How to Track Someone Cell Phone Location Free On Google Maps Without Them Knowing (Free and Legally) (2024)

Google Maps is not just a tool for finding directions or exploring new places, it can also be used for tracking phone numbers. With the right steps and considerations, you can turn your device into a powerful tracking tool.

Step 1: Ensure the Phone's GPS is ON

The first step in using Google Maps to track a phone number is ensuring the GPS on the target phone is turned on. This is crucial as Google Maps relies heavily on GPS data to provide accurate location information.

Note: Without the GPS feature enabled, Google Maps may provide approximate locations based on Wi-Fi and cellular data.

Step 2: Add the Phone Number to Your Google Contacts

Once you've ensured that the GPS is on, you'll need to add the phone number you want to track to your Google Contacts. This enables Google Maps to recognize and track the device associated with that number.

Step 3: Use Google Maps' "Share Location" Feature

Next, access the “Share Location” feature on Google Maps. This feature allows a user to share their real-time location with others. Here’s how:

  • Open Google Maps
  • Tap on your profile icon
  • Select “Location sharing”
  • Choose "Add People"
  • Enter the contact (phone number) you want to share location with

Remember, this process will require cooperation from the owner of the target phone as they'll need to accept your location sharing request.

Step 4: Monitor Location on Your Device

Once they've accepted your request, their location will appear on your map in real-time. You can monitor this from your device at any time.

Interesting Fact: Did you know that you can also set Google Maps to notify you when the tracked phone leaves or arrives at a certain location? This feature is known as geofencing.

Key Considerations

While this method can be useful for keeping tabs on loved ones or locating lost devices, it's important to respect privacy laws and individual rights. Always ensure you have the necessary permissions before attempting to track a phone number using Google Maps.

Remember, this process requires that both parties (the one tracking and the one being tracked) have Google accounts and the Google Maps app installed on their devices.

Exploring Alternative Methods and Tools for Cell Phone Tracking

While Google Maps is a reliable tool for phone tracking, there are numerous other methods and tools available that can help you track a cell phone location. Let's delve into some of these alternative options.

1. GPS Tracking Apps

GPS tracking apps like Life360, mSpy, and FamiSafe offer comprehensive tracking features, including real-time location monitoring, geofencing, and even speed alerts for driving safety. These apps require installation on the target device and user consent for location sharing.

Did You Know? GPS tracking apps can also provide location history reports, showcasing where the tracked cell phone has been over a specific time period.

2. Network-Based Tracking

Network-based tracking utilizes the cellular network of the phone to pinpoint its location. This method doesn't require any software installation but it's less accurate than GPS tracking. It's usually used by service providers for emergency services or law enforcement.

3. IMEI Tracking

Every cell phone has a unique International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) number that can be used to track it. Law enforcement agencies often use this method in case of stolen or lost devices.

4. Social Media

Many social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram have a 'Check-In' feature that allows users to share their current location. While not as reliable or real-time as other methods, it can provide hints about someone's whereabouts.

5. Find My iPhone/Find My Device Services

Both Apple and Android offer native services - Find My iPhone for iOS devices and Find My Device for Android - that allow users to locate their lost devices using another device or computer.

Important Consideration: Always remember to respect privacy rights when using these methods and tools for tracking cell phones. Unauthorized tracking is illegal and unethical.

Don't forget! These tools and methods require varying levels of consent and cooperation from the device owner. Some may also require specific technical knowledge or access to sensitive information like IMEI numbers or network access. Always research thoroughly and choose the most suitable method based on your needs and ethical guidelines.

Locating Lost or Stolen Devices with Other Methods

If you've lost your device or suspect it has been stolen, don't despair. There are a variety of other methods you can use to locate your device. Let's explore these options:

1. Third-Party Apps

There are numerous third-party applications available that can help you track your lost or stolen device. Some popular ones include:

  • Prey Anti-Theft: This app not only locates your device but also lets you lock it remotely to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Lookout: Lookout offers security and antivirus features in addition to tracking capabilities. It also provides a 'Theft Alert' system that notifies you when suspicious activity is detected.

