How To Teach Kids About Money - Sweet Frugal Life (2024)

Teaching kids about finances.

Teaching my kids how to be smart with money has always been very important to me as a parent. I believe if they can learn how to handle money when they are young, then they will be much more successful as adults. Honestly, I would rather them make money mistakes with $5 than make the mistakes with $5,000 (ya know?!?!). But, it can be hard to know exactly just how to teach kids about money.

How To Teach Kids About Money - Sweet Frugal Life (1)

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Here are a few things that have helped me to teach my kids about money:

  • Money Confident Kids Website. This website is full of FREE resources, games, printables and activities to help kids understand finances. I have found so many helpful information here.
  • Object Lessons. A few years ago we did this fun object lesson with our kids. It was a huge success and I loved watching the wheels turning in my kids head as we counted out the money, it’s something I hope to try again one day!

How To Teach Kids About Money - Sweet Frugal Life (2)

  • Smart Money Smart Kids: Raising the Next Generation to Win with Money by Rachel Cruze and Dave Ramsey. This book is one of my favorite books I have ever read. It outlines exactly what to do to give your kids the knowledge they need about money. I highly recommend it to ALL parents.
  • At Home Money System: The most successful thing I have done to help my kids learn about money is through our simple money system. Having an at home money system gives kids a hands on approach to budgeting, saving and spending. I am sharing all of the nitty gritty details with you about this below!


Yes. My kids get an allowance. No, they are not spoiled.

I know, I know! Allowance kindof has a bad rap, and a lot of people don’t understand why we use one.

I get it! Many people think allowance is a handout, and do not want their kids to grow up spoiled or entitled.

So why then would I give my kids an allowance??? Well, I will tell you!

I believe that there is a right way and a wrong way to use an allowance. If done correctly an allowance can be a wonderful TOOL in helping kids learn how to spend wisely.

How To Teach Kids About Money - Sweet Frugal Life (3)

Here’s the thing…..I received an allowance as a child….but, I was expected to buy my own clothes, make-up, shoes, extra curricular activities, outings with friends, etc.

Honestly, I grew up to be very responsible with money, I did not become spoiled, entitled or lazy, I did not expect a free handout once I became an adult, and I believe a big part of this is because I was given an allowance and learned how to manage my money at a young age.

I learned early in life how to budget and save and spend wisely. Instead of asking my parents to buy me a brand new pair of name brand shoes and being disappointed when they told me it was to much money; I was given a set amount of money and I learned to decide for MYSELF that the name brand shoes were to much money and I would rather shop around for a better deal. I am so grateful to my parents for helping me to learn this lesson.

  • Related:This is What Happens When You Give a Teen an Allowance

Using an Allowance as a Tool

So, how do we use allowance as a tool? I will share with you what has worked for us, and hopefully it will work for you too!

Once our kids turn eight years old they start receiving a small allowance of $5 a month. This is what I call the “practice allowance.” The $5 is meant to help them get into the habit of saving and tithing.

We teach our kids to save 20% and tithe 10% to our church. The rest of their allowance money can be used for spending.

This spending money is usually spent on buying small treats or toys, birthday presents for friends and family or to save up for something a little larger. (my son is currently saving for a lego set!).

At age 13 the kids graduate from “practice allowance” to a bigger allowance. They now begin to receive $25/month and are responsible for buying more of their own clothes and activities.

Once they turn 15 the amount will increase again, along with more responsibilities. My goal is to slowly teach them how to manage their own money and provide for themselves.

The way I see it, I could either pay for their clothes myself and my kids will learn that mom buys clothes. OR, I could give them an allowance, they can buy their own clothes, and they learn how to manage money and to decide between needs and wants. Either way the money still comes out of my pocket.

I have been so proud watching my kids manage their allowance. They save WELL more than the expected 20%, and have been so responsible with their money.

My oldest has learned to shop at discounted clothing stores; such as Ross, TJ Maxx, Uptown Cheapskate, etc. Instead of complaining to ME when something costs to much, she gets to make that decision for herself. I honestly wouldn’t parent any other way.

How Does It Work?

Visual learning works great for kids! So, I have bought my kids these savings tins to help them practice saving, spending and tithing.

