How to Short Stocks: Short Selling & Put Options | (2024)


by TradingView

This Page's Content Was Last Updated:

December 14, 2023

How to Short Stocks: Short Selling & Put Options | (1)How to Short Stocks: Short Selling & Put Options | (2) WOWA Trusted and Transparent

What You Should Know

  • Shorting a stock is the practice of selling a stock that you do not own.
  • One might short a stock when they believe the stock price will fall.
  • Short sellers will profit if they buy back the stock cheaper than what they sold it for.
  • A short seller loses money if they can’t buy the stock back cheaper than their sale price.

What is Meant by Being Short?

If you are "short" on an asset or security, it means you stand to gain from a decrease in its price. The opposite of being short is being "long," signifying a position where you stand to profit from an increase in the price of a security. Therefore, shorting a stock means that you think the price will decrease. Engaging in short-selling involves selling assets or securities that you do not currently possess.

Shorting Stocks

Shorting stocks involves borrowing shares and then selling them on the market. The goal is to repurchase them at a lower price later.

Payoff from Buying a Stock Compared with Payoff from Shorting it

Initial Price was $10

Physical Short

How to Short Stocks: Short Selling & Put Options | (4)How to Short Stocks: Short Selling & Put Options | (5)

By borrowing and short-selling an asset, you can become physically short of it, whether it is a precious metal, a stock, or a bond. By borrowing and short selling, you have opened a short position. Later, when you buy back that asset and return it to the owner, you have closed your short position. Thus for a short trade, the steps of the trade are reversed compared to the regular long trade, where you buy the security and later sell it.

Very Risky

In a short trade, the amount of possible loss is unlimited while the amount of possible profit is limited.

Shorting a stock is a negative income strategy as if a dividend is paid while shorting the stock; you need to compensate your stock lender for that dividend. Theoretically, zero is the lower bound for a security's price, while there is no upper bound for a security’s price. Thus in a long trade, the potential for loss is limited to the cost of the security, while the potential gain is unlimited. On the contrary, in a short trade, the potential for loss is unlimited while the profit potential is limited to the stock price minus trading and borrowing fees.

As you can see by now, odds are set against those who are shorting stocks. You should short a stock only if you have a high conviction in the demise of that stock over the short term. As a retail investor, you would be relying on your stock broker to help you borrow the stock to short. The only thing you do is give a sell order.

When you do not own the stock you are selling, the broker would understand that this is a short sale. The broker should only execute your sell order if they are reasonably confident they can deliver the security for settlement in two business days. If any of their customers have those stocks in a margin account, they can lend those stocks to you.

Margin Account

There are two types of accounts you can have with a trading platform. One is a cash account, and the other is a margin account. With a cash account, you deposit your money, and based on your order, your broker uses that cash to purchase securities for you. Any security in a cash account is held with your broker in trust. Your broker cannot use those securities for any purpose. Only cash accounts can be registered with the Canada Revenue Agency for preferential tax treatment in Canada. Thus TFSA, RRSP, and RESP are all cash accounts.

A margin account defines a more complex relationship between you and your broker. Any asset in a margin account is held by your broker as collateral against which you may be able to borrow either money or other securities. Your broker can lend out your securities and earn money from them. Selling short entails borrowing securities and putting up collateral. Thus a short sale is limited to margin accounts.

A margin account is an account in which a customer's assets are used as collateral, allowing the customer to borrow money (and securities) from their broker. All customers' assets are registered under the broker's name, and retail customers are beneficial owners of those assets. Meaning that they own their securities even though it is not registered under their name.

If a broker wants to lend securities from a customer’s cash account, it should seek permission to do so as those securities are with the broker for safekeeping. In the case of margin accounts, securities are with the broker as collateral, and the broker can lend them on its own. Just as borrowing money from a broker (or any financial institution) entails paying interest, borrowing securities entails paying a borrow fee or a stock loan fee. The borrowing fee is often expressed as a percentage of the security’s price.