Interesting Fact: Some of these apps even allow you to trigger an alarm on your device, even if it's set to silent mode, making it easier to find if it's nearby.

2. Use of IMEI Number

Each mobile phone has a unique International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) number which can be used for tracking. To use this method:

  1. Find your device's IMEI number (usually found on the device box, invoice, or through your network provider).
  2. Report the loss/theft and provide the IMEI number to your network provider who can help track the device.
  3. Alternatively, there are online services that allow you to track your phone using its IMEI number.

Note: While this method can be effective, it requires specific technical knowledge and should be used responsibly respecting privacy rights.

3. Using Google Timeline

Google Timeline maps out all location data collected from your devices which can be helpful in tracking a lost one. You'll need a Google account linked to your device for this method.

Important: Always remember that tracking a phone without consent is not only unethical but also illegal. All the methods discussed above require varying levels of consent and cooperation from the device owner. Make sure to respect privacy rights and use these tools responsibly.

How to Track Someone Cell Phone Location Free On Google Maps Without Them Knowing (Free and Legally) (1)

Monitoring Family or Employee Activity Beyond Google Maps

While Google Maps is a widely used tool for tracking the location of a lost device, there are other methods available that can be used to monitor the activities of family members or employees.

1. Use of Parental Control Apps

Parental control apps allow parents to keep track of their children's digital activities. Some of these apps also include location tracking features. Examples include Net Nanny and Norton Family.

  • Net Nanny: This app provides comprehensive monitoring capabilities including internet filtering, time management, and app blocking.
  • Norton Family: In addition to tracking location, this app offers web supervision, time supervision, and search supervision.

Remember to always respect privacy rights when using these tools.

Note: These apps require consent from the device owner and should not be used without proper authorization.

2. Employee Monitoring Software

For businesses, employee monitoring software can be an effective way to track productivity and ensure responsible use of company resources. Such software may include features like computer usage monitoring, keystroke logging, and email monitoring.

  • Teramind: This software provides user activity monitoring, data loss prevention, and insider threat detection.
  • ActivTrak: ActivTrak allows employers to gain insights into team behavior and productivity through analytics.

Again, it's crucial that these tools are used responsibly and in accordance with privacy laws.

Important: These technologies should only be used in accordance with local laws and company policies. Consent from the employee is typically required.

3. Other GPS Tracking Apps

There are also several GPS tracking apps available that can provide real-time location information for family members or employees. These include Life360 and Geo-Tracker.

  • Life360: This app offers features like real-time location sharing, location history, and emergency alerts.
  • Geo-Tracker: Geo-Tracker is ideal for tracking the routes of employees or family members during travel.

Again, respect for privacy rights and obtaining necessary permissions are paramount when using these tools.

In conclusion, while Google Maps can be a valuable tool for tracking a lost device, there are several other effective methods available for monitoring the activities of family members or employees. It's important to remember that these methods should only be used with appropriate consent and in a responsible manner.

Privacy and Security Considerations in Cell Phone Tracking

Cell phone tracking, an essential tool for many individuals and businesses, raises significant privacy and security considerations. When used correctly, this technology can offer invaluable benefits, from locating lost devices to ensuring employee productivity. However, misuse or overuse can infringe on personal privacy and potentially violate laws.

Key Privacy Concerns

Cell phone tracking can lead to several privacy concerns, especially when used without the necessary permissions:

  • Unauthorized Access: Without proper consent, tracking a person's mobile device can be considered unauthorized access to their personal information.
  • Invasion of Privacy: Continuous tracking might lead to invasion of privacy, as it exposes personal details like location history and daily routines.
  • Misuse of Personal Information: Collected data could be misused for malicious purposes if it falls into the wrong hands.

Essential Security Measures

To effectively manage these concerns, it’s crucial to implement robust security measures:

  1. User Consent: Always obtain clear and informed consent from the individual before initiating any form of tracking.
  2. Data Encryption: Use strong encryption methods to protect collected data from potential cyber threats.
  3. Policy Compliance: Ensure your tracking activities comply with local laws and company policies.

