrast to strategies that concentrate solely on either calls or puts, the Iron Condor harnesses the power of both. This unique blend enables it to offer a reward potential akin to a regular condor spread but with the added advantage of flexibility, making it a versatile tool for trading.

Iron Condor Strategy Example

Let’s say you believe that XYZ stock is currently trading at Rs. 50 per share is likely to trade within a tight range in the near future. You decide to use the iron condor strategy to potentially profit from this trading range.

You execute the following options trades:

  • Sell 1 XYZ call option with a strike price of Rs. 55, expiring in one month, for a premium of Rs. 200
  • Buy 1 XYZ call option with a strike price of Rs. 60, expiring in one month, for a premium of Rs. 100
  • Sell 1 XYZ put option with a strike price of Rs. 45, expiring in one month, for a premium of Rs. 150
  • Buy 1 XYZ put option with a strike price of Rs. 40, expiring in one month, for a premium of Rs. 50

The net credit you receive from these trades is Rs. 200 – Rs. 100 + Rs. 150 – Rs. 50 = Rs. 200.

Now, if the price of XYZ stock remains between Rs. 45 and Rs. 55 at expiration, all four options will expire worthless, and you will keep the net credit of Rs. 200 as a profit.

If the stock price exceeds Rs. 55, the call option you sold will be in-the-money, and the buyer may exercise their option. You will be obligated to sell 100 shares of XYZ at Rs. 55 per share. However, your maximum loss is limited because you also bought a call option with a strike price of Rs. 60, which you can exercise to buy 100 shares of XYZ at Rs. 60 per share and then sell them at Rs. 55 per share, resulting in a loss of Rs. 500. This is offset by the Rs. 200 credit you received initially, so your net loss is Rs. 300.

If the stock price drops below Rs. 45, the put option you sold will be in-the-money, and the buyer may exercise their option. You will be obligated to buy 100 shares of XYZ at Rs. 45 per share. However, your maximum loss is limited because you also bought a put option with a strike price of Rs. 40, which you can exercise to sell 100 shares of XYZ at Rs. 40 per share and then buy them at Rs. 45 per share, resulting in a loss of Rs. 500. This is offset by the Rs. 200 credit you received initially, so your net loss is Rs. 300.

Iron Condor Payoff Diagram

Iron Condor - Strategy Guide (1)

The iron condor strategy features a diagram that resembles a bird with its wings spread. This diagram provides clear and well-defined profit and loss areas, allowing traders to understand the potential outcomes of the strategy.

If, at expiration, the underlying asset’s price falls within the range between the two short-strike prices, the trader will realize the full credit received as a profit. In this scenario, both the call and put options sold in the strategy expire out of the money, enabling the trader to keep the premium collected.

Iron Condor Margin Requirement

If the two sides of a short iron condor position are the same width, then the margin requirement for the position is determined by the short credit spread on one side. For example, if a trader sells 1 Iron Condor on the NIFTY 50 with a notional value of Rs. 5 lakhs and a margin requirement of 10%, the margin requirement would be calculated as follows:

Margin requirement = (17,800 – 17,600) x 1 x Rs. 5 lakhs x 10%

Margin requirement = Rs. 10,000

This means that the trader must maintain a minimum margin of Rs. 10,000 to hold this Iron Condor position.

Since an Iron Condor is a multi-leg options strategy, the margin requirement is typically lower than a single-leg option trade with the same notional value.

The margin requirement for an Iron Condor is typically calculated as the difference between the strikes on the long options and the short options, multiplied by the number of contracts, multiplied by the notional value per contract, and multiplied by the broker’s margin requirement percentage.

Iron Condor Adjustments

To adjust an iron condor trade, it is possible to either extend the trade’s expiration date or modify one of the spreads by moving it up or down based on how the underlying stock price changes.

Here are some common Iron Condor adjustments:

1. Rolling: This involves closing the existing position and opening a new one at a different strike price or expiration date. Rolling is often used to respond to unfavorable movements in the underlying price, potentially allowing the trader to reduce losses or increase profits.

2. Adding a spread: This adjustment can be used to shift the profit zone of an Iron Condor. By adding another spread, the trader can potentially increase their overall credit received and shift the profit range to favor the new anticipated price movement.

3. Narrowing: This involves buying back one of the spreads to decrease the range of the Iron Condor. This adjustment can reduce potential losses if the trader believes the underlying asset’s price will exceed one of their current spread ranges.

4. Hedging: Purchasing a protective put (or even a call, depending on the scenario) can help limit downside risk. This type of hedge protects against drastic price movements in the underlying asset.

5. Closing the position: If the trader anticipates the market moves against their position significantly, it might be best to close the position and accept the loss. This decision should ideally be part of a pre-determined risk management strategy.

