How To Sell On Pinterest Without A Website In 2024 | Statusbrew (2024)

Did you know that Pinterest is also the second-largest source of social media traffic to Shopify stores?

70% of Pinterest users are women - but Pinterest has now become a place for businesses to interact with users and generate more sales. If you can master how to sell on Pinterest, there's a huge opportunity to increase traffic to your site and increase sales.

You would be surprised to find out:

If you are ready to upgrade your Pinterest marketing strategy to compete with other brands in your industry, now is the time to figure out how to sell on Pinterest.

Table Of Contents:

  • Benefits Of Selling On Pinterest
  • How To Sell On Pinterest Without A Website In 2024
  • 6 Smart Ways To Sell On Pinterest

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Benefits Of Selling On Pinterest

Many brands are wary about using Pinterest for selling, but you don't have to be! There are several positive reasons you should be using this social network for your business & knowing how to sell on Pinterest, but here are the top 6 main reasons, regardless of what type of business it is!

Converts More Browsers Into Buyers

From discovery to conversion, the number of steps is reduced using Pinterest, making it easier for your audience to get straight to the source.

Pinterest is often thought of as a big and visual search engine. People usually turn to it during the research phase of their planning and for inspiration.

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Image Source: Pinterest

Drives Traffic (And Lots Of It)

Pinterest serves as an excellent tool to increase links back to your website, which, in turn, drives more traffic to your website. While creating a Pin, you can add your website link along with the title and description. This is effective in driving traffic from the platform to your website.

This uptick in traffic relies a lot on good content. If you create and share content on Pinterest that your audience likes, they are more likely to follow your links.

On Pinterest, good content starts with creating quality visuals.

Gets More Inbound Links

Never underestimate the power of image search! Often, this is a forgotten part of Pinterest.

Every Pin includes a link. This makes it easy for people to lead back to the original source of the image. In that sense, think of how many visitors you can bring to your site just by posting images of your products on Pinterest.

User Engagement Is Ridiculously High

Pinterest users seem pretty content to find and share things with small groups of people. And this is a plus point for your business! Because it means that your pins are more likely to be seen, touched, and even go viral!

How To Sell On Pinterest Without A Website In 2024 | Statusbrew (2)

Image Source: Pinterest

Pinterest Integrates With Your Facebook Profile, Twitter Account, And Website

This Pinterest integration enables its users to automatically post new pins to their news feeds for their other platforms to see. This is yet another form of cross-platform posting, and many people find this feature to be extremely helpful.

If you are relying on manually posting, you might be trying to do too much. You should spend some time on a social media strategy first.

Discover What Your Audience Loves

Pinterest gives the opportunity to see and understand what's hot today. You can use that information to position your offers and products.

One of the beautiful things you can do with Pinterest is to use it to see what is trending right now in your industry. Follow those who follow you and see what inspires them. In this way, you will have a first-person look into their mind.

How To Sell On Pinterest Without A Website In 2024

Pinterest has evolved into a prime destination for businesses to showcase their products and connect with potential customers with its highly engaged community. Below we will walk you through the step-by-step process how to sell on Pinterest without the need for a dedicated website.

Step 1: Create Your Pinterest Business Profile

If you are using Pinterest to market your online store, you will first have to create a business account. Pinterest Business account states you are a business, which gives you legitimacy. It provides you access to the Pinterest widget that allows users to Pin from your website and provides you more ways for people to shop from your page.

You can create a Pinterest Business account in the following three ways:

  • Adding a business profile to your existing personal account
  • Converting your existing personal account to a business account
  • Creating a new Business account

How To Sell On Pinterest Without A Website In 2024 | Statusbrew (3)

Step 2: Claim Your Shop On Pinterest

Once your Pinterest business account is all set up and ready to go, the next most essential step is to claim your website or shop. Claiming your website or shop ensures you have access to analytics and allows people to know where they can find more of your content.

Completing this step ensures that anytime someone Pins your website content that it's traceable back to you. This means that potential customers have a clearer path to purchase from your shop and learn more about your brand.

