How To Stop Lifestyle Inflation From Gobbling Your Wealth (2024)

How To Stop Lifestyle Inflation From Gobbling Your Wealth (1)

How To Create A Lifestyle Budget Fit For Your Finances

When your expenses increase along with your income you’ve fallen into the game of lifestyle inflation also known as financial creep.

Lifestyle inflation can cause a fiery financial disaster if you’re not careful about how you manage your money.

You can be rich and broke and you can be poor and broke or you can live life according to a budget and build wealth.

A buddy of mine regrets buying a new BMW when he landed a new job and he’s not alone.

Lifestyle inflation plays with your mind if you let it and can lead you into deep financial debt.

Lifestyle Inflation Creeps Up On You

What is lifestyle inflation?

It’s almost like finding $20 on the ground and just spending it frivolously without thinking how else that $20 can better be spent.

A new job that pays you far more than the last or an income boost from your current employer is wonderful news.

What’s not money smart is when you take that increased income and put it towards increasing your lifestyle.

This is what is called lifestyle inflation and becomes a whirlwind of money up’s and down’s if you’re not careful.

In the past, I’ve written many articles about how to handle situations where you may run into financial troubles.

  • Job loss
  • Employment Changes
  • Health problems
  • Family matters

Financial Rules For Financial Success

I don’t know how many times I’ve heard of rich people going bankrupt and poor people finally getting it together.

There’s no magic scientific data that will help you become debt-free but what is available are financial tools.

In the world of finance, there are rules, one of them being to spend less than you earn if you want to get ahead.

I know some people may challenge that perhaps if there is an investment that will yield great results.

This is true, investing in real estate for example might be a tight purchase but may reap rewards years to come.

Some investors rely on rental income to pay for the mortgage if they can’t afford it themselves or to earn more money.

Rental income can be iffy and there may be times when the place is empty. Can you afford the empty rental payments?

Should you do this at the expense of going broke in the meantime? – Risk is tough but for some, it pays off.

What about if you’re rich and buying multi-million dollar homes and need to sell at a loss?

It happens and happens often decreasing net worth and eventually, if that keeps up they’ll run out of money.

This is just another reason why you should never rely on your real estate investment as your retirement income.

It doesn’t matter if you’re rich or living with little savings any money lost is money coming from your pocket.

Eventually, if you do this too much you’ll end up with potentially nothing at the end but bankruptcy.

How Much Lifestyle Inflation Are You Willing To Give?

How many of you are willing to save every dollar into buying a house without thinking of possible consequences?

I can tell you that people do this especially right after they get a new job or a big raise.

We only have to look at how many people have lost their jobs due to Covid-19 as a recent example of a giant economical mess.

Best part is that it’s not slowing down yet so if you’re fortunate to get a raise hang on tight.

You can’t just forget about debt and just invest in real estate and believe all of your financial problems will disappear.

This is never the case which is why I stayed true to paying off consumer debt first then invested in buying property.

The main reason: Not everyone has the means to tidy up a financial mess if it were to occur. In other words, no emergency savings or bustin bank accounts.

Anyone who is living on the financial edge who rents or owns a home can tell you it’s not a fun place to be so why go there?

Let me explain why people go there.

Lifestyle Inflation Feelings Of Success

Lifestyle inflation boosts those good endorphin feelings that we get inside when we achieve something great.

There’s something about your boss patting you on the back saying you’ve done a great job and here’s your bonus for the year.

Or, perhaps you’ve landed a new position in the company you’ve worked for years and it pays almost double your income.

Showing off to friends and family how successful you are won’t get you very far either.

Buying a fancy car won’t pay your bills.

Expensive clothing that you can probably replicate for less somewhere cheaper means nothing.

Do you really think people look at your labels?

I sure as heck don’t care what anyone wears as long as they’re wearing something.

Financial Advice As A Financial Tool

What it all boils down to is how you control the urge to spend and manage the money you didn’t have in the first place.

There’s a reason why lottery winners get advice before they rush out to get their 50 million dollar cheque from the OLGC.

Financial advice is powerful especially if you don’t want to lose everything you’re getting which can be overwhelming for some people.

You’ve worked for minimum wage your entire life and then suddenly land a career with an $85,000 salary.

