How to Write Notes to Financial Statements under IFRS - CPDbox - Making IFRS Easy (2024)

Warren Buffett once said: “Other guys read Playboy. I read annual reports.”

This is a profound statement indicating that Warren Buffett actually takes his time to go through a complete annual report, including the financial statements and notes.

Thus, Mr. Buffett does NOT consider the numerical information about the company as sufficient for him to decide about investing in that company.

In fact, he reads a lot of text, too.

If you ever want to invest in some shares, I would recommend you doing the same thing.

Yes, notes are usually pain to read, because they are too long and too extensive (and yes, boring).

As an example, take a look to the annual report of Tesco Plc containing the financial statements under IFRS.

What can you see?

How to Write Notes to Financial Statements under IFRS - CPDbox - Making IFRS Easy (1)

The numerical, tabular statements take about 6 pages to show (pages 112-117), but notes themselves take 71 pages (118-188)!

I would say that exactly the extent and length of the notes is the reason why regular investors just don’t read them.

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Yes, the investors take a look at numbers, but skip the notes and that’s why sometimes they make dumb investment decisions. It goes like:

“Oh I did not know that this company faced a lawsuit with huge potential settlement!!! I did not see the provision in the balance sheet and the related expense in profit or loss!!!”

Yes, that’s possible, because that company could had assessed the probability of losing the lawsuit at below 50% and only disclosed the contingent liability in the notes, instead of making a provision in the balance sheet.

So did you look at the notes and read about the contingency?

Hmmmm, I thought so.

On the other hand, if you find yourself at the other side preparing the financial statements and specifically notes, how to write them so that you say everything what you should AND not make it clutter and mess?

In this article, I want to give you a few tips and advices related to the notes so that they meet their purpose just right.

What are the notes to the financial statements?

Notes are the integral part of a complete set of financial statements in line with IAS 1.

Therefore, you just cannot stay that the financial statements are just the numerical tabular statements, like:

  • the statement of financial position (or balance sheet),
  • the statement of profit or loss and OCI and other numerical statements,
  • the statement of changes in equity; and
  • the statement of cash flows,

because that’s incomplete.

Notes are in fact very significant because they explain the numbers and expand the information about them.

How do notes look like?

No. Prescribed. Format.

Once again: neither IAS 1, nor any other standard within IFRS gives you some uniform format of the notes.

Thus, it is up to you to design the optimal layout and structure of your notes.

IAS 1 gives you the minimum requirements related to the content of the notes (see below) and requires you to present notes in a systematic manner so that the users of the financial statements can actually better understand the numbers in there.

Here, I will give you a guidance on preparing the notes, but please bear in mind that it is just one option and not the strict requirement.

This is simply the method I learned from auditing and consulting to many different companies, stemming from best practices. If you look at some financial statements online, you will often see similar structure as presented here.

Having that said, you can come up with your own structure if it complies with IFRS and is more relevant.

Content of notes – what to include?

The notes are usually prepared in the form of a document structured into certain parts.

I present these parts in the order in which I would present them in the real notes, together with the IFRS paragraph asking for that presentation:

1. Identification information

Just as any other component of the financial statements, also the notes shall at minimum contain full identification information in line with IAS 1.51:

  • Name of the reporting entity;
  • Info about the level of financial statements: consolidated? Individual?
  • Period covered by the notes, e.g. year ended 31 December 20X1;
  • Presentation currency;
  • Level of rounding: thousands? Millions?

You can very effectively state this information in the header of that document to show on each page of your notes, for example by writing:

JBC Plc. – Notes to the consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31-Dec-20X1
(in thousands EUR)

That would do the job quite well.

2. General information about the reporting entity

I would start the notes with stating the information about the entity as required by IAS 1.138. You should include:

  • Domicile, legal form, country of incorporation
  • Entity’s operations and principal activities
  • Name of the parent and ultimate parent of the group
  • Length of company’s life if limited.

As an example:

General information

JBC Plc. (“the Company”) was established on 12 January 2002 in Dublin, Ireland as a joint stock company.
Domicile of the Company: Ireland.
Address of registered office: Mysterious Street 10000, 10000 Dublin, Ireland.
Name of the parent and ultimate parent: JBC USA…

The Company is major wholesaler and retailer of home and kitchen appliances within UK and European Union. It operates within 5 regional branches within UK and 6 subsidiaries within European Union.

3. Statement of compliance with IFRS

Right after the general information, please write a sentence in which you clearly say that these financial statements are under IFRS. That’s the requirement of IAS 1.16, often forgotten.


These consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

4. Summary of significant accounting policies

This section can be quite boring and long to read, but again, extremely important.

Let me tell you a story from my practice.

Story time!

I was discussing the financial statements of one big company with a very clever investor who was seeking a company with good potential to invest in.

He was skimming through the balance sheet, looking at different numbers there and said something like:

“Look, company’s PPE (property, plant and equipment) looks very nice, it seems they heavily invested into it last year.”

