Improved Caesar-like ciphers (2024)

Next: Reading and Writing from Up: fsqFsHn sGGousG Previous: Caesar cipher reduxSubsections
  • The Vignère cipher
  • One-time pads
  • Multi-character alphabets

Certainly the Caesar cipher offers no cryptographic security at all: if youknow the alphabet the message was encoded in, you need only guess onecharacter to crack the code. Even if you don't know the alphabet, guessingthe correspondence is not very hard with a little patience.

In this section, we will discuss a few approaches to improving the security,while retaining the basic idea of character shifting.

The Vignère cipher

One way to make a Caesar cipher a bit harder to break is to use differentshifts at different positions in the message. For example, we could shiftthe first character by 25, the second by 14, the third by 17, and the fourthby 10. Then we repeat the pattern, shifting the fifth character by 25, thesixth by 14, and so on, until we run out of characters in the plaintext.Such a scheme is called a Vignère cipher4.14, which was first used around 1600, and was popularly believed to be unbreakable.4.15 This cipher is called a polyalphabetic substitution cipher, becauseseveral different substitutions are made depending on the position ofthe character within the text.

In our first example, the key consists of the four shifts [25, 14, 17, 10],which are the numerical equivalents of the string ``ZORK'' in a 26-letter alphabet consisting of the letters A-Z. It is commonpractice to think of our key as plaintext letters, rather than theirnumerical equivalents, but either will do. We can encode the string``CRYPTOGRAPH'' as


Note that in the above, the letter ``R'' in the plaintext encodes toboth ``F'' and ``B'' in the crypttext, depending on its position.Similarly, the two ``Z''s in the crypttext come from different plaincharacters.

Now we implement this in Maple. This is very similar to the Caesar cipher,just with the extra complication of multiple shifts, and letting our key be astring.

First, we set our Alphabet to the usual one. We also use the conversionfunctions from §4.

>  Alphabet := cat("", Select(IsPrintable,convert([seq(i,i=1..255)],bytes))):

>  Vignere:= proc(plaintext::string, key::string) local textnum,codenum,i,p,offsets,keylen; global Alphabet; 

p := length(Alphabet); offsets := StringToList(key); keylen := length(key); textnum := StringToList(plaintext); codenum := [seq( modp(textnum[i] + offsets[modp(i-1,keylen)+1], p), i=1..length(plaintext)) ]; ListToString(codenum); end:

To try it out, we'll the same text as in the previous section. Notice howmuch harder it is to pick out the word boundaries in the resulting ciphertext.

>  coded:=Vignere(text,"Prufrock");

Improved Caesar-like ciphers (4)

We can make the decoding function from the original (let's call itunVignere) by changing exactly one + sign to a -.4.16We omit the change here so perhaps you will figure it out for yourself. Butwe will test it, to show you that it does work.

>  printf(unVignere(coded,"Prufrock"));

Improved Caesar-like ciphers (5)

Even though this scheme looks quite daunting, it is not so very hard to crackif you use a computer or have a very large supply of perseverance. If we know that the key is of a certain length, say 4, and our plaintext issufficiently long, then we can perform frequency analysis on every fourthletter. Even if we don't know the key length, it is not too hard to write acomputer program to try all the lengths less than, say, 10, and pick the onethat looks best.

One-time pads

Note that the longer the key is in the Vignère cipher, the harder it is tobreak. If the key were as longer than the text, then it might seem at firstthat analyzing the frequency of letters in the encrypted text would be of nohelp, since each letter would be shifted by a different amount. This is almost true. If the key is an passage of text in English, then theshifts will occur with a predictable frequency. Of course, the problem getsvery difficult, but cryptanalysts are persistent people.

But what if there were no predictability within the key, having the shiftscome at random? The result (a Vignère cipher with an infinitely long,completely random key) is an cryptosystem that cannot be broken.Since the shifts are random, if you manage to decipher part of the message,this gives you no clue about the rest. Furthermore, any plaintext of a givenlength can encrypt to any ciphertext (with a different key, of course).For example, the ciphertext ``=5nwhn KDNO?uWTBC-XA'' might have comefrom the phrase ``Let's have dinner.'' (with the key``pOyntmbbXYtrjSTGe1''), or it might be the encryption of ``Attack atmidnight'' with the key ``{@y4#!Jbz>&moSYEoL''. Since any messagecould encrypt to any other, there is no way to break such a code unless youknow the key.

But that is the problem: the key is infinitely long. Infinitely long, trulyrandom sequences of numbers tend to be somewhat unwieldy. And to decode themessage, you must know what random sequence the message was encoded with.