How To Sell On Pinterest Without A Website In 2024 | Statusbrew (4)

Step 3: Create Pinterest Content

To promote your online store on Pinterest, you can create the following content:

  • Product Pins
  • Blog post graphics
  • Infographic Pins
  • Lead magnets
  • Branded videos
  • Gifs

Here's what you should be aware of creating your Pins:

  • Design images at the right size
  • Create images with text
  • Avoid adding borders to your Pins
  • Brand your images with your logo
  • Lighten your images (increasing the brightness and saturation)

Here is how you should write titles and descriptions for your Pins:

  • Include keywords in your Pin and board descriptions
  • use correct capitalization and punctuation and Write in full sentences
  • Use a positive tone
  • Include a call to action
  • Use hashtags sparingly

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Image Source: Pinterest

Step 4: Optimize Your Profile And Pins

Here's how you can optimize the Pinterest profile to make it discoverable in search results

  • Use your brand name as the username field on your Pinterest profile for branding purposes so people can find you by name.
  • Add and verify your website domain.
  • Include keywords in your Pinterest profile bio
  • Add your additional social profile links.
  • Create optimized Boards for the top keywords you are targeting.
  • Review your profile's Privacy settings and ensure your profile is set to be visible to search engines.
  • Add a profile photo with an image name that is keyword-optimized by including your top keywords in the image's filename.

How To Sell On Pinterest Without A Website In 2024 | Statusbrew (6)

Image Source: Pinterest

To optimize your Pins, ensure to include one target keyword in the Pin's title, description, destination website URL, image filename, and ALT descriptive text. Also, ensure to include a keyword-optimized hashtag that will help you reach more users interested in that topic.

Step 5: Engage And Collaborate With Pinners

As much as Pinterest is a visual search engine, you can't forget it's a social network, too. So in order to grow your audience base there, you need to get social! You can build an online community of your target audience on Pinterest by doing the following:

  • Follow Pinterest accounts in your niche who seem to enjoy the content you post
  • Build a relationship with your followers by commenting on their pins so that their followers can also check out your page
  • Respond to your followers' comments with personalized responses
  • Monitor your competitor's Pinterest account and see which techniques they use to improve their following
  • Organize giveaways, offer discount codes and coupons on your pins to encourage followers for interacting with your brand and creating content featuring your posts
  • Follow and engage with popular boards
  • Ask to join community boards that are collaborative boards where multiple Pinners share content about a specific topic
  • Create your own community board

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Image Source: Pinterest

Step 6: Track Your Analytics

The key to any successful social media strategy is to analyze your analytics closely and see what sort of trends are gaining the maximum traction. Pinterest inbuilt analytics allows you to access and measure the following metrics:

  • Impressions
  • Closeups
  • Pin Click Rate
  • Saves
  • Save Rate
  • Outbound Clicks
  • Outbound Click Rate
  • Total Audience
  • Monthly Total Audience
  • Engaged Audience
  • Monthly Engaged Audience
  • Top Pins
  • Top Boards
  • Audience Insights

Pay special attention to these metrics and track which Pins give you the most impressions, which ones fail to receive clicks, and which ones give you maximum likes, saves, and shares.

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Image Source: Shivarweb

Step 7: Promote Pins On Pinterest

Once you have mastered the organic Pin marketing strategy, it's time to consider advertising on Pinterest. Pinterest Promoted Pins will help you get to the top search results, give you access to top keyword information and details about your conversions.

Pinterest allows you to target your target audience based on keywords, interest, location, and age. You can also target people who have engaged with your Pins, people who have visited your website, and email lists like newsletter subscribers.

If you are looking to run Pinterest ads, the promoted pins option will work best for you. Based on your marketing goal, you can choose where to place your pins so that they can be accessible to your ideal customers.

Since pins do not expire, your Pinterest ads continue to be displayed to your customers till the time you don't decide to do away with them.

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Image Source: Shopify

6 Smart Ways To Sell On Pinterest

If you are contemplating how to sell on Pinterest, here are the 10 super clever ways to do that effectively:

Optimal Usage Of Buyable Pins

For marketers using e-commerce platforms such as Shopify, Pinterest offers the option of creating buyable pins. Using buyable pins, you can provide an option to buy the product from there itself, along with each product.

Such buyable pins get easily noticed and simplify selling on Pinterest. What's more, your customers get an option to buy a product from different sellers at the same time.

How To Sell On Pinterest Without A Website In 2024 | Statusbrew (10)

Image Source: Techcrunch

Play On The Visuals

There is no doubt that better visuals would be pinned more. Pay attention to the size of the image used in different pins and the colors used in it. Generally, smaller images tend to be ignored on Pinterest, just like the ones with dull picture quality.

