How to Remove FHA Mortgage Insurance | FHA MIP Removal 2024 (2024)

How to get rid of FHA mortgage insurance premiums

FHA mortgage insurance removal is a possibility for many homeowners, despite common misconceptions that the mortgage insurance premium (MIP) is a permanent part of FHA loans.

While some homeowners may experience natural FHA mortgage insurance removal when their insurance lapses, most will need to actively refinance to eliminate it.

Here’s everything you need to know about FHA MIP removal.

Check your FHA mortgage insurance removal eligibility. Start here

In this article (Skip to…)

  • FHA mortgage insurance
  • Mortgage insurance removal
  • Refinancing process
  • Reduce FHA MIP payments
  • FAQ

Understanding FHA mortgage insurance removal

FHA mortgage insurance is an additional cost that borrowers must pay when taking out a mortgage loan backed by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA). Because FHA loans have less stringent requirements than conventional loans, such as lower down payment and credit score minimums, the FHA requires mortgage insurance to offset the increased risk of default and foreclosure.

Check your FHA MIP removal eligibility. Start here

However, by offering this protection, more first-time home buyers can qualify for homeownership. This protection includes two key components: the upfront mortgage insurance premium (UFMIP) and the annual mortgage insurance premium (MIP).

Upfront mortgage insurance premium (UFMIP)

UFMIP is a one-time fee that you’ll need to pay when you close on your home. This fee is typically 1.75% of your current loan amount.

Example: if you borrow $200,000, your UFMIP would be $3,500. This can either be paid upfront in cash at closing or rolled into your mortgage, adding to the base loan amount. If you choose to roll it into your loan, it will slightly increase your monthly mortgage payments.

Annual mortgage insurance premium (MIP)

MIP is an ongoing cost that you’ll pay over the life of the loan. This premium is calculated based on your base loan amount, mortgage term, and loan-to-value ratio (LTV).

Unlike the UFMIP, the annual premium is divided into 12 monthly payments and added to your regular mortgage payment. This means you’ll be paying a little extra each month as part of your mortgage payment. For most borrowers, the annual MIP rate is 0.85% of the loan amount.

Example: On a $200,000 loan, this would translate to $1,700 per year, or about $142 per month. However, if your original down payment was 10% or more, your annual MIP may be lower.

What’s the difference between PMI vs MIP?

Homeowners often confuse FHA mortgage insurance premiums (MIP) and private mortgage insurance (PMI) for conventional loans, but their cancellation rules differ vastly. Thankfully, PMI cancellation on a conventional mortgage is generally much more straightforward.

However, unlike PMI on conventional loans, FHA MIP usually lasts for the life of the loan, unless you made a down payment of at least 10%. This means you could be paying monthly mortgage insurance premiums for the duration of your 30-year loan if you don’t take action to remove it.

Step-by-step guide: How to remove FHA mortgage insurance

Fortunately, you have options for FHA mortgage insurance removal. Here’s what you need to know.

Check your FHA MIP removal eligibility. Start here

1. Determine your eligibility for FHA MIP Removal

There are two main ways to remove FHA mortgage insurance: automatic termination and refinancing.

Option 1: Automatic FHA mortgage insurance removal

The eligibility criteria for automatic MIP cancellation depend on when you took out your FHA loan and your original down payment amount.

If you received your FHA loan before June 3, 2013:

  • You can remove MIP after 5 years if your original down payment was at least 10% of the purchase price.
  • If your down payment was less than 10%, you’re generally stuck with MIP for the life of the loan, unless you refinance.

If you received your FHA loan on or after June 3, 2013:

  • You can remove MIP after 11 years if your original down payment was at least 10% of the purchase price.
  • If your down payment was less than 10%, you must pay MIP for the life of the loan, unless you refinance.

Option 2: Remove FHA MIP by refinancing into a conventional loan

If you don’t meet the criteria for automatic MIP cancellation, refinancing to a conventional loan is usually the best way to remove FHA mortgage insurance.

When you refinance, you take out a new loan to pay off your existing FHA loan. If you have sufficient equity (generally 20% or more), you can refinance into a conventional loan without any mortgage insurance required.

