Inside The Budget Of A Young New York City Family (2024)

When Johnny and Joanna got married and started budgeting, they didn't exactly go around advertising it.

"We were super coy about it," says Johnny, 30, a copywriter who lives with his wife and two little girls in New York City. "We made up in our minds that we were branded with thisscarlet letter," he says, rememberingthinking a budget would be the end of theirsocial life and mean associationwith astigma that conjuresup images ofexcessive couponing and crazy TLC shows.

Whenthecouple begansharing the ins and outs of their budget with the world at large through, it took them a year to tell friendsand family.

When they finally came out with it, the reaction they got from people was thatit was really weird but also really cool, recallsJohnny. The couplerealized it helped keep them accountable -- and their friends realized Johnny and Joannahadn't been ducking out of dinners because something was wrong with their friendship, but because they couldn't afford it.

The reason for making a budget started where so many do: They had a lot of debt and wanted it gone.

After graduating from Brigham Young University, the couple owed about $20,000, most of which wasstudent loan debt.They wanted to pay it off in two years if they could.

It wasn't but several months later when Johnny got a job offer from a storied Madison Avenue advertising agency he couldn't pass it up and the couple made the decision to move from Utah to New York City, the most expensive town in the nation.

The gig came with a salary increase, but it paled in comparison to how much theircost of living was going to go up. This made the whole budgeting thing that much more important.

At the beginning of every year they sit down for a couple hours with a bunch of candy and hash out their plan for the year. What do they have going on? Are they going to travel and how much do they need? What gift-giving occasions are there going to be and how much are they going to spend on each person?

At first, itwas somewhat of a guessing game. For instance, the couple low-balled their food budget the first month and ended up eating ramen and peanut butter & jelly sandwiches for a week, so stubborn they wereaboutstickingto their budget. The next month they increasedthe amount they could spend on food. They also realized they were "more boring" than they thought and didn't need such a large entertainment budget, so they cut from that.

While the heavy lifting is done every January,they still sit down at the beginning of each month to see how they're doing and look to the month ahead.

Expenses are tracked in real-time through afreeapp called HomeBudget. It automatically syncs between phones, so if Joanna is at the deli buying a sandwich and Johnny is buying a subway card, they'll both be looking at the same updated picture. It's set up in such a way that they haveto manually enter expenses -- this is on purpose, since itmeans they are consciously thinking about each expense as they go about their days.

"We're very much masoch*sts," explainsJohnny. "We believe in pain and feeling the pain to prevent us from spending money in the future."

Unique New Yorktweaks were in order, too, to keep expenses down. The couple,who livein Manhattan'sUpper West Side neighborhood, have sharedan unlimited monthly pass for the subway, for instance. They also frequent museums on the free admission days, meetup with friends for dessert instead of puttingdown hefty sums at fancy NYC restaurants and schlep to a Costco across town on a city bus.

Of course, certain liberties are granted. While they have a joint banking account and share their finances, each has their own personal spending money that can be spent without judgement. They've also backed off on how closely they track expenses (Translation: No more getting mad about forgetting to log a $2 pack of gum.)

Here's a breakdown of their June budget, with their commentary:

Utilities, $345: This includes electricity, gas and heating, cell phone and internet. It doesn't fluctuate much;the electric bill goes up in the summer and the heating bill goes up during the winter.

They do call their cell and internet provider every several months to ask for a better deal. The trick isto ask to speak with the retention department, explain you'retrying to stay on a budget and inquire if there's any way to save on yourplan. It usually takes 15-30 minutes. On four different occasions they'vescored six months of free data on aphone; When the six months ends, they'llcall and ask for an extension."We aren'ttrying to pull wool over their eyes. It's pretty surprising what you can get if you're honest that you're just trying to make ends meet," says Johnny.

Food, $500:This is probably one of the hardest expenses to stick to in New York City, says Joanna, 28, a freelance copy editor whoalso does some writing and photography. As an Alabama native, she's keenly aware of how much more expensive it is to eatin the city. In fact, since they moved from Utah, they're eating at home a lot more than they used to since restaurants are so pricey. Of their$500 budget,at least$325 goes toward groceries.

Meals are planned in advance and grocery shopping is done with a list in hand. "I'm never just buying groceries for the sake of that looks good right now, or I might use that at some point," says Joanna, who has also learned that she tends to spend more money if she buys a little here and there.

