International fees for eBay sellers (2024)

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eBay Partners

  • International fee
  • Seller currency conversion charge
  • Regulatory operating fee
  • Overseas territories
  • Fees pages on international sites

It will apply to all sales from listings on the following sites: UK, Austria, Belgium, France, Italy, Ireland, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, and Switzerland.

Learn more

The fees on this page apply if your eBay registered address is in one of the countries listed individually or as part of a region grouping below. These are collectively referred to as "eBay global" countries or regions for the purposes of this page.

eBay global countries and region definitions

See the whole list

  • Japan
  • South Korea
  • India
  • New Zealand
  • Rest of APAC: Armenia, Bahrain, Bhutan, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Fiji, Indonesia, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Malaysia, Maldives, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Mongolia, Nepal, Niue, Oman, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Thailand, Tonga, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, United Arab Emirates, Vanuatu, Vietnam, Wallis and Futuna, Yemen
  • EU Unsited: Andorra, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Malta, Monaco, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Vatican City State
  • Europe Unsited (excl. EU): Albania, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Iceland, Israel, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Russian Federation, Serbia, Ukraine
  • Rest of World: Afghanistan, Algeria, Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Aruba, Bahamas, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belize, Benin, Bolivia, Botswana, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Chile, Colombia, Comoros, Congo, Costa Rica, Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Djibouti, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon Republic, Gambia, Ghana, Greenland, Grenada, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Kenya, Lebanon, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico, Montserrat, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Nauru, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Palau, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Rwanda, Saint Kitts-Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, Suriname, Tanzania, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Turks and Caicos Islands, Uganda, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Western Sahara, Zambia, Zimbabwe

International fee

If your eBay registered address is in an eBay global country, eBay charges an International fee if either:

  • The delivery address for the item (entered by the buyer during checkout) is outside your registered address country, or
  • The buyer's registered address is outside your registered address country (regardless of the delivery address for the item)

The International fee is calculated on the total amount of the sale and is automatically deducted from your sales proceeds. The total amount of the sale is the item price, any handling charges, the shipping service the buyer selects, sales tax (or equivalent local consumer tax), and any other applicable fees.

International fee for eBay global sellers (excluding EU Unsited)

The International fee is determined by the seller's registered address country or region per the table below.

Seller registered address country or regionInternational fee
South Korea1.45%
New Zealand1.00%
Rest of APAC1.30%
Europe Unsited (excl. EU)1.30%
Rest of World1.55%

International fee for EU Unsited sellers

The International fee for EU Unsited sellers is determined by the item delivery address or buyer's registered address, per the table below.

Eurozone and SwedenUK• Europe* (excluding Eurozone, Sweden, UK)
• USA & Canada
All other countries

* Europe: Albania, Andorra, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Belarus, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Faroe Islands, Georgia, Vatican City, Hungary, Iceland, Kazakhstan, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russian Federation, San Marino, Serbia, Svalbard and Jan Mayen, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, North Macedonia.

If your registered address is not in an eBay global country, please refer to the fee page for your country/region of residence Fees pages on international sites for your International fee information.

International fee volume discounts

eBay global sellers with a registered address in Japan or the Rest of APAC region can qualify for a volume discount on the International fee, subject to the exclusions listed in the Volume discount calculation and exclusions section below.

For each eBay account, if your total sales volume (including postage) on,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (collectively, the "eBay Sites"), is at least US $3,000 in the previous month on a rolling basis, you may be eligible for a discounted International fee in the following month, provided your Seller Level is at least Above Standard. You can check your current seller level on your Seller Dashboard.

International fee with volume discount for Japan and Rest of APAC eBay global sellers

Sales volume (USD)
(prior month)
JapanRest of APAC
$3,000 to $9,999.991.20%1.10%
$10,000 to $49,999.990.95%0.85%
$50,000 to $99,999.990.70%0.50%
$100,000 or more0.40%0.00%

eBay assesses your sales volume tier on the 20th of each month based on your sales history on the eBay Sites in the previous month, on a rolling basis. If your account qualifies, the discounted International fee will be applied automatically from the start of the following calendar month.

Volume discount calculation and exclusions

Your registered address must be in Japan or within the Rest of APAC region in order to qualify for the discount.

In order to benefit from a volume discount on the International fee in the following month, your transaction volume per eBay account on the eBay Sites must be above the minimum threshold values in the period of determination. If you do not reach the transaction volume over this period, you will not receive the volume discount.