Large institutions like pension funds, mutual fund managers, ETF sponsors and the like are often willing to lend their shares for some extra income. Brokers would go to such holders if their relatively large customers need to borrow a stock. The borrowing fee is a function of supply and demand. The borrow fee changes daily depending on the ease or difficulty of locating that stock. Borrow fees are often small compared with changes in stock prices, but in cases where many investors have been shorting a stock and there have not been many lenders, borrow fees above 60% per year have occurred.

It is natural to think that a company with accounting irregularities is providing the best stock to short. Yet when news of such irregularities gets to regulators, they might halt trading in such stocks for long periods. In such cases, short sellers would be paying a borrow fee for an extended period of time when the stock price is frozen.

Most Shorted Canadian Securities

As of 31 October 2023

Just as borrowing money to buy stocks requires collateral, borrowing shares to short them would require collateral. The amount of this collateral would depend on the stock and your broker, but it is always greater than the stock price. Proceeds of the short sale provide part of this collateral, while you must provide the rest either as cash or as marginable securities. Marginable securities are securities that can be bought on margin.

After selling a stock short, if the stock price decreases, the collateral needed for your short position would decrease, and your account’s excess margin would increase. On the contrary, if the stock price increases, the amount of collateral you need for this position increases, decreasing your account's excess margin. You will receive a margin call if the price move is large enough to bring your account into a margin deficit.

A margin call is when your broker asks you to send money to your margin account. If you can’t or do not send cash fast enough to your margin account, the broker will buy back the shorted stock. Some brokers, like Interactive Brokers, might not give you time to deposit some money into your account and might close your position immediately when a margin deficit occurs.

A similar situation can occur in a long trade if you have bought stocks on margin and the price decreases. So any time you use leverage, that is, either buying with borrowed money or selling borrowed securities, you risk being forced out of your position. You might be right about a stock you have shorted being overvalued or a stock you have bought on margin being undervalued but be forced to close your position prematurely by taking a significant loss.

John Maynard Keynes, the famous British economist, was a successful investor until he lost most of his wealth in the 1929 stock market crash. He has a famous quote, “the market can stay irrational longer than you can stay liquid.”

The Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC) regulates brokers, dealers and exchanges in Canada. IIROC twice each month publishes a short sale trading statistics report and a consolidated short position report. The first report informs the public about the portion of each securities trade being short sales. In comparison, the second report informs the public of the aggregate number of short positions in each security.

According to the most recent report by IIROC, the most shorted security on Canadian markets is ISHARES S&P/TSX 60 INDEX ETF, with close to 83 million units sold short. The index which is often used to represent Canada’s stock market is the S&P/TSX composite index. There is no ETF which tracks this index, so those who are interested in trading the Canadian market often use the S&P/TSX 60 index instead. The latter index includes the 60 largest companies from different sectors of the Canadian economy. This very large short position in S&P/TSX 60 suggests that many market participants are feeling bearish about the Canadian market.

The second and third most shorted securities on Canadian markets are Telus Corporation, with the ticker symbol T and Manulife Financial Corporation, with the ticker symbol MFC.

20 Most Shorted Canadian Securities (Stocks) as of Oct 31, 2023
Security Issue NameSecurity SymbolNo.Shares

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Considering short positions taken by other investors is essential for gauging sentiment as well as assessing risk. On the one hand, it is an indicator of sentiment in the market. On the other hand, seeing a significant short interest tells anyone who wants to take a long position that there is likely a compelling case to be made against the stock, and they are better to think through their reasoning for going long.

Cenovus Energy and Canadian Natural Resources have the largest number of short-sale trades. These are both Canadian Oil and Gas companies. Some investors expect a drop in Canadian Oil and Gas companies' share prices.

