How to use TopCashBack to get MORE Money Back (2024)

Sign up TODAY for a FREE £10 credit !!

TopCashBack is a platform that allows users to earn cash back on purchases they’d make anyway, with retailers paying the cashback site for customer referrals. The site then shares a portion of that commission with the user.

In the following article, I’ll show you how I’ve used topcashback to get over £1,700 in cashback on purchases I would have made anyway!

I’ll show you real-world examples of how I’ve earned significant cashback from top retailers like Sky and Virgin so dive in to discover how to make the most of your online shopping!

How to use TopCashBack to get MORE Money Back (1)

Use TopCashBack to Make Money

I don’t know about you but I absolutely LOVE to get stuff for free.

Generally anyone that promises you free stuff or “Today only – massive discounts!” are trying to con you into buying things that you really don’t need and didn’t want to buy in the first place.

Take Your Cut From Their Commission

Surprisingly, cashback sites don’t work that way, they make their money from the SELLERS or retailers, not the buyers – meaning that we can buy the stuff that we would have done anyway AND get cash back – no strings attached.

What happens is that the retailer – let’s say – will pay the site for sending them customers, they then pass SOME of that money on to us – the customer as a thank you for using their website to connect with Sky.

Make sense?

Infact – later on in this post I’m going to show you how I’ve had over £1.2k back (FREE MONEY) from TopCashBack – just by shopping online and buying things that I would have done anyway!

How Does TopCashBack Work?

Basically – retailers pay the cashback site for sending them customers (you and me) and thesite gives us a cut for buying – so it’s totally FREE for the user.

Still don’t believe me?

Ok, I’m totally with you on the deep mistrust of anything that GIVES me money for nothing especially something that sounds as spammy as a “cashback site” so I’ll show you some extracts from my Top Cash Back account that I’ve had since 2014 that shows the actual money that they have paid me.

TopCashBack, like many othersites that offer cashback such as Quidco or Swagbucks, operate in a number of different countries so just because the account I will show you is UK based, it doesn’t mean it can’t work for you where you are.

Is TopCashBack free?

Yep – Totally FREE

The basic version of Topcashback (which is all you need tbh!) is FREE to use, so if you want to follow along as I go through the instructions CLICK HERE for the UKorHERE for the US to sign up for a FREE account.

How do I get a TopCashBack Account?

Simple Website or APP sign-up

Its free to join so you can go ahead and sign up on the topcashback website with nocredit card, bank account or any other such payment details needed.

You might want to add some PayPal or similar details later on though so that you can get your payout.

Enter your email address and password…..get a confirmation email from TCB (TopCashBack)… to confirm….Then you’re in!

How Do I Earn Cashback?

Just Buy Stuff!

Don’t get me wrong here, I really don’t want you to buy stuff you don’t need just for the money that topcashback offer you for the pleasure of buying through them – that would be silly! I do however suggest that you have a look at your current expenses such as:

  • Insurances (house, life and car)
  • Utilities (gas, electricity etc)
  • Mobile phone(s)
  • TV & BB
  • Credit cards
  • Savings accounts

These are all things that you are paying out for ANYWAY, if you are out of contract but haven’t managed to get around to looking for a better deal, now’s your chance!

Additionally you can get cashback when you make purchases on less practical things such as:

  • Gift cards
  • Online shopping
  • Christmas gifts
  • Grocery shopping
  • Amazon purchases
  • eBay purchases
  • Outdoor pursuits
  • Holidays and all things vacation related
  • basically anytime youshoponline!

I’ve also made some handypintables HEREthat might help you to keep track of when your contracts are up so that you can earn cashback every year not just when you remember to check. Letting your contracts and policies run on year after year not only means that you are missing out on the cashback for switching but it also means you might be paying WAY more than you need to for insurances, utilities, phones etc.

