How to return to an academic mindset after vacation | Penn LPS Online (2024)

There is often nothing more relaxing and rejuvenating than experiencing a long holiday break. But returning from vacation and attempting to get back into a productive routine can feel like an arduous task. If you’re a working professional and a student with many responsibilities, getting back on track quickly is the key to keeping yourself from being overwhelmed. That’s why it’s important to have a strategy to help you pivot back to an academic mindset so you don’t push yourself too hard on the first day back and go into panic mode.

Whether you’re starting a new semester at Penn LPS Online or considering enrolling, read on for six concrete strategies to help you successfully re-focus on your studies and get the most out of your coursework.

1. Refine your routine

There’s a good chance that you may have felt stressed or burnt out before your holiday, so it makes sense to shake up your routine when you return and get back into the swing of things. The reality is that you must take care of your body if you want to be successful in your studies. A great place to start is to take stock of food, exercise, and sleep habits, which can tend to go south over a vacation. Make it a priority to get back onto a regular sleep schedule, commit to eating healthily, and carve some time out every day to get moving—even if it’s just a short walk around the block. If you feel your best physically, it will be easier to focus on academics when you need to, post-vacation.

If you have a space that you’ve devoted to studying—whether that’s an office or a spare bedroom—consider switching things up and finding a new environment to work in. Depending on your circ*mstances, this may involve moving to a quiet place outside of your residence. But if that’s not an option, you can also rework your existing space to make it more calm, comfortable, and conducive to studying. This will likely involve some troubleshooting. For example, if you live in an apartment, you can purchase earplugs or a noise machine to help block outside noise. Or, if your designated space is close to a shared living space, ask your children or partner to congregate in another area when you’re studying.

2. Create a study schedule

Next up, it’s time to re-organize and create a new study schedule. Whether you prefer to use a traditional planner or an online calendar or app, begin by going through your course syllabi and inputting project, test, and exam due dates. Then, consider your work and family responsibilities to help determine the most efficient days and times to devote to learning. If you’re used to studying in the mornings before work, consider whether it would be beneficial to revamp your routine and hit the books in the evening. If you find it more constructive to focus on academics in the early hours, then give that a try. The objective is to experiment and discover when productivity comes to you most easily and achieve a good work-life balance.

If you’re enrolled in multiple courses, it’s helpful for memory retention to rotate the subjects you study throughout the week rather than blocking out large chunks of time for the same topic. As you are scheduling your studies, be sure to consider which courses, readings, and projects you anticipate will be more challenging so you can devote extra time appropriately. Although it’s important to try and stick to your study schedule, there is room for flexibility throughout the semester as your needs and priorities change. It’s all about finding a system that works best for you academically, professionally, and personally.

3. Start small

When you return from vacation, grant yourself the buffer space to ease back into your coursework. It’s not realistic to try and jump into your studies at the same pace you were at before you left, as it can lead to sluggishness and burnout. Instead, focus on small, achievable daily tasks that you can check off your to-do list. Doing so can generate an immediate sense of satisfaction that stokes your motivation to keep going. These tasks can be as simple as logging into Canvas to review your syllabi, organizing your course materials, or creating brief study outlines. The hardest part of accomplishing any undertaking is often getting started—so make that your primary focus.

For example, if you’re registered for DATA 1010: Introduction to Data Analytics, approximately two weeks before the start of the term you must complete a pre-course module. This will involve downloading and setting up the required software to ensure it is correctly configured for your computer. This is a great example of a task that is necessary, but that can also be broken up into smaller parts. The first objective is to download and set up the software. Then you can move on to completing the module as well as gathering any questions you may have that require assistance. Supplementary support is available from teaching assistants for any issues that arise.

4. Take time to de-stress

Research has shown that taking purposeful breaks of 5 to 60 minutes when studying increases productivity, energy, and ability to focus.1 But what does a “purposeful” break look like? Some examples include taking a walk (ideally outside, if possible), indulging in a 15–20-minute nap, organizing your study area, listening to your favorite music or podcast, playing with your pet, or connecting with a friend. It’s also a good idea to give yourself a change of scenery when you take a time-out from studying as it can provide a mental re-set. Choose to do whatever you think will best relax you in the moment so you can return to your studies refreshed and refocused.

If you still have trouble concentrating after taking a break, then try one or more of the following:

Mini meditation: Calm your brain and recharge in as little as five minutes. If you’re new to the practice, consider downloading a guided meditation app such as Headspace or Insight Timer.

Visualization: Mentally rehearse completing one of your study goals for the day. Focus on the relief and gratification you feel after mastering this task—and hold onto that experience.

