I’m 16 and want to invest, how do I get started? (2024)

I'm a 16-year-old who's saved £2,500 over the last two years since I've started working.

I've moved half into a Barclays Help to Buy Isa, which pays 2.58 per cent. Deposits in it are limited to £200 a month and I would like to experiment with investing in stocks, or using other investment platforms.

I can save between £50–100 a month.I'd perhaps like to have some extra capital to go towards the costs of a car or university, but in reality it is more an exercise in experience.

What do you think the best options are for someone to start learning to invest?

You don't need millions to be able to invest, but it can be tough to get your head around at first. We ask the experts to help one 16-year-old choose the right Isa, platform and funds for them

George Nixon, This is Money, replies: While Barclays does offer one of the top rates out there, unless you're planning on buying a house in the near future the Help to Buy, and its successor the Lifetime Isa, aren't your best bet.

That's because their main selling point; the Government bonus paid on your savings, doesn't kick in unless used to buy your first home.

What's more, the Lifetime Isa – only available to those aged 18-39 –comes with a 25 per cent penalty unless used for your first home or your pension.


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  • How to choose the best (and cheapest) stocks and shares Isa and the right DIY investing account

A good option for you instead is likely a Junior Isa. Both cash and stocks and shares options are available, with cash Junior Isas paying better rates than adult cash Isas, while you can't open an adult stocks and shares Isa until you turn 18.

You can deposit up to £4,260 this tax year, which ends on April 5. This 'Isa allowance', the amount you can deposit each year tax-free in an Isa, will be going up in the next tax year to £4,368.

The rules around Junior Isas mean you would need to ask your parents to open one for you, and the money will be locked away until you turn 18.

However, at age 16 you are legally allowed to manage the Isa and make all the decisions on how and where the money is invested.

Once you turn 18, you become the full legal owner and can do you what you like with it, and it converts into an adult Isa – whether it is an investment or cash version.

Adrian Lowco*ck, head of personal investing at DIY platform Willis Owen, says: 'To me, the Junior Isa is a great starting point as if you are a successful investor and continue to save you'll benefit from the Isa wrapper in the future.'

Before that though, there is a bit of amateur sleuthing that is worth doing. Jason Hollands, managing director at Tilney Investment Management Services, recommends you first try and track down something called a Child Trust Fund.

All children born between September 1 2002 and 2 January 2011 had this long term savings account opened for them with an initial government voucher.

This could either be invested or held in cash, with parents and family free to subsequently add to the account.

Yours could potentially have some cash in it, and you can find out through the HMRC website, while OneFamily has a useful guide here. Anyone with a CTF can then transfer it into a Junior Isa.

When it comes to picking where you to put your money, Holly Mackay, founder of investment advice site Boring Money, says the first decision is whether shares really are the right vehicle for you. That'll depend on what you think the money is for, and what your timeframe is.

'If it's five years or less then I'd stay with cash', she says. 'If you think you might use it for university fees, for example, then this isn't that far away so I would err on the side of caution.'

Rates on Junior cash Isas are also higher than adult versions, withCoventry Building Society paying the best rate in our tables of 3.60 per cent.

Adrian adds: 'I can appreciate that at 16 many of the goals we have as adults are unlikely to be top of his mind. But it is good to at least think about things.'

Which platform should you use?

But if you are planning on keeping your cash in for the longer term, or if you're still keen on investing, the next question is obviously where to put your money.

There is a dizzying array of investment platforms out there with their own quirks, ways of operating and fees, so it could be understandably difficult to get your head around as a first timer.

Wealthify is one example of a new trend of 'robo advisors' - where experts select various baskets of investments and you choose one

Holly Mackay, who last week wrote a round-up of Isa platforms, recommends looking at a so-called 'robo adviser'.

These delegate the process of selecting investments and monitoring them to an expert.

What will often happen is you answer a series of questions and they will put you into a mixed bag of investments, Holly describes it as 'a bit like getting a playlist on Spotify - you get someone else to put it all together without needing to be up to speed on all the latest songs'.

In your case she says: 'I would suggest you have a look at Wealthify. They have Junior Isas and I think they are clear and simple to use.' Investing £2,500 would cost you about £25 for the year, which includes the cost of the investments and the platform's own fee.