Getting a New Internet Provider Through TopCashBack

Topcashback for VIRGIN

So, now that you have your account, when you go to the home page and log in, the very top of your screen should look like this:

How to use TopCashBack to get MORE Money Back (4)

Followed by a selection of popular offers & trending deals etc. These usually include really popular retailer sites, stores and brands such as eBay, Iceland, Dell, Top-shop, Sky,Virgin, carphone warehouse, Nike and the list goes on….and on…..and ON!

To make it super easy and for the sake of demonstration, let’s imagine that we want to look for a new internet supplier…..

There is an option near to the top of the screen for “telecoms” which, if you hover over the word will give a drop down box that looks something like this:

How to use TopCashBack to get MORE Money Back (5)

Here I am going to select “Broadband ISP”. If you choose to just click the telecoms icon you will get a full list of ALL providers for all these categories so refining your search here is probably a better option.

Now I get a full list of providers and how much cash back they are willing to offer me to sign up for a contract with them.

You will notice that there is also a TopCashBack Compare option here, this is another way to get some extra bonus earnings and could be very useful if you’re not entirely sure what package you want to buy just yet. Again it costs nothing but a little bit of time to try out all the different ways to search for your new supplier via this part of the site.

How to Use Topcashback Compare

Get Paid to Compare Deals & Again When You Buy!

How to use TopCashBack to get MORE Money Back (6)

As you can see, there are a lot of offers here and these are not small numbers!

Sometimes the amount that you get might be a little less as these numbers are usually the max cashback offer that’s payable when you sign up for the more expensive packages, but you do still get some level of pay out, even if you only want a new phone line, or just the basic TV package.

My TopCashBack Experience

Below is a screenshot from my account where you can see the “claimed” sum next to the provider. This is the money that they havepaid outto me.

Since the full list of providers that have paid me since I opened the account is HUGE, this is just a small screenshot so you can see how it works – the TOTAL £ however does include the full list of everything I’ve been paid.

As you can see; from February 2014 to now (August 2020) I have claimed back a total of £1,251.47!!

How to use TopCashBack to get MORE Money Back (7)

In this screen shot you can see that theVirginMedia payout was £147 to take out a TV and Broadband package with them. Before I signed up for this package with them I’d already done some research so I was confident thatVirginwould be the best provider for me anyway, so the cash back was just a bonus deal.

It is important to make sure that you don’t jump into a contract that is too expensive or not the best deal for you JUST because of the cashback – I say this because it’s very tempting sometimes to make a purchase because you can see the great deal you’re getting and you forget to ask yourself if you really need it.

On this same screen shot you can also see that I got a payout of £48.72 for switching my utility provider – again I had done my research and this provider was the cheapest in my area so I knew that I wouldn’t be paying over the odds just to get the cash back.

Selecting the best retailer

Topcashback for SKY

Let’s get back to choosing your new internet provider…..

So you’re looking at your list of retailers, you might have already done a bit of googling to make sure you’ve fully researched their offers and you already know which one will be best for your needs, so lets click into their cashback rates and see what we can get by way of free cashback.

As it stands today, if I click on the sky option, I’ll see a list something like this:

How to use TopCashBack to get MORE Money Back (8)

Don’t forget,deals and cashback rateschange on a daily basis, I’m just showing you an example of what might be there when you get into your account.

When you click onto one of these options you will be directed to the sky website where you can complete the sign up process.

From this point forward you are basically going to shop as normal, as you have now left the cashback website and moved over to the retailer’s website.

NOTE: as long as you click the link in the topcashback site and complete the sign-up there and then you WILL (almost certainly) get your cashback automatically paid into your TCB account – there is no need to do anything else.

You will be able to login to your account at anytime to see the cashback you’ve earned, how much cash is available for your to transfer into your bank account and how much remains pending for payment.

When you enter a contract with Sky, you pay them as you would normally but because you clicked into the Sky website VIA the cashback site – SKY have to pay topcashback for sending you to them…make sense?

