How to Write a Payment Reminder Message to a Client (2024)

Table of contents

Tips for writing an effective payment reminder emailWhen to send payment reminder messagesHow to avoid late payments in the first placeWhy your payment reminder email isn’t effectiveWhat you should do if an invoice is less than 90 days late or more than 90 days late

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Any small-business owner, manager, or sole proprietor has faced the challenge of chasing down invoice payments. Efficiently managing outstanding invoices helps you save time and make sure that nothing slips through the cracks.

In this article we’ll give you tips on how to write a professional payment reminder message to a client and how you can avoid late payments in the first place.

Tips for writing an effective payment reminder email

There are a few things you’ll want to include in your payment reminder email that will help get your invoice paid faster.

Include the invoice number and due date in the email subject line.

Draft a clear subject line with the invoice number and due date, so that the recipient won’t overlook it in their inbox. Including the due date in your first email also gives them a quick reminder of how long they have until they would incur any late fees. If you are sending a reminder email that their invoice is overdue, set a firm but professional tone by including how far overdue the invoice is within the subject line.

Reattach the original invoice to your payment reminder message.

Your client may have simply misplaced or accidentally deleted the first invoice from their inbox. Make it easier for them by reattaching the invoice to each payment reminder email sent. This also will serve as a reminder for the services completed and the amount that is due.

Keep the copy short and professional, but with a friendly tone.

It’s important to show empathy in the first payment reminder message you send. Remember that your client could have simply forgotten to pay or had every intention to pay but got busy in their lives. Avoid statements that could come off as cold or pushy, such as “You need to pay by XX date.” Instead, say “Payment is due by XX date.”

Include ways to pay and what the payment terms are.

Make it clear and easy for the client to pay the invoice. If you use digital invoices, explain how they can pay online and give step-by-step instructions. Also don’t let any late fees be a surprise for your client. For each payment reminder email, list out what the payment terms are and what the fees will be if the payment is one week late, two weeks late, and so on.

When to send payment reminder messages

There are different payment reminder milestones that will alert your client and acknowledge that you pay attention to your outstanding invoices.

The week before: The best time to send a payment reminder message is before your invoice is due in the first place. Your first payment reminder should go out the week before an invoice is due to gently remind your client of their upcoming responsibility.

The day of: On the day your invoice is due, a gentle reminder-for-payment message will help your client remember to pay their invoice before incurring any late fees.

A week (or more) after: If a client has not paid your invoice on time, it’s critical to remain professional and polite as you continue to send payment reminders. Generally, you should continue to remind your client of their overdue invoice and any late fees they may have incurred on a weekly basis after the initial payment date.

Creating a schedule of payment reminders is the best way to get your invoices paid in a timely manner. WithSquare Invoices,you can customize the message to go out with each automated reminder, so these templates can be emails or part of your automated invoice workflow.

Here are a few email templates for how to ask for payment professionally.

Payment reminder template: Advanced payment reminders before the due date

These emails should be scheduled up front after providing your client with the initial invoice. Here is an example of this type of email:

Subject line: Invoice #123 Reminder/Follow up.

Reminder message:

Hello client name,

We hope you’re doing well! This is a friendly reminder that invoice #123, which was sent on March 20, will be due next week. When you have a chance, please look over the invoice and let us know if you have any questions. The original invoice is attached for your convenience.

You may pay by check, by credit card, or online through our payment link. If you need anything before then, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Thank you,

Your name and business information

How to Write a Payment Reminder Message to a Client (3)

Payment reminder template: Day-of reminders

This payment reminder is the most important, as it tells them that this is the last day to pay before they incur late fees. Make sure that this payment reminder email is firm but still warm in tone since the payment is not yet past due. Here is an example of this type of email:

Subject line: Invoice #123 is due today.

Reminder message:

Hello client name,

This is a reminder that invoice #123, which you should have received on March 20, is due today. You may pay by check, by credit card, or online through our payment link.

Please let us know if you have any questions or need assistance with the payment process.

Thank you,

Your name and business information

How to Write a Payment Reminder Message to a Client (4)

Payment reminder template: Past-due payment reminders

If the invoice remains unpaid, you can send weekly payment reminders to ensure that your client submits their payment. In these emails your tone should be firm and professional, and you should reiterate the different terms and fees that apply the longer they wait to pay. Here are examples of these types of emails:

One week late

Subject line: Invoice #123 is one week overdue.

Reminder message:

Hello client name,

Our records show that we are still awaiting payment of $8,000 for invoice #123, which was initially sent on March 20. A copy of the original invoice has been attached for your convenience in the instance that it has been lost or misplaced.