Investment risk

In the investment world there is always talk of 'risk', with some investments deemed riskier and others better for more cautious investors. If you're a newcomer, this language could potentially throw you off.

However, Holly Mackay, founder of investment advice site Boring Money, says: 'This is not the same sort of risk as skydiving or motorbike racing – 'risk' in investment terms just tells you how much something is likely to bounce up and down in value.

'Just be prepared for higher risk stuff to maybe go from £100 to £75 and then back up to £100 and possibly up to £125 the following year – these are made-up numbers but you get the point.

'This is normal, to be expected and shouldn't cause you to panic and sell up.'

However, you can of course choose investments with a lower risk profile, which will likely be a smoother ride.

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With Wealthify, you use sliders to choose your initial investment, intended time-frame, and choose between five investment mixes depending on your attitude to risk.

'Failing that', she says, 'if you do want to be more proactive and pick your own funds, you could take a look at Hargreaves Lansdown.

'Theypublish a shortlist of their top 50 funds which will help you navigate this maze'.

Hargreaves is what is known as a 'fund supermarket', where you select your own investments, and comes with an annual charge of 0.45 per cent.

This would cost you around £11.25 if you put in £2,500.

It doesn't charge for buying or selling funds but there is a cost of £5.95 each time you buy or sell a collection of individual shares.

Be aware though that if you were to open a Junior Isa with Hargreaves, once you turned 18 it would convert into an adult Isa, and Hargreaves is one of the most expensive out there.

On this note, Laura Suter, personal finance analyst at DIY investment platform AJ Bell, says: 'The effect of charges can really eat away at your investment pot over the long term, so he should make sure you're getting what you want for as cheap as possible.

'For example, a £10,000 investment growing at five per cent a year with annual charges of 0.5 per cent would be worth £15,530 after 10 years, but if your annual charges were one per cent a year that amount would be £14,802 – £728 lower.

Hargreaves Lansdown is a 'fund supermarket' - where you choose your own funds and shares to invest in. However these come with additional fees to cover the cost of running the fund

'There's no problem with paying more for better quality or features you need, but make sure you're not paying extra for services you don't need.'

This is Money frequently updates our round-up of the best investment platforms out there.

If you have the ability to save each month, it could also be an idea to set up a regular investment, committing the same amount of money per month to buy investments.

'This can help iron out the ups and downs that can be experienced with stock market investments', says Laura.

Which investments should you choose

If you've chosen a platform that allows you to pick your own investments, you have the choice of putting money into either shares or funds.

Adrian Lowco*ck says: 'The trade-off between shares and funds is a good question.

'Basically individual shares should be seen as riskier, as effectively you are buying one or possibly two companies, whereas a fund invests in a larger number of companies – anything from around 30 to 200 depending on the fund.

Types of funds:

For beginners, it's important to note there are two kinds of funds:

1. Actively managed funds - these are funds which feature professional fund managers who choosethe investments they think will deliver the best returns

2. Passively managed funds - These are managed instead by an index tracker, which is designed to mimica particular stock market, such as the UK, by replicating the various companies listed on it.

The index fund was invented by fund manager and Vanguard found John Bogle, who died this January. Bogle was credited with popularising low-cost index investing.

Tilney's Jason Hollands says: 'The costs of actively managed funds are higher than trackers and while some managers have delivered a lot of extra return to more than justify this, there are also plenty of managers out there who have delivered poor returns.'

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'Professional managers do this because there is a risk to investing and they want to reduce the risks they get something wrong.'

Jason Hollands echoes this, and says: 'An important principle in the world of investment is diversification.

'That means not having all your eggs in one basket, but spreading your cash across a wide number of investments, markets and economies.

'That is very hard for a small investor to achieve by buying individual stocks and shares themselves.'

This is not to discourage you from investing in individual companies, especially if you plan on investing in a fund which has invested a higher percentage of its capital in one company, but Adrian adds: 'Investing in individual companies requires a huge amount of work and research, and with shares it's very unlikely you'll get lucky and you'll more likely buy a tip after the price has risen and miss out on further gains.

'Investing is more about getting rich slowly and funds are excellent for helping you achieve that.'

You'll also often have the choice between 'accumulation' and 'income' versions of the same fund.

An income fund will distribute any interest or dividend income from the fund directly to you, while an accumulation fund automatically reinvests your income within the fund, raising the value of your investment.