I was puzzled because I knew this company did not “heavily” invest into its PPE; it merely did some minor replacements.

And, indeed! The increase in carrying amount of PPE was impressive.

Hmmm. Something did not feel right. Thus I suggested: “You know, let’s take a look at the notes, we are missing something here.”

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So we did. As an experienced accountant, I went straight for the summary of significant accounting policies.

One small note said that the Company was applying revaluation model to its PPE and as there are no market values available, the company determined fair value by using “3rd level of inputs” into the fair value model.

In other, much simpler words: That Company constructed some sort of discounted cash flow model, with significant portion of estimates and judgments, determined the fair value based on that model and, bam, you have your fair value with huge upward revaluation through the equity.

Yes, all the estimates and judgments were described in the notes, too (but if not searching for it, we would have skipped reading that).

However if the Company would not have applied revaluation model, but the cost model, its PPE and equity would have not looked that great. Not even mentioning that the auditor did not say a word in its report.

There you go.

You absolutely should read the accounting policies, too, no matter how boring they are. You can find some “hidden gems and pearls” in there.

How to describe the accounting policies

I suggest the following components to describe in your accounting policies:

  • 4.1 Basis of preparation

    You should disclose whether the company’s financial statements were prepared on going concern basis or not.

    This disclosure is not normally listed within accounting policies, but I think it’s the most appropriate place to make this statement, because the accounting policies will depend on going concern, too.

  • 4.2 The measurement basis

    You can disclose the measurement basis either as a separate note, or disclose the measurement basis of individual line items together with disclosure of specific accounting policies for that item.

    For example, you can state that the company measures all items at historical cost with the exception of PPE which is measured at revalued amount.

  • 4.3 Critical accounting judgements and key sources of estimation uncertainty

    I like to disclose this before describing specific accounting policies for individual line items, but of course the order is up to you – whatever works for you.

    Here, you should describe judgements and uncertainties separately.

    Judgments are considerations made by the management in applying the accounting policies. For example, when deciding how to account for the specific lease contract as a lessor, management applies judgment to assess whether the lease is operating or finance.

    Uncertainties relate to the future information or events that may affect the financial statements, for example when describing how the management determined the present value of obligation from the pension plans, it must state how the estimates of future benefits and other components were made.

    I suggest you insert the Covid-19 related estimates, assumptions and judgments here, too.

    Judgments and uncertainties would make a topic for a separate article, so we are not getting into further details here.

  • 4.4 Application of accounting policies in the financial statements

    This is the part where you go line by line and describe the accounting policy applied for that line.

    For example, you say: “The company applies cost model for accounting for its property, plant and equipment….”.

    You should include only significant and material accounting policies to avoid clutter and obscuring of significant information by loads of unnecessary details.

    I also suggest to add the short information about the initial application of certain IFRS standards and the standards that have been issued but not yet adopted.

5. Risk management and other disclosures on capital management

Here, all the disclosures based on IFRS 7 and on IAS 1.134 (and following) can be stated, if applicable.

It is more logical to describe principles before providing further numerical and specific information about the individual line items.

What to describe here:

  • 5.1 Principles of risk management

    Describe what risks the Company is facing and how it manages them, especially foreign exchange risk, interest rate risk, credit risk and liquidity risk.

    These disclosure stem from IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures.

  • 5.2 Disclosures on capital management

    Describe how the company manages capital, what are the objectives and methods of managing capital and bring in qualitative and quantitative disclosures, too.

Again, this type of disclosures is a huge topic so here I focused on describing short basics.

6. Disclosures on individual line items of financial statements

Here, you need to go line by line and describe each line item in the financial statements.

The requirements for content of these individual disclosures are in the individual standards arranging that item.

Special For You!Have you already checked out the IFRS Kit? It’s a full IFRS learning package with more than 40 hours of private video tutorials, more than 140 IFRS case studies solved in Excel, more than 180 pages of handouts and many bonuses included. If you take action today and subscribe to the IFRS Kit, you’ll get it at discount! Click here to check it out!

For example, disclosures required for property, plant and equipment are listed in the standard IAS 16 paragraphs 73-79, so please read that standard and provide details in line with these requirements.

7. Integral part

The notes are the integral part of the complete set of financial statements under IFRS and I suggest that you highlight this fact in the notes.

I prefer to do so in the footer at each page of the notes just to stress the importance of the notes for the reader (although not directly required by the standards).

You can add the following simple sentence in the footer:

The notes form an integral part of the consolidated financial statements.

Final tips and tricks for the notes

The notes are the most extensive and elaborate part of the financial statements and yes, the readers of the financial statements often skip reading it just because it is soooo loooong, boooring to read.

How to make it easier for users?

Let me give you a few tips:

  1. Balance out!

    Please, do not include every single information about the company or its numbers.

    Nobody is interested in how you account for petty cash expenses (unless they are huge; or material).