Such a system is called a one-time pad, and was used regularly by spiesand military personnel. Agents were furnished with codebookscontaining pages and pages of random characters. Then the key to theencryption is given by the page on which to begin. It is, of course,important that each page be used only once (hence the name ``one-time pad''),because otherwise if a codebreaker were able to intercept a message and (viasome other covert means) its corresponding translation, that could be used todecipher messages encoded with the same page. This sort of setup makessense if an agent in the field is communicating with central command (butnot with each other). Each agent could be given his own codebook (sothat if he is captured, the whole system is not compromised), and heuses one page per message. Central command has on file the books foreach agent.

A variation on this theme is the Augustus cipher,4.17where instead of arandom sequence of shifts, a phrase or passage from a text which is as longas the plaintext is used. The trouble with this is that, because of theregularities in the key, a statistical analysis of the crypttext allows oneto break the cipher.

Another issue is that to be truly unbreakable, the random sequence must betruly random, with no correlation among the characters. This is harder thanit sounds-- real randomness is hard to come by. If the randomsequence has some predictability, the resulting stream can beattacked. A number of attacks on cryptosystems have been made not bybreaking the encryption scheme directly, but because the underlyingrandom-number generator was predictable.

We can easily modify our Vignere program to be a one-time pad system,using Maple's random number generator to make our one-time pad.4.18You might think that generating a random sequence of numbers would beinherently unreproducible, so the message would be indecipherable unless werecord the stream of random numbers. However, computers can notusually generate a truly random sequence. Instead, they generate apseudo-random sequence s1, s2, s3,... where the patternof the numbers si is supposed to be unpredictable, no matter howmany of the values of the sequence you already know. However, tostart the sequence off, the pseudo-random number generator requires aseed-- whenever it is started with the same seed, the same sequence results. We can use this to our advantage, takingthe seed to be our key.4.19Note that in order to decode the message by knowing the key (the seed), therecipient must use the same pseudo-random number generator.

Maple's random number generator gives different results when called indifferent ways. If called as rand(), it gives a pseudo-random,non-negative 12 digit integer. When called as rand(p), it gives aprocedure that can be called later to generate a random integerbetween 0 and p; it is this second version that we will use.The seed for Maple's random number generators is the global variable_seed.4.20

>  OneTimePad := proc(plaintext::string, keynum::posint) local textnum,codenum,i,p,randnum; global Alphabet,_seed; 

p := length(Alphabet); randnum := rand(p); _seed := keynum; textnum := StringToList(plaintext); codenum := [seq((textnum[i] + randnum()) mod p, i=1..length(plaintext))]; ListToString(codenum); end:

In this implementation, it is assumed that the key is a positive integer (itcan be as large as you like). It would be easy to change it to use a stringof characters, however, by converting the string to a number first. One wayto do that is discussed in the next section.

In most descriptions of one-time pad systems, one takes theexclusive-or (XOR) of the random number and the integer of the plaintext, rather than adding them as we have done. This does notsignificantly change the algorithm if the random sequence is truly random,since adding a random number is the same as XOR'ing a different randomnumber. However, the XOR approach has the advantage that the encipheringtransformation is its own inverse. That is, if we produce the crypttext usingcrypt:=OneTimePadXOR(plain,key), then OneTimePadXOR(crypt,key)will give the decryption with the same key. This is not the case for theversion given above; to make a decryption procedure, we would need tomodify the above by changing the + to a -.

Multi-character alphabets

We can also improve security a bit by treating larger chunks of text as thecharacters of our message. For example, if we start with the usual26-letter alphabet A-Z, we can turn it into a 676-letter alphabet bytreating pairs of letters as a unit (such pairs are called digraphs),or a 263-letter alphabet by using trigraphs, or triples of letters. Thismakes frequency analysis much harder, and is quite easy to combine with theother crytptosystems already discussed. We will use 99-graphs on a256-letter alphabet (the ASCII code) when we implement the RSA cryptosystem in§11.2. While frequency analysis is stillpossible (charts of digraph frequencies are readily available,trigraphs less so), the analysis is much more complex.

To convert the digraph ``HI'' to an integer (using a length 262 alphabetof digraphs), one simple way is to just treat it as a base-26 number. Thatis, ``HI'' becomes 7×26 + 8 = 190, assuming the correspondence ofH=7, I=8. To convert back, we look at the quotient and remainder whendividing by 26. For example, 300 = 26×11 + 14, yielding ``LO''.

Either we can do this arithmetic ourselves directly, or we can usethe convert(,base) command. This command takes a list ofnumbers in one base and converts it to another. One slightly confusingfact is that in this conversion, the least significant figure comesfirst in the list,4.21 instead of the usual method of writing numbers with the mostsignificant digit first.

For example, 128 = 1×102 + 2×101 + 8×100 would be written as [8,2,1]. To convert this to base 16, we would notethat 128 = 8×161 + 0×160, so in base16, it is writtenas 80.

