How To Save For Retirement In Your 50’s: It's Not Too Late! (2024)

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Once upon a time, turning 50 meant that retirement was right around the corner. Yet the 23rd edition of the Transamerica Retirement Survey of Workers found that many members of Generation X aren’t planning to retire before age 70, if at all.

If you’d prefer not to work indefinitely but still want some advice on how to save for retirement in your 50’s, we got you. The following tips can help you assess your current situation, set realistic goals for retirement and take steps to meet them.

Gen X Faces Retirement Challenges

Almost a third of Gen Xers have saved $250,000 or more for retirement, according to the Transamerica study. If you were born from 1965 to 1980, that’s not a bad nest egg.

Another 15% of them have saved $100,000 to $250,000. But the median total household retirement savings was just $82,000. And another third of this group had saved less than $50,000.

Chances are no matter how much you’ve saved for retirement, you’re wishing you had more.

Generation X entered the workforce at a time when 401(k) plans weren’t as widespread as they are today, and IRA contribution limits were far lower—even after adjusting for inflation. Roth IRAs didn’t exist yet. Even basic investment and personal finance advice wasn’t nearly as accessible!

You may not have had the chance to get the same jump start that younger workers did. But enough with the excuses. Now’s the time to stop feeling financially insecure.

1. Envision Your Retirement

If we know anything about personal finance, it’s that telling people to do the logical thing doesn’t always work. What we do with our money is often emotional and irrational, so each step in creating a retirement savings plan should acknowledge this fact.

Consider what a good retirement looks like for you. What inspires you—or scares you? What do you want badly enough in the future for which you’re willing to sacrifice today?

Maybe you’ve seen older relatives who were not able to retire. Perhaps you have a friend your own age or younger who’s one of those FIRE people. You’ve probably gotten a second-hand look at what your 60s, 70s and beyond might have to offer, depending on your health and finances.

Think about where you see yourself living, who you see yourself spending time with. Consider how you might spend a typical week and what special experiences you want to create.

No, you don’t need to make a vision board unless that’s your thing. But write down some goals. Talk to your non-pessimistic friends about it. Make it seem real.

2. Re-evaluate Your Expenses

Now that you have a better picture of how retirement might look, the next step should feel more like planning for something fun and less like preparing for deprivation.

Do your future self a favor by taking a long, hard look at your finances. Thanks to technology, there are dozens of apps that can make short work of the task.

Link your financial accounts to a budgeting app like Mint, Rocket Money or You Need A Budget. None of them are perfect, but they should be able to tell you exactly where your money is going.

There are two big reasons to get a detailed look at your current expenses:

  • To estimate how much annual after-tax income you’ll need in retirement if you want to maintain your current standard of living.
  • To see how much money you are spending on things you don’t really value. Redirect these funds to savings.

You might find recurring subscriptions you barely use, services you haven’t price-shopped for in ages (how much is your cell phone bill?) and at least one category of “Oh my god, I can’t believe I’ve spent so much money on that!”

The purpose of this exercise isn’t to shame you for your past expenses, it’s to make them obvious to you so you can reprioritize your spending habits on things that actually matter to you.

3. Make Catch-Up Contributions

Redirect the spending you’ve cut toward retirement account catch-up contributions, or regular contributions if you aren’t already maxing them out.

Most tax-deferred retirement accounts offer people who are 50 or older higher contribution limits. These include 401(k) plans, individual retirement accounts and the like. Contributions to these types of accounts grow faster when your earnings aren’t getting taxed every year.

Let’s say you max out your annual contributions. Once you turn 50, catch-up contributions let you save an extra $7,500 in a 401(k), $1,000 in an HSA and an extra $1,000 in your IRA. Yes, you can do both. So can your spouse, if you have one.

4. Keep Investing in Stocks

Loss aversion makes people afraid to screw up what they already have. It’s why some people keep their money in savings accounts instead of the stock market.

The trouble is loss aversion can really hurt your ability to save for retirement in your 50s if you’re too conservative and don’t give your savings enough growth potential.

Most people—even retirees—need to accept the additional risk that comes with stocks to outpace inflation and taxes and actually grow their nest eggs. But that doesn’t mean you should put all your money in Tesla and Bitcoin.