Minimum Wage Yearly Ontario

Ontario Example:

Let’s say you go from working full-time earning minimum-wage earning a gross income of $29,400 ( including 3 weeks total of holidays and statutory weeks.

Hours per week 40 x (52 weeks per year3 (Holiday + Statutory weeks) ) x 14.00 hourly wages = Annual Salary

This is your gross income and not your net which means you still need to pay taxes on this money.

Your net pay after deductions would be approximately $24,086.

How To Stop Lifestyle Inflation From Gobbling Your Wealth (2)

Ontario Salary increase to $85,000 yearly

How To Stop Lifestyle Inflation From Gobbling Your Wealth (3)

Calculation source:

So you are going from a net income of $24, 086 to $62,861 with a difference of $38,775

That’s an extra $3231.25 every month compared to what you used to take home.

How would you manage that money?

These are just rough estimates I’m putting out there but consider there could be even more expenses.

  • Buy An Expensive Car $8000 down and $900 monthly payments for 5 years $10,800 (plus maintenance/insurance)
  • Vacation $5000
  • New Furniture $3000
  • Designer Clothing/Shoes/Accessories $2500
  • Gym Membership or Club Membership $120 month $1440/ year
  • Eating Out $ 100-week x 52 weeks $5200

That alone totals $27,940 decreasing your bottom line to $10,835 to pay down debt, save for a downpayment on a home (if you want one), create emergency savings, increase or begin your RRSP, or TFSA.

Keep in mind that you must pay for the new vehicle for the next 5 years.

Lifestyle inflation can quickly take over and you’ll see yourself in potentially one of these situations or even all.

  • Debt to income ratio is out of whack and takes over
  • Savings are far and few
  • Little to no retirement savings
  • Home downpayment dwindles instead of increases

As you can see it’s very easy to blow massive amounts of money in a year with lifestyle inflation.

If you’re not careful the excess income you are enjoying can spill over into debt overload.

For some people, immediate lifestyle inflation will occur and for others, they take the time to figure out how to grow that money.

Those are the smart people.

I’m not saying you shouldn’t spoil yourself but there’s always something greater to consider other than clothing, holidays, jewellery, and general stuff you can do without.

If you have a financial advisor or even if you don’t make a phone call and set up a meeting to talk to one.

Getting solid advice from someone who knows what they are talking about will help ease your mind.

How To Control Lifestyle Inflation

I just went through a wage increase from my employer, not once but twice but there’s no lifestyle inflation happening here.

Mind you, we’re not talking mega-buck lifestyle inflation for me but an extra $6000 is a nice pay rise every year.

As you may have guessed I work in a union environment so I’m not at the top level of my earning potential.

Every year around August I get about $5-6k increase for my yearly wages until I reach the top income level.

I’ve still got about 10 years to get to the top of my castle and along the way, everything is going to get expensive.

As well, I get any union increases that were or are negotiated with my employer which is kind of what happened here.

Anyways, to make a long story short we have extra cash that some people may consider valuable to pay the debt, save or invest.

Then there are those people who dive into financial wealth increases with lifestyle inflation.

Even the little expenses add up to big ones over time, coupled with economic inflation and you’re back at square one.

6 Ways To Control Lifestyle Inflation From Eating Into Your Wealth

So how do you control lifestyle inflation?

There are a few ways that you can prepare yourself which I will discuss below.

Keep in mind that each of your lifestyles is different so you must find what works best for you.

For us, we control any lifestyle inflation the best we can with a budget, willpower, goals, financial advice, and remember that anything could happen.

Yes, we are debt-free including our mortgage but we never take that for granted.

1. Outline Lifetime Goals – Short-term and Long-term

What are your short-term and long-term goals, for example?

I’m going to tell you right now that some of your goals will never happen. That’s reality, however, that doesn’t mean you should try.

Setting goals is as easy as sitting with yourself or partner and thinking about what you want from life.

Related: How to create goals (free budget binder printable)

Write your goals down and include costs that might be involved with your goals and how you plan to reach them.

You may need to revisit your goals monthly or even yearly to see if they align with your current budget and lifestyle.

In some cases, people lose their jobs, quit, have health problems and so on which affect their goals.

2. Create A Low Budget Lifestyle

Without hesitation, a budget should be part of every household whether you are in a relationship or not.

A low budget lifestyle is a budget that takes into consideration all the budget categories that are critical every month.