As always, the adjustment will depend on the trader’s market outlook, risk tolerance, and individual trading goals.

Iron Fly Vs Iron Condor

The main difference between Iron Fly and Iron Condor is that Iron Condor’s strategy works well in a neutral market with low volatility. On the other hand, the Iron Fly strategy works well in a market with low volatility but a slight bullish or bearish outlook.

FactorsIron CondorIron fly
StructureIron Condor involves two separate credit spreads.Iron fly involves one debit spread.
Risk and rewardThe Iron Condor strategy offers a higher reward potential than the Iron Fly.The Iron Fly strategy has a limited profit potential but also comes with limited risk.
Strike pricesThe Iron Condor sells options contracts at a higher and lower strike price than the ones where the trader buys options contracts, creating a wider profit range.The Iron Fly strategy involves buying options contracts at a central strike price and selling options contracts at higher and lower strike prices, resulting in a narrower profit range.
Market OutlookThe Iron Condor strategy works well in a neutral market with low volatility.The iron fly strategy works well in a market with low volatility but a slight bullish or bearish outlook.

Iron Condor Success Rate

Based on historical data, the Iron Condor success rate ranges from 60-70%. This means 6-7 out of 10 trades using this strategy are profitable. However, it’s essential to remember that past performance doesn’t guarantee future success.

Factors such as market volatility, economic news, and sudden price movements can impact the success rate of an Iron Condor trade. Also, ensure you have good market knowledge and use risk management strategies to reduce losses.

Best Iron Condor Strategy

The iron condor is an options trading technique that involves four strike prices, two puts (one short and one long), and two calls (one short and one long), all with the same expiry date. This strategy is most profitable when the underlying asset price falls between the intermediate strike prices at expiration.

1. Here are a few tips that can help traders improve their iron condor strategy:Select an underlying asset with a low volatility environment, as this is the ideal condition for an iron condor trade.

2. Adjust the strike prices to match the expected range of the underlying asset. This will increase the probability of success for the iron condor trade.

3. Setting stop-loss orders to limit losses if the trade goes against you is important. This can help prevent large losses and improve the overall success rate of your trades.

4. Keep an eye on the trade and make adjustments if needed. If the underlying asset moves too far in one direction, adjusting the strike prices or closing the trade may be necessary.

5. Avoid trading iron condors during high-risk events such as earnings releases, major economic announcements, or geopolitical events. These events can cause volatility to spike and increase the risk of loss for the trade.

6. Manage risk appropriately by sizing the trade correctly and not risking more than a comfortable amount of capital. It’s also important to have a plan for handling different scenarios, such as a significant move in the stock price.

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Iron Condor – Quick Summary

  • The Iron Condor strategy involves four options contracts with the same expiration date but at different strike prices – 2 put options (1 long and 1 short) and 2 call options (1 long and 1 short).
  • The goal is to profit when the underlying asset’s price stays within a specific range between the intermediate strike prices until expiration.
  • The Iron Condor strategy is popular among traders looking to generate income in a low-volatility market.
  • The maximum potential loss is limited, and the loss is protected in the case of the Iron Condor strategy.
  • The margin requirement for an Iron Condor is typically lower than a single-leg option trade with the same notional value.
  • The margin requirement is calculated based on the maximum potential loss of the trade.
  • To adjust an iron condor trade, it is possible to either extend the trade’s expiration date or modify one of the spreads by moving it up or down based on how the underlying stock price changes.
  • The main difference between Iron Fly and Iron Condor is that Iron Condor’s strategy works well in a neutral market with low volatility. On the other hand, the Iron Fly strategy works well in a market with low volatility but a slight bullish or bearish outlook.
  • The iron condor is an options trading technique that involves four strike prices, two puts (one short and one long), and two calls (one short and one long), all with the same expiry date.
  • You can learn everything about options trading on this page if you are new to options trading.

Iron Condor – Frequently Asked Questions

1. What Is Iron Condor Strategy?

Iron Condor is an options trading strategy where you buy and sell four options with the same expiration date and strike prices. The aim is to make a profit from a market with low volatility.

2. Is Iron Condor Good For Beginners?

With proper education, practice, and risk management, beginners can successfully implement the Iron Condor strategy. However, it is important to remember that options trading is associated with high risks, and beginners should only trade with funds they can afford to lose.

3. Which Is Better, Iron Condor Or Iron Butterfly?

An iron condor is usually preferred when expecting a low-volatility market, while an iron butterfly can be used when expecting moderate volatility. However, it depends on the individual preferences.

4. How Long Do You Hold An Iron Condor?

Generally, investors usually hold an iron condor for 30-45 days.

5. Are Iron Condors Safe?

Iron condors can be a safe strategy when used correctly, but it is essential to understand the risks involved and manage the trade carefully.