How to use TopCashBack to get MORE Money Back (9)

You – tcb – sky – sky provide the service to you you pay sky – sky pay tcb – tcb pay you

So on 15/05/20 I signed up for a new deal with Sky, this is the screenshot from my TCB account

How to use TopCashBack to get MORE Money Back (10)

So here you can see that topcashback have confirmed my purchase so I know that the cashback will be paid but the terms of service mean that I have to wait 25 weeks for the money to be “payable” – don’t expect to get your cash back instantly, it does take a bit of time!

So that’s it – pretty much!

Seriously, its that simple, you sign up for an account, buy the same stuff that you would normally buy when you shop online, but just click through the topcashback site first – it’s a great way to get makeextra moneyon a standard purchase.

This doesn’t just work on big things like annual TV and utility contracts though, you can use it for weekly shopping, take aways (take out) like JustEat, eBay purchases, almost anything!

TopCashBack Browser Extension

Assuming you have already signed up to Topcashback, you can use the TopCashBack browser extension as follows:

  1. Installation: First, ensure you’ve installed the TopCashBack browser extension on your preferred web browser.
  2. Shopping Online: When you’re about to make an online purchase, click on the TopCashBack extension icon.
  3. Automatic Redirect: The extension will guide you to the retailer’s website via TopCashBack’s link. This ensures that your purchase is tracked.
  4. Complete Your Purchase: Shop as you normally would on the retailer’s site. Once you finalise your purchase, the cashback will be recorded.
  5. Track Your Cashback: Log in to your TopCashBack account to monitor the cashback you’ve earned. Over time, this amount becomes “payable” and can be transferred to your bank account or redeemed in other ways.
  6. Stay Updated: The extension also keeps you informed about the best cashback deals, ensuring you never miss out on potential savings.

Remember, the key is to always use the TopCashBack link when making a purchase, ensuring that the retailer pays a commission to TopCashBack, which is then shared with you as cashback.

What about the cashback you’ve earned?

Your cashback earnings can take a little time to drop in to be honest but when they do you can earn even MORE on top of whats sitting in your payable pot.

When you have a pot of money waiting for you in the “payable” section, they offer you a selection of cashback offer EXTRA bonuses.

Check out my step by step process for withdrawals here

Bank Account Payout

If you want to take your pay-out directly into your bank account that’s totally fine but if you choose to put it into your “reward wallet” you can select from a list of vouchers that give you a bit extra on top of your pay-out amount.

Reward Wallet Payout

For example, I had about £90 in my payable account at one time, I chose one of the bonus offers and transferred my cash into a Primark voucher and I got 10% extra!

You can transfer the funds to online retailers, this could be via an online voucher code (I’ve done this with Amazon loads of times), a gift card (these are available for a wide range of stores and they are super easy to search for) or you can print the voucher off to use at a high street shop.

In my case I received a downloadable Primark voucher for £99 !!

I didn’t get to spend that much of it to be honest, but it made my daughter very happy and I was top Mum for almost a whole day without having to get out mycredit card!

It’s such a good feeling when you get to the in-store checkout with a bag full of stuff, and instead of worrying about how much it’s going to come to, you hand over a voucher that you didn’t pay a penny towards and walk away without parting with any money at all!

If you’re struggling with budgeting and getting organised with your finances in general, have a look at my free budget sheet. It’s really simple to use and it’ll cost you nothing to give it a go!

How long does it take to get your money from TopCashback?

This varies quite a lot depending on the retailer.

From Approved to Payout Can Take 1 week to 6 Months!

If you have entered into a long term contract, the retailer has to make sure that you will stay with them so they might delay sending the payment to thecashback siteuntil a predefined term has passed. This can sometimes with quite a while, I waited 90 days for one payment to be available to me.

Despite this, keep in mind that this is money you didn’t have and that you didn’t need to work for so waiting for a few months isn’t too big a deal really is it?

I have also found topcashback to be very good at tracking the payout, so if you have clicked through the site or the app properly, the chances are that you will get the payout – eventually!

Topcashback Reviews

I personally think that topcashback is great, it’s simple to use, the topcashback app is great when your shopping via the phone or tablet, I can easily search for almost any retailer I want on there plus I get an added bonus when I take my payout as a store coupon or downloadable voucher.

