Industries that Widely Use Blockchain Technology - Magnimind Academy (2024)

Blockchain technology has been a matter of discussion for quite a while now as it is becoming more prevalent in industries of almost every sector. This widespread use of blockchain is due to its extraordinary features that have the potential to resolve several complications faced by industries during their operations. In this blog post, we will review some industries that widely use blockchain technology. We will also analyze what good blockchain does to these industries and how blockchain systems are better than conventional methodologies.

Industries that Widely Use Blockchain Technology - Magnimind Academy (1)

Table of Contents


Blockchain has been used widely in almost every aspect of the healthcare industry. The reason is that blockchain has the power to solve many issues that have afflicted the healthcare industry’s history.

One of the health sector’s major issues is securing personal and sensitive medical data and records. 692 large data breaches in the healthcare sector were recorded between July 2021 and June 2022. The miscreants stole payment information as well as health and genomic records. For this reason, many hospitals have shifted their record systems to the blockchain.

Blockchain records are decentralized, transparent, and secured by cryptography. So no hacker can expose the identity of a specific record unless provided with a specific address. Thus the odds of a data breach are highly reduced.

Healthcare is a resource-intensive industry because of high hospital costs and inefficient practices. As of 2021, the US has spent almost 20 percent on healthcare. Blockchain has offered various refinements that can make healthcare functions more cost-effective.

Blockchain reduces the need for several middlemen and authorities. This cuts down costs charged by these agencies and reduces human errors. Blockchain-based records maintain patients’ privacy as their data can be shared strictly with authorized personnel. Blockchain is used in the supply chain to track medicine and drugs, preventing their illegal supply and canceling counterfeit drugs. It can also be used to monitor waste emissions.

Industries that Widely Use Blockchain Technology - Magnimind Academy (2)

Figure 1: Blockchain-based health-care data management system between multiple stakeholders (nodes) within a health-care ecosystem (Ng, Wei Yan et al)

Finance and Banking

Finance is another area where blockchain is finding new applications exponentially. Various multinational companies are continuously adopting cryptocurrencies for financial transactions.

Blockchain provides more security and transparency than conventional methods. Blockchain is a shared ledger that is visible to everyone. This ensures transparency among the network members. Every information added to the ledger is modified by a maximum number of participants. Also, one can update or modify records without the consensus of the majority of the participants. This ensures security, clarity, and prevention of fraud.

Distributed ledger also negates the compulsion of preparing records, reconciliations, and other exhausting paperwork. It also helps in faster identification of potential risks or mistakes.

Smart Contracts, an application of blockchain, are stored on the blockchain and are executed automatically when a decided set of conditions is met. The automation provided by blockchain helps reduce costs and time requirements. Banking systems also use blockchain for client onboarding, anti-money laundering, and fraud protection.

Decentralized finance(DeFi) refers to shifting from traditional, centralized financial systems to peer-to-peer finance empowered by blockchain. DeFi offers a wide range of financial services like lending, borrowing, and stablecoins and has become the most prominent sector in the blockchain space, with over $13 billion worth of value locked in Ethereum smart contracts.

Industries that Widely Use Blockchain Technology - Magnimind Academy (3)

Figure 2: Traditional Trade Finance Transaction vs Blockchain-based Trade Finance.

Supply Chain Management

Blockchain is improving supply chain management in several ways. Smart contracts are one of the applications of blockchain in SCM. Smart contracts reduce the need for intermediaries and increase supply chain management’s automation, transparency, security, and efficiency.

Blockchain technology is used to track and trace products throughout their life cycle. This reduces the odds of fraud and corruption. The “trustless” nature of blockchain helps resolve trust issues between stakeholders in the supply chain.

Blockchain can also be used to track the conditions of the products, like temperature. If a medicine or food product is shipped at a particular temperature, it can be monitored throughout its journey to ensure the consumer receives a safe and quality product.

