How To Write A Salary Increase Letter (Ask For A Raise Examples) - Zippia (2024)

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It’s important to know how to ask for a raise in writing because it can be tricky to express why you should receive a salary increase. Putting the request in writing can help you avoid tripping over your words and it can help you be specific about your reason for asking for a raise, what salary you’re asking for, and your justification for your request.

In this article, we will go over how to write a salary increase request letter, provide a sample salary increase letter to an employer, and when to send the letter.

Key Takeaways

  • Send a salary increase letter when the company is doing well, when your last raise was at least a year ago, and when you’ve become a more valuable employee.

  • Include the reason and justification for your request in your letter, as well as the specific salary you’re asking for.

  • Don’t complain, refer to your coworkers’ salaries, or talk about your personal or the company’s financial situations in your pay increase letter.

How To Write A Salary Increase Letter (Ask For A Raise Examples) - Zippia (1)

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  • How to write a salary increase letter
  • Sample salary increase letter to employer
  • Salary increase letter template
  • Why put a salary increase request in writing?
  • Who should you send your salary increase letter to?
  • When should you send a salary increase letter?
  • What not to include in a salary increase letter
  • Pay increase letter FAQ
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How to write a salary increase letter

To write a salary increase letter, you should start by stating the letter’s purpose and the reason for the request. You don’t want to bury these in the email, so they should be in the first few lines. Below is a more detailed list of how to write a salary increase letter:

  1. The letter’s purpose. Don’t beat around the bush – you’re writing this letter to receive a raise, so state that fact early on. Mention how long you’ve worked at your company and/or position and how great it is to work there to give the reader some perspective.

  2. Your reason for the request. Take a look at the good times to ask for a raise listed above. Choose which one(s) applies to your situation and bring it up here (except the “company is doing well” reason).

  3. Your justification(s) for receiving a raise. Preparation comes in handy here. This section could be combined with your “reason for the request” section if your reason involves taking on more responsibilities or having successfully completed an important project.

    Always include your most prominent achievements to justify the value you bring to the company. These should only be recent accomplishments that occurred after your last pay raise. Any accolades or awards that the company gave you are excellent evidence as well. If relevant, include salary data to back up your perception of being underpaid with cold hard facts.

  4. The salary you want. Don’t be vague or leave it up to the company’s judgment. Ask either for a fixed dollar amount or a percentage raise. Again, use your salary data research to determine a reasonable figure, and don’t go too far beyond that. A typical merit-based pay raise is around 3%, so you can use that as a starting point.

  5. Room for negotiation You never want to come across as demanding in a salary increase letter. Express that you’re open to finding an equitable solution for both parties and whoever’s in charge of pay raises will be more apt to meet you halfway.

  6. Appreciation for consideration. It never hurts to be polite. Thank the reader for taking the time to consider your salary increase request.

Sample salary increase letter to employer

Below is a salary increase email to boss sample. Make sure you tailor your email to your needs before sending it to your employer.

  1. Request letter for salary increase email sample answer

    Subject line: Tim Felton Salary Increase Request

    Dear Ms. Hutchins,

    I am writing to formally request an increase in my current salary. I have loved working as a Digital Marketing Manager at XYZ Corp. for the past four years, but my role has evolved during that time. I believe that I have met and responded to new challenges well and continue to add more value to the company.

    In light of my recent accomplishments, I believe a raise of at least 10% is justified. For example, over the past year, I have:

    Besides demonstrating excellent communication and leadership skills, I have also developed HTML and Python skills that allow me to work more closely with our web developers, simplifying our process for product development.

    After completing salary research, I found my current annual salary of $58,000 is well below the median pay for digital marketing managers in our region, $65,000. Therefore, I am requesting a 10% salary raise, which would bring my annual salary in line with the market rate.

    Thank you for taking the time to consider adjusting my salary. I am open to having a discussion about reaching a mutually beneficial salary agreement. Please let me know when would be a good time to find a salary solution that works for everyone.