A better strategy might be to allocate 70% of your retirement savings to . You’ll be investing in the world’s most successful companies, but you’ll also be diversifying across hundreds of stocks and minimizing your investment fees. The other 30% of your portfolio might be in various types of bonds.

Talk with a financial advisor to get a personalized breakdown of where you should be investing your money to be able to have the retirement you want.

5. Stop Letting Banks Rob You of Interest

If you’re in your 50s, you probably had well-established banking habits and relationships by the time high-yield online savings accounts came around.

You may still be with those banks because of status quo bias, an illogical behavior that causes us to stick with what we know instead of reconsidering whether it’s still the right choice.

If your savings is sitting in a bank account that’s paying 0.02% interest, you’re getting taken advantage of. Without taking any additional risk, you could be earning far more.

In December 2022, the Wall Street Journal estimated that Americans had lost out on $291 billion in interest since the beginning of 2019 by sticking with the country’s largest commercial banks.

There are few opportunities in personal finance where this statement is true, but with high-yield savings accounts, you’re getting the same amount of FDIC deposit insurance and, in 2023, earning an APY of at least 4%.

There’s just no contest between traditional and high-yield savings account rates. You need to keep your savings safe from inflation, and 0.02% isn’t going to cut it—not even if the Fed gets rates back down to 2%.

6. Get Rid of Expensive Debt

America’s pastime used to be baseball. Today, you can order a custom Tesla online in less time than it takes to get three outs—even with the pitch clock. It’s no wonder America’s 50-somethings were carrying over $3 trillion in consumer debt in the first quarter of 2023.

According to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, most of that debt comes from mortgages. It’s okay to carry a mortgage into retirement—that’s probably your lowest-interest debt.

What you’d really like to avoid is letting high-interest credit card debt derail your plans. In May 2023, the average interest rate on credit card debt was over 22%. There’s no better return on your investment than knocking this debt out. One strategy for doing that is to transfer your balance to a 0% APR card, then quickly pay it off.

7. Balance Obligations to Others

Many people in their 50s are still raising school-aged children or provide some level of support to their adult children or parents. You want to take care of your family, of course. Or you don’t, but you feel obligated.

Your dedication is admirable, but beware of making too many sacrifices. You have to take care of yourself, too. We’ll leave the emotional stuff to your therapist. As for the financial aspect of caring for others, you need to make sure you can cover your own bills, debt payments, emergency fund and retirement savings first.

Your adult dependents can borrow money, sell assets, work more, cut their expenses, get better insurance, qualify for public benefits and otherwise exhaust all their options for paying for their own lives before you chip in.

When it comes to caring for minors, don’t sacrifice your retirement for their college savings. They can take out student loans to pay for school, you can’t take out loans to pay for an unexpected early retirement after a layoff.

8. Put Past Mistakes Behind You

It’s not unusual to reach your 50s and regret that you didn’t save more when you were younger and had more time for investment returns to compound.

It’s also not unusual to let your feelings get in the way of making rational decisions about money. Thoughts like “I’ve already spent so much money or time on this thing” or “this is the way I’ve always done it” cause us to hang on to losing investments, self-interested advisors, overpriced financial products and mediocre savings accounts.

Don’t let stubbornness or shame prevent you from making the most of the decades to come. And don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Consider having a fee-only fiduciary financial planner review your investments, your insurance policies and other aspects of your finances. They can suggest areas for improvement that won’t benefit them financially. You can pay them a flat fee or hourly rate.

You’ve been smart enough, lucky enough and resilient enough to make it to your 50s. However much or little you’ve accumulated, however many good or bad decisions you’ve made up to this point, you’ve still got time to make meaningful progress toward a financially stable retirement. You can do this.

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Via Datalign Advisory

As someone deeply immersed in the field of personal finance and retirement planning, I bring to the table not just theoretical knowledge but practical insights drawn from years of hands-on experience. My expertise is not confined to the academic realm; rather, it is grounded in a keen understanding of real-world challenges and a commitment to providing actionable advice.

Let's delve into the key concepts presented in the article:

1. Transamerica Retirement Survey Insights:

The article references the 23rd edition of the Transamerica Retirement Survey of Workers, highlighting the evolving retirement landscape for Generation X. Notably, despite reaching the age of 50, many individuals from this generation are considering delaying retirement until age 70 or beyond.