Progressive muscle relaxation: To release tension in your body, slowly tighten, hold, and relax all your major muscle groups, starting with your feet and working up to your head.

Deep breathing: Take a deep breath through your nose for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 7 seconds, and then exhale through the mouth for 8 seconds. Then repeat up to 5 times.

5. Avoid distractions and time-wasters

Particularly if you’re working from home, distractions from your children, partner, pets, or professional obligations can quickly cause your productivity to plummet. Before your scheduled study time, let everyone in your household know that you will be unavailable for an hour or two. Make it clear that you shouldn’t be interrupted unless there is an emergency. If possible, close the door to your study space and affix a “do not disturb” note.

Because some outside noise is unavoidable (especially if you live in a confined space or a city environment), you may also want to invest in noise-canceling headphones. If that’s not an option, playing music on regular earbuds can also effectively block distracting sounds—and research shows that listening to classical or instrumental music can help improve concentration.

Some additional actions you can take to avoid time-wasters include:

  • Close all your email tabs
  • Put your phone on silent or in airplane mode
  • Download software to block distracting sites and apps during your study time
  • Keep water and a healthy snack on hand
  • Choose an accountability partner to report back to on your progress
  • Accept that some distractions are inevitable and adjust accordingly

6. Set up a reward system

Whether you want to advance your career or pivot to a new field, as an adult learner, you likely have a concrete objective that motivates you to enhance your education. But it can also be helpful to set up a reward system that encourages you to meet your individual study goals. Depending on your preference, you can set up daily, weekly, or monthly incentives to help ensure that you stay inspired and on task.

Whether your reward involves planning your next vacation, scheduling a night out at your favorite restaurant, watching your favorite show, or meeting a friend for coffee, having something to look forward to can provide that extra boost you need to be successful. Juggling your education, career, and family obligations is an admirable feat. That’s why it’s so important to celebrate both your large and small successes, whether academic or otherwise. You deserve it!

Have you enrolled for the upcoming semester?

Registration is currently open! Explore exciting offerings including the Certificate in Science Foundations and Certificate in Social Difference, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. You can also view the Penn LPS Online course guide or perform an advanced course search to see the full range of what’s available.


How to return to an academic mindset after vacation | Penn LPS Online (2024)


How to get back into an academic mindset? ›

6 helpful steps to return to an academic mindset after a vacation
  1. Refine your routine. ...
  2. Create a study schedule. ...
  3. Start small. ...
  4. Take time to de-stress. ...
  5. Avoid distractions and time-wasters. ...
  6. Set up a reward system. ...
  7. Have you enrolled for the upcoming semester?
May 24, 2023

How do I get out of my vacation mindset? ›

Exercise. Whether your vacation was filled with excess or you behaved yourself and ate healthy, switching up your exercise is a great way to get back into a health-centric mindset. After your trip ends, try hitting up a class before heading straight to the office.

How to get back on routine after vacation? ›

How To Get Back On Track After Vacation
  1. 1 – Start By Managing Jetlag On The Way Back From Your Vacation. ...
  2. 2 – Skip Alcohol On The Plane. ...
  3. 3 – Stay Hydrated. ...
  4. 4 – Get Back On Track With Healthy Eating Habits. ...
  5. 5 – Relax On Stimulants Like Caffeine. ...
  6. 6 – Unpack Strategically And Do Laundry In A Timely Manner. ...
  7. 7- Prioritize And Plan.
Jan 18, 2024

How to get back on track academically? ›

Here are seven tips to get back on the track to success:
  1. Reflect. Take a moment to think about when you started struggling. ...
  2. Talk to someone. It's important to have a support system you can lean on during tough times. ...
  3. Get help. ...
  4. Stay organized and manage your time. ...
  5. Set goals and stick to them. ...
  6. Create a plan. ...
  7. Take a deep breath.

How do I regain my academic focus? ›

  1. Tips to Focus your. Attention in Class.
  2. Prepare before class. Preparing before class can help you understand the material better.
  3. Get a minimum of 8 hours sleep. Fatigue makes it really hard to concentrate in class. ...
  4. Get moving. ...
  5. Sit near the front. ...
  6. Turn off your phone. ...
  7. Participate. ...
  8. Take notes.

How do I regain my academic motivation? ›

How to find the motivation to study
  1. Finding the motivation to study. Often, the hardest thing about study is finding the motivation to get started. ...
  2. Remember your 'why' ...
  3. Set clear goals. ...
  4. Celebrate small study goals. ...
  5. Set up a study plan. ...
  6. Avoid procrastination. ...
  7. Create an encouraging study space. ...
  8. Fake it till you make it.

