How to use an API: Guide + tutorial for beginners | Zapier (2024)

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By Cecilia Gillen · June 4, 2024

How to use an API: Guide + tutorial for beginners | Zapier (1)

I am unabashedly a couch potato. I order groceries, get food delivered, map out how long the drive is to Barnes & Noble, and check the weather to confirm that staying inside is the best course of action—all from my cozy corner of the couch. You may think that's sad, but I'd argue it's simply convenient—and I owe those conveniences to the power of APIs.

APIs, or application programming interfaces, make the conveniences of our everyday lives possible. They connect different applications, allowing them to communicate and share information effortlessly. APIs also perform a lot of the heavy lifting for programming new apps.

I worked with an expert on APIs to put together this beginner's guide and tutorial on how to use them.

Table of contents:

  • What is an API?

  • Why use an API?

  • Getting started with APIs

  • How to use an API

  • How to connect an app to an API

  • REST vs. GraphQL vs. SOAP APIs

  • Types of APIs


What is an API?

An API is like a digital mediator that enables different software applications to talk to each other and exchange information. It defines the methods, parameters, and data formats you can use to access certain features or retrieve data from an application or service.

How to use an API: Guide + tutorial for beginners | Zapier (2)

Think about your favorite weather app. It relies on APIs to fetch real-time weather data from meteorological services and deliver it to your device. Or when you use a social media platform to log in to another app (Facebook login for Candy Crush ringing any bells?), there are APIs behind the scenes working to securely authenticate your identity.

Why use an API?

Without APIs, we'd actually have to use paper maps to find our way anywhere (and I'd be lost 100% of the time). APIs let you access data from existing sources without having to reinvent the wheel. So when you use your favorite navigation app, you're actually sending a request to cell phone towers and global positioning systems (GPS) to access location data.

On the software development side, APIs offer a shortcut, allowing developers to leverage pre-built functionalities, so they can focus their efforts on building new features. For instance, Planefinder tracks planes in real time. Instead of spending their time making their own world map, they used the Google Maps API, so they could spend their time on other features.

APIs also facilitate integration between different systems, enabling seamless data exchange across apps. This comes in handy when businesses need to share information across apps—like connecting your CRM with your email. Zapier uses apps' APIs to offer thousands of no-code integrations, so all the apps in your tech stack can talk to each other (hopefully without leaving the house).

Zapier is a no-code automation tool that lets you connect your apps into automated workflows, so that every person and every business can move forward at growth speed. Learn more about how it works.

Getting started with APIs

I'll be throwing a lot of jargon your way, so before you get started, here are a few API terms you should get to know.



API key

A unique passcode of letters and numbers that grants access to an API


The digital location where an API receives requests about its resources

Request method

Uses HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) to tell the API what you want it to do

API call

Process of a client (your computer) making an API request to a server

Status code

A number code that appears in the body of an API response that tells you if your request was successful or not

API server

Authenticates and processes API requests before delivering an appropriate response

API response

A response generated by the API server and returned to the client (your computer)

API keys

Like a password, an API key is a string of letters and numbers that serves as a unique access code or authentication token. You'll need one to access most APIs. It's a security measure to help track and control API usage, so only authorized users or applications can access the data. Similar to how you need a password to access your apps, you need an API key to access APIs.

We'll go over how to find and use these keys later.


An endpoint is where an API connects with another application, usually in the form of a specific URL or web address. Endpoints serve as the location for where requests are received and responses to those requests are sent. They're a clear and standardized way for users to work with APIs.

Imagine a vending machine. You can see all the different snacks it has inside and you have to press a specific button to receive the snack you want. An API endpoint is like a button on a vending machine, representing a particular piece of information or action you want from the API. When you "press" that button by making a request to the API endpoint, the API knows what information or action you want and provides you with the Snickers bar (er, response) you need.

Request methods

To communicate what you want to accomplish via the API endpoint, you need to make a request. There are four specific HTTP methods you can use:

  • GET: This is used to retrieve specific data from the API.

  • POST: This tells the API you want to add, or post, new data to the server.

  • PUT: This is used to update existing resources on the API.

  • DELETE: This is used to—you guessed it—delete existing data from the server.