15 Canadian Stocks with the Largest Portion of Trade Value Being Short Sale as of 16 October 2023
SecurityCompany NameListing MarketShort Sale Trades% Total TradesShort Traded Volume% Total Traded VolumeShort Traded Value% Total Traded Value
GCA.XGencan Capital Inc.CSE21001,876100$169100
MCM.AMatachewan Consolidated Mines, LimitedTSXV133.310090.1$1990.3
KUR.HKure Technologies, Inc.TSXV33020,00089.9$1,58590.3
TRGTarachi Gold Corp.CSE1238.7589,00079.7$14,39080.8
MOJOMojave Brands Inc.CSE825120,00074.2$6,05574.8
TLVINVESCO S&P/TSX COMP LOW VOLITLTY IDX ETF UNTSX63763.6240,64166.9$6,164,95066.5
GMG.WT.AGraphene Manufacturing Group Ltd. wt A 16AugTSXV22013,00064.3$5,20066.4
AETHAether Global Innovations Corp.CSE617.675,88861.7$2,65665.9
CMETClarity Metals Corp.CSE20767.6433,60064.7$24,33462.2
MTAMetalla Royalty & Streaming Ltd.TSXV3,31259.7722,03061.8$2,829,14561.8
CDVACordovaCann Corp.CSE1501,00066.7$12558.1
TINYTiny Ltd.TSXV75539.1566,55058.1$1,344,01556.8
EMNEuro Manganese Inc.TSXV4125.6556,00056.3$66,21056.4
SBIOSabio Holdings Inc.TSXV7266.170,50056.2$26,50556.1

Example for Short Selling

Investor A shorted 100 shares of the Toronto-Dominion Bank on 16 May 2022 for $92 per share. They bought back these shares on 30 June 2022 for $84 per share. Investor A paid a $10 commission for each trade and an average 5% stock loan fee. After closing their position, Investor A felt they had left too much money on the table and decided to repeat their success. So they sold 100 TD shares on 4 July 2022 for $83 and repurchased those shares on 11 August 2022 for $85. The tally for these speculations is in the table below.

First SpeculationSecond Speculation
Proceeds of Short Sale$9,200$8,300
Buyback cost$8,400$8,500
Trade cost$108$104

How to short a stock?

As a retail investor, you would be relying on your stock broker to help you borrow the stock to short. The only thing you do is give a sell order. When you do not own the stock you are selling, the broker would understand that this is a short sale. The broker should only execute your sell order if they are reasonably confident they can deliver the security for settlement in two business days. If any of their customers have those stocks in a margin account, they can lend those stocks to you.

How Often is Shorting Stocks Better Than Going Long?

To answer this question, it is tough to investigate 1500 companies listed on Toronto Stock Exchange. So we consider the S&P TSX index as an average of Canadian listed companies.

Over the five years between mid 2017 and mid 2022, comparing each business day closing price to the last business day closing price, the index rose 706 days and fell 548 days. In other words, you would have done better on 56% of days being long, while you would have been better off short on 44%. But this comparison is unfair because the S&P TSX index comprises 250 of the most successful companies in Canada. Toronto stock exchange is constantly listing successful growing companies while delisting failing companies. Among these listed companies, more successful ones become members of the index while the weaker ones are left outside the index.

Indirect Short

Call Option Payoff vs. Put Option Payoff

Strike Price is $10

Inverse ETF

There are ways to benefit from a price decline other than establishing a physical short position. The easiest way to benefit from a price decline is to buy an inverse ETF. With an inverse ETF, you do not need a margin account and limit your downside risk.


Another option for benefiting from a price decline is using options. There are two types of options: call options and put options. A call option gives you the right but not the obligation to buy an asset at a specified price called the strike price by a selected date called the expiration date.

Similarly, a put option gives you the right but not the obligation to sell an asset at the strike price by the expiration date. Buying put options would benefit you from a falling price; similarly, selling a call option would allow you to benefit from a falling price.

A synthetic short position can be made by buying at the money put and selling at the money call option. An option with a strike price very close to the current market price of the underlying asset (security) is called at the money (ATM).

Future Contracts

As the name suggests, a futures contract is an obligation by a seller to deliver an asset with specified quality and quantity at a specified date in exchange for a specified price. At the same time, the buyer must receive the asset with specified quality and quantity and pay the specified price for it.

Futures contracts are commonly used for commodities, precious metals and financial instruments. Commodities with active futures contracts include crude oil, natural gas, wheat, corn, copper, and aluminum. Selling a futures contract results in a short position, while buying a futures contract results in a long position. The margin requirement for futures contracts is typically 3%-12% of the contract's notional value. So when trading futures contracts, you leverage your deposit between 8 to 30 times. A multiple between 8 and 30 will amplify any profit or loss. This shows the grave risk involved in trading futures contracts for speculation.