Industries that Widely Use Blockchain Technology - Magnimind Academy (4)

Figure 3: Blockchain-based supply chain management


The record-keeping power of blockchain enables governments to efficiently store identity information like birth and death dates, marital status or property transfers, etc., on encrypted identity wallets, enabling security, control, and streamlining attestations.

Government can store land, property, or vehicle transaction record on a distributed ledger, making it easier to verify ownership and transfers.

Blockchain-based smart contracts can improve contract creation and execution, as demonstrated by the Swedish land registry’s use of blockchain for land-title transfers. The disintermediation and removal of notarization have reduced transaction time by more than 90 percent.

Figure 4: The proposed consortium blockchain e-government system


Blockchain also finds its use in enhancing cybersecurity and protecting against data breaches. An estimate in 2020 suggested that we generate 1.7MB of data per person per second. That makes a lot of information per day that is vulnerable to human error, phishing, hacking, or malware attacks.

Blockchain improves security by distributing data between several nodes instead of storing it in a central server. So to hack a system, hackers would have to take control of the maximum number of network nodes instead of a single server, making it highly difficult.

Blockchain systems can cross-reference data automatically and notice any misrepresented information. Blockchain records are encrypted, ensuring tamper-proof transactions.


The media industry has also adopted blockchain technology because of benefits like efficiency, transparency, and cost efficiency. Blockchain provides greater security for Intellectual Property (IP) and prevents copyright infringement. The global market of blockchain in media and entertainment is estimated to reach $1 billion in 2023.

Blockchain disrupts the industry structure by allowing copyright owners to bypass content aggregators, platform providers, and royalty collection associations to a large extent. This technology revolutionizes pricing, advertising, revenue sharing, and royalty payment processes.

Blockchain improves the monetization of content sharing between consumers (C2C) and peer-to-peer (P2P) interactions by making them transparent and trackable. Real-time billing and reduced complexity of rights management are among the benefits.

Industries that Widely Use Blockchain Technology - Magnimind Academy (5)

Figure 5


Blockchain technology is also highly significant for the agriculture industry as it improves efficiency, trust, and transparency. It can track and record information about plants, seed quality, crop growth, and the entire supply chain, enhancing transparency and eliminating concerns related to illegal operations and unethical practices. Blockchain also aids in tracking contamination and facilitating recalls.

The use of blockchain in agriculture can be categorized into four broad categories: intelligent farming, food supply chain, insurance for agriculture, and agricultural product transactions. Intelligent farming involves leveraging technologies such as IoT, sensors, and machine learning to enhance the efficiency and reliability of the farming process. Blockchain provides a decentralized and secure system for managing smart technology, preventing data manipulation and cyber-attacks.

In the food supply chain, blockchain improves transparency, traceability, and trust between producers and consumers. It allows specific product information to be stored on the blockchain, providing consumers with trustworthy information about food production. This technology empowers consumers to make informed purchasing decisions and rewards farmers and producers who implement good farming techniques.

Blockchain can also revolutionize agricultural insurance by enabling index-based insurance, which triggers reimbursem*nt based on quantifiable indicators rather than loss assessment. This improves the accuracy and efficiency of insurance processes, benefiting both farmers and insurance companies.

Infrastructure and Energy

Blockchain technology plays a significant role in the infrastructure and energy sector by improving efficiency, transparency, and security as in other industries. The implementation of blockchain can lead to a reduction in costs associated with financial intermediaries and markets, allowing for more intense competition and lower entry barriers for new players. This shift towards a more competitive structure in the financial sector can benefit consumers and businesses alike.

In the energy sector, blockchain offers solutions to challenges related to sustainability, supply chain management, and transaction efficiency. By eliminating the need for centralized intermediaries, blockchain enables secure and automated energy transactions between producers, suppliers, and consumers. It also facilitates the use and transfer of electricity on a local scale, promoting the adoption of smart grids and meters.