You may also see these requests referred to as CRUD or Create, Read, Update, and Delete. Most public APIs will only let you perform GET (Read) requests to keep people from messing with their data. After all, you wouldn't want just anyone getting into a meteorology API and changing weather data.

API calls

An API call is the process of making a request, the API retrieving the data you requested, and then getting a response from the API. The only thing you have to do is make the request using one of the above HTTP methods.

Think about when you order a drink at a coffee shop. You tell the barista what you want, they put your order into the system, and then the barista hands you the drink. An API call works the same way—with a less caffeinated result.

How to use an API: Guide + tutorial for beginners | Zapier (3)

Status codes

With every request you make, you'll receive a status code. This three-digit number tells you whether or not your request was successful. The first number in the code represents the category of the status. If the code starts with a 2, your request was successfully processed. If the code starts with a 4, something went wrong. Status codes allow you to understand the outcome of your request and figure out your next move based on the response.

How to use an API

I'll be using Python (3) to show you an example of using an API. You can use other coding languages, and there are even beginner-friendly API platforms like Postman or RapidAPI (for Macs) that offer user-friendly interfaces for APIs. But Python is a pretty accessible way to use APIs, even if you're not totally fluent in the language.

1. Pick an API

There are thousands of public APIs available for use. You can search directories like GitHub or Google's API Explorer to find ones that interest you. If you're looking for a specific API, most sites will list them under Advanced settings or a Developers section, often at the bottom of the site (like in this example from Spotify).

How to use an API: Guide + tutorial for beginners | Zapier (4)

I'll be using Google's Gmail API for this tutorial.

How to use an API: Guide + tutorial for beginners | Zapier (5)

2. Consult the API documentation

Every API should provide you with some sort of documentation to start. Usually, there will be a reference section that provides the various objects, parameters, and endpoints you can access. There will also typically be an example or, in the case of the Gmail API, a "Quickstart," expressed in a few different popular languages. This document tells you:

  • What you can do with the API

  • Dependencies and requirements to use the API

  • How to use the API

You'll also find the API key in this document if there is one.

How to use an API: Guide + tutorial for beginners | Zapier (6)

To follow along with this tutorial, you'll need to:

  1. Install Python 3.10.7 (or a later version).

  2. Install the pip package manager.

  3. Create a Google Cloud project.

  4. Create a Gmail account (if you don't already have one).

3. Write a request

Now it's time to write a request, or tell the API what you want it to do. This is where the GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE methods come into play.

Here's how to perform a GET request from Gmail's API using the boilerplate code provided by Google. This will retrieve and log the labels you have saved in Gmail to your console.

  1. Copy the sample quickstart code.

  2. Open a text editor like TextEdit for Mac or Notepad for Windows. Paste the code into the text editor.

  3. Save as in the folder where you'll save all the files for this project. This is called your working directory.

  4. Open your command line client—Terminal for Mac or Command Line for Windows—and navigate to your working directory. (Tip: In Terminal, type cd + spacebar then drag your project folder from your file system into the terminal, and press Enter.)

  5. Type in python3 and hit Enter.

    How to use an API: Guide + tutorial for beginners | Zapier (8)

If you did everything right, it should pull up all your Gmail label data.

How to use an API: Guide + tutorial for beginners | Zapier (9)

How to connect an app to an API

If you're trying to integrate applications with an API, all of the above steps will still apply. But you'll also need to:

  1. Locate the API documentation for the apps you're trying to connect.

  2. Find the API key (if there is one).

  3. Follow the protocol listed (e.g., install dependencies) in the documentation.

  4. Use a command line to run the request and return the API response.

Of course, you don't really need to go to all that trouble when you can just connect your apps using Zapier instead.

REST vs. GraphQL vs. SOAP APIs

  • A REST (representational state transfer) API, or RESTful API, is the most common form of API today. It's web-based, meaning the information is exchanged online. When you make a request with a REST API, you'll receive all of the data available from the API.

  • GraphQL (query language) APIs work in a similar fashion, except they only fetch and respond with the specific data you want instead of getting all of it. So you can specify the fields you want and avoid large data exchange and a subsequent load speed headache. GraphQL APIs are fairly new to the scene and therefore not as common, but are growing in popularity.