I couldn’t find the exact savings banks that we bought for our kids, but I did find a similar version on Amazon here!

These tins help to make saving money a little more fun for the kids. My kids love that they have their own key to lock up their very own personal bank.

You do NOT need to spend money on savings banks though. Feel free to set your kids up with three envelopes or three jars, anything that will store money will work!

The very first things our kids do after receiving their allowance is go get their savings bank and tithe 10% to our church, save at LEAST 20% for their future, such as college and a car.

I pay them using change to make it easier to tithe and save. If it’s time for their monthly $5 allowance then I will give them 4 one dollar bills and 4 quarters. They know that two quarters go into their tithing bank, one dollar in their savings and the rest into spending.

How To Teach Kids About Money - Sweet Frugal Life (5)

Lessons Learned

The lessons I have seen my kids learn since implementing these methods have been HUGE and absolutely PRICELESS. A few of the things I have watched them learn are:

1.Their future is important to them

Kids care about their future. If we give them the opportunity to care, they will!

I have been so impressed with my kids as I’ve watched them save MUCH more than the required 20%. They understand that they will be responsible for a lot of their future expenses and are very motivated to save for those moments.

We talk often about their future and the expenses coming. They understand that they will need to buy a car, help pay for college and provide for themselves as adults. Because of this conversation, they work hard to save and plan ahead.

2. Some things are just not worth spending money on

Each of the kids have had moments in the store when they have fell in love with a toy. I always remind them that they have their own money to spend and if they want to buy it they can.

Once I give them the choice to buy it themselves with their own money, they pause to really think about this decision. Some times, they use their money and buy what they want. Other times, they decide it is not worth spending money on.

I love watching them make these choices. They learn so much more by making the decision themselves, rather than me saying it’s not worth the money.

3. The harder they work the more money they will have

You might be wondering about this section…..yes. My kids are paid an allowance (not connected to chores). They also know that money comes from working hard.

How does this work? I will explain it to you!

My kids do not get paid for the majority of their household chores. I believe that helping keep the house clean is just part of being in a family and should not receive payment.

However, I do pay the kids for what we call “extra chores.” These extra chores are chores above the basic house cleaning. My oldest gets paid for mowing the lawn and my youngest gets paid for feeding the dog.

Whenever they want to earn extra money, they can ask me for an extra chore, and I will give them one.

4. It feels good to give.

Our kids are taught that paying a tithe to our church is a way to help and bless others who might not have much money. We also believe that our Heavenly Father blessed us with our wealth, and will bless us by giving back to Him and His church.

Instilling this into our kids have been a huge blessing. I love watching them give to others and to our church.

How To Teach Kids About Money - Sweet Frugal Life (6)

In Conclusion

These are the things that have worked well in my family. I have loved watching my kids make mistakes with money and then learn from those mistakes. It’s not always easy to see them fail….but the lessons they learn afterwards are worth it!

What works for one family won’t work for all families. Try a few of these ideas out, find what works for your family. Your kids will thank you when they are older, I promise!

Related Articles:

What I have learned about living a sweet and frugal life on ONE income

Money Lessons for Kids: The night we taught our kids the TRUTH about money

The Envelope Money System: A Beginners Guide

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I hope this helps you learn how to teach kids about money.

How To Teach Kids About Money - Sweet Frugal Life (2024)


How to teach kids about saving money? ›

We have five simple yet effective tips to help parents teach their children the value of saving:
  1. Set Up a Savings Account: ...
  2. Discuss Wants vs. ...
  3. Allow Them to Earn Their Own Money: ...
  4. Help Them Set Savings Goals: ...
  5. Provide Incentives for Meeting Savings Goals:
Mar 26, 2024

How do rich people teach their kids about money? ›

Money Works for You

Wealthy parents emphasize the power of passive income and investments. They teach their children early on about the magic of compound interest and the value of having money work for them, rather than constantly working for money.

How to teach value of money to kids? ›

When they're little
  1. Introduce the value of money.
  2. Emphasize saving.
  3. Introduce them to investing.
  4. Encourage a summer job.
  5. Introduce them to credit.
  6. Consider a Roth IRA.
  7. Help them set a budget.
  8. Encourage them to stay invested.