"Privacy is not something that I'm merely entitled to, it's an absolute prerequisite." - Marlon Brando

GPS Tracking Apps: A Double-Edged Sword

Applications like Life360 and Geo-Tracker provide real-time location information which can be beneficial for family safety or employee monitoring. However, they must be used responsibly:

  • Life360: Along with real-time location sharing, this app offers features like location history viewing and emergency alerts. All users should be aware of these capabilities before use.
  • Geo-Tracker: Ideal for tracking travel routes of employees or family members, but continuous tracking could potentially invade an individual's privacy.

Remember, while cell phone tracking can be a valuable tool when used correctly, it’s important to respect privacy rights and obtain necessary permissions to maintain trust and legality.

The Future of Cell Phone Tracking Technology

Smartphone tracking technology has evolved rapidly over the years. In the future, we can expect even more advanced capabilities. Here are a few potential trends:

1. Enhanced Geofencing

Geofencing involves setting up virtual boundaries around a geographical area, and when a device enters or exits that area, an alert is triggered. Current applications of geofencing include tracking deliveries, monitoring employee movements at workplaces, and sending location-based marketing notifications.

In the future, we may see geofencing combined with other technologies for more comprehensive tracking solutions. For instance, integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) could allow systems to predict patterns and behavior based on historical data.

2. Increased Use of Machine Learning

Machine learning can be used to analyze location data and identify patterns or anomalies. It could be instrumental in predicting user behavior and providing personalized services based on individual's movements.

For instance, if a person visits the same coffee shop every morning, a machine learning system could recognize this pattern and send them a coupon for their favorite drink as they approach the shop.

3. Improved Indoor Tracking

While GPS is effective for outdoor tracking, it's less precise indoors. However, advancements in technology like Wi-Fi-based positioning systems (WPS), indoor positioning systems (IPS), and radio frequency identification (RFID) are improving indoor tracking accuracy.

"The future of cell phone tracking technology will likely involve more precise indoor tracking capabilities."

4. Integration with IoT Devices

The Internet of Things (IoT) could further expand the scope of cell phone tracking by integrating with various devices within homes, offices, vehicles, etc. This can provide more detailed information about an individual's habits and preferences.

For example, if your smartphone is connected to your smart fridge, the fridge could track when you typically have meals or snacks and provide recommendations accordingly.

Remember that while these advancements can offer numerous benefits, they also raise important issues around privacy and security. Always be mindful of how you use tracking technologies, ensuring compliance with laws and respect for individual privacy.

How to Track Someone's Location On Google Maps Without Them Knowing Free and Legally

The information provided here is for educational purposes only. It's essential to respect an individual's privacy and only use these methods with their explicit permission or for legitimate purposes, such as parental control or employee monitoring.

1. Use a Location Tracking App

A straightforward method is to use a location tracking app. These apps are designed to run in the background without the user's knowledge. You can install one on the target device and monitor their location remotely.

  • Find My Friends: This app is available on iOS devices and allows you to share your location with friends and family, and vice versa.
  • mSpy: A comprehensive monitoring tool that allows location tracking, geofencing, call logs viewing, and more.

2. GPS Tracking Devices

If physical access to the target device is possible, using a GPS tracking device can be an effective solution. They're small, unobtrusive devices that can be hidden in a car or bag.

Interesting Fact: Modern GPS trackers can last up to a couple of weeks on a single charge and provide real-time updates.

3. Social Media Platforms

Most social media platforms have location-sharing features that users often leave enabled. If they do, you might be able to see their check-ins or tagged locations.

  • Facebook: Check the person's recent check-ins or places they've been tagged.
  • Instagram: Look at location tags on posts or stories.

Remember, these methods should only be used with the full knowledge and consent of the person being tracked. This guide is primarily intended for parents wanting to ensure their children’s safety or employers ensuring workforce productivity while out in the field. Misusing this information can lead to serious legal consequences.

Alternative Methods to Track Someone's Location on Google Maps

Tracking someone without their permission is a violation of both law and trust, leading to damage in relationships and potentially cyber risks for users. Tracking apps are notorious for collecting too much personal data that leaves users exposed.

Google Maps can be an efficient way to keep an eye on loved ones, particularly children. By using its phone number tracking feature, you can instantly pinpoint their location within seconds.