Instead, every week and a half she sits down and orders from grocery delivery services, which isthe cheaper option in NYC, believe it or not.Non-perishables are ordered from Google Express; Produce, dairy and such arefrom Amazon Fresh. Odds and ends are picked up around town. For instance, they discovered that one grocery store called Garden of Eden sells cheaper milk than anywhere else, so they'll go there to buy that and only that. There's another place they get their fruit.

Non-discretionary, $296:These are the expenses they have little choice but to pay. For instance, $150 covers subway fare. The rest goes toward insurance (life and supplemental health insurance). The family's main health coverage comesfrom Johnny's employer.

Personal & Clothing, $120:This pans out to $60 each per month. "We've always made a point to give ourselves personal spending money," says Johnny. "That way I don't care if Joanna rolls her eyes if I bring home a Lego set. That's a gift to myself for staying on budget."

The amount rolls over if it's not spent -- Right now Johnny has $293 and Joanna has $276. "We're both sitting on a surplus of money, we should probably spend it," they say with a laugh.

Everythingelse, $305:This is the catch-all category -- pet supplies, baby supplies, dry cleaning, home/personal care, entertainment, medical. When they first started, all these little things had their own category and allotted monthly amount. It wasn't long before they realizedit was driving them nuts. "We realized if we keep doing it this way, we're never going to keep up with a budget," says Johnny.

So by creating a category for "everything else," they're better able to ride out life'sunpredictable moments. You never know when you're going to run out of diapers or pet food, or have a minor medical expense. If there's extra at the end of the month, that goes toward extras they've been eyeing, like a new lamp for the apartment or outfit for daughter Sally or newborn Wynn.

Gifts, $145:At the beginning of the year, they sit down and plot out birthdays, anniversaries and holidays. They decide who's on the nice list and is gettinggifts,plushow much they are going to spend. The total amount is divided by 12, which comes out to $145 per month. Some months will be light on the gift-giving, while others won't be. In June,for instance,Johnny and Joanna both have birthdays, plusFather’s Dayand theirwedding anniversary.

Vacation, $200: This yearthey budgeted just $2,400 for vacation, or $200 a month, since they figured their mobility would be pretty limited with their newborn, Wynn. When they're not just planning on a few weekend road trips, they allot more cash for vacation.

Grand total: $1,911

The couple also spends an undisclosed amount on rent (twice what they paid in Utah is all they'll say), gives10% of their income to theirchurch and socks away at least 25% intosavings.

While salaries will hopefully continuetrending upward, they try to keep their budget relatively static while ramping up their savings.It helps to look back on budgets from previous years and know they've lived happily on a certain amount before.

Meanwhile, they've slayed their debt monster, as they put it.

Johnny and Joanna arein the camp that thinksyou should attack the loan with the least amount outstanding and totally disregard the interest rates. This is known as the "debt snowball" method; Alternatively, by the "debt avalanche" method, you'd attack theloan with the highest interest rate first.

"It's supposed to be the more psychologically motivating way to pay off debt and it totally was for us," says Joanna.

In less than two years they paid off 100% of their debt. All the while, they continued to save what they could. One reason was in case of an emergency. "We're especially conscious about knowing what can go wrong, will go wrong," says Johnny. They knew personal finance guru Dave Ramsey suggested a $1,000 emergency fund, but that made them feel vulnerable and they wanted a bigger safety net, for peace of mind if nothing else. They figured if and when they had an unexpected expense (like that root canal Johnny needed), not having a sufficient emergency fund would throw off their rigorous debt repayment plan.

They also started saving for retirement by contributing enough to their 401(k)s to get the employer match. The logic: When you're in your 20s, time is on your side. So take thefree money and let thecompound interest work its magic, even if it means having a few extra months of paying off loans.

Now they're saving for their daughters' college education in 529 plans, trying to max out their Roth IRA retirement funds and also socking away money for the house they want to buy someday.

Budgeting isn't always a favorite pastime. But it has become a sort of second nature that they've come to realize givesthemmore financial freedom in deciding how to spend their money, not less.

At the end of the day: "All our budget is is a list of priorities with dollar signs next to them," says Johnny.

Inside The Budget Of A Young New York City Family (2024)


How much does it cost to live in New York City for a family? ›

The average cost of living in New York per month for a family of four is $ 7,800, and that for a single person is $ 5,300. Furthermore, the approximate cost of living in NYC for a student is $ 6,800.