Reasons for Short Selling

Shorting can be done either for speculation on falling prices or hedging purposes. Hedging is any action that reduces the risk from a specific factor. For example, if you sell put options on RY, you face the risk of losing money if the price of RY falls. You can hedge this risk by shorting RY.

An airline sells plane tickets months in advance; it risks losing money if jet fuel prices rise. It can hedge this risk by buying (taking a long position in) futures contracts for jet fuel. A wheat farmer faces the risk of losing money if wheat prices fall significantly by the harvest time. They can hedge this risk by selling (taking a short position in) futures contracts for wheat. An activist investor buys a stake in a company and pressures the company to implement changes which would result in an improved share price. They risk losing money if the market as a whole decline, even if their strategy is successfully implemented. They might choose to hedge this risk by shorting a market index.

Risks Associated with Physical Short Selling

If you order various investment strategies based on their risk profile, you would have savings accounts and GIC investments on the low-risk end of the spectrum and short selling on the high-risk end of the spectrum while buying stocks would be in between. Some of the risks associated with short-selling stocks are explained below.

  1. If you make a mistake, there is no limit to losses. For this reason, some traders use stop-loss orders on their short positions. These orders instruct the broker to buy back the stock if its price exceeds the loss they are willing to absorb.
  2. There is no limit to the borrowing fee if the stock becomes hard to borrow. Also if the investor who has lent his shares wants to sell them and your broker cannot find other shares to borrow for you, you would have to buy back and close your position.
  3. A short squeeze. If a stock is heavily shorted, it can become dangerous for short sellers. A rise in the stock price can trigger stop loss orders, which can cause a further rise in the stock price. This price rise may cause brokers to issue margin calls for other short sellers, potentially forcing them to repurchase the stock. So when a stock is heavily shorted, a danger exists for a self-feeding loop of price rises which might wipe out many short seller portfolios. When short interest in a stock is high, some traders might buy that stock to trigger a short squeeze and sell their shares to short sellers for a fast profit. To see what might happen in a short squeeze, consider the Volkswagen short squeeze in October-November 2008.

Volkswagen Stock Price During a Short Squeeze

Two metrics, short interest and days to cover ratio, are often considered to gauge the sentiment about a stock and assess the risk of a short-squeeze. These metrics are defined as

andFurther, both of these metrics are related to the likelihood of a short squeeze.

Tax Considerations

Short sales can only be achieved in a margin account as there cannot be any borrowing nor leverage in a cash account. Thus, a physical short trade cannot be made under a tax shelter like a TFSA or an RRSP. Profit realized when you buy back the borrowed shares at a lower price is a capital gain and taxed as capital gains.

Which Assets Can Be Short-Sold?

Being short is a term specifically used in relation to a fungible asset. Fungible assets are interchangeable, meaning one unit is the same as another. For instance, when you own a share in a company like the Royal Bank of Canada (RY), it doesn't matter which specific share you own among the 1.4 billion outstanding shares—they are all equal.

Likewise, the Canadian dollar is fungible, so any $50 bill and various combinations of other bills and coins totalling $50 are considered identical. In the case of pure gold, every ounce is indistinguishable from another, regardless of its source or the miner who extracted it.

The calculators and content on this page are provided for general information purposes only. WOWA does not guarantee the accuracy of information shown and is not responsible for any consequences of the use of the calculator.

How to Short Stocks: Short Selling & Put Options | (2024)


Can I short sell put options? ›

A short put occurs if a trade is opened by selling a put. For this action, the writer (seller) receives a premium for writing an option. The writer's profit on the option is limited to that premium received.