Information and Communication

Blockchain technology is making significant strides in the information and communication sector, revolutionizing various areas such as telecommunications, messaging apps, publishing, education and academia, libraries, entertainment, social media content, sports management, gambling, art, and photography.

In the field of telecommunications, blockchain technology presents a unique opportunity for identity management services. With its ability to securely store and verify data, blockchain allows for tamper-proof identity verification in the telecom sector. Customers can have greater control over sharing their data with specific companies, ensuring privacy and security. Additionally, blockchain facilitates transparent and efficient contract management, making it easier for stakeholders in the telecom industry to collaborate on infrastructure projects and implement cost-saving sharing models.

Messaging apps are integrating blockchain capabilities to enhance user security and privacy. Platforms like Status and Signal provide encrypted messaging services that prioritize user privacy, while blockchain technology ensures the authenticity and integrity of news content, combating misinformation and manipulation.

Publishing is being disrupted by blockchain through platforms like Bookchain and Publica, which enable authors and publishers to bypass traditional intermediaries, directly transact with readers, and protect intellectual property rights. Blockchain also secures news photos and records their metadata, preventing manipulation or sharing out of context.

Education and academia benefit from blockchain’s ability to secure and share student records. Platforms like Sony Global Education and Learning Machine offer blockchain-based solutions for verifying academic credentials and streamlining verification processes. Libraries are exploring blockchain’s potential to enhance metadata archives, support community-based collections, and manage digital rights effectively.


In conclusion, blockchain technology has emerged as a game-changer across various industries, offering solutions to longstanding challenges and transforming traditional processes. Its applications extend beyond the industries mentioned in this article, with healthcare, finance, supply chain management, government, cybersecurity, media, agriculture, infrastructure, energy, and information and communication sectors all benefiting from blockchain’s capabilities. From secure identity management and efficient contract management to enhanced transparency, traceability, and automation, blockchain has the potential to revolutionize the way industries operate and interact. As blockchain continues to evolve and gain adoption, we can expect further advancements and innovations in diverse fields, leading to more secure, efficient, and transparent systems.

Blockchain technology is being utilized in many other industries beyond those discussed in this article, such as real estate, insurance, logistics, retail, voting systems, charity, music, gaming, and more are embracing blockchain to enhance security, streamline processes, and create decentralized ecosystems.

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Blockchain applications in health care for COVID-19 and beyond: a systematic review, Ng, Wei Yan et al.,The Lancet Digital Health, Volume 3, Issue 12, e819 – e829

Figure 2:

Figure 3: Lumineau, Fabrice & Wang, Wenqian & Schilke, Oliver. (2020). Blockchain Governance—A New Way of Organizing Collaborations?. Organization Science. 10.1287/orsc.2020.1379.

Figure 4: Elisa, N & Yang, Longzhi & Li, Honglei & Chao, Fei & Naik, N & Nnko, Noe & Yang, Li & Chao,. (2019). Consortium Blockchain for Security and Privacy-Preserving in E-government Systems.

Figure 5:

Industries that Widely Use Blockchain Technology - Magnimind Academy (2024)


What industries use blockchain the most? ›

Blockchain Use Cases
  • Healthcare and the Life Sciences. ...
  • Insurance. ...
  • Law. ...
  • Media and Entertainment. ...
  • Real Estate. ...
  • Retail Fashion and Luxury. ...
  • Sports and Esports. ...
  • Supply Chain Management. Existing global supply chains are inefficient, poorly tracked, and oftentimes exploitative.

What is the most common use of blockchain technology? ›

Different types of information can be stored on a blockchain, but the most common use for transactions has been as a ledger.

What is the use of blockchain in various industries? ›

Blockchain can also be used to reduce fraud and other trust-related issues in digital ad buying. Blockchain has a wide range of applications in healthcare, including improving payment processing, electronic medical records, provider directories, and data security and exchange.

