How to Visualize Time Series Data | Time Visualization Graph (2024)

What is time series visualization and analytics?

Time series visualization and analytics let you visualize time series data and spot trends to track change over time. Time series data can be queried and graphed in line graphs, gauges, tables and more.

Using time series visualization and analytics, you can generate forecasts and make sense of your data.Time series dataprovides significant value to organizations because it enables them to analyze important real-time and historical metrics. Data is valuable only if it’s easy to access, so you need to make sure you are using a database optimized for storing and querying time series data. That’s where being able to build dashboards that run repetitive analytical queries becomes a force multiplier for organizations looking to expose their time series data across teams.

What is a time series chart?

A time series chart refers to data points that have been visually mapped across two distinct axes: quantity measured and time. They are considered an ideal way for analyzers to quickly determine anything from data trends to the rate of change.

In a classic x-y graph, the horizontal axis of the chart is used to plot increments of time while the vertical axis pinpoints values of the variable being measured.

Why use a dashboard for visualizing time series data?

Dashboards are a great way to visualize and present time series data to its target audience in a format that is meaningful and easy to understand.

How to Visualize Time Series Data | Time Visualization Graph (1)

There are many types of dashboards to choose from, such as those that come with InfluxDB, other open source projects likeGrafana, or even IoT specific dashboarding tools likeSeeq. These solutions often come with pre-canned dashboards built by the community to allow you to get started very quickly.

Time series data from InfluxDB can also be visualized with custom graphs using various graphing and libraries such as the:

  • Plotly.js graphing library, which offers over 20 different charting types, and packages everything so neatly that it is simple and easy for users to reproduce graphs of their own style and choosing.
  • Rickshaw library(likeplotly.js, this is built ond3.js).
  • Dygraphs charting library (discussed below).

First, let’s discuss visualizing time series data with InfluxDB, then with Grafana.

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InfluxDB UI visualization layer

InfluxDB allows you to quickly see the data that you have stored via the Data Explorer UI. The InfluxDB user interface (UI) providestools for building custom dashboards to visualize your data. Using templates orFlux(InfluxData’s functional data scripting language designed for querying and analyzing), InfluxDB empowers you to rapidly build dashboards with real-time visualizations and alerting capabilities across measurements.

Time series data visualization types

The InfluxDB 2.0 user interface (UI) provides multiplevisualization typesto visualize your data in a format that makes the most sense for your use case. Use available customization options to customize each visualization.

Time series line graphs and bar graphs

TheGraphview in the InfluxDB 2.0 UI lets you select from multiple graph types such as line graphs and bar graphs (Coming).

How to Visualize Time Series Data | Time Visualization Graph (2)

A line graph is the simplest way to represent time series data. It helps the viewer get a quick sense of how something has changed over time. A line graph uses points connected by lines (also called trend lines) to show how a dependent variable and independent variable changed:

  • An independent variable, true to its name, remains unaffected by other parameters.
  • The dependent variable depends on how the independent variable changes.

For temporal visualizations, time is always the independent variable, which is plotted on the horizontal axis. Then the dependent variable is plotted on the vertical axis.

While the above graph is an example of a line graph with linear interpolation (interpolation is the estimation of a value within two known values in a sequence of values), the below two graphs depict smooth interpolation and step interpolation.

How to Visualize Time Series Data | Time Visualization Graph (3)

How to Visualize Time Series Data | Time Visualization Graph (4)

Graph + Single Stat visualization for time series data

TheGraph + Single Statview displays the specified time series in a line graph and overlays the single most recent value as a large numeric value. The Single Stat visualization displays a single numeric data point. It uses the latest point in the first table (or series) returned by the query.

How to Visualize Time Series Data | Time Visualization Graph (5)

The primary use case for the Graph + Single Stat visualization is to show the current or latest value as well as historical values.

The following example shows the current percentage of memory used as well as memory usage over time.