Topcashback is a fantastic platform for earning cashback while shopping.

The convenience of using the app on mobile devices makes it really easy to search for and access a wide range of retailers. Additionally, the option to take payout as a store coupon or downloadable voucher is a great bonus that adds even more value to the platform. Overall, topcashback is a user-friendly and beneficial way to earn savings while shopping.

Truspilot Reviews

Check out trust-pilot – currently there are 138k reviews for TopCashBack with an average of 4.5 stars! not too shabby I dont think really do you?

How to use TopCashBack to get MORE Money Back (11)

Cashback is better with friends!

How to use TopCashBack to get MORE Money Back (12)

On top of all this you can also earn money by referring your friends and family so they can get cashback too!

The payout for introducing new people to the site varies depending on what offers they have on at that time but I have earned between £7.50 and £25.00 per sign up! Key takeaway here would be to wait for the higher amount to be offered before you get all your besties on board!

So long as you send them the link when the rate is high, it doesn’t matter how long it takes them to sign up using your link, and then make 1 qualifying purchase – you still earn the higher rate.

Super easy!

EXTRA Cashback With a Linked Credit Card

How to use TopCashBack to get MORE Money Back (13)

Plus if you know you’re going to be spending on a particularcredit card, even off the topcashbacksite, you can register this with TopCashBack in your account section and you will get an extra bonus for that too!

If you still don’t want to take my word for it, check out thisthread on Reddit, these reviews onTrustPilot, or even this post from theMoney Saving Expert.

Put simply, it costs nothing to register on the site, shopping online without it is basically costing you money now that you know this is available for free. I think that using topcashback or other cashback sites is a great way to make cash without having to work for it! It could be the easiest way ofmaking moneyI’ve ever found.

If you use the app or the website for purchases throughout the year and don’t take out your cashback rewards as they become available to you, you can save the pay-outs for Christmas and have a bit of a splurge!!

Using TopCashBack or other cashback sites is a great way to save money while shopping online.

By registering your credit card on the site, you can earn extra bonuses for your purchases. It is free to register and not using it means you’re essentially losing money.

Many users have shared positive experiences on Reddit and TrustPilot, and the Money Saving Expert website also recommends using cashback sites.

By saving your cashback rewards throughout the year, you can have a nice amount to spend during Christmas. Overall, cashback sites provide an easy way to make money without much effort.

Ready to sign up for Topcashback?

How to use TopCashBack to get MORE Money Back (15)

Do you think your friends andfamily could use saving a bit of moneytoo??

Share the love……….

How to use TopCashBack to get MORE Money Back (2024)


How do I get the most out of TopCashback? ›

If you use your cashback balance to buy an Argos gift card through Reward Wallet, you'll get a 6%* bonus. If you're cashing out £100 of cashback, this would become £106 to spend at Argos. Then, when you want to spend your Argos gift card, you can go through TopCashback and earn up to 5%* cashback on your spend.

How to get money back from TopCashback? ›

Providing you have some transactions which have become 'Payable', you can request a payout at any time. To request a payout please go to the Payout section of your account and select your preferred payout option. These will only be available once you have transactions at payable status.

How do I get more cashback? ›

How to maximize cash back with your credit card
  1. Evaluate spending habits before choosing a card.
  2. Compare sign-up offers and welcome bonuses.
  3. Focus on your biggest spending categories.
  4. Pair the right cards together.
  5. Take advantage of issuers' shopping portals.
  6. Make the most of cash back apps.
  7. Use your cash back wisely.
Mar 18, 2024

How does TopCashback payout work? ›

HomeTopCashback FAQs and HelpHow does TopCashback work? It's really simple. Every time you click through and purchase something from one of the 4,000 major retailers featured on TopCashback, the retailer pays us a commission for referring you to their website.

Is TopCashback a con? ›

Is TopCashback legit? Yes. It's a reliable website that offers cashback, deals and various features to help you save money.