These are typically expenses that are fixed expenses and variable expenses while taking into consideration savings and investments.

Paying yourself first is key which is what we do with our zero-based budget although other budgets might fit your lifestyle.

  • Budgeting Jars
  • Envelope Budget
  • Irregular Expenses Budget
  • 50-30-20 Budget
  • Excel Budget
  • Pen and Paper Budget

Also, find ways to save money whether it be from choosing a bank with no fees or saving money using Canadian rewards.

A KOHO Pre-paid VISA card is a great way to help you budget and save your money by allowing you to set up savings and see where your money is going. This allows the user to spend smarter.

How To Stop Lifestyle Inflation From Gobbling Your Wealth (4)

Invest your money in banks that have no fees such as Simplii Financial or EQ Banks in Canada.

Tangerine Bank is another Canadian Bank Account without a brick and mortar business that we belong to without bank fees.

3. Moderate Changes

This means that it’s ok to make gradual changes to your lifestyle but do so in an affordable manner.

Valuing experiences over buying stuff you don’t need makes for even more money to set aside for bigger goals.

4. Avoid New Debt

When your income increases the last thing you want to do is create new debt if you don’t have to.

I’m not talking about buying a new house or going back to school but consumer debt that you can control.

You will always have the ability to say NO so if you’re mindful of your spending and think before you spend you’ll be in a better place financially.

5. Financial Sacrifice

It’s nice to have everything but having everything you want comes with a big price-tag.

Financial sacrifice means going without or perhaps saving for something until you have the money in full. ex: a vacation

Keep in mind that you must prioritize what is important in your life and by creating a budget you’ll understand how much money you have to work with.

Just remember that stuff never lasts especially when it goes out of style the next month, two months, or year.

6. Automated Savings

Whether investing in a tax-free savings account, retirement savings account or any other investment accounts paying yourself first is a win.

Consider yourself part of the team that oversees your business (you) and you get a paycheque at the end of the day.

By doing so that leave less money on the table for you to blow and more invested in what will help with your future.

For example, our projected expenses, emergency savings, and retirement savings are either transferred or auto-paid from our bank account.

Also, buy automating your savings it assists with building your emergency savings fund for present important situations.

Your Wealth Consumes Lifestyle Inflation If You Let It

In the example above the only way to increase the bottom line is to cut back on expenses such as the yearly holiday, clothing, and eating out.

For some people, there is no possibility to cut back especially if they overspend into the negative but have ongoing costs such as a vehicle payment.

In that case, the only way to increase the bottom line which would be capped is to earn more money.

Lifestyle inflation is great in the short-term to have a bit of fun but can terrorize your long-term goals and investments.

Oh, and as for my friend who bought the expensive BMW he’s cutting his losses, selling it, and buying something economical.

Live and learn and sometimes it’s the hard way but that’s how we grow as adults.

Discussion: How have you handled an increase in wealth or income and did you fall prey to lifestyle inflation?

Leave me your comments and experiences below on this topic as I’d be interested to read your feedback.


How To Stop Lifestyle Inflation From Gobbling Your Wealth (2024)


How To Stop Lifestyle Inflation From Gobbling Your Wealth? ›

In order to reverse lifestyle inflation, tracking your expenses is one of the most important things you can do. It's impossible to know where your money is going if you're not tracking it. Track your expenses against your overall goals.

How to reverse lifestyle inflation? ›

Live Below Your Means

Living within your means combats lifestyle inflation by ensuring that your spending aligns with your income, preventing unnecessary financial strain. By sticking to a budget and avoiding the temptation to upgrade your lifestyle with every pay increase, you can maintain control over your finances.

How to counter lifestyle inflation? ›

Strategies for Avoiding Lifestyle Inflation
  1. Calculate Real Changes to Budget.
  2. Plan for Mindful Spending.
  3. Build an Emergency Fund.
  4. Choose Experiences Over Things.
  5. Make Gradual Changes.

How do you curtail the inflation lifestyle? ›

Lock in emergency funds and retirement savings before anything else. "It is important to always make sure that any additional spending one does to improve lifestyle happens after being sure an emergency fund is established, savings for retirement aren't curtailed, and consumer debt doesn't increase," says Camua.