Don't just limit yourself to talking only about the qualities of your product. Give your viewers interesting compilations that fulfill any of their needs. Expand your reach on Pinterest and share your inspiration with a wider base audience.

Keep all your pins organized. Categorize the boards and put pins as per each category. Selling on Pinterest becomes convenient if the pins are relevant and are available all at one place.

The Re-pin Board

At the initial stages, when you don't have several quality images to display on your boards, you can re-pin other pins to your board too. Pinterest also gives you the option to create a separate board that might not be related to your product. Such boards will attract more customers to your board, and it won't be time before some of them convert into concrete sales.

Reach Out To Your Followers

Try to enrich the sales process for your followers if you wish to sell on Pinterest. Though Pinterest does not involve huge commenting, the purchases happening on Pinterest are much more significant.

Whenever you receive any comment or any queries, ensure to answer them as early as possible and with as many relevant details as possible. Pinterest also gives you the option to go through the most pinned and observed pins. It is essential that you frame your future content accordingly.

Know more about How To Get Followers On Pinterest In 2024

Keywords And Checkout Optimization

Just like website content, SEO optimization is important here as well. Use keywords effectively in your Pinterest content to make the search of your product much easier. Frame the caption of the pins to match these keywords.

Apart from that, it is also vital that you make the checkout process simplified for your customers. At times, customers reach the checkout stage but do not complete the buying process as they are not convinced to complete the process.

So, try and use as many CTA's as required. Also, add previous client testimonials on the landing page. This will reinforce the belief of your customers that they are making the right choice.

How To Sell On Pinterest Without A Website In 2024 | Statusbrew (11)

Image Source: Pinterest

Use The Rich Pin Feature

The rich pin feature helps your customers understand your brand's usefulness. Using rich pins, you can provide your customer with valuable information like its price and where they can buy it from. It is like answering the customer's questions even before they get a chance to ask them.

So far, Pinterest provides an option to create 5 types of rich pins - Products, recipes, articles, movies, and places. Use it amply to make your customer stay on your page for a long time.

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Image Source: Tailwindapp

Use The Save Button

Add the Pin it button to all your website and related pages so that your customers know how to have a better look at your offerings.

The most pinned images are mostly going to be from your website. Hence if anyone wants to reach out to you, they would have to pin your page to their board. Instead, you can make it more streamlined so that they can reach out to you with one click using the save button.

You want to make it as easy as possible for your customers to browse your shop and share your products on Pinterest. A great way to encourage Pinning is by adding a save button to your shop, especially for the users who don't have the Pinterest browser extension.

Once you install the save button, a clickable button with a pin symbol will appear on your shops' images. Visitors can click on this button and instantly save your pins straight to their Pinterest boards.

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Image Source: Pinterest

Pin At The Right Time

There always exists a right time for everything.

To stand out from the crowd and ensure that your followers see your pins when they are posted, you should post your pins when they have the maximum possibility to be seen.

How To Sell On Pinterest Without A Website In 2024 | Statusbrew (14)

Once you find your best time to post to Pinterest, you can schedule your Pins so that your content goes out at the right time without missing a single slot.

For this, you can use Statusbrew.

This social media marketing and scheduling platform allows you to schedule your Pins and keep track of your pins. You can plan your entire week and even month's Pins in advance. It also allows you to edit, move or delete pins before it gets published.

If Pinning manually seems like a chore, you are in luck as Statusbrew simplifies the process of Pinning. With Statusbrew, you can upload your image, write descriptions, insert a destination link, choose which board you would like to post to, and what time you would like to post your pins.

How To Sell On Pinterest Without A Website In 2024 | Statusbrew (15)

Statusbrew ensures your content queue always has ready Pins for your audience. The analytics help you make data-driven decisions to increase engagement with Pins and finetune your Pinterest strategy.

You can collaborate with teams, review content before posting, and share live reports all within Statusbrew's environment.

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Statusbrew is an all in one social media management tool that supports Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin, YouTube, and even Google My Business.

How To Sell On Pinterest Without A Website In 2024 | Statusbrew (2024)


How To Sell On Pinterest Without A Website In 2024 | Statusbrew? ›

You can sell on Pinterest without a website. It's an excellent option for affiliate marketers. A Pinterest business account will work best since it lets you monitor analytics and run ads. You might also need a Facebook page and a Medium account to further your marketing.