    Tim Felton

  2. Salary increase letter after one year sample answer

    Jane Foster
    Sale Lead
    123 Brooklyn Ave
    New York, 10001
    May 2, 2023

    Mark Hanson
    Director of Sales
    XYZ Company
    123 Brooklyn Ave
    New York, 10001

    Dear Mr. Hanson,

    I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to discuss the possibility of a salary increase in recognition of my contributions and dedication to XYZ Company. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time working with my team and helping with the growth and success of the company under your leadership.

    Over the last year of being here, I have consistently met and exceeded expectations and delivered high-quality results in my role as Sales Lead. I have demonstrated a strong work ethic, taking on additional responsibilities and tasks, and I often seek out opportunities to help my teammates.

    Throughout my year at the company, I have achieved notable accomplishments including:

    • Exceeded sales targets and consistently met my sales quotas set for the quarter.

    • I have successfully negotiated close deals with customers while ensuring beneficial outcomes for both the buyer and the company.

    • Received positive feedback from customers, testimonials, and referrals, indicating customer satisfaction and the effectiveness of my sales approach.

    As I reflect on my time with XYZ Company, I kindly request a salary increase to reflect my contributions and dedication. A salary increase of 10% would not only demonstrate the company’s acknowledgment of my efforts but also serve as a strong motivation to further excel in my role.

    I would be for the opportunity to discuss this matter further in person. I am open to considering the company’s budget constraints and finding a mutually beneficial solution that recognizes my contributions while aligning with the company’s goals.

    Jane Foster

  3. Request letter for salary increase due to cost of living sample answer

    Subject line: Amber Tomlinson Salary Increase Request

    Dear, Mrs. Everly

    I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to discuss the possibility of a salary increase in light of the rising cost of living. As a dedicated and committed member of the team at ABC Corp, I have immensely enjoyed contributing to the company’s success and growth over the years.

    As you are aware, the cost of living has steadily increased, impacting our day-to-day expenses such as housing transportation, and essential goods. This has placed a strain on my financial well-being. I believe my request for a salary increase of 10% is not only fair but also reflective of my consistent efforts to excel in my role.

    Throughout my tenure with ABC Corp, I have demonstrated a strong work ethic and consistently surpassed expectations. I have actively reached my goals every quarter and exceeded them throughout the year. I have also brought in many new clients within the last year.

    I value the positive working relationship I have with ABC Corp and my colleagues, and I am committed to the company’s continued success. My request for a salary increase is not solely driven by the cost of living but also by my desire to feel adequately compensated for my work and dedication.

    I am grateful for the opportunity and am willing to discuss this more in person. Thank you for your time and I look forward to talking with you more.

    Amber Tomlinson

Salary increase letter template

Below is a salary raise request letter template. Make sure you tailor your email or letter to your needs before sending it to your employer.

Subject line: [Your Name] Salary Increase Request

Dear [Managers Name],

I am writing to formally request an increase in my current salary. I have loved working as a [job title] at [company name] for the past [years worked], but my role has evolved during that time. I believe that I have met and responded to new challenges well and continue to add more value to the company.

In light of my recent accomplishments, I believe a raise of at least [salary increase percent] is justified. For example, over the past year, I have:

  • [accomplishment one]

  • [accomplishment two]

  • [accomplishment three]

  • [accomplishment four]

Besides demonstrating excellent [skill type], I have also developed [skill type] that allows me to work more closely with our [other coworkers/departments], simplifying our process for product development.

After completing salary research, I found my current annual salary of [current salary] is well below the median pay for [job title] in our region, [salary average]. Therefore, I am requesting a [salary percent increase] salary raise, which would bring my annual salary in line with the market rate.

Thank you for taking the time to consider adjusting my salary. I am open to discussing reaching a mutually beneficial salary agreement. Please let me know when would be a good time to find a salary solution that works for everyone.

[Your Name]

Why put a salary increase request in writing?

You should put your salary increase request in writing because it establishes formal documentation of your request. This doesn’t mean you can’t have a conversation with your boss about getting a raise beforehand.