Doing this calculation in Maple, we have

>  convert([8,2,1], base, 10, 16);

Improved Caesar-like ciphers (6)

Below is one way to implement the conversion of text to numeric valuesfor k-graphs. We assume our usual functions StringToList andListToString are defined (see §4), aswell as the global Alphabet. The routine below convertstext into a list of integers, treating each block of kletters as a unit. A block of k characters is assigned thenumeric value Improved Caesar-like ciphers (7)xipk, where xi is the numericequivalent of ci + 1 assigned by StringToList.

>  StringToKgraph := proc(text::string, k::posint) local p; global Alphabet; p:= length(Alphabet); convert(StringToList(text), base, p, p^k); end:

>  KgraphToString := proc(numlist::list(nonnegint), k::posint) local p; global Alphabet; p:=length(Alphabet); ListToString( convert(numlist, base, p^k, p)); end:

In the examples below, we are using our usual 97-character alphabet.Of course, this will work on any alphabet, although the specificnumbers will differ.

>  StringToKgraph("two by two",2);

Improved Caesar-like ciphers (8)

In our alphabet, ``t'' is character number 86 and ``w'' is number 89,so the digraph ``tw'' encodes as 86 + 89×97 = 8719 (remember weare using a little-endian representation). Similarly, ``o'' gives2×97 + 81, and so on. Notice that the two occurrences of``two'' give different numbers, because one begins on an evencharacter and the other starts on an odd one. The first correspondsto the digraphs ``tw'' and ``o'', while the second is ``t'' and ``wo''.

We can also encode with 4-graphs, if we like.

>  StringToKgraph("two by two",4);

Improved Caesar-like ciphers (9)

One advantage (for us) of Maple's use of the little-endian order isthat we needn't worry whether the length of our text is divisible byk. In the above example, the last 4-graph is ``wo'', which isencoded as though it had two more characters on the end with numericcode of0. The disadvantage of this is that if our text ends with thecharacter with code0 (in our standard 97-character alphabet, this is anewline), that character will be lost.

Another way to treat multiple characters together is to think of them asvectors. For example, the digraph ``by'' might correspond to the vector [68,91]. We will treat this approach in §8.


... cipher4.14
This cipher takes its name after Blaise deVignère, although it is actually a corruption of the one he introduced in 1585.Vignère's original cipher changed the shift amount each letter based onthe result of the last encoding, and never repeated. This scheme is much harderto break. However, one reason for its lack of popularity was probably dueto the fact that a single error renders the rest of the messageundecipherable. More details van be found in [Kahn].
In fact, as late as 1917, this cipher was described as ``impossible of translation'' in a respected journal (Scientific American),even though the means to break it had been well known among cryptographers for at least 50 years.
Note that we could also use the Vignere routine, but with the inverseof the key. For example, in the preceding example, the inverse of ``Prufrock'' is ``M+(7+.:2'': the numeric code ofP plus the numeric code of M is 97 (the length of thealphabet), similarly for r and +, u and (,and so on.
... cipher,4.17
Sometimes a Caesar cipher with a shift of +1 is also called an ``Augustus Cipher'', even though these are very different ciphers.
... pad.4.18
Technically speaking, this is not a one-time pad, but a one-time stream. The distinction is subtle, and we will ignore it here.
... key.4.19
Pseudo-random number generators appropriate for cryptography are rare. Most implementations (including Maple's) are good enough for everyday use, but not enough to be cryptographically secure. By analyzing the output of a typical random number generator, a good cryptanalyst can usually determine the pattern. For example, Maple'srand function (and that of most computer languages,such as C, Fortran, and Java)gives the result of a affine sequence of numbers, reduced tosome modular base. That is, xi = axi - 1 + b and si = ximodn for some fixed choices of a, b, and n. Inthis setting, the seed is x0.We shall ignore the problem that this sequence is guessable, but if you want real security, you cannot.
We can choose a ``random'' seed (based on the computer's clock) using the function randomize().
... list,4.21
Such a representation is called little-endian, as opposed to a big-endian one. Some computers represent numbers internally in big-endian format (SunSPARC, PowerMacintosh), and others use a little-endian representation (those using Intel processors, which is what MS-Windows and most versions of Linux run on). This name comes from Gulliver's Travels, where in the land of Blefuscu there is war between the big-endians (who eat their eggs big end first), and the little-endians (who eat eggs starting from the little end).

Next: Reading and Writing from Up: fsqFsHn sGGousG Previous: Caesar cipher redux

Translated from LaTeX by Scott Sutherland
Improved Caesar-like ciphers (2024)


Improved Caesar-like ciphers? ›

One way to make a Caesar cipher a bit harder to break is to use different shifts at different positions in the message. For example, we could shift the first character by 25, the second by 14, the third by 17, and the fourth by 10.