How to Visualize Time Series Data | Time Visualization Graph (6)


AHeatmapdisplays the distribution of data on an x and y axes where color represents different concentrations of data points. Heatmaps divide data points into “bins” – segments of the visualization with upper and lower bounds for both X and Y axes. The Bin Size option determines the bounds for each bin. The total number of points that fall within a bin determine its value and color. Warmer or brighter colors represent higher bin values or density of points within the bin.

How to Visualize Time Series Data | Time Visualization Graph (7)

A heatmap, as shown below, can be used to visualize correlation.

How to Visualize Time Series Data | Time Visualization Graph (8)


Ahistogramis a way to view the distribution of data. The y-axis is dedicated to count, and the x-axis is divided into bins. The Histogram visualization is a bar graph that displays the number of data points that fall within “bins” – segments of the X axis with upper and lower bounds.

How to Visualize Time Series Data | Time Visualization Graph (9)

For example, the below histogram shows error counts by severity over time.

How to Visualize Time Series Data | Time Visualization Graph (10)

Single Stat

TheSingle Statview displays the most recent value of the specified time series as a numerical value. It uses the latest point in the first table (or series) returned by the query.

How to Visualize Time Series Data | Time Visualization Graph (11)

The following visualization example shows the current memory usage as a percentage.

How to Visualize Time Series Data | Time Visualization Graph (12)


TheGaugeview displays the single most recent value for a time series in a gauge view. Gauge visualizations are useful for showing the current value of a metric and displaying where it falls within a spectrum.

How to Visualize Time Series Data | Time Visualization Graph (13)

The following gauge visualization displays the pressure of steam pipes in a facility.

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TheTablevisualization option displays the results of queries in a tabular view, which is sometimes easier to analyze than graph views of data.

How to Visualize Time Series Data | Time Visualization Graph (15)

The table visualization renders queried data in structured, easy-to-read tables. Columns and rows match those in the query output. Tables are helpful when displaying many human-readable metrics in a dashboard such as cluster statistics or log messages.

How to Visualize Time Series Data | Time Visualization Graph (16)


TheScatterview uses a scatter plot to display time series data. A scatter plot can have anything on the horizontal axis, in any transformation, and points are not connected or ordered.

How to Visualize Time Series Data | Time Visualization Graph (17)

The scatter visualization maps each data point to X and Y coordinates.

The following example explores possible correlation between CPU and Memory usage. In the Scatter visualization controls, points are differentiated based on their group keys.

How to Visualize Time Series Data | Time Visualization Graph (18)

What is Grafana?

Grafana is a popular open source visualization and analytical suite mainly used for time series data. It provides ways to create, explore, and share time series data in easy-to-understand graphical representation.Grafana readily integrates with InfluxDB and Telegrafto make monitoring of sensor, system and network metrics much easier and far more insightful.

The process of setting up a Grafana dashboard and integrating it with various data sources is straightforward. Grafana ships with a feature-rich data source plugin for InfluxDB. The plugin includes a custom query editor and supports annotations and query templates.By clicking on “Add Data Source” in Grafana UI, you configure it for InfluxDB. Once finished, you can select “New Dashboard” button, to start visualizing InfluxDB data of your interest.Click here to learn how to generate Grafana dashboards from a datasource like InfluxDB.To paint a fuller picture of how InfluxDB pairs with Grafana, see how some enterprises have usedInfluxData and Grafana for DevOps, IoT, and Real-Time Analyticsuse cases.

Grafana graphing features include:

  • Fast rendering, even over large timespans
  • Click and drag to zoom
  • Multiple Y-axis
  • Bars, lines, points
  • Smart Y-axis formatting
  • Series toggles & color selector
  • Axis labels
  • Grid thresholds, axis labels
  • Annotations

Grafana provides a high level of customization for building, managing, and editing dashboards:

  • Drag and drop graphs to rearrange
  • Set column spans and row heights
  • Save & search dashboards
  • Import & export dashboard (json file)
  • Import dashboard from Graphite
  • Templating
  • Scripted dashboards (generate from js script and url parameters)
  • Flexible time range controls
  • Dashboard playlists

Various data sources, such as AWS CloudWatch and Prometheus, integrate with Grafana to produce Grafana dashboards. These dashboards are useful because they bring together data and help users to gather insights through real-time analytics. No matter where your data is, or what kind of database it lives in, you can bring it together with Grafana.