How to trace someone’s recent locations on Google maps?

Google Maps is an invaluable tool that enables you to locate anyone's physical location with their phone number. This feature can be used for many different reasons, including tracking lost phones, locating friends or family members who may have moved, investigating suspicious calls and more. There are various methods of using this feature on Google Maps such as an Android's IMEI number or native GPS navigation to do just this - however it should be remembered that tracking someone without their consent is illegal.

One of the easiest and simplest ways to locate someone on Google maps is with a third-party app. While there are plenty of choices available, be wary of any that charge hidden fees or include intrusive features; certain of these apps allow real-time tracking capabilities!

Google Maps app itself offers another great solution. With its built-in sharing feature, this can allow you to share your location with other users - perfect for keeping tabs on children while they're at school or out with their friends! Just note: this method only works if both parties involved use Google Maps simultaneously.

Glympse is an app specifically designed to view someone's location on Google Maps, making it user-friendly and seamlessly blending into its experience. Unfortunately, however, it doesn't offer stealth mode so if you want to track someone without their knowledge you may wish to explore alternative strategies instead.

If you need to keep tabs on a cell phone in real-time, WhatsApp's live location sharing feature may be just what's needed. Compatible with both Android and iPhone devices, this tool offers an effective way of monitoring someone you care about; its only drawback being that sharing someone's location will trigger notifications so it may not be as discreet.

While Google Maps allows for many ways to track a person's location, it's essential to be mindful that some methods could be misused or exploited for illegal or unethical activities. When tracking someone, always choose more ethical, transparent methods, such as using its built-in sharing feature or AirDroid Parental Control.

Method 1: Share Location

Google's built-in location sharing feature offers one of the easiest ways to track someone: users can share their real-time location via link with friends or family, while simultaneously tracking their current position on a map. The process requires only physical access to someone's device and their Google Account information - making tracking simple!

Google's location-sharing feature strikes an appropriate balance between functionality and ethical concerns, providing a more transparent way to monitor people. Furthermore, this service won't notify those you are tracking - making it an excellent solution for parents or spouses wanting to keep an eye on loved ones without them knowing.

To share your location using Google Maps, tap your profile picture in the top right corner. Next, tap "Location sharing," select your contacts who you would like to share it with, as well as manage how long this sharing lasts.

Once you've shared your location, those with whom it has been shared can see an approximate map pin of where you are currently standing, along with information such as city, zip or postal code and even history of movement and current path; they won't however see past movements nor see potential path changes; you may opt-out at any time.

Google's own location-sharing feature can save the battery from rapid depletion compared to third-party tracking apps, making it especially helpful for older phones that may only have limited battery capacity.

Google's location-sharing feature also makes it easy to track someone without them knowing. You can set geofence alerts that notify you any time a person enters or leaves a particular zone; this feature can come in handy during group outings or unfamiliar surroundings.

Method 2: Ask for Location

No matter if it's for child safety reasons, co-ordinating with colleagues, or keeping tabs on significant others - you can use Google Maps to track a phone number. Of course, you must get their cooperation as they must agree to share their location. Although third-party apps promise extra features and enhanced tracking abilities; this method remains free and accessible across devices.

With this method, you can request someone's live location by sending them a link through WhatsApp private messaging. They can either view their current position in real-time, or choose to share a history of locations with you - making this the ideal solution if only needing someone tracked for one trip without physical access to their device.

Tracking phone numbers on Google maps is straightforward, provided you obtain their permission first. To start tracking someone on a phone number, open their map app on their phone and tap either the blue-and-white compass icon (iPhone/iPad) or target with four protruding lines (Android). A blue dot will represent their location - zoom in or out or double tap to move it around!

After you have selected the profile of a person you want to follow, tap their profile. A pin will show their current location as well as a map displaying their past 24 hour's location history. Furthermore, more options in the right-hand side menu allow for customising specific location/timeframe settings.

Eyezy makes it possible to track someone with just their cell phone number! Simply log into the control panel and navigate to Pinpoint on the left nav bar; here you'll be presented with all their past GPS locations as well as real time tracking capabilities from your computer - providing an effective solution for keeping an eye on children, coworkers, or romantic partners without breaking any laws in doing so!