How to do short selling in options trading? ›

How to Short a Stock With Options to Hedge Risk & Maximize Profits
  1. Step 1: Choose a Stock to Short. ...
  2. Step 2: Choose the Type of Options Contract to Use. ...
  3. Step 3: Determine the strike price and expiration date. ...
  4. Step 4: Manage the Position & Exercise the Option When the Time Comes.
Mar 14, 2023

How to short a stock for beginners? ›

To short-sell a stock, here's the process from start to finish:
  1. Open a brokerage account and fund it. From here, you must take several actions.
  2. Apply for margin trading. ...
  3. Borrow the stock to short-sell. ...
  4. Monitor your account equity. ...
  5. Mind, then close your position.
Jun 28, 2024

How much does it cost to short a stock? ›

Margin loans: When you short a stock, you rack up a margin loan for the value of the stock you've borrowed. You'll pay the broker's rates on margin loans, which may run higher than 10 percent annually.

What is an example of selling a short put option? ›

What is an example of a short put? You sell a short put when you're bullish and believe the stock will stay above a certain price. For example, if you think AAPL will be above $140 in two months, you could sell a put with a $140 strike price 60 days to expiration.

Why would someone short sell an option? ›

At its most basic, short selling involves rooting against individual companies or the market, and some investors may be opposed to that on principle. However, if you have a firm conviction that a stock price is heading lower, then shorting can be a way to act on that instinct—so long as you're aware of the risks.

What is an example of a short sell call option? ›

For example, if a short call option with a strike price of $100 is sold for $5.00, the maximum profit potential is $500. The maximum loss is undefined above the break-even point. The strike price plus the premium collected equals the break-even price of $105.

How much money is required to sell an option? ›

All calculations depend upon your existing position in the underlying: For buying an option = quantity * premium. For selling an option = SPAN + Exposure + Additional margin required by the exchange - Premium Amount received.

What is the margin on short selling options? ›

Short sales require margin equal to 150% of the value of the position at the time the position is initiated, and then the maintenance margin requirements come into play from that point forward.

What is short selling for dummies? ›

Short selling a stock is when a trader borrows shares from a broker and immediately sells them with the expectation that the share price will fall shortly after. If it does, the trader can buy the shares back at the lower price, return them to the broker, and keep the difference, minus any loan interest, as profit.

Can you short a stock under $5? ›

There is so much misinformation on short selling stocks under $5. Even though short selling these stocks is perfectly legal, some brokers often tell traders that they can only short stocks trading above $5 discourage risky trading.

How do you short-sell effectively? ›

Successful short selling relies on thorough market analysis. This involves understanding market trends, financial statements, and other indicators that suggest a stock might decrease in price. Entering and exiting positions at the right moment can make the difference between profit and loss.

Who pays out when you short a stock? ›

The short seller borrows those shares from an existing long and pays interest to the lender. This process is often facilitated behind the scenes by a broker. If a small amount of shares are available for shorting, then the interest costs to sell short will be higher.

Do you need a license to short a stock? ›

Before short selling, you'll need to access margin trading, which requires permission. A brokerage can help you set up a margin account. Margin accounts need to be funded at 150 percent, which means you'll need to add 50 percent of your potential stock proceeds.

What are good stocks to short-sell? ›

Most Shorted Stocks
SymbolNamePrice (Intraday)
VLCNVolcon, Inc.3.0700
BSFCBlue Star Foods Corp.2.5100
GOVXGeoVax Labs, Inc.3.0200
IVPInspire Veterinary Partners, Inc.10.40
21 more rows

What are the rules for selling put options? ›

The put owner may exercise the option, selling the stock at the strike price. Or the owner can sell the put option to another buyer prior to expiration at fair market value. A put owner profits when the premium paid is lower than the difference between the strike price and stock price at option expiration.

Can I exercise my sell put option? ›

The holder of an American-style option can exercise their right to buy (in the case of a call) or to sell (in the case of a put) the underlying shares of stock at any time.

Can I sell a put option without owning the stock? ›

Investors don't have to own the underlying stock to buy or sell a put. A reminder: Just like call options, put options are considered derivatives because their value is derived from another security (e.g., stock, bonds, index or currency). Here we focus on put options where the underlying asset is a stock.

What happens if I can't sell my put option? ›

An option contract, in contrast to stock, has an end date. It will lose much of its value if you can't buy, sell, or exercise your option before its expiration date. An option contract ceases trading at its expiration and is either exercised or worthless.

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