6. How much cash is needed for iron condor?

The cash needed for an iron condor is determined by the strike prices chosen and the position size.

7. Is Iron Condor Bullish Or Bearish?

The Iron Condor strategy is neutral, not inherently bullish or bearish. Rather than betting on the underlying asset’s direction, it is designed to profit from a stock or index that trades within a certain range during a specified period.

Iron Condor - Strategy Guide (2024)


Iron Condor - Strategy Guide? ›

An iron condor is an options strategy consisting of two puts (one long and one short) and two calls (one long and one short), and four strike prices, all with the same expiration date. The iron condor earns the maximum profit when the underlying asset closes between the middle strike prices at expiration.

What is the best iron condor strategy? ›

Iron condors look to capitalize on time decay, minimal price movement in a stock, a drop in volatility, or a combination of all three. If the underlying stock price stays between the short options, the contracts will expire worthless, and the credit received will be kept.

What is the success rate of the iron condor strategy? ›

Based on historical data, the Iron Condor success rate ranges from 60-70%. This means 6-7 out of 10 trades using this strategy are profitable.

How do you maximize profit in iron condor? ›

The maximum profit potential for an iron condor is the net credit received when constructing the four-leg options positions. Maximum profit is realized when the underlying settles between the short strikes of the trade at expiration, where all options expire worthless.

What is the monthly income of the iron condor? ›

The index iron condor options strategy is popular because it's relatively easy to understand, it doesn't require options analysis software to visualize the trade, and it generates an excellent monthly income of 6% to 10% ROI per month.

Which option strategy is most profitable? ›

A Bull Call Spread is made by purchasing one call option and concurrently selling another call option with a lower cost and a higher strike price, both of which have the same expiration date. Furthermore, this is considered the best option selling strategy.

What is the ideal delta for iron condor? ›

Maintain 20 Delta as and when the premiums get double of the profitable leg. Exit when you get half of the max profit. I initially created a short iron condor strategy in Nifty when it was trading at 24,200, with breakeven points at 23,970-24,480.

Which trading strategy has highest probability of success? ›

One strategy that is quite popular among experienced options traders is known as the butterfly spread. This strategy allows a trader to enter into a trade with a high probability of profit, high-profit potential, and limited risk. The basic butterfly can be entered using calls or puts in a ratio of 1 by 2 by 1.

Which is better, strangle or iron condor? ›

Stated differently, the short strangle has a higher probability of profit. However, with less premium comes less risk. The iron condor can be viewed as a short call vertical spread6 and a short put vertical spread. In a short call vertical, a trader sells a short call and buys a call with a higher strike.

What is the best width for an iron condor? ›

Optimal Iron Condor wing width is roughly 1/10th of the stock's price. Iron Condors with wider wings produce higher win rates as well as shorter durations in the trade. Managing positions around 21 DTE will help smooth out profit/loss.

Is iron condor risky? ›

The iron condor strategy has limited upside and downside risk because the high and low strike options, the wings, protect against significant moves in either direction. Because of this limited risk, its profit potential is also limited.

Should you leg into an iron condor? ›

One approach that can maximize credit received and the profit range of the iron condor is to leg into the position. "Legging in" refers to creating the put spread and the call spread at times that market makers are inflating the prices of either the sold call or put.

What is the risk of the iron condor strategy? ›

This strategy has four different options contracts, each with the same expiration date and different exercise prices. To construct an iron condor, a trader would sell an out-of-the-money call and an out-of-the-money put, while simultaneously buying a further out-of-the-money call and a further out-of-the-money put.

When to use iron condor strategy? ›

In a single transaction with the same expiration, it consists of a short vertical put spread and a short vertical call spread. A bullish or bearish bias can be added to an iron condor, which is a delta-neutral options strategy that performs best when the underlying asset does not change much.

How much money do you need for iron condor? ›

For the iron condor strategy autotrade the minimum to get started is $6500; $5000 is traded and $1500 for reserve cash (30% reserve cash).

What is the maximum loss on an iron condor? ›

The max loss on a short iron condor can be found by taking the width of the widest spread and subtracting the credit received from trade entry. Iron condors generally have short put and call spreads that are the same width, but if they are not, the max loss is the width of the wider spread.

Is short iron condor profitable? ›

If the stock price is above the highest strike price, then the net delta is slightly negative. Overall, a short iron condor spread does not profit from stock price change; it profits from time decay as long as the stock price is in the range of maximum profit.

What is the iron condor butterfly strategy? ›

The Iron Butterfly focuses on capitalizing on a specific price range with its combination of call-and-put options. In contrast, the Iron Condor aims to profit from a lower volatility market using a balanced combination of short and long positions.

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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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