Method 3: Using mSpy

If you want to track someone's location on Google maps without them knowing, there are various strategies available. One is using third-party applications like mSpy or uMobix; such apps require physical access to the device and use GPS tracking technology for accurate geotracking results. They can also monitor calls, texts, photos videos and social media activity on that device.

mSpy is an efficient monitoring solution designed for iOS devices running versions 7 to 9. It can be installed both jailbroken and non-jailbroken phones, although sending information requires using iCloud. Installation is quick and simple; once set up the app can even be set to remain hidden from target user. Features of mSpy include real-time location updates, geofencing capabilities and stealth mode.

Use mSpy to track your children's whereabouts, social media activities and online activities if there are concerns about bullying or self-harm from online sources. With its numerous privacy settings - including contact name blocking capabilities - and app blocking capabilities it provides peace of mind when monitoring children.

mSpy offers various packages, such as monthly and annual plans, with each plan having their own benefits and drawbacks. Pricing options for mSpy are highly competitive; additionally, their outstanding customer service team provides support 24/7/365.

mSpy is an excellent solution for parents seeking to monitor the location of their children on Google Maps, providing real-time location updates and an alert when their target enters or leaves a specific area. Its features also make it suitable for business owners looking to ensure employees abide by company policies on content sharing during working hours. Calendar monitoring also can prevent your child from making dates with former partners - helping ensure that more time is spent with family. In addition, mSpy can record and upload data regularly while being configured so it only uploads certain types of files over specific connections if desired.

Why you might need to track someone's location on Google Maps

As an ardent user of Google Maps, I've found its location tracking feature to be particularly beneficial. It's something that's become an integral part of our digital lives, especially when we're trying to navigate unfamiliar terrains or find the quickest route to our destinations. However, the application extends beyond just finding locations or directions; it also allows us to track someone's location on Google Maps.

This feature doesn't just cater to our curiosity; it also plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety of our loved ones. It provides real-time information about their whereabouts, consequently giving us peace of mind. But before we delve into the specifics of how to use this feature, it's essential to understand why it might be necessary to track someone’s location.

There are several reasons why one might need to track someone's location on Google Maps. As a parent, you may want to monitor your child's movements to ensure their safety. As an employer, you might want to know if your employees are indeed at their assigned locations. Friends could also use this feature to meet up at a common venue.

However, it's important to respect privacy and obtain the necessary permissions before tracking someone's location. Misuse of this feature can lead to serious consequences, and it's essential to remain ethical and respectful when using it. Now, let's understand Google Maps' privacy policy to ensure we're on the right side of things.

Understanding Google Maps' privacy policy

Google Maps' privacy policy is comprehensive and transparent. It's designed to respect user privacy while providing highly functional services. When it comes to location tracking, Google Maps requires the consent of the person being tracked. This consent is usually obtained when the person accepts a location-sharing request.

This policy exists to prevent misuse of the location tracking feature. It is a commitment to user privacy and ensures that tracking someone's location on Google Maps is done ethically and responsibly. Now that we're clear about the privacy policy, let's move on to the step-by-step guide on how to track someone's location on Google Maps.

Step-by-step guide on how to track someone's location on Google Maps

Tracking someone's location on Google Maps is quite straightforward. First, launch the Google Maps application on your smartphone. Slide out the menu from the left and select 'Location sharing'. Then, click on 'Add People', and choose how long you want to share your location. Finally, select the person with whom you want to share your location.

Remember, the person being tracked must accept your request before you can see their location. Once they accept your request, their location will be visible on your Google Maps. Now, let's understand how to use Google Maps' location sharing feature.

Using Google Maps' location sharing feature

Google Maps' location sharing feature is a handy tool for tracking someone's location. It allows you to share real-time location with your friends, family, or colleagues for a specified duration.

Once your location sharing request is accepted, you can see the person's location marked on your map. You can click on their icon to check their location details. You can also get directions to their location or set a notification to alert you when they leave or arrive at a particular place. But while using this feature, safety should be your utmost concern.