  • SOAP (simple object access protocol) APIs use XML (extensible markup language), a type of programming language, to communicate. They were the standardized approach for communicating between different software applications in the early 2000s. They've significantly declined in popularity since then, as they're more complex and inflexible compared to alternatives like REST and GraphQL.

How to use an API: Guide + tutorial for beginners | Zapier (10)

Types of APIs

There are four ways APIs are categorized, each with its own users and privileges.

Open APIs

These are public APIs that let developers access the platform's services or data. They're also accessible for third-party integrations.Here are some examples:

  • Google Maps API: Anyone can use this API to integrate Google Maps into their apps to provide access to mapping and location-based services.

  • Notion API: This open API allows users to connect Notion workspaces with other software. Notion also integrates with Zapier for a no-code solution.

  • OpenAI API: This API lets developers connect the GPT-4o API and the Whisper API with other apps. You can also connect with these models using Zapier's ChatGPT integration.

  • Discord API: Discord channels can be integrated with external apps using this API. For a code-free option, try Zapier's Discord integrations.

Partner APIs

This is a type of API created for partners or selected third-party entities. They provide restricted access to certain functionalities or data, often for integration between the platform and its partners. Here are a few examples:

  • Facebook Login API: Third-party applications can use this API to enable user authentication with Facebook credentials for an easy login experience.

  • Airbnb Partner API: Prospective partners will be personally contacted by Airbnb's partner managers to implement this API, which integrates external booking and other systems.

  • eBay APIs: eBay offers a number of APIs to users who join the eBay Developers Program, including Sell APIs, Buy APIs, Commerce APIs, and more.

Internal APIs

These are also known as private APIs, and they're created and used by an organization for internal purposes. They facilitate communication and data sharing between internal systems. Because these are part of private or proprietary processes, they aren't generally public knowledge. Here's one example:

  • Amazon API: Amazon employees share data exclusively through their internal APIs, helping them scale over the years.

Composite APIs

Also referred to as orchestration APIs, composite APIs consolidate data or functionalities from multiple APIs. They act as a single entry point for clients and simplify the complexity of interacting with multiple APIs with a unified interface. Here are a couple of examples:

  • Twilio API: This API integrates multiple communication channels, allowing users to build comprehensive communication solutions.

  • Salesforce Composite API: This API executes multiple Salesforce API requests in one call.

APIs open up endless opportunities to create innovative applications and services. But if you just want to use APIs to integrate your apps or automate your workflows, you can skip the coding and use Zapier to connect any app—from the comfort of your couch.


Like anything involving code, data, and servers, APIs can be hard to wrap your head around if you're not a developer. But if you've made it this far, you're in good shape. For answers to lingering questions, read on.

How do I access data from APIs?

APIs are used to access data from a server or servers without making the user go searching for it. But if you want to look at the data more closely (i.e., see the Matrix), you'll likely need developer access to your chosen API. You can also access data from APIs with no-code using Zapier.

What are the 4 types of APIs?

The four most common types of APIs are open, partner, private, and composite. Open APIs are accessible to the general public. Partner APIs are only accessible to select users or teams. Private APIs are used by companies internally. Composite APIs bring multiple APIs together in one unified interface. For more details and examples of each type, scroll up to the previous section.

What is an API?

APIs are application programming interfaces that connect different apps, allowing them to communicate and exchange data. If you use a phone or a computer (which you do), you likely interact with APIs all the time without realizing it.

If you want to implement one yourself, you'll first need to find a public API and brush up on your coding knowledge. For step-by-step instructions with visual examples, check out our guide above.

Related articles:

  • Python automation: 9 scripts to automate critical workflows

  • Zapier Tables: A better way to store (and use) your data

  • Automatically extract data from your apps

  • A deep-dive into Zapier's Partner API: The ultimate embedding experience

This article was originally published by Cecilia Gillen in July 2023. The most recent update, with contributions from Dylan Reber, was in May 2024.

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Cecilia GillenCecilia is a content marketer with a degree in Media and Journalism from the University of South Dakota. After graduating, Cecilia moved to Omaha, Nebraska where she enjoys reading (almost as much as book buying), decor hunting at garage sales, and spending time with her two cats.