Grafana dashboard examples

How to Visualize Time Series Data | Time Visualization Graph (19)

How to Visualize Time Series Data | Time Visualization Graph (20)

How to Visualize Time Series Data | Time Visualization Graph (21)

Time series custom graphs

Apart from pre-canned dashboards that come with various visualization tools, custom graphs can be built to adapt the data visualization to the developer’s needs, use case or audience. Below is an example of custom time series graphs used for monitoring a solar battery using a mobile phone.

How to Visualize Time Series Data | Time Visualization Graph (22)

The above graphs, respectively, show the amount of energy stored in the solar battery (of aBlue Planet Energystorage unit that allows buildings equipped with solar panels to store unused solar energy); battery consumption over a 24-hour period; and battery storage over time (which gives users different time increments to query from).

How to Visualize Time Series Data | Time Visualization Graph (23)

The above graphs show usage against production (enabling homeowners seeking a Net Zero lifestyle to see how their overall production of solar energy compares); a 24-hour view of usage against production; and usage by device (by registers, which are individually monitored parts of the breaker box).

Building custom graphs using Dygraphs Charting Library

Custom time series graphs can also be built using Dygraphs — an open source JavaScript charting library in development since 2006. Dygraphs is an appealing visualization for dashboards due to its combination of performance and interactivity.

Why use Dygraphs?

  • Open source
  • Canvas-based
  • Easy to get from nothing to an interactive chart
  • Fast and flexible

Dygraphs allows you to build custom plotters. The plotter option allows you to write your own drawing logic. This can be used to achieve powerful customization.

In the below chart example, a specialized plotter is used to draw a bar plot rather than a line plot.

How to Visualize Time Series Data | Time Visualization Graph (24)

Below, a specialized plotter is used to combine four series into a unified “candle” plot.

How to Visualize Time Series Data | Time Visualization Graph (25)

The plotter option may be set on a per-series basis to create mixed charts.

How to Visualize Time Series Data | Time Visualization Graph (26)

How to Visualize Time Series Data | Time Visualization Graph (27)

Learn how toadd dygraphs to your projectand how it can be used to facilitate interactive data exploration.

Graphing one or more time series on a chart

You can graph one or more time series per chart. Charts can be:

  • Separated – can graph one time series (each time series on a different chart). These separated graphs are useful because they provide a clear uncluttered view, but can make it hard to make direct comparisons.
  • Overlapping – can graph different time series on the same graph in order to compare them (as shown in the overlapping chart example below).

For example, below is a sample overlapping graph showing trend lines for 7 stock prices (overlapping prices and layered trend lines).

How to Visualize Time Series Data | Time Visualization Graph (28)

Time series chart with anomaly detection visualization

Time series charts can also visualize anomaly detection (the identification of data that does not conform to expected or usual patterns).

How to Visualize Time Series Data | Time Visualization Graph (29)

Time series chart with a prediction or trend line

Time series charts can show a prediction developed based on time series forecasting. For example,Timbergrovestreams data from their Digi queue and from IBM Event Streams (a managed Kafka service) to InfluxDB. Here, they were playing around with the built-inHolt-Winters forecasting algorithmto generate predictions on their temperature data:

How to Visualize Time Series Data | Time Visualization Graph (30)

The above chart shows Office Temperature (F) vs. Time(days). The Green line represents the raw data. The blue line represents the prediction emitted by the Holt-Winters forecasting function.

How to Visualize Time Series Data | Time Visualization Graph (2024)


How to Visualize Time Series Data | Time Visualization Graph? ›

How do you make a time series graph? To create a time series graph, label the time-axis with the time units the data was collected in and label the vertical axis with units appropriate for the values of the variable. Plot the data points and then connect the dots with lines. The graph is complete.