The letter serves to formalize the request and ensure that it’s taken seriously. Below are more reasons to put your salary increase request in writing:

  • Your company will keep it on file. This means that if your request is denied or you receive a smaller pay bump than you asked for, the company can always refer back to what you initially asked for.

    This creates pressure on the company to eventually get you the salary you desire since they can see how long ago you asked and what you asked for.

    When you casually bring up a raise, and your boss casually responds it’s in the works, there’s no physical proof of this exchange. Sending a salary increase letter makes for a swifter timeline, so you won’t be on the hook, continually waiting for your raise to come to fruition.

  • It will make it less awkward. Writing a salary increase letter is less awkward than trying to broach the subject in person. You also get the benefit of having time to think through why you deserve a pay raise without the pressure of coming up with reasons on the spot. All of which makes for a more effective and straightforward salary increase request.

Who should you send your salary increase letter to?

You should send your salary increase letter to whoever manages your pay raises, bonuses, and other salary decisions. That could be your manager, supervisor, or the head of your department – if you’re unsure exactly who the right person to send it to, contact your human resources department, and they should have the answer.

You want to avoid going over the head of the person directly responsible for your pay raises because it will come off as unprofessional and limit your chances of receiving a salary increase.

One of the benefits of putting your salary increase request in writing is that it creates a formal paper trail. In other words, if you don’t trust your manager, this letter will be on file to show precisely when you requested a raise. That way, if your request is denied, you’ve got a much stronger argument the next time you make a request.

When should you send a salary increase letter?

You should send your salary increase request letter to your boss when the company is doing well or when you’ve just completed a big project. Other good moments to ask for a raise include:

  • When the company is doing well. You know the term “reading the room.” If you’re paying attention and everyone’s on edge because of potential downsizing, it’s probably unwise to ask for a raise.

    On the other hand, if business is booming and the company feels financially flush, they’re more apt to dole out salary increases to top-performers (i.e., you).

  • When you’ve just completed a big project. If you and/or your team just completed a substantial project (successfully), that’s a good time to put in a salary increase request. Just make sure you made some (ideally) quantifiable contribution to the project’s success. That way, your achievements are fresh in the mind of whoever’s in charge of pay raises.

    Note that you shouldn’t be asking for a pay bump after each and every project or your requests won’t be taken as seriously. Wait for a genuinely stellar performance, which will make it challenging for your employer to refuse your request.

  • When it’s been over a year since your last raise. Most companies issue pay raises on an annual basis around the end of the fiscal year. Keep track of when your last raise was (or ask HR if you forgot) so that you’re not viewed as overly keen by requesting a raise multiple times a year.

    Generally, employees should at least get cost of living adjustment (COLA) raises each year, so it’s a natural time to ask for a pay bump anyway.

  • When it’s time for performance reviews. What better time to bring up a raise than when your performance is being evaluated? It may help the raise come about faster if you send a salary increase letter in anticipation of an excellent performance review. Still, you can wait until after your supervisor tells you what a marvelous employee you are.

    Naturally, if your performance review doesn’t go well, your leverage for requesting a raise is weaker. If you’re unsure what sort of review you’re going to get, wait, see, and go from there. If you’ve got some achievements and some room for improvement, maybe tamp down the magnitude of your salary increase request.

  • When your salary is below the market rate. Your employer will take your salary increase request more seriously if you’re currently paid below the market rate for someone in your position. Use resources like,, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) to see what a typical worker with your position in your geographical area receives as a salary.

  • When you’ve taken on more responsibilities. Even if your title hasn’t changed, if you’ve had a recent increase in your daily duties, that should be reflected in your compensation. This also applies to employees who have completed a probationary period in their position and were promised a change in status afterward.

  • When you’ve improved your skills or qualifications. If you’ve recently learned how to perform new functions that increase your value to the company, that creates a strong case for requesting a salary increase.

What not to include in a salary increase letter

You should avoid including any complaints or coworkers’ salaries when writing your salary increase letter. Below are more things you should not include in your salary increase request letter:

  • Complaints. Look, nobody likes a whiny tone. If your letter sounds like it was written by a pouty child expressing little other than “it’s not fair, I want more,” then it’ll hurt your chances of getting a raise.