If payment has been sent, please disregard this email. Please let us know if you have any questions or need assistance with the payment process.

Thank you,

Your name and business information

How to Write a Payment Reminder Message to a Client (5)

Two weeks late

Subject line: Invoice #123 is two weeks overdue.

Reminder message:

Hello client name,

This is our fourth reminder message for the payment of $8,000 in regard to outstanding invoice #123, which was initially sent on March 20. A late fee of 10% will be applied to the total if the invoice remains unpaid as of April 20.

A copy of the original invoice has been attached for your convenience in the instance that it has been lost or misplaced. Please confirm receipt of the invoice and this reminder email.

Thank you,

Your name and business information

One month late (Final notice)

Subject line: Invoice #123 from March 20 is overdue; please submit payment ASAP.

Reminder message:

Hello client name,

This is our last reminder email for the payment of $8,000 in regard to outstanding invoice #123, which was initially sent on March 20, prior to late fees being applied. A late fee of 10% will be added as referenced in our payment terms.

A copy of the original invoice has been attached for your convenience in the instance that it has been lost or misplaced. Please confirm receipt of the invoice and submit payment as soon as possible.

Thank you,

Your name and business information

If you still find that your client is not responding to your emails, it’s time to go old school. Mail them a paper copy of their invoice if necessary.

How to avoid late payments in the first place

While outstanding invoices can sometimes be hard to avoid, there are a few ways that you can ensure timely payments and make the entire process less stressful for both you and your client.

Set direct payment terms from the start. Include the payment date clearly on the original invoice and any fees that your client will incur if paid late.Automating your invoice remindersis a great way to gently nudge your clients to submit their payments.

Invoices can be sent anywhere, anytime using youronline Square Dashboard,Square Invoices app, or Square Point of Sale app using asupported mobile device.When you build an invoice in the SquarePOS App, you’ll have the option to schedule reminder emails at specific intervals.When creating an invoice, fill out all relevant fields from billing information to line items to payment schedule and method. Tap Continue and Payment reminders. Edit the default options. SelectAdd reminder to add another option. Complete and schedule or send your invoice.

Each reminder you set has an optional message field in which you can type a note to your client. You can set up to five reminders in this section. Once you’ve drafted your reminder dates and messages, click Save for those reminders to be sent on your timeline or until the invoice is paid.

How to Write a Payment Reminder Message to a Client (6)

If you still find that clients either miss the reminders or often pay late, you may want to adopt more tactics outside of a reminder message to encourage early or on-time paymentsto avoid the struggle of tracking down those clients in the future.

Why your payment reminder email isn’t effective

If your payment reminder emails don’t get your client to pay that overdue invoice, it may be because it’s been sent to the wrong email address or they prefer physical invoices. We all know those people who have 10,000 unread emails in their inboxes. Most times an unpaid invoice isn’t a personal slight; it’s simply because the client is disorganized or has forgotten.

Remember to craft payment reminder messages with a bit of understanding and guidance. Offer your clients easy and simple ways to submit payment while alleviating any additional stress they may experience when paying their bills.

What you should do if an invoice is less than 90 days late or more than 90 days late

Unfortunately, the longer the invoice goes unpaid, the more unlikely it becomes that the client is going to submit payment. If you’ve used these templates to send your payment reminder emails and the invoice is still unpaid, it may be time to use a debt collection agency. If you go this route let the client know that if the invoice is not paid, the collection agency will be getting in touch with them. This could serve as enough motivation for your client to pay.

However, if this does not work, it may be a matter that needs to be taken to court. Of course, this route must make sense for you depending on the amount of the overdue invoice and whether court costs and litigation will be worthwhile to your business. Consult a legal professional to determine the right next steps for your business.

Outstanding and unpaid invoices create unwanted challenges for all business owners and managers. With these tips, templates, and Square automated invoice reminders, you can take some of the stress off your shoulders and remain professional when you ask for client payments.

How to Write a Payment Reminder Message to a Client (7)

How to Write a Payment Reminder Message to a Client (2024)


How to Write a Payment Reminder Message to a Client? ›

Template 6: “This is a friendly reminder that your next upcoming payment is [due date]. Clicking [link] will take you to our online payment portal.” Template 7: “Hey [First Name], your next payment is due on [Date] [link] You can make it in person or online with the link shared.”

How do I write a payment reminder message? ›

Template 6: “This is a friendly reminder that your next upcoming payment is [due date]. Clicking [link] will take you to our online payment portal.” Template 7: “Hey [First Name], your next payment is due on [Date] [link] You can make it in person or online with the link shared.”