FHA MIP removal criteria

Regardless of which option you choose, to be eligible for FHA mortgage insurance removal, you must meet the following requirements:

  1. Your loan must be in good standing, meaning you’ve made all mortgage payments on time
  2. You must have a good payment history over the previous 12 months
  3. You must not have any outstanding FHA loans or past-due federal debt
  4. Your property must be your principal residence, not a vacation home or investment property

2. Evaluate your FHA mortgage insurance removal options

Once you’ve determined your eligibility for FHA MIP removal, the next step is to evaluate your options and decide which path is right for you.

If you qualify for automatic MIP termination after 11 years, the decision is easy—you can simply wait for the mortgage insurance to be removed automatically. However, if you don’t meet the criteria for automatic MIP cancellation, you’ll need to weigh the pros and cons of refinancing.

Here are some factors to consider when deciding whether refinancing is a good option for FHA mortgage insurance removal:

  • Equity: Do you have at least 20% equity in your home? If so, you may be able to refinance into a conventional loan with no mortgage insurance required.
  • Credit score: Is your credit score high enough to qualify for a conventional refinance? Most mortgage lenders require a score of at least 620, but a higher score can help you secure a lower interest rate.
  • Debt-to-income ratio: Is your debt-to-income ratio below 50%? This is another key factor lenders consider when evaluating your refinance application.
  • Interest rates: Are current mortgage rates lower than the rate on your FHA loan? If so, refinancing could help you save money on interest in addition to removing mortgage insurance.
  • Closing costs: Can you afford the closing costs associated with refinancing? These typically amount to 2-6% of your loan amount, so it’s important to factor them into your decision.

If you have sufficient home equity, a strong credit score, and a low debt-to-income ratio, and current interest rates are favorable, refinancing to a conventional loan could be a smart way to remove your FHA mortgage insurance and save money over the long term.

On the other hand, if you don’t meet the equity or credit requirements for a conventional refinance, or if interest rates have risen significantly since you took out your FHA loan, refinancing may not make sense for you.

“After sufficient equity has built up on your property, refinancing from an FHA or conventional loan to a new conventional loan would eliminate MIP or PMI payments. This is possible as long as your LTV ratio is at 80% or less.”

—Wendy Stockwell, VP of operations support and product development at Embrace Home Loans

Ultimately, the best way to evaluate your options is to crunch the numbers and see how much you could save by refinancing versus sticking with your current FHA loan and mortgage insurance. You can use an online refinance calculator to get a rough idea of your potential savings, but for a more accurate assessment, it’s a good idea to consult with a real estate or mortgage professional who can review your specific situation and provide personalized advice.

Step 3: Contact your lender to start the FHA MIP removal process

If you think you’re eligible for FHA mortgage insurance removal, the next step is to contact your loan servicer. Your servicer is the company that manages your loan and accepts your mortgage payments. You can find their contact information on your monthly mortgage statement or by searching the Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems (MERS) database.

When you call your servicer, let them know you’re interested in removing FHA mortgage insurance. They’ll be able to review your loan details and eligibility, and advise you on next steps.

If you’re eligible for automatic MIP termination after 11 years, your servicer should take care of the process for you. However, it’s a good idea to follow up with them a few months before your loan’s 11-year anniversary to ensure the cancellation is on track.

If you need to refinance to remove MIP, your servicer can help you explore your options and start the application process.

Refinancing your FHA Loan to remove mortgage insurance

If you decide to refinance to get rid of FHA mortgage insurance, here’s what you can expect from the process.

Benefits of refinancing to remove FHA MIP

Refinancing from an FHA loan to a conventional mortgage can offer several advantages, such as:

  • FHA mortgage insurance removal: With a conventional loan, you can avoid mortgage insurance altogether if you have at least 20% equity.
  • Potentially lowering your interest rate: If mortgage rates have dropped since you took out your FHA loan, refinancing could secure you a lower rate and monthly payment.
  • Tapping your home equity: If you have sufficient equity, you could opt for a cash-out refinance to access funds