How to avoid lifestyle creep? ›

How to Avoid Lifestyle Creep
  1. Try out the pay yourself first savings method. ...
  2. Automate your savings and investments. ...
  3. Create a monthly spending plan and stick to it. ...
  4. Set goals and track your progress. ...
  5. Limit revolving debt.
Jul 9, 2024

How to outsmart inflation? ›

Spending less than you earn and avoiding high-interest debt can set a strong foundation for your future. Build on it by keeping money on hand for emergencies, strategies to protect what you have, and investing for growth potential. Navigating uncertainty may be easier when you focus on the things you can control.

What is the lifestyle inflation trap? ›

Also known as “lifestyle inflation,” lifestyle creep is a term used to describe people's rising standards of living and expenses in response to increases in income. This often leaves people in a similar financial position, despite earning more money.

What is the difference between lifestyle creep and lifestyle inflation? ›

Lifestyle creep, also known as lifestyle inflation, is a phenomenon that occurs when as more resources are spent towards standard of living, former luxuries become perceived necessities.

How to afford life with inflation? ›

In the meantime, consider following these seven tips to help you more easily afford things you need.
  1. Eliminate unnecessary expenses. ...
  2. Shop for groceries differently. ...
  3. Reduce your home's energy bill. ...
  4. Don't waste gas. ...
  5. Pay off your debt. ...
  6. Increase your income. ...
  7. Keep saving for the future.

What is the lifestyle creep in retirement? ›

Lifestyle creep is what happens sometimes when you make more money: you spend more money. It happens slowly, without you really realizing it. The downside of this creep is that when your income decreases—such as with unemployment or in retirement—you might run out of savings as you continue this lifestyle.

Are Americans struggling financially? ›

Almost half of Americans say they are having a hard time staying where they are financially, according to a new poll. The poll, conducted by Monmouth University's Polling Institute and released Wednesday, found 46 percent of Americans surveyed said they are struggling to remain where they are financially.

How do you survive financially during inflation? ›

To survive inflation, consider spending or saving less, earning more, and using money wisely, especially if you're retired. Additionally, be mindful of taking on new debt and consider refinancing to fix your rates or consolidate existing debts.

What is it called when you spend more than you earn? ›

spendthrift. Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day for January 9, 2012 is: spendthrift • \SPEND-thrift\ • noun.

How do you deflate your lifestyle? ›

There are many ways you can lower your expenses through lifestyle deflation. For example, you could start by creating a budget and tracking your spending to identify areas where you're overspending. Then, you could make conscious decisions to cut back on those expenses.

How do I curb my spending habits? ›

How to Stop Spending: 7 Strategies to Try
  1. Discover your “why” Curbing your spending means saying no to purchases from time to time. ...
  2. Review your spending habits. ...
  3. Redirect your behavior. ...
  4. Build a budget. ...
  5. Pay with debit or cash. ...
  6. Make the most of your mobile banking app. ...
  7. Try a no-buy.

How do you prevent budget burnout? ›

To help mitigate the burnout, we're sharing strategies proven to foster a healthy money mindset so you can build slack and reduce financial stress.
  1. Be realistic with your spending plan. ...
  2. Avoid extreme frugality. ...
  3. Track your expenses. ...
  4. Prioritize self-care. ...
  5. Talk to a friend or family member. ...
  6. Visit a Financial Health Center.
Apr 3, 2024

What is the best way to reverse inflation? ›

In modern times, the preferred method of controlling inflation is through contractionary monetary policies imposed by the nation's central bank. The alternative is a cap on prices, which don't have a great record of success. In either case, soft landings are hard to pull off.

How do you inflation proof your life? ›

Here are five ways that can keep you better protected against high inflation.
  1. Avoid holding too much cash. ...
  2. Reevaluate your portfolio. ...
  3. Consider delaying Social Security payments. ...
  4. Plan for healthcare costs. ...
  5. Spend less and save more.
May 24, 2024

How do you back out inflation? ›

The third step is to geometrically back out the inflation amount using the following formula: Inflation-adjusted return = (1 + Stock Return) / (1 + Inflation) - 1 = (1.233 / 1.03) - 1 = 19.7 percent.

What is the reverse of inflation? ›

Deflation is the decline in the price level of goods and services associated with a contraction in the supply of money and credit. The money supply is influenced by central banks. When the supply of money falls, without a corresponding decrease in economic output, the prices of all goods tend to fall.

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Author: Terrell Hackett

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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

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Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.