What is the alternative to the Caesar cipher? ›

Vigenère Cipher

It is comparable to the Caesar cipher and is also based on the substitution of letters, but several ciphertext alphabets are used.

What is the modified version of the Caesar cipher? ›

Caesar cipher modification is done by replacing the alphabet into two parts, the vocals were replaced with the alphabet vocal too, and the consonant alphabet was replaced with a consonantal alphabet.

What is an improvement on the Caesar cipher that uses more than one shift called? ›

An improvement on the Caesar cipher that uses more than one shift is called a(n)? Multialphabet substitution. What type of encryption uses a different key to encrypt the message than it uses to decrypt the message? Asymmetric.

What are the variations of the Caesar cipher? ›

There are many variants of the Caesar Cipher. Caesar's nephew Augustus for example, used a right-shift of one position (A becomes B, B becomes C, etc.). Other variants are the Reverse Caesar Cipher, which is always reciprocal, and the Vigenère Cipher, which uses a variable shift.

What is the advanced version of Caesar cipher? ›

The Vignère cipher. One way to make a Caesar cipher a bit harder to break is to use different shifts at different positions in the message. For example, we could shift the first character by 25, the second by 14, the third by 17, and the fourth by 10.

What is Caesar vs Atbash cipher? ›

The Atbash cipher works like the Caesar cipher, only instead of adding or subtracting 3 to letters 1-26, you apply A1Z26 with a numbering scheme of -13 to -1 and then 1 to 13 (skipping 0), then multiplying by -1. In other words, you simply mirror the alphabet.

What is a vernam cipher? ›

In modern terminology, a Vernam cipher is a symmetrical stream cipher in which the plaintext is combined with a random or pseudorandom stream of data (the "keystream") of the same length, to generate the ciphertext, using the Boolean "exclusive or" (XOR) function.

What is Affine Caesar cipher? ›

The affine cipher is a type of monoalphabetic substitution cipher, where each letter in an alphabet is mapped to its numeric equivalent, encrypted using a simple mathematical function, and converted back to a letter.

What is Caesar cipher substitution? ›

It is a type of substitution cipher in which each letter in the plaintext is replaced by a letter some fixed number of positions down the alphabet.

What is the hardest Caesar cipher? ›

The Vigenère cipher is a method of encrypting messages by using a series of different Caesar ciphers based on the letters of a particular keyword. The Vigenère cipher is more powerful than a single Caesar cipher and is much harder to crack.

What is the easiest cipher? ›

The Caesar cipher is a shift cipher, one of the simplest forms of encryption in which each letter of the message is replaced by a letter a certain number of positions down in the alphabet.

Is the Caesar cipher still used today? ›

Caesar's magic number was three, however, a modern day use of the Caesar Cipher is a code called "ROT13." ROT13, short for "rotate by 13 places," shifts each letter of the English alphabet 13 spaces.

What is modified version of Caesar cipher in cryptography? ›

Caesar cipher modification is done by replacing the alphabet into two parts, the vocals were replaced with the alphabet vocal too, and the consonant alphabet was replaced with a consonantal alphabet.

What is the strongest cipher? ›

AES 256-bit encryption is the strongest and most robust encryption standard that is commercially available today. While it is theoretically true that AES 256-bit encryption is harder to crack than AES 128-bit encryption, AES 128-bit encryption has never been cracked.

What is the atbash cypher? ›

The Atbash cipher is a particular type of monoalphabetic cipher formed by taking the alphabet (or abjad, syllabary, etc.) and mapping it to its reverse, so that the first letter becomes the last letter, the second letter becomes the second to last letter, and so on.

What is the substitution technique in a Caesar cipher? ›

The Caesar cipher, which can not be considered secure today, replaced each letter of the alphabet with the letter occurring three positions later or 23 positions earlier in the alphabet: A becomes D, B becomes E, X becomes A, and so forth. A generalized version of the Caesar cipher is an alphabetic substitution cipher.

What is the alternative alphabet in the Caesar cipher? ›

Caesar Cipher

Let's see one example. The plain text is EDUCBA. As a Caesar cipher, each alphabet is replaced by three places down. So that E will be replaced by H, D will be replaced by G, U will be replaced by X, C will be replaced by F, B will be replaced by E, and A will be replaced by D.

What is the opposite of a Caesar cipher? ›

Polyalphabetic cipher disc

This type of manual cipher system is also known as the Reverse Caesar Cipher and is a form of the Beaufort Cipher.

What is the best substitution cipher? ›

The simplest of all substitution ciphers are those in which the cipher alphabet is merely a cyclical shift of the plaintext alphabet. Of these, the best-known is the Caesar cipher, used by Julius Caesar, in which A is encrypted as D, B as E, and so forth.

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