Safety considerations when tracking someone’s location

Safety should always be a priority when tracking someone's location on Google Maps. It's crucial to respect privacy and avoid intruding into someone's personal space. Misuse of this feature can lead to serious consequences, including legal action.

Moreover, it's important to regularly check your Google account to review who you're sharing your location with and for how long. Always remember to stop the location sharing once the purpose is served. Let's now discuss some tips for precise tracking on Google Maps.

Tips for precise tracking on Google Maps

For precise tracking on Google Maps, ensure that the person being tracked has a stable internet connection and their location services are turned on. Also, make sure they have the latest version of Google Maps installed on their device.

It's also beneficial to set up location-based alerts. This way, you'll be notified when the person leaves or arrives at a certain location. Now, let's look at some common issues and solutions when tracking a location on Google Maps.

Common issues and solutions when tracking a location on Google Maps

Sometimes, tracking someone's location on Google Maps might not work as expected. The person's location might not be visible, or the location might not be accurate. In such cases, check if the person’s device has a stable internet connection and their location services are enabled.

Also, ensure that they have accepted your location sharing request. If the problem persists, try restarting the Google Maps app or the device. Now, let's explore some real-life applications of tracking a location on Google Maps.

Real-life applications of tracking a location on Google Maps

Tracking a location on Google Maps has many real-life applications. It's useful for parents who want to ensure their children's safety. It's beneficial for friends coordinating a meet-up. It's also handy for employers who want to track their employees' location during work hours.

However, it's important to use this feature responsibly and respect the privacy of the person being tracked. As we conclude, remember to always use this feature ethically.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I track a phone number using Google Maps?

To track a phone number using Google Maps, first ensure that the phone's GPS is turned on. Then, add the phone number to your Google contacts and use Google Maps' 'Share Location' feature to request access to their location. Once they've accepted your request, you can monitor their location on your device.

What are the key considerations when using Google Maps to track a phone number?

When using Google Maps to track a phone number, it's important to consider that this method can be useful for keeping tabs on loved ones, but it should not be used for unauthorized tracking. If you've lost your device or suspect it has been stolen, there are other methods such as using third-party apps, the IMEI number, or Google Timeline to locate it.

What are the privacy and security considerations in cell phone tracking?

Cell phone tracking can raise privacy concerns, especially if used without consent. To address these concerns, it's crucial to implement essential security measures and be mindful of the potential privacy implications. It's important to use cell phone tracking responsibly and ethically.

What does the future of cell phone tracking technology look like?

The future of cell phone tracking technology is likely to involve enhanced geofencing, increased use of machine learning for analyzing location data, improved indoor tracking capabilities, and integration with IoT devices. These advancements could expand the scope and accuracy of cell phone tracking.

How can I track someone's location without them knowing?

There are several methods for tracking someone's location without them knowing. You can use a location tracking app, GPS tracking devices if you have physical access to the target device, or leverage location-sharing features on social media platforms. However, it's important to note that these methods should only be used ethically and with proper consent.


In conclusion, tracking someone's location on Google Maps is a useful feature when used responsibly. It's easy to use, but it's crucial to respect privacy and obtain the necessary permissions before tracking someone's location. Remember, the aim should always be to ensure safety and not to invade personal space. I hope this guide helps you use the location tracking feature efficiently and responsibly.

How to Track Someone Cell Phone Location Free On Google Maps Without Them Knowing (Free and Legally) (2024)


How to Track Someone Cell Phone Location Free On Google Maps Without Them Knowing (Free and Legally)? ›

To locate someone for free on Google Maps, access their phones, go to Google Maps → Profile → Location sharing → Your contact → Share. Then send an SMS to your phone with a location link to track the other party's phone for 24 hours. You have to repeat this procedure every 24 hours to keep tracking them, though.

How to track someone location live for free on Google Maps? ›

Get someone's location
  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open the Google Maps app​ .
  2. Tap your profile picture or initial. Location sharing.
  3. Tap the profile of the person you want to find. To update the person's location: Tap on the person's icon More. Refresh.

How to track someone's location live for free without them knowing? ›

4. Use Gps to Track a Phone Without Them Knowing (For Android Users)
  1. Log in to the Google Account linked to a target device.
  2. Swipe to the bottom of the screen to access all connected devices.
  3. Choose the device you want to track.
  4. View the location of a target device on the map.