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How to use an API: Guide + tutorial for beginners | Zapier (16)

How to use an API: Guide + tutorial for beginners | Zapier (2024)


How to use API for beginners? ›

The typical steps involved in using an API are:
  1. Look for an API that will meet your needs.
  2. Understand the API terms for using.
  3. Read the API documentation so you can test the API.
  4. Request an API key.
  5. Using the API documentation to make an API request.
  6. Interpret the API response to see if it meets your needs.
Nov 30, 2023

What is an API integration guide? ›

API integration services allow companies to automate many processes and share the data between applications and systems. This option is used by many services. An example of API integration examples is Tripadvisor, which uses the data from different apps to create a set of proposals for your travel.

What is a simple way to explain APIs? ›

APIs are mechanisms that enable two software components to communicate with each other using a set of definitions and protocols. For example, the weather bureau's software system contains daily weather data. The weather app on your phone “talks” to this system via APIs and shows you daily weather updates on your phone.

What is an API for dummies? ›

APIs, or Application Programming Interfaces, are like a set of rules and protocols that allow different software programs to talk to each other and share data or functionality. For example, when you use a weather app on your phone, it's probably using an API to get the current weather data from a service.

How to learn writing API? ›

Step #3. API development
  1. Define all API responses. ...
  2. Handle exceptions and errors. ...
  3. Build an API endpoint. ...
  4. Implement pagination and search by criteria (as part of GET requests) ...
  5. Analyze your API performance. ...
  6. Implement client-side caching, if needed. ...
  7. Create API documentation. ...
  8. Add versioning (for public API)

Is writing API hard? ›

Unfortunately, real software development with APIs is not so simple. In fact, programmers experience significant challenges when using APIs for many categories of functionalities: networking, databases, web applications, web services, graphics, user interfaces, text processing, and so forth.

How do I create a simple API? ›

Choosing your API design tools
  1. In the console, open the navigation menu and click Developer Services. Under API Management, click Gateways.
  2. On the APIs page, click Create API Resource and specify its Name. ...
  3. Click Create to create the new API resource.
  4. Write the backend code. ...
  5. Test the backend code. ...
  6. Deploy.

Is API testing easy to learn? ›

API testing can be one of the most challenging parts of software and QA testing because APIs can be complicated, they are often based on protocols and standards that we often do no encounter in other kinds of testing.

What is an API with an example? ›

APIs allow developers to sync data between multiple platforms and can facilitate communication among the various microservices in web applications. API integration is what does the work when, for example, you enter a new contact in Salesforce and it auto-populates to Marketo as well.

What is the basic knowledge of API testing? ›

API testing is a type of software testing that analyzes an application programming interface (API) to verify that it fulfills its expected functionality, security, performance and reliability. The tests are performed either directly on the API or as part of integration testing.

What is an API guide? ›

API docs, or API description documents, are the collection of references, tutorials, and examples that help developers use your API. Your API's documentation is the primary resource for explaining what is possible with your API and how to get started.

What is an API documentation example? ›

API documentation is a set of human-readable instructions for using and integrating with an API. API documentation includes detailed information about an API's available endpoints, methods, resources, authentication protocols, parameters, and headers, as well as examples of common requests and responses.

What does an API strategy look like? ›

An effective API strategy consists of three parts: (1) a set of goals, (2) a rationale, and (3) a plan for turning the goals into reality. It is important to have all three elements in place for the API strategy to be effective.

How API works in simple words? ›

API stands for application programming interface, and it's a software intermediary that allows two applications to talk to each other. In other words, an API is the messenger that delivers your request to the provider that you're requesting it from and then delivers the response back to you.

How to use API with example? ›

How to connect an app to an API
  1. Locate the API documentation for the apps you're trying to connect.
  2. Find the API key (if there is one).
  3. Follow the protocol listed (e.g., install dependencies) in the documentation.
  4. Use a command line to run the request and return the API response.

Is API easy to learn? ›

Unfortunately, real software development with APIs is not so simple. In fact, programmers experience significant challenges when using APIs for many categories of functionalities: networking, databases, web applications, web services, graphics, user interfaces, text processing, and so forth.

What is the easiest way to connect to an API? ›

The easiest method is to use an HTTP client to help structure and send your requests. You'll still need to understand the API's documentation, but you won't need much coding knowledge to be successful. You'll need the proper parameters, headers, and body required to make your request.

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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.