Can I sell on Pinterest without a website? ›

You can sell on Pinterest without a website. It's an excellent option for affiliate marketers. A Pinterest business account will work best since it lets you monitor analytics and run ads. You might also need a Facebook page and a Medium account to further your marketing.

Is Pinterest still worth it in 2024? ›

But is Pinterest still a viable content marketing channel for businesses in 2024 and beyond? In short - yes, absolutely. Pinterest may not make headlines as often as TikTok or Instagram these days. However, the visual discovery platform still attracts almost 500 million monthly active users worldwide.

Do I need a website for Pinterest? ›

You don't need your own website to publish content on Pinterest.

Do I need a website for Pinterest affiliate marketing? ›

The great thing about Pinterest is that you can still earn money as an affiliate marketer even if you don't have your own website or blog. Pinterest allows affiliate links on its platform. So, you can simply add external affiliate links to your relevant Pins.

How does Pinterest SEO actually work in 2024? ›

How Pinterest SEO Actually Works In 2024 📈(Full Guide) Pinterest SEO comes down to optimizing your content to match user search intent and interest. This means optimizing your pins, boards, profile, website, and account activity to boost relevance in Pinterest's algorithm.

Is Pinterest declining or growing? ›

Is Pinterest growing or declining? Pinterest is growing unwaveringly year-over-year! Its user base grew by nearly 50 million monthly active users just from 2023 to 2024.

How to make money on Pinterest for beginners? ›

How to Make Money on Pinterest: 7+ Best Strategies
  1. #1. Try Affiliate Marketing. ...
  2. #2. Create Sponsored Content. ...
  3. #3. Join the Pinterest Inclusion Fund. ...
  4. #4. Send Traffic to Your Blog. ...
  5. #5. Utilize Pinterest's Shopping Feature. ...
  6. #6. Participate in Group Boards. ...
  7. #7. Try Pinterest Ads. ...
  8. #8. Manage a Pinterest Account for a Business.

Is it hard to sell on Pinterest? ›

The sheer volume of content on Pinterest can make it difficult for businesses to get noticed and gain traction. This can be incredibly challenging for small businesses that are just starting or have a limited presence on the platform.

Do you need followers to sell on Pinterest? ›

Most users don't know it, but it's never about the followers on Pinterest. You can have a few followers on the platform and still earn with affiliate programs. It depends on the strategy you choose to generate revenue from this platform.

Is there a fee to sell on Pinterest? ›

How much does it cost to sell on Pinterest? It's free to put your products on Pinterest, and you can even tag products in organic Pins. You'll only pay if you decide to run campaigns.

How to go viral on Pinterest in 2024? ›

Pay Attention to SEO

And SEO helps you do exactly that with the help of keywords. So, a good strategy to drive traffic to your content and increase your follower list would be to include keywords (niche-specific and popular) in your pin name, board name, pin description, and profile bio.

How many PINS per day on Pinterest in 2024? ›

Instead, stick to Pinterest's own recommendations. 15-25 Pins per day is a good number to shoot for once you're up and running with your account and comfortable with the platform. If you're new to Pinterest marketing, it's okay to keep your daily pinning on the lower end, though.

Does anyone use Pinterest anymore? ›

As the go-to platform for food, fashion, and home decor inspiration, it's no wonder that Pinterest is home to 522 million users worldwide. It's safe to say you're in good company there! There are 16.7 million monthly active Pinterest users in the United Kingdom specifically. And, the U.S. has 90.1 million active users!

How much does it cost to sell on Pinterest? ›

How much does it cost to sell on Pinterest? It's free to put your products on Pinterest, and you can even tag products in organic Pins. You'll only pay if you decide to run campaigns.

How many followers do you need on Pinterest to make money? ›

Most users don't know it, but it's never about the followers on Pinterest. You can have a few followers on the platform and still earn with affiliate programs. It depends on the strategy you choose to generate revenue from this platform.

What is not allowed on Pinterest? ›

Content safety. Pinterest isn't a place for antagonistic, explicit, false or misleading, harmful, hateful, or violent content or behavior.

Can you make money off if Pinterest? ›

Will Pinterest pay me directly? Pinterest does not facilitate payment for monetization programs like product tagging, affiliate links or brand partnerships. For those programs, you'll organize payment terms and logistics directly with your brand or affiliate partners.

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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Author information

Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.