Is it worth being a plus member on TopCashback? ›

As a TopCashback Plus member, you will have access to a range of features and benefits in addition to those that members with a Classic account will receive, including a bonus on most transactions, enhanced Tell-a-Friend bonus rates, and cashback deals and account features that are exclusive to you!

Why can't I withdraw my money from TopCashback? ›

This could also be because you don't have relevant payout details entered on your My Profile page such as PayPal or ACH details. If this is the case, the amounts will be greyed out but you can hover over the information icon next to it' further details, or submit a support ticket if you would like more information.

Why can't I withdraw from TopCashback? ›

If you find that you can't use your desired payout option, you may need to press 'split payout by merchant', untick any restricted merchants, and wait for the amount to automatically recalculate. At present you cannot split the cashback amount from one merchant.

Why is my TopCashback not paying out? ›

If this happens, then firstly – don't panic. Please wait for seven days for this to track; as some transactions take a little while to be reported to us by the merchants. If at this stage, the cashback has not tracked to your account, simply lodge a 'Missing Cashback Claim' and we'll be able to look into it for you.

What is 3% cashback of $1,000? ›

For example, if you spend $1,000 on purchases eligible for 3% cash back, you get $30 in rewards. Then, you can usually redeem that cash back as a statement credit or a deposit to a bank account, and sometimes for a check.

Which app gives the most cashback? ›

  1. 10 Best UPI Apps for Cashback.
  2. PhonePe. PhonePe. ...
  3. Google Pay. Google Pay. ...
  4. Paytm. Paytm. ...
  5. CRED. CRED is a financial technology-based company that rewards its members for quickly clearing their credit card bills. ...
  6. BHIM UPI. BHIM UPI. ...
  7. Amazon Pay. ...
  8. MobiKwik.
Oct 31, 2023

Where can I get more than $100 cash back? ›

Stores That Give the Most Cash Back at the Register:
  • Albertson's: you can get $100-$300 with a debit card.
  • Food Lion: you can get $200 with a debit card and $50 with a personal check.
  • Safeway: you can get $200 with a debit card.
  • Save Mart Supermarkets: you can get $200-$300 with a debit card (varies by location).
Jul 19, 2019

How long does TopCashback take to pay out? ›

After you have sent the image of your receipt to us, the cashback amount will track to your account Earnings at pending status within 1 hour. It can then take up to 30 days for the cashback to be approved and made payable (the point at which you can withdraw your cashback).

How often does TopCashback pay out? ›

Rakuten was established in 1998 and TopCashback in 2011. Both have millions of members earning cash back when they shop online. Members of TopCashback get paid anytime, with no minimums or schedules to follow, unlike Rakuten' policy to pay out once every 90 days with a $5.01 minimum threshold.

Why does TopCashback take so long? ›

Generally speaking, the merchants get invoiced for the cashback after the end of the calendar month in which the transaction occurred. This means that if your transaction was at the start of a month, then you will probably be waiting a longer time for your cashback than someone who purchased at the end of a month.

How long does it take for TopCashback to pay out? ›

After you have sent the image of your receipt to us, the cashback amount will track to your account Earnings at pending status within 1 hour. It can then take up to 30 days for the cashback to be approved and made payable (the point at which you can withdraw your cashback).

Why does TopCashback take so long to pay out? ›

This is simply because that is how long it takes for the cashback to reach us. Generally speaking, the merchants get invoiced for the cashback after the end of the calendar month in which the transaction occurred.

Is TopCashback better than Rakuten? ›

TopCashback currently has an 4.6 rating on user-review website Trustpilot. Rakuten currently has an 4.4 rating. TopCashback has a hub dedicated to over 700 retailers. Rakuten keeps a percentage of member cashback and TopCashback gives 100% of earned cashback to members.

Is cash back worth it? ›

If you're looking to reward yourself with some extra cash, it's worth considering at least one quality cash-back card to keep in your wallet. It's important to consider some of the drawbacks to cash-back cards, as well, like the cap on how much you can earn or even limited redemption options.

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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.