How do you plot time series data on a graph? ›

How do you make a time series graph? To create a time series graph, label the time-axis with the time units the data was collected in and label the vertical axis with units appropriate for the values of the variable. Plot the data points and then connect the dots with lines. The graph is complete.

What is the best way to visualize time series data? ›

A line graph is the simplest way to represent time series data. It helps the viewer get a quick sense of how something has changed over time.

How to visualize data that is given in series? ›

Line Graphs

Like we mentioned earlier, a line graph is the simplest and most common type of time series data visualization. It uses points to show how a dependent variable and an independent variable change over time. The independent variable—as the name implies—remains the same, regardless of other parameters.

What is the best plot for time series data? ›

The best visualization for displaying time series data is the Multi-Axis Line Graph. This is because it can plot multiple variables against time. From a Multi-Axis Line visualization, you can establish relationships among variables. This feature helps you to obtain many insights from such a chart.

What is the best way to graph time data? ›

The easiest, most common go-to chart for showing change over time is the Line Graph. With most line graphs, time goes along the horizontal axis (aka the x-axis).

Which type of graph is usually used for time series data? ›

Line graph (or chart): the most commonly used graph type for representing time series data. In this graph, a straight line connects each data point (sometimes, the points won't be visible but only implied by the kinks in the graph's line).

How to visualize multiple time series data? ›

Line charts are ideal for visualizing single or multiple time series to identify trends and seasonality or compare different data series over the same timeframe. Area charts. These charts are similar to line charts, but the area between the data line and the x-axis is filled with color or shading.

What is the best way to visualize graph data? ›

The most effective way to visualize graphs is through a node-link model, where nodes represent entities and links represent connections.

What are the 6 data visualization techniques used to plot data? ›

There are several common techniques used for data visualization: charts (bar, line, pie, etc.), plots (scatter, bubble, box, etc.), maps (heatmaps, dot distribution maps, cartograms, etc.), diagrams and matrices. What data visualization tools and platforms are available in the market?

How do you analyze a time series plot? ›

Interpret the key results for Time Series Plot
  1. Step 1: Look for outliers and sudden shifts.
  2. Step 2: Look for trends.
  3. Step 3: Look for seasonal patterns or cyclic movements.
  4. Step 4: Assess whether seasonal changes are additive or multiplicative.

Which chart is best for time series analysis? ›

Line charts are one of the most popular and versatile chart types for time-series data. They show the change of a variable over time by connecting data points with a line. Line charts are easy to read, compare, and customize. You can use line charts to show trends, seasonality, correlation, or deviation over time.

What are the requirements for a time series plot? ›

A time series plot requires that the data be collected in a time sequence or order – for example data collected every hour, every shift, every day, every week, every month etc.

How are data plotted in a time series graph? ›

Time series graphs can be used to visualize trends in counts or numerical values over time. Because date and time information is continuous categorical data (expressed as a range of values), points are plotted along the x-axis and connected by a continuous line. Missing data is displayed with a dashed line.

How should time series data be arranged on a chart? ›

A time series chart presents data points at successive time intervals. The horizontal axis is used to plot the date or time intervals, and the vertical axis is used to plot the values you want to measure. Each data point in the chart corresponds to a date and a measured quantity.

How do you describe the trend of a time series graph? ›

A time series graph is a bit like a scattergraph however the points are connected in sequential order by lines. Trend–by looking at the graph we can see overall whether the response variable is increasing (positive trend), decreasing (negative trend), or stable (not increasing or decreasing).

How do I make a time series scatter plot in Excel? ›

Create a scatter chart
  1. Copy the example worksheet data into a blank worksheet or open the worksheet that contains the data you want to plot in a scatter chart. ...
  2. Select the data you want to plot in the scatter chart.
  3. Click the Insert tab, and then click Insert Scatter (X, Y) or Bubble Chart.
  4. Click Scatter.

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