Categories excluded from volume discount calculation

US/MOTORS site (

Cars & Trucks (6001), Motorcycles (6024), Other Vehicles & Trailers (6038), RVs & Campers (50054), Boats (26429), Powersports (66466), Gift Cards & Coupons (172008), Real Estate (10542), Bullion (39482)

UK site (

Cars, Motorcycles & Vehicles (9800), Gift Vouchers & Coupons (172008), Property (10542), Coins (11116)


Auto & Motorrad: Fahrzeuge (9800), Kfz-Service auf Anfrage (179235), Immobilien (10542), Motorboote (48329), Segelboote (132148), Sonstige Boote (36623), Garantien & Versicherungen (175844), Gift Cards & Coupons (55008 ), Bullion (39482)


Businesses for Sale (11759), Aircrafts (63676), Boats (26429), Caravans/Motorhomes (32633), Cars (29690), Motorcycles (32073), Trucks/Commercial Vehicles (6049), Real Estate (10542), Vouchers/Gift Certificates (172008), Bullion (39482)

CA/CAFR sites (

Cars & Trucks (6001), Motorcycles (6024), Other Vehicles & Trailers (6038), RVs & Campers (50054), Boats (26429), Powersports (66466), Gift Cards & Coupons (172008), Real Estate (10542), Bullion (39482)

FRANCE site (

Auto, moto - véhicules (9800), Immobilier (10542), Monnaies (39482), Bateaux, voile, nautisme (1295), Aviation (36657)

ITALY site (

Auto e moto: veicoli (9800), Monete e Banconote (39482), Nautica e imbarcazioni: Acquascooter (1295)

SPAIN site (

Motor: vehículos (9800), Monedas y Billetes (39482), Motos acuáticas (1295)


Auto, moto - véhicules (9800), Immobilier (10542), Monnaies (39482), Scooters des mers (1295), Aviation (36657)


Auto's, motoren - voertuigen (9800), Vastgoed & Verhuur (10542), Munten en bankbiljetten (39482), Jetski's (1295), Sport & Vrije Tijd: Sportvliegen (36657)


Auto's, motoren - voertuigen (9800 ), Vastgoed (10542), Munten en bankbiljetten (39482), Waterscooters (1295), Sport en vakantie: Luchtvaart (36657)


Auto & Motorrad: Fahrzeuge (9800), Motorboote (48329), Segelboote (132148), Sonstige Boote (36623), Münzen (39482), Tickets (55008), Wassermotorräder (1295), Flugzeuge (36657)

IRELAND site (

Cars, Motorcycles & Vehicles (9800), Property (10542), Coins (39482), Water scooters (1295)

POLAND site (

Serwis pojazdów na zadanie (179235), Motoryzacja: Pojazdy (9800), Nieruchom*osci (10542), Motorówki (48329), Pozostale lodzie (36623), Zaglówki (132148), Numizmatyka (39482), Wszystko inne (175844), Skutery wodne (1295), Samoloty (36657)

eBay reserves the right to exclude you from the volume discounts if you violate eBay policies (including the eBay User Agreement, eBay User Privacy Notice, Global seller performance standards and Payments Terms of Use).

Regulatory operating fee

As a global e-commerce platform connecting millions of buyers and sellers in more than 190 markets, we're committed to offering a trusted global marketplace in a complex regulatory environment that affects eBay and our sellers.

To address the rising costs associated with the increasing number and complexity of regulations, including consumer and environmental protection, as well as new taxation and customs measures, from 8 April 2024, we’re introducing a new regulatory operating fee that will apply to all sales from listings on the following sites: UK, Austria, Belgium, France, Italy, Ireland, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, and Switzerland.

This fee is calculated as a fixed percentage rate (0.35%) of the total amount of the sale (which includes the item price, postage, taxes and any other applicable fees), and is subject to Value Added Tax (VAT), where applicable.


How is the regulatory operating fee calculated?

The fee is calculated as a fixed percentage rate of the total amount of the sale (which includes the item price, postage, taxes and any other applicable fees), and is subject to VAT.

Example - VAT inclusive

Total Sale Amount = £15 item price + £5 shipping = £20

Regulatory operating fee = 0.35% (fixed rate for UK)+ 0.07% (VAT) = 0.42% of £20 total sales = £0.08

Example - Without VAT

Total Sale Amount = £15 item price + £5 shipping = £20

Regulatory operating fee = 0.35% (fixed rate for UK) of £20 total sales = £0.07

What is the static percentage rate for the regulatory operating fee in each market?