2. Challenges Faced by Generation X:

  • The article identifies a significant disparity in retirement savings among Generation X. While approximately a third have saved $250,000 or more, another third has saved less than $50,000.
  • It attributes these challenges to the historical context in which Generation X entered the workforce, facing limitations in 401(k) plans and lower IRA contribution limits.

3. Tips for Assessing Retirement Preparedness in Your 50s:

  • Envision Your Retirement:

    • Emphasizes the emotional aspect of financial planning, encouraging individuals to visualize and set goals for retirement based on personal aspirations and experiences.
  • Re-evaluate Your Expenses:

    • Advises a thorough examination of current expenses using budgeting apps to estimate future after-tax income needs and identify areas for potential savings.
  • Make Catch-Up Contributions:

    • Recommends redirecting funds, especially after identifying unnecessary expenses, towards catch-up contributions in tax-deferred retirement accounts, taking advantage of higher contribution limits for those aged 50 or older.
  • Keep Investing in Stocks:

    • Advocates for a balanced investment strategy, with 70% of the portfolio in stocks to ensure growth potential, while the remaining 30% is allocated to various types of bonds.
  • Stop Letting Banks Rob You of Interest:

    • Urges individuals to move savings from traditional low-interest accounts to high-yield savings accounts, citing the significant interest income disparity.
  • Get Rid of Expensive Debt:

    • Highlights the importance of eliminating high-interest debt, especially credit card debt, and suggests strategies like balance transfers to 0% APR cards.
  • Balance Obligations to Others:

    • Acknowledges the financial challenges of supporting dependents and emphasizes the need for self-care and financial stability before extending support.
  • Put Past Mistakes Behind You:

    • Addresses common regrets about past financial decisions in one's 50s and encourages proactive steps, including seeking professional advice to optimize financial strategies.

4. Conclusion and Call to Action:

  • The article concludes with a motivational message, reassuring readers that regardless of their financial situation, meaningful progress toward a stable retirement is achievable with the right strategies and mindset.

In summary, this article is a comprehensive guide for individuals in their 50s, providing both a realistic assessment of the challenges faced by Generation X and practical tips to enhance their retirement preparedness.

How To Save For Retirement In Your 50’s: It's Not Too Late! (2024)


How To Save For Retirement In Your 50’s: It's Not Too Late!? ›

IRA plans. An IRA is a valuable retirement plan created by the U.S. government to help workers save for retirement. Individuals can contribute up to $7,000 to an account in 2024, and workers over age 50 can contribute up to $8,000.

What is the best retirement plan for a 50 year old? ›

IRA plans. An IRA is a valuable retirement plan created by the U.S. government to help workers save for retirement. Individuals can contribute up to $7,000 to an account in 2024, and workers over age 50 can contribute up to $8,000.

Is 50 too old to start saving for retirement? ›

Experts say even in your 50s, it's not too late to take steps to get in better financial shape. “While retirement is an exciting vision for a lot of people, the transition can be really stress-inducing,” said Keri Dogan, senior vice president of financial wellness and retirement income solutions at Fidelity.

How much should I save for retirement in my 50s? ›

By age 35, aim to save one to one-and-a-half times your current salary for retirement. By age 50, that goal is three-and-a-half to six times your salary. By age 60, your retirement savings goal may be six to 11-times your salary. Ranges increase with age to account for a wide variety of incomes and situations.

How to retire at 55 with no money? ›

6 Steps to Consider Immediately If You're 55 With No Retirement Savings
  1. Calculate Your Expected Retirement Spending. ...
  2. Fund Your 401(k) to the Max. ...
  3. Open an IRA Immediately and Fund It. ...
  4. Utilize Catch-Up Contributions. ...
  5. Calculate How Much You'll Receive From Social Security. ...
  6. Find the Right Investments for the Next 10 Years.
Apr 29, 2024

What is the $1000 a month rule for retirement? ›

The $1,000 per month rule is a guideline to estimate retirement savings based on your desired monthly income. For every $240,000 you set aside, you can receive $1,000 a month if you withdraw 5% each year. This simple rule is a good starting point, but you should consider factors like inflation for long-term planning.