    You need to find the right amount of balance between “detailed” and “easy to read while sufficient”.

    Include only material, significant items. Also bear in mind that an item might not be material when considered individually, but it can be material when considered as an aggregate with other items.

    Let me mention here that despite this golden rule, the notes still tend to be lengthy and cluttered.

    That’s why IASB undertakes the improvement project in this field and we can expect some new amendment related to the amount of disclosures.

    Let’s watch.

  2. Cross-reference!!!

    Cross-referencing is a great tool and a big help. By cross-references, the readers can find the detailed information about the related item very quickly.

    For example, number the individual disclosures in the notes and state the relevant number directly in the balance sheet next to the relevant item, as shown in this picture:

  3. How to Write Notes to Financial Statements under IFRS - CPDbox - Making IFRS Easy (2)

  4. Be systematic!!!

    Go through this list and then through your balance sheet and other statements and make your notes systematic by ordering the individual disclosures as they go.

    There are number of templates or sample financial statements available on the internet, so you can get a lot of inspiration from there.

  5. Any comments or questions?

    Please let me know below!

How to Write Notes to Financial Statements under IFRS - CPDbox - Making IFRS Easy (2024)


How to prepare financial statements as per IFRS? ›

The standard requires a complete set of financial statements to comprise a statement of financial position, a statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income, a statement of changes in equity and a statement of cash flows.

Are notes to financial statements required by IFRS? ›

Some IFRSs specify information that is required to be included in the financial statements, which include the notes. An entity need not provide a specific disclosure required by an IFRS if the information resulting from that disclosure is not material.

What are the contents of notes to financial statements? ›

Notes to the financial statement include important factors that were used in preparing the statement. Notes will include information such as cash or accrual accounting procedures, valuation me5ids for inventory, reporting of events, intangible assets, and contingent liabilities.

What is the order of presenting the notes to financial statements? ›

There is a paragraph setting out the order in which notes to the financial statements are normally presented: this begins with a statement of compliance, then a summary of significant accounting policies, supporting information for individual line items following their sequence in the primary statements, and finally ' ...

What is the IFRS simplified? ›

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are a set of accounting rules for the financial statements of public companies that are intended to make them consistent, transparent, and easily comparable around the world. The IFRS is issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB).

What are the two basic assumptions required in financial statement preparation for IFRS? ›

1. Accrual basis: The assumption that the financial effect of transactions and events are recognized as they occur, not when cash is received or paid. 2. Going concern: The assumption that a business entity will be in operation for the foreseeable future.

What are the general requirements for financial statements under IFRS? ›

a statement of comprehensive income; a statement of changes in equity; a statement of cash flows; and. notes comprising a summary of the significant accounting policies and other explanatory notes which disclose information required by IFRS.

What is the need of IFRS notes? ›

IFRS specifies how companies must maintain their records and report their expenses and income. Effectively, they act as a common, consistent accounting language. One that can be understood by investors, auditors, government regulators, and other stakeholders around the world.

What are the explanatory notes in financial statements? ›

Otherwise known as explanatory notes or notes to the financial statements, the footnotes help add supplementary information to help further explain the related information in the financial statements without clouding the primary information that the statements are trying to convey.

What are the 5 elements of IFRS? ›

Accrual basis of accounting: An entity shall recognise items as assets, liabilities, equity, income and expenses when they satisfy the definition and recognition criteria for those elements in the Framework of IFRS.

Who prepares the notes to the financial statements? ›

Answer and Explanation: Notes to financial statements are reports that display all financial information of a business organization and are prepared in a proper format and structure. The notes explain the figures in the financial statement, notes to financial statements are prepared by the management of a company.

What are the three key financial statement notes? ›

The income statement, balance sheet, and statement of cash flows are required financial statements. These three statements are informative tools that traders can use to analyze a company's financial strength and provide a quick picture of a company's financial health and underlying value.

What is usually presented first in the notes to the financial statements? ›

Notes to financial statements

Usually, the first notes in the series explain the “basis for accounting”—if cash or accrual rules were used to prepare the documents—and the methods used to report amortization/depreciation expenses. The rest of the notes explain, in greater detail, how the figures have been calculated.

What are the basic notes of financial accounting? ›

Financial accounting is the process of recording, summarizing, and reporting a company's business transactions through financial statements. These statements are: (1) the income statement, (2) the balance sheet, (3) the cash flow statement, and (4) the statement of retained earnings.

What are the notes of financial reporting? ›

Financial reports typically include three core statements: the balance sheet, the income statement, and the cash flow statement. The balance sheet: This statement provides an overview of a company's assets, liabilities, and equity at a specific point in time.

How do you take finance notes? ›

The main headings should be the most important points, while the subheadings should be supporting details. This method is particularly useful for finance students as it helps them break down complex financial concepts into smaller, more manageable pieces of information.

What is a financial note? ›

A note is a debt security obligating repayment of a loan, at a predetermined interest rate, within a defined time frame.

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Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.