    It will also hurt your image with the company’s management, which could have long-term adverse effects on your career trajectory in the organization. Don’t be a victim; be a confident, competent employee.

  • Coworker’s salary information. This is a letter about you, your performance, and your pay – don’t drag other people into it. It’s viewed as highly unprofessional and even downright rude to bring up someone else’s financial situation.

    Instead, use the salary data we discussed earlier. It’s impersonal, aggregated, and factual, rather than anecdotal and petty.

  • Your personal financial situation. We get that you might be going through some personal trouble with your finances, but that’s not a good reason to get a pay raise.

    Avoid talking about your reasons for needing the raise, and instead, focus on your reasons for deserving the raise. It’s more comfortable for everyone involved that way.

  • Company’s financial situation. We mentioned that it’s good to ask for a raise when your company is doing well, but that doesn’t mean you should include that fact in your salary increase letter.

    It’s awkward to say, “Hey, I know you guys have the money, so throw a little my way.” Let the company worry about its finances; you stay focused on yours.

Pay increase letter FAQ

  1. How do I write a good salary increase letter?

    You write a good salary increase letter by clearly stating the letter’s purpose, your reasons and justifications for your request, and what salary you’re asking for. Try to keep it concise, but including these details will help you make a stronger case.

    At the end of your letter, leave room for negotiation and express your appreciation for the reader’s time and consideration.

  2. What not to say when asking for a raise?

    Don’t complain, mention your coworkers’ salaries, or talk about your personal financial needs when asking for a raise. You also shouldn’t mention the company’s financial position — it’s tacky to say, “I know you’re making plenty of money, so can I have some?”

  3. Can I get fired for asking for a raise?

    Yes, you can technically get fired for asking for a raise. There isn’t usually a law preventing employers from firing you for this reason. However, it’s very rare for companies to do this, as it’s not a good business practice.

  4. What is a fair raise to ask for?

    It’s fair to ask for a 10-20% raise. Make sure you can back up your request with plenty of reasons why you’re worth this money to the company, and be willing to negotiate.

  5. How to ask for salary increment politely?

    You should address your employer and show your gratitude for the opportunity of working for the company. You should also send it at the right time such as when the company is doing well or after you completed a big project. It’s also important to leave room for negotiation and then thank the reader again.

Ask the experts

How To Write A Salary Increase Letter

How To Write A Salary Increase Letter (Ask For A Raise Examples) - Zippia (2)

Lesa Edwards
CEO, Exclusive Career Coaching

It is so important to do your homework–this letter MUST be about your contributions, achievements, and how your salary compares to the local market. You don’t want to talk about your personal situation (e.g. your financial obligations or the fact that your spouse is out of work); while important to you, these facts are irrelevant.

How To Write A Salary Increase Letter

How To Write A Salary Increase Letter (Ask For A Raise Examples) - Zippia (3)

Julie Sliga
Owner, Career Counselor at Panoramic PDX

Companies tediously research salaries and create pay structures that are competitive within the market range. They are not often transparent about that range.

Your company has done its research, now you have to do yours. You don’t want to overshoot, but you don’t want to sell yourself short, either.

I advise my clients to check several reliable sources that publish salary data and reflect honestly on their qualifications and experience to assess where they fall within that range.

Salaries in certain industries can vary widely depending on the individual’s local labor market–make sure you look at both local and national data.


  1. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics – May 2022 State Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates

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    • How To Write A Salary Increase Letter
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Never miss an opportunity that’s right for you.

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Matthew ZaneHow To Write A Salary Increase Letter (Ask For A Raise Examples) - Zippia (5)

Matthew Zane is the lead editor of Zippia's How To Get A Job Guides. He is a teacher, writer, and world-traveler that wants to help people at every stage of the career life cycle. He completed his masters in American Literature from Trinity College Dublin and BA in English from the University of Connecticut.

How To Write A Salary Increase Letter (Ask For A Raise Examples) - Zippia (2024)
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Name: Velia Krajcik

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Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.