What is the average budget in New York City? ›

The cost of living in New York City is 37% higher than the state average and 78% higher than the US average. The average monthly costs (without rent) are $1,574 for a single person and $5,795.70 for a family of four.

How much do you need to make to live in NYC with a family? ›

A family of 4 needs to make at least $318k/year to live comfortably in NYC, study finds. A family of four needs to make at least $318,406 a year to live comfortably in New York City, according to a new report.

Can you live in NYC on 50k a year? ›

Q: Can you live in NYC with 50k? A: Living in NYC on an annual income of $50,000 won't be easy, but it is possible, and it will definitely require some clever budgeting. Let's break it down without going into too much detail.

Is $40,000 enough to live in NYC? ›

To meet your living needs in New York, you will need an annual income of between $40,000 and $100,000 after taxes. Obviously, these numbers can vary depending on your housing costs, family composition (if you have children), and other monthly expenses related to entertainment, health insurance, and transportation.

Can you live in NY on 3000 a month? ›

The cost of living in NYC is high, with an average monthly rent for a one-bedroom apartment in Manhattan ranging from $2,500 to $4,000. However, it's possible to manage with a budget of $3,000 if you're willing to make some sacrifices and be mindful of your expenses.

How much does it cost to live in NYC for a family of 4? ›

Cost of living in NYC broken down

Depending on your lifestyle, your living expenses in New York will vary. But overall, the cost of living in New York for a single person is $4,299. Whereas the average cost of living in NYC per month for a family of 4 is around $9,639 (renting a 2-bedroom apartment).

What is the 50 30 20 rule? ›

The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings. The savings category also includes money you will need to realize your future goals.

How much does it cost to live comfortably in New York City? ›

The research revealed that it takes the most money to live comfortably as a single person in New York City, requiring $66.62 in hourly wages, or an annual salary of $138,570. That's more than $63,000 needed to sustain comfort in Houston, Texas, the lowest-ranking city on the list.

Can you live in NYC with 70k salary? ›

For a single person wanting to live alone in New York City, the average annual income required is $75,000. A total of $75,000 would result in a net income of $61,272 per year, which is $5,106 per month. This amount of money will cover basic expenses and give a little room for entertainment for one person.

What is a good salary in NYC? ›

A good salary in New York City is at least $5,000 per month or $80,000 a year. Based on minimum wage, the average starting salary in New York City is $3,240 per month.

What is an upper middle class salary in NYC? ›

One common way to classify the upper middle class is based on income. The upper middle class is often defined as the top 15% to 20% of earners. According to the Social Security Administration's 2022 wage data, the average upper-middle-class income was roughly between $80,000 and $100,000.

What is the cheapest borough to live in NYC? ›

What Is the Cheapest Area to Live in NYC? Most people consider the Bronx to be the cheapest area in NYC. We like the Bronx because it puts you close enough to Manhattan that you still feel part of the action.

Can you live in NYC on 100K a year? ›

Making $100,000 a year in New York City is poor. One New Yorker told FOX 5, "Honestly, unless you're making about $150,000, I'd say you can't live comfortably." Another noted how "80% of my salary goes to rent alone."

What salary do you need to live comfortably in Manhattan? ›

Well, to lead a comfortable lifestyle in New York, a good salary between $90,000 and $100,000 gross per year (or between $71,596 — $99,434 after tax) is more than enough. With this income, you're looking at a monthly net salary between $5,966 and $8,286, which allows you to cover your expenses and have savings.

How much does a family of 4 need to live in NYC? ›

The minimum annual income required for a family of four to be considered part of the middle class in the Empire State soared to $81,396 in 2023, according to the Pew Research Center and the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.

How much income do you need to live comfortably in New York City? ›

The research revealed that it takes the most money to live comfortably as a single person in New York City, requiring $66.62 in hourly wages, or an annual salary of $138,570. That's more than $63,000 needed to sustain comfort in Houston, Texas, the lowest-ranking city on the list.

Is $5000 enough to move to New York? ›

A good annual salary in New York is considered to be an income of $75,000 or more. Per month, to maintain a decent quality of life and cover basic expenses, you will need an average of at least $5,000 net. New York is the financial, technological, and cultural center of the United States.

How much do you have to make a year to live comfortably in New York City? ›

New York City ranks first overall, requiring an income of $138,570 for a single person to live comfortably.

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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.