How to find someone's location by mobile number using Google Maps? ›

You can search for a business or place associated with a phone number using Google Search. But you can't pinpoint a person's real-time location with just a number on Google Maps. If someone shares their location with you via Google Maps, you can track it. You can also use Find My Device for the same on Google Maps.

Is there a completely free cell phone location tracking? › is a free cell phone tracker that allows users to monitor the location of their loved ones in real-time. The platform is designed to work on both Android and iOS devices, making it accessible to a wide range of users. One of the key features of is its easy-to-use interface.

How can I track a loved one location for free? ›

Google Maps provides real-time location updates and estimated time of arrival. Find my Phone - Family Locator offers personalized text alerts. WhatsApp allows location sharing with chats and groups. Life360 provides safety features like SOS alerts and roadside assistance.

Can you track a phone without location services on? ›

Even if your location services are turned off, your phone can still be tracked through your IP address.

Can someone track my phone location without me knowing? ›

A device that is infected with malware or spyware can track your location even if your location settings are turned off. Malware can also record your online activities, allow cybercriminals to steal personal information, or slow down your operating system.

How to locate someone for free? ›

One way to find someone's address for free is by using online directories such as Whitepages or ZabaSearch. Another option is to search for the person on social media platforms like Facebook or LinkedIn, which may provide their contact information.

How to track location with mobile number free? ›

All you need is a handy free mobile phone tracker to find location using phone number.
  1. 10 Top Apps to Track Someone's Location With Phone Number. ...
  2. mSpy. ...
  3. ...
  4. SpyX. ...
  5. EyeZy. ...
  6. Hoverwatch. ...
  7. uMobix. ...
  8. Phonsee.
Jul 4, 2024

How do I track a cell phone location with Google Maps for free? ›

Track a Cell Phone Location for Free on Google Maps – Step By Step
  1. Enable GPS on Their Phone. ...
  2. Open Google Maps. ...
  3. Tap Their Profile Picture. ...
  4. Select 'Location Sharing' ...
  5. Select 'Share Location' ...
  6. Check the 'Until You Turn This Off' Option and Select Your Device in the List. ...
  7. Confirm by Tapping 'Share' ...
  8. Send the Location-Sharing Link.
May 27, 2024

What is the best free app for tracking location? ›

1. Best Location Tracking App For Android and iPhone
  • 1.1. Life360 – Family Locator, GPS Tracker.
  • 1.2. Find My Kids: Child locator.
  • 1.3. Google Find My Device.
  • 1.4. Shop: Delivery & Order Tracker.
  • 1.5. Cartrack.
  • 1.6. Hubstaff.
  • 1.7. Tractive GPS for Dogs and Cats.

Is there a GPS tracker that is free? ›

5Live Mobile Location Tracker

It is a worldwide free GPS tracking app for Android. That means anywhere in the world where your phone is, and you can track it with this app.

Is mobile tracker free really free? ›

Yes, Mobile Tracker Free can be used free of charge by accessing all features. A premium version exists, it allows to keep your data longer on our servers, to remove the advertisem*nt and remove some limitations.

How to track mobile number live location for free? ›

The Truecaller online platform helps you track phone number free with the number owner's details and locations. It also has a paid mobile app on Android and iPhone functions like a call manager that can identify callers' details and avoid spam calls.

How do I track someone's route on maps? ›

How to Track Someone's Location on Google Maps - Step-by-Step
  1. Open Google Maps. Open the Google Maps app on your iPhone or Android device. ...
  2. Access Your Account. ...
  3. Select Location Sharing. ...
  4. Share Location. ...
  5. Choose a Contact. ...
  6. Request Location Sharing. ...
  7. View Their Location.
6 days ago

How can I track a GPS location for free? ›

iKeyMonitor is a free GPS tracking app that provides real-time location tracking on the map so you can know exactly where your child or employee is.

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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Author information

Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

Address: 5050 Breitenberg Knoll, New Robert, MI 45409

Phone: +2556892639372

Job: Investor Mining Engineer

Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.