How do I teach my child to be frugal? ›

10 Frugal Habits To Teach Your Kids While They're Still Young
  1. Teach Them To Talk About Money. ...
  2. Teach Them To Manage Expenses. ...
  3. Instill the Value of Resourcefulness. ...
  4. Teach Them How To Budget. ...
  5. Teach Them Money Can Be Fun. ...
  6. Encourage Saving and Investing. ...
  7. Help Them Learn To Make Financial Decisions. ...
  8. Teach Delayed Gratification.
Dec 5, 2023

What is the best age to teach kids about money? ›

Hirshman suggests starting even earlier, between three and five. "This is when they have the ability to make choices and reason," she said, adding that starting simple and progressing to passing on parents' own money values is ideal.

What is the savings rule for kids? ›

It could help to create a general “rule” with your child, like 30% of their money should always go to saving or for every $2 in the spending jar, one should go to saving—however you and your child decide to prioritize and divide the money is fine.

What parents should teach their kids about money? ›

10 ways parents can teach their children about money
  • 1) Have a conversation. ...
  • 2) Don't forgot about physical cash. ...
  • 3) Explain how money is earned. ...
  • 4) Explore the difference between need and want. ...
  • 5) Set Savings Challenges. ...
  • 6) Involve them in the weekly shop. ...
  • 7) Talk about different ways to pay.

How do you teach a spoiled child the value of money? ›

Talk with your kids about saving for short term wants, like a new cell phone for older kids or a Lego set or doll for younger kids. Help them set aside a specific amount of allowance each week to save so they can reward themselves with the exciting purchase. Long-term savings is critical, but often neglected.

At what age do children understand the concept of money? ›

Research by The Money Advice Service reveals that most children can recognize the value of money and understand the link between earning money and income by the age of seven. By this age, most kids can plan, delay decisions and understand that some choices around spending are permanent.

How to be frugal but not cheap? ›

15 Tips for Living Frugally Without Looking Cheap
  1. Eliminate monthly subscriptions.
  2. Shop for new insurance.
  3. Reduce prescription costs.
  4. Buy used items.
  5. Rent, don't own.
  6. Purchase at the right time.
  7. Buy high-quality products.
  8. Enlist your friends.

What is a good way to save money as a kid? ›

Buy used: Buying used items, such as textbooks or sports equipment, can save a lot of money compared to buying new items. Encourage your child to look for used items online or at garage sales and thrift stores. Avoid eating out: Going out to eat can quickly add up, especially if your family does it frequently.

How do I set my child up for wealth? ›

6 Ways To Set Your Child Up for Financial Success
  1. Start Early. ...
  2. Engage Them in Daily Activities. ...
  3. Be Strategic With Cash Gifts. ...
  4. Encourage Entrepreneurship and Earning Their Own Money. ...
  5. Offer a Small Loan. ...
  6. Get Your Kids Into the Right Savings Vehicles.

What are the 5 steps to save money? ›

5 simple steps to start saving
  • Set one specific goal. Rather than socking away money into a savings account, set specific goals for your savings. ...
  • Budget for savings. Just because you decide to save doesn't mean it's going to happen. ...
  • Make saving automatic. ...
  • Keep separate accounts. ...
  • Monitor & watch it grow.

How to teach kids about banking? ›

Here are some techniques for teaching young kids about banking.
  1. Show Them That Stuff Costs Money. ...
  2. Discuss Budget Limits. ...
  3. Teach Them How to Divide Allowances. ...
  4. Talk About Saving and Spending. ...
  5. Use a Clear Piggy Bank. ...
  6. Start Counting Bills and Coins. ...
  7. Show Opportunity Cost. ...
  8. Give Commissions, Not Allowances.
Aug 24, 2023

What are the 4 steps to saving money? ›

Let's start with your monthly budget.
  • Step 1: Make a budget. A written budget maps out your income and expenses by showing where your money goes, month-to-month. ...
  • Step 2: Plan your savings. That extra money can build for the future. ...
  • Step 3: Manage your debt. ...
  • Step 4: Invest.

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.