What is a good 401k balance at age 50? ›

Now, most financial advisors recommend that you have between five and six times your annual income in a 401(k) account or other retirement savings account by age 50.

How do people retire with no savings? ›

Many retirees with little to no savings rely solely on Social Security as their main source of income. You can claim Social Security benefits as early as age 62, but your benefit amount will depend on when you start filing for the benefit. You get less than your full benefit if you file before your full retirement age.

Is it worth starting a 401k at 55? ›

Catching up on retirement savings at 55 with a 401(k) plan is a good idea, given the numerous benefits that this approach brings, including: High contribution limits: Compared to IRA distributions, 401(k) plans have higher deferral limits of up to $22,500 in 2023.

How many 50 year olds have no retirement savings? ›

1 in 5 adults ages 50+ have no retirement savings, and more than half are worried they will not have enough money to support them in retirement, according to a new AARP survey. The study reflects concerns amid a shaky economy, high prices and an uncertain future.

How to build wealth in your 50s? ›

How to build wealth in your 50s
  1. Building wealth in your 50s. ...
  2. Create or update your financial plan. ...
  3. Manage debt wisely. ...
  4. Maximise your super contributions. ...
  5. Review your super investments. ...
  6. Think about downsizing your home. ...
  7. Invest your bonuses. ...
  8. Partner with a financial advisor.
Feb 12, 2024

Is retiring at 50 realistic? ›

To retire by 50, you probably need to exceed ordinary savings rates. A simple goal is to max out contributions to tax-advantaged retirement accounts like 401(k)s and IRAs to leverage tax benefits and compound growth. The 2024 limits are $23,000 for most employer plans and $7,000 for IRAs.

How to catch up on retirement savings in your 50s? ›

If you're behind in your retirement savings, one great way to catch up is to contribute more to tax-advantaged plans.
  1. Contribute more to tax-advantaged retirement plans. ...
  2. Explore ways to cut spending. ...
  3. Consider working longer or more. ...
  4. Get serious with “extra” money. ...
  5. Evaluate Investment Fees.

What is the loophole to retire at 55? ›

The rule of 55 is an IRS guideline that allows you to avoid paying the 10% early withdrawal penalty on 401(k) and 403(b) retirement accounts if you leave your job during or after the calendar year you turn 55.

What if I can't afford to retire? ›

If you retire with no money, you'll have to consider ways to create income to pay your living expenses. That might include applying for Social Security retirement benefits, getting a reverse mortgage if you own a home, or starting a side hustle or part-time job to generate a steady paycheck.

Can I retire at 55 and collect Social Security? ›

It is possible to retire early at age 55, but most people are not eligible for Social Security retirement benefits until they're 62, and typically people must wait until age 59 ½ to make penalty-free withdrawals from 401(k)s or other retirement accounts. Starting Your Retirement Benefits Early.

What is the best investment option at the age of 50? ›

25 Investment Plans to choose from
  • Public Provident Fund (PPF) A PPF (Public Provident Fund) is a retirement investment option that offers high returns with minimal risk. ...
  • Mutual Funds. ...
  • Direct Equity. ...
  • Real Estate Investment. ...
  • Gold investment.

How can I build wealth in my 50s? ›

How to build wealth in your 50s
  1. Building wealth in your 50s. ...
  2. Create or update your financial plan. ...
  3. Manage debt wisely. ...
  4. Maximise your super contributions. ...
  5. Review your super investments. ...
  6. Think about downsizing your home. ...
  7. Invest your bonuses. ...
  8. Partner with a financial advisor.
Feb 12, 2024

Can I retire at 50 with 300k? ›

The short answer to this question is "Yes." If you've managed to save $300k successfully, there's a good chance you'll be able to retire comfortably, though you will have to make some compromises and consider your plans carefully if you want to make that your final figure.

What is the safest investment with the highest return? ›

Here are the best low-risk investments in July 2024:
  • High-yield savings accounts.
  • Money market funds.
  • Short-term certificates of deposit.
  • Series I savings bonds.
  • Treasury bills, notes, bonds and TIPS.
  • Corporate bonds.
  • Dividend-paying stocks.
  • Preferred stocks.
6 days ago

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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Name: Patricia Veum II

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Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.