The static percentage rate for the regulatory operating fee in each market is 0.35%.

How will the regulatory operating fee affect refunds and fee credits?

We’ll apply credits for regulatory operating fees on full refunds, partial refunds, and cancelled orders.

When will the regulatory operating fee show on my eBay invoice?

The fee will first appear on your May 2024 invoice.

Is there a cap on the regulatory operating fee?

Currently, there’s no cap on the regulatory operating fee.

Will the regulatory operating fee apply if I don't list directly on the mentioned sites, but a buyer in one of these countries purchases my items?

No, the regulatory operating fee will not be charged in this case.

Seller currency conversion charge

When you create listings or sell items on an international eBay site with a listing currency different to your payout currency, eBay may convert your funds to collect amounts owed by you to eBay, or to payout funds due to you.

For example, if your registered address is in Japan and you create a listing on for which fees (such as insertion and/or optional listing upgrade fees) are due, eBay will convert your funds from USD to EUR using the transaction exchange rate applicable at the time of listing, in order to collect these fees. When the item sells on, eBay will calculate your payout amount by converting the sales proceeds from EUR to USD using the transaction exchange rate applicable at the time of the sale.

If eBay converts your funds, the conversion will be completed at the transaction exchange rate we set for the relevant currency exchange. eBay's transaction exchange rate is composed of a base exchange rate plus a conversion charge. The conversion charge is a fixed percentage applied to the base exchange rate and retained by eBay. The base exchange rate reflects rates within the wholesale currency markets applicable to the currency pairing on the day of the conversion, or the prior business day. If exchange rates are set by law or regulation, the base exchange rate reflects the government reference rates.

See the table below for details of the seller currency conversion charge applied and retained by eBay:

Seller registered address country or regionSeller currency conversion charge
Malaysia, Israel2.5%
Latin America*3.5%
All other eBay global countries3.0%

* Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Aruba, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Montserrat, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Turks and Caicos Islands, Uruguay.

If your registered address is not in an eBay global country, please refer to the fee page for your country/region of residence Fees pages on international sites for your seller currency conversion charge information.

Overseas territories

If your registered address is in any of the following overseas territories, then we treat you as if you are domiciled in the associated country for the purpose of calculating your fees.

For example, if your registered address is in Puerto Rico and you sell and ship an item to a buyer in the United States, then you will not be charged an International fee for that transaction.

Please refer to the table for information about which fees page applies to you.

Overseas territory registered addressAssociated country / applicable fee page
French Guiana
French Polynesia
New Caledonia
Saint Pierre and Miquelon
France: Private / Business sellers
Cayman Islands
Falkland Islands (Malvinas)
Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
Virgin Islands (British)
United Kingdom: Private / Business sellers
American Samoa
Puerto Rico
Virgin Islands (U.S.)
United States: Sellers without / with an eBay Store

Fees pages on international sites

On Final value fee is 0% from March 1, 2023

eBay removes Final value fee for private (C2C) sellers listing on who reside in the European Economic Area.

The changes also applies to all items already listed.

The International selling fee on remains 3%.

For more information, please refer to the fee page for your country/region of residence:

United States: Sellers without / with an eBay Store

United Kingdom: Private / Business sellers

Canada: Sellers without / with an eBay Store

Germany: Private / Business sellers

France: Private / Business sellers

Italy: Private / Business sellers

Spain: Private / Business sellers

Australia: Sellers without / with an eBay Store

Austria: Private / Business sellers

Switzerland: Private / Business sellers

Ireland: Private / Business sellers

Belgium (Dutch): Private / Business sellers

Belgium (French): Private / Business sellers

Netherlands: Private / Business sellers

Poland: Private / Business sellers

Greater China region

Hong Kong




International fees for eBay sellers (2024)


Does eBay charge seller fees on international shipping? ›

If your eBay registered address is in an eBay global country, eBay charges an International fee if either: The delivery address for the item (entered by the buyer during checkout) is outside your registered address country, or.

How do I bypass eBay seller fees? ›

Sellers attempting to avoid eBay fees create risk for themselves, and a poor experience for buyers. Examples of avoiding fees includes making offers to buy or sell outside of eBay, requiring the buyer to make additional purchases, or charging excessive postage fees.

Why am I being charged international fees? ›

Plain and simple: If you buy something outside the U.S. and use the "wrong" credit card, you'll be hit with an extra fee. However, there are many options for the "right" credit cards to use when traveling or shopping overseas to avoid foreign transaction fees.