It's designed to help you grow your wealth rather than provide you with a consistent income.

Holly Mackay says of this: 'Investment compounding is powerful and a bit like building a snowman.

'At first you start rolling and it feels like you're working hard and that ball isn't getting much bigger. But the bigger it gets the faster it grows. And then it 'snowballs'.'

Jason adds: 'It's important to take the long view of at least five years. Investing for a short period of weeks or months is not investing at all; it is trading and very few people are successful at it.'

Some ideas for fund choices to start off with

For your own specific situation, our experts have made a number of suggestions about what might make a good selection of starting funds.

Adrian Lowco*ck says: 'Given your age and potential for long term growth, I have suggested a couple of longer term and riskier investments which to consider investing in.

'Merian UK Smaller Companies R - Merian have one of the most highly regarded small and mid-cap teams, headed by Dan Nickols who is the manager of this fund.

'Companies must demonstrate one or more of the following characteristics: the ability to grow earnings faster than the market average for an extended period of time; the scope to generate a positive surprise; or the potential to be re-rated relative to the market.

'A pragmatic approach is taken to valuation, with various ratios and timescales used depending upon the situation. This flexible approach allows growth, value, and recovery companies to be held, but the portfolio has tended to show a growth bias.

'Baillie Gifford Global Alpha - Partners Malcolm MacColl, Spencer Adair, and Charles Plowden have an equal say in portfolio decisions. They target companies that offer sustainable above-average earnings and cashflow growth.

'The team relies on detailed company research and favour businesses with competitive advantages, superior business models, strong financials, good management and attractive valuations.

The managers' approach is patient, so once they buy they tend to hold on for the long term.

'The portfolio is a diversified portfolio of 70-120 stocks, allocated into four growth buckets: rapid growth, latent growth, cyclical growth, and growth stalwarts. These groupings are intended to exhibit low correlation with each other.'

Jason Hollands says: 'To take a global approach. We have some great, world class companies on the UK market, but there are also opportunities to be had in the US, Asia, Japan and Europe – the world is your oyster.

'A good place to start is to invest in a global equity fund, which will hunt out opportunities wherever they are.

'For example, the Scottish Mortgage Investment Trust – which is managed in Edinburgh but has nothing to do with mortgages – invests in fast growth companies from China to the USA.

'Its holdings include the likes of Amazon, and Illumina which is using genetic analysis to treat diseases, as well as Chinese internet giants Baidu and Tencent. It also partly invests in unquoted companies that an individual investor simply could not buy themselves.

'Another nice feature is that while this is an actively managed investment trust company, the costs are low.'

Laura Sutertakes a different tack and says: 'Those with smaller amounts to invest can find that a low-cost passive fund is a good place to start.

'These funds simply track the performance of a market or index, such as the FTSE 100 index of leading UK companies.

'A good place to start might be a tracker for the MSCI World index, which has investments spread across 23 different countries. The iShares Core MSCI World Exchange Traded Fund costs just 0.2 per cent a year, so could be a good option.'

Getting into investing

Whether you are a 16-year-old novice looking to get into investing, or someone who has been at it for many years, This is Money and our sister titles frequently publish guides on the best funds and shares out there and offer tips for DIY investors.

We also round-up our pick of the top investment platforms and publish our own investment guide to help you get started.

Meanwhile, in the second edition of a two-part podcast special on saving and investing, This is Money's editor Simon Lambert and podcast host Georgie Frostbust the jargon and look at why people should invest, how to get started, what investments you can choose and how to find the right ones for you.

Simondiscusses his experience of investing, what he got right along the way and, more importantly, the things he got wrong.

You can find it below, or wherever you get your podcasts.

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I’m 16 and want to invest, how do I get started? (2024)


I’m 16 and want to invest, how do I get started? ›

If you are a minor, you can make investments only under the supervision of your parent through a custodial brokerage account. You parent will have to sign you up for a custodial account offered by an online broker.

How to start investing as a 16 year old? ›

The easiest way for a person under 18 to trade stocks is for an adult to open a custodial account with a brokerage on behalf of a child and then invest in stocks on the child's behalf, with the child directing the investments if they want.

Is 16 a good age to start investing? ›

"Just like other investors, teens will benefit from a diversified portfolio of low-cost, long-term investments," he says. "However, teens are also in a good place to experiment because the stakes are relatively low," he adds. "If you're 16 and lose all your money day trading, that's a shame, but life goes on."