Which company is using blockchain technology? ›

Nubank, Coinbase, Core Scientific, MicroStrategy, Marathon Digital Holdings, and Riot Platforms have the highest revenues in the blockchain sector.

Where is blockchain technology used? ›

Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency which is built on the basis of Block technology. Blockchain has since been used in the creation of various cryptocurrencies, decentralized finance applications, non-fungible tokens and smart contracts.

Which is the most actively used blockchain? ›

The most actively used blockchain is Ethereum.

What is the most used blockchain in the world? ›

In 2021, the total number of transactions on Ethereum surpassed the number of Bitcoin transactions for the first time. Because Ethereum is the foundation network for so many cryptocurrencies – and for most NFTs as well – it is reasonable to identify Ethereum as the world's most popular blockchain network.

What is blockchain primarily used for? ›

The primary benefit of blockchain is as a database for recording transactions, but its benefits extend far beyond those of a traditional database. Most notably, it removes the possibility of tampering by a malicious actor, as well as providing these business benefits: Time savings.

What do most other blockchains use? ›

Answer. Answer: Most other blockchains use a transaction-focused data model. In a transaction-focused data model, the main focus is on recording the series of transactions that occur on the blockchain.

What is a real life example of a blockchain? ›

Hospitals have moved away from paper for record-keeping, and they use blockchain technology to store patient data, which is kept confidential. The patient will be given a digital ID or a number key to access these records.

How do companies use blockchain technology? ›

How does blockchain work for business? Blockchain for business is valuable for entities transacting with one another. With distributed ledger technology, permissioned participants can access the same information at the same time to improve efficiency, build trust, and remove friction.

How is blockchain used in healthcare? ›

How Can Blockchain Be Used in Healthcare? Blockchain's distributed ledger technology facilitates the secure transfer of patient medical records, strengthens healthcare data defenses, manages the medicine supply chain and helps healthcare researchers unlock genetic code.

What is the most popular blockchain company? ›

Top Blockchain Companies (650)
  • Alchemy. Blockchain • Software • Cryptocurrency • Web3. ...
  • Block. Blockchain • eCommerce • Fintech • Payments • Software • Financial Services • Cryptocurrency. ...
  • TBD. ...
  • Chainlink Labs. ...
  • SmartMedia Technologies. ...
  • Cash App. ...
  • LEGACI. ...
  • Diamond Standard Co.

Is Walmart using blockchain? ›

In 2016, Walmart began the development of a solution for tracing grocery products using blockchain. Along with IBM, the company launched the Walmart Food Traceability Initiative.

How many companies are using blockchain technology? ›

As of September 2021, 81 of the top 100 public companies are using blockchain technology. This includes those who are in a research phase (meaning they are exploring opportunities and deciding on which technologies they could use for their blockchain initiatives).

What Fortune 500 companies use blockchain? ›

Fortune 500 Companies That Have Embraced Web3 and Blockchain
  • Microsoft. Before its recent entry into the rapidly growing metaverse sector, Microsoft was among the first Fortune 500 companies to roll out blockchain services. ...
  • IBM. ...
  • Amazon. ...
  • Google. ...
  • Walmart. ...
  • Meta. ...
  • JP Morgan. ...
  • Disney.
Nov 16, 2022

Where is blockchain most useful? ›

Top 10 Use Cases for Blockchain
  • Blockchain technology has been with us for many years, since the first cryptocurrency Bitcoin was launched in 2009 by the enigmatic Satoshi Nakamoto. ...
  • Capital Markets. ...
  • Financial services. ...
  • Digital Identity. ...
  • Insurance. ...
  • Global Trade & Commerce.
Jun 12, 2024

What percentage of companies use blockchain? ›

As of 2021, 45 percent of respondents stated that their companies were working on secure information exchange as a use case based on blockchain technology, making it the most popular use case of the technology. Digital currency such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, asset tracking and management etc.

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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.