How do I avoid international shipping on eBay? ›

To modify international shipping options for all your listings, go to Shipping Preferences - opens in new window or tab and select the countries you wish to exclude.

Should I add international shipping on eBay? ›

As well as making your items available to buyers in almost 200 countries, there are several other benefits to using eBay International Shipping: When you ship internationally using eBay International Shipping, you're responsible for sending the item your buyer purchased safely to the US shipping hub.

Does international shipping cost more? ›

International shipping rates tend to be higher than domestic shipping. Postal carriers charge more for international shipping because there are many factors involved in delivering international shipments overseas, such as import taxes and duties (customs duties), multi-step logistics, fuel costs, etc.

How much does eBay take from a $100 sale? ›

The amount eBay makes on a sale depends on the final selling price of the item, the category of the item, and any additional fees that may apply. On average, eBay takes between 10% and 15.55% of the final selling price in fees. This percentage can increase if you're selling internationally or using promoted listings.

How to combat eBay fees? ›

How to reduce eBay selling fees?
  1. Choose your categories wisely. Make sure you're using the correct category when listing an item. ...
  2. Use good 'Til canceled listings. ...
  3. 3 . ...
  4. Take advantage of your zero insertion fee credits. ...
  5. Become a top-rated seller. ...
  6. Limit international sales. ...
  7. Apply for credit.
Sep 24, 2023

Who is the #1 seller on eBay? ›

Top eBay Sellers
RankSellerOne Month Feedback
1SecondSalecom (,079
2musicMagpie Shop (musicmagpie)116,865
3World of Books Ltd (worldofbooks08)88,397
4medimops_shop (medimops)83,073
96 more rows

How do I get international fees waived? ›

Shop online with international merchants that accept U.S. currency. You can also avoid foreign transaction fees by making purchases online only with international merchants that work with U.S. credit cards and accept U.S. dollars.

Can you avoid international transaction fees? ›

The best way to avoid foreign transaction fees is to acquire a no-foreign-transaction-fees credit card, if you qualify for one. Next in line are checking accounts or debit cards with no foreign transaction fee. It is also possible to avoid the fee by paying in the local currency for purchases.

How do I stop international charges? ›

10 ways to prevent roaming charges on vacation
  1. OPTION 1: Keep your phone off. ...
  2. OPTION 2: Stay on Airplane Mode. ...
  3. OPTION 3: Carrier travel plan. ...
  4. OPTION 4: Mobile hotspot router. ...
  5. OPTION 5: Worldwide hotspot access. ...
  6. OPTION 6: Internet that moves with you. ...
  7. OPTION 7: No data, just calls/texts. ...
  8. OPTION 8: Swap your SIM card.

How do I list on eBay without international shipping? ›

Shipping exclusions for all active listings

To exclude certain shipping locations for all your active listings, go to My eBay and select the Account section. Click the Business Policies button in the Selling subsection. From the drop-down menu under Create Policy, select Shipping.

What carrier does eBay use for international shipping? ›

We recommend that you edit your listings to include eBay international standard delivery as an international shipping option to give buyers the best delivery estimate possible. eBay international standard delivery uses USPS's domestic service to ship your item to eBay's trusted warehouse partners.

How do I opt out of eBay's new shipping policy? ›

Experienced sellers with a large number of listings can also set up a shipping policy in the Listings tab > Settings > Business Policies section of eBay Seller Hub or in My eBay account settings. To opt out, simply click the Opt out link on the Manage business policies page.

Can you sell products internationally on eBay? ›

You can sell your items directly on eBay's international sites or reach buyers from all over the world with listings on So choose the best way for you — active or passive international selling on eBay.

What happened to the eBay Global shipping Program? ›

Starting March 31, 2023, eBay is replacing the Global Shipping Program with the eBay International Shipping Program for eligible international sellers.

Does the seller pay for shipping on eBay? ›

eBay charges sellers two standard fees per listing: a listing insertion fee and a final value fee. The final value fee is a percentage of the final sale amount including shipping costs. It does not pay for shipping. This is covered by the buyer, and then - depending on the fulfilment method - by the seller.

How to use eBay Global shipping Program? ›

Adding GSP to new listings:
  1. Switch to the Advanced Tool when listing.
  2. Scroll down your listing to the International Shipping section, and Add Shipping Details.
  3. Check the Use Global Shipping Program box. This will immediately make your item visible to international buyers.
Feb 10, 2021

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Article information

Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Last Updated:

Views: 6467

Rating: 5 / 5 (80 voted)

Reviews: 95% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.