How do you write a reminder message to a client? ›

To ensure you include all the right elements, here's what typically goes into an effective reminder message:
  1. An engaging subject line. Grab readers' attention with a subject line that reinforces the importance of your reminder. ...
  2. Preheader text. ...
  3. A friendly greeting. ...
  4. Body copy. ...
  5. A call to action (CTA). ...
  6. A sign-off.
Aug 28, 2024

How do you write a polite reminder message? ›

4 tips for writing a reminder email
  1. 1 Use a professional tone. A reminder email, like any proper email, should be written in a direct, professional tone. ...
  2. 2 Be direct. In addition to being polite and professional, be direct. ...
  3. 3 Timing is important. ...
  4. 4 Don't apologize.
Sep 21, 2023

How do you follow up with a client for payment? ›

If a customer still hasn't paid on this late invoice, follow up on your initial email after one week with a friendly payment reminder. If that doesn't work, send another reminder in two weeks, then one month later. Be clear about how late the invoice is and ask them to reach out if they have questions or concerns.

How do you politely ask a client payment via message? ›

We understand that it may be a busy time, but we wanted to remind you of your outstanding payment on invoice # [number] due [date]. We have attached an additional copy of the invoice for easy reference. If you have any questions regarding your payment, please don't hesitate to reach out.

What is an example of a payment reminder? ›

This is just a friendly reminder that your balance of $XX. XX is due next week on [DATE]. For your convenience, I reattached your itemized invoice here [LINK]. Please take a moment to review the invoice and feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns.

How to follow up payment politely sample? ›

“Hello [Name], It's been a while since our last correspondence, so I hope all continues to be well for you. We have yet to receive the payment due from invoice #XXXX, which was due on [date]. This invoice is now two weeks overdue, and the delay of this payment is putting us in financial strain.

How do I text a reminder message? ›

How to Write a Reminder Text – Best Practices
  1. Keep it Short and Concise. Reminder texts should be short, sweet, and to the point. ...
  2. Use a Friendly Tone. ...
  3. Personalize It. ...
  4. Include Relevant Information. ...
  5. Use Proper Grammar and Spelling. ...
  6. Add a Call-to-Action. ...
  7. Schedule it at the Right Time. ...
  8. Use Texting Software or Platforms.
Feb 29, 2024

What is a good sentence for reminder? ›

noun. She wrote a reminder about the meeting in her calendar.

How to professionally say "just a reminder"? ›

You can use phrases such as “kindly remember,” “just a note to recall,” or “I wanted to bring up…” for variety. It's all about keeping the tone friendly and the intention clear.

How do you remind someone to pay you professionally? ›

  1. Include all the payment details upfront. ...
  2. Schedule payment reminder messages. ...
  3. Send payment reminders that are personalized and automated. ...
  4. Offer multiple payment options. ...
  5. Try a phone call. ...
  6. Remember to keep it polite. ...
  7. Refer to your contract details.
Jun 25, 2024

How do you send a gentle reminder payment? ›

I hope you're well. We have yet to receive payment from yourselves of [amount owed] in respect of your invoice [#reference number] which was due for payment on [date due]. I would be grateful if you could let me know when we can expect to receive payment. If there are any problems, let me know!

What is an example of a gentle reminder message? ›

Gentle reminder on the below request

I'm just writing to gently remind you that we have a request for information from you that is overdue. We requested the information about [topic] on [date], and we have yet to receive it. We would appreciate it if you could provide the requested information as soon as possible.

How do you tactfully remind someone to pay you? ›

  1. Include all the payment details upfront. ...
  2. Schedule payment reminder messages. ...
  3. Send payment reminders that are personalized and automated. ...
  4. Offer multiple payment options. ...
  5. Try a phone call. ...
  6. Remember to keep it polite. ...
  7. Refer to your contract details.
Jun 25, 2024

How do you respectfully ask for payment? ›

Keep the email friendly, straightforward, and actionable. Let the payer know you have attached the invoice to the email and share your payment details. Conclude politely and mention that you'd love to work with the client again. With every new email you send, start a new thread, so you can get creative with the titles.

How to politely ask for money owed? ›

“I've been trying to reach you about the $100 I lent you. It's important that we discuss this, as I need the money back. Please let me know when you can repay it or if you need to work out a payment plan. Thank you.”

How to politely remind someone of something? ›

10 expressions to Use In Speaking And Writing:
  1. Don't forget to do it.
  2. Remember to do it.
  3. You will remember to do it.
  4. You won't forget to do it, will you?
  5. Can / Could I remind you to...?
  6. I'd like to remind you about...
  7. You haven't forgotten about __, have you?
  8. I hope you haven't forgotten to...

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Author: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.