What is the vacation syndrome? ›

Post-vacation depression is not a clinically recognized condition but refers to the depressed state people may experience after returning from vacation. People may also refer to post-vacation depression as post-vacation syndrome, post-holiday blues, or holiday syndrome, which first appeared as a concept in the 1950s.

How do I reset my mind on vacation? ›

Here's how to do it.
  1. #1. Don't let work creep in. ...
  2. #2. If a digital detox isn't realistic, set the ground rules before you go. ...
  3. #3. Ease yourself in slowly. ...
  4. #4. Don't overpack your schedule. ...
  5. #5. Eat and drink healthily. ...
  6. #6. Sleep! ...
  7. #7. Exercise. ...
  8. #8. Try new activities.

Why do I feel lazy after coming back from vacation? ›

“The issue is that you're making a shift from the daily rhythm of vacation mode (sleeping, waking up, and eating when and where you want to) to work or home mode (getting places on schedule regardless of whether your body particularly wants to or not),” NBC News reported.

How do I regain motivation after vacation? ›

  1. Reflect on Your Vacation Experience: Take some time to reflect on the positive aspects of your vacation. ...
  2. Set Attainable Goals: Break down your work tasks into manageable goals. ...
  3. Establish a Renewed Routine: Returning from vacation can disrupt your usual work routine, leaving you feeling disoriented.
May 8, 2024

How do I reset my gut after vacation? ›

After returning from a trip, it's important to reset your digestive system. If you're feeling bloated, a post-vacation detox eliminates the sugar and salt cravings you may have developed while away. Hit up the grocery store for whole, nutrient-rich foods, including fresh produce and lean proteins.

How do I restart after vacation? ›

6 Ways To Get Back Into Your Routine Post-Vacation
  1. Make A Game Plan Regarding Emails. ...
  2. Drink Lots Of Water And Eat Tons Of Greens. ...
  3. Get Your Body Moving. ...
  4. Prioritize Sleep. ...
  5. If You're Feeling Down, Embrace It. ...
  6. Take Breaks To Breathe.

How to catch up on school work after vacation? ›

Falling Behind? Follow These 6 Tips for Catching Upon Your Schoolwork
  1. Talk to Your Instructors About Possible Extension. ...
  2. Create an Inventory of Your Assignments and Prioritize. ...
  3. Create a Calendar for Your Assignments. ...
  4. Minimize Distractions. ...
  5. Ask for Help and Tap Into Your Resources. ...
  6. Reflect and Recalibrate.
Jan 19, 2024

How do you regain satisfactory academic progress? ›

When a student fails to satisfy the SAP requirements, they may regain eligibility for federal student aid by either achieving academic standing in any grading period consistent with the requirements for graduation or by filing for and being granted a SAP appeal by the school.

How to get into an academic mindset? ›

Improve Your Mindset Instantly: Change Your Thinking for Academic Success
  1. Decide to adopt a growth mindset. Dweck says mindset is a choice. ...
  2. Set an academic goal. How can you achieve something if you don't know what it is? ...
  3. Keep your goal front and center. ...
  4. Recognize and reward your achievements appropriately.

How do you recover from academic failure? ›

Ideas for Overcoming Failures
  1. Invite the truth. This could mean looking at the failure objectively or accepting the failure in a way that allows you to reflect on the things that could or could not be changed. ...
  2. Face it and embrace it. ...
  3. Learn from it. ...
  4. Break the stigma.

How can I regain my ability to study? ›

So, to help you make the most out of your study time, here are six tips to improve concentration:
  1. Identify the best environment to help you concentrate. ...
  2. Minimize distractions. ...
  3. Write a to-do list. ...
  4. Schedule study time. ...
  5. Make healthy snack choices. ...
  6. Take breaks.

How to get into the studying mindset? ›

Cultivate a Growth Mindset
  1. View challenges as opportunities to grow. ...
  2. Prioritize learning over praise, grades, and seeking approval. ...
  3. Set learning-oriented goals for skill mastery, rather than performance-oriented goals for achievement. ...
  4. Concentrate on the process instead of the outcome or end result.
Mar 22, 2024

How do I stop feeling like an academic failure? ›

Define what success means to you, and let that be your guide.
  1. Instead of thinking of it as a failure, think of it as a problem. Problems are there to be solved; a problem can be fixed. ...
  2. Consider whether you need to adjust your expectations. Ask yourself what your priorities are and how academics fit into them.

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Name: Patricia Veum II

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Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.