Is it legal for a 16 year old to invest in stocks? ›

How old does my child have to be to buy stocks? To start investing in stocks on their own, your kid will need a brokerage account, and they must be at least 18 years old to open one. They can start earlier than this, but they'll need a parent or guardian to open a custodial account for them.

How should a beginner start investing? ›

  1. 8-Step Guide to Investing in Stocks.
  2. Step 1: Set Clear Investment Goals.
  3. Step 2: Determine How Much You Can Afford To Invest.
  4. Step 3: Determine Your Tolerance for Risk.
  5. Step 4: Determine Your Investing Style.
  6. Choose an Investment Account.
  7. Step 6: Fund Your Stock Account.
  8. Step 7: Pick Your Stocks.
May 20, 2024

What is the fastest way to make money at 16? ›

Ways to make money as a teen
  1. Work at a grocery store or supermarket. ...
  2. Work at a coffee, smoothie or juice shop. ...
  3. Work at a clothing store. ...
  4. Sell clothes or resell items with free apps. ...
  5. Take surveys online with survey junkie. ...
  6. Work as a golf caddy. ...
  7. Work as an assistant coach or referee. ...
  8. Work as a summer camp counselor.
Jul 28, 2022

Can I invest in Robinhood at 16? ›

Be 18 years or older.

How much money should I have saved at 16? ›

“A good rule to live by is to save 10 percent of what you earn, and have at least three months' worth of living expenses saved up in case of an emergency.” Once your teen has a steady job, help them set up a savings program so that at least 10 percent of earnings goes directly into their savings account.

What age is too late to start investing? ›

It's never too late to start investing and managing your money. But I don't want to sugarcoat it. If you're planning to invest for retirement, getting the ball rolling in your late 60s certainly limits your options. So, let's discuss some of your choices.

How much money should a 15 year old have? ›

Average allowance for kids and teens in 2023
13 years old$13.01
14 years old$14.96
15 years old$17.09
16 years old$20.54
11 more rows
Jun 27, 2023

How do I invest $1000 for my child? ›

Best way to invest $1000 for a Child
  1. Custodial account. ETFs and index funds. Individual stocks. Savings bonds.
  2. Other investment opportunities. Bank fixed deposits. Insurance policies. One-time child investment plans.
May 15, 2024

How to buy stock for a baby? ›

You can start the process online in your own brokerage account by opting to gift shares or securities you own; if you can't find that option, contact your brokerage firm directly. If you want to gift a stock you don't already own, you'll have to purchase it in your account, then transfer it to the recipient.

Is $100 enough to start investing? ›

If you think $100 won't be enough to invest, think again. With a little patience and discipline, you can grow that small sum of money quickly. After all, the amount you invest at first is not really what matters when it comes down to it. It's all about getting started.

How much money do I need to invest to make $1000 a month? ›

Invest in Dividend Stocks

A stock portfolio focused on dividends can generate $1,000 per month or more in perpetual passive income, Mircea Iosif wrote on Medium. “For example, at a 4% dividend yield, you would need a portfolio worth $300,000.

Is $200 enough to start investing? ›

Key Points. The Vanguard Growth ETF is one of many great growth-oriented funds that can deliver market-beating returns. If you can invest $200 per month for 30 years, thanks to the power of compounding, you could end up with a portfolio of more than $1 million.

What investing app can a 16 year old use? ›

Investing Apps for Teens

These apps are by companies like Greenlight and Bloom — relatively new companies that cater specifically to teen investors and their parents. Some traditional companies are also offering apps that are appropriate for teens: Fidelity, E-Trade, Charles Schwab, and more.

How can a 16 year old save money? ›

How to save money as a teenager:
  1. Open a savings account.
  2. Separate spending and savings money.
  3. Keep track of purchases.
  4. Think twice before buying.
  5. Start budgeting.
  6. Do chores to earn more allowance money.
  7. Getting a summer or part-time job.
  8. Set a savings goal.
Jul 10, 2023

How much money should a 15 year old have saved? ›

“A good rule to live by is to save 10 percent of what you earn, and have at least three months' worth of living expenses saved up in case of an emergency.” Once your teen has a steady job, help them set up a savings program so that at least 10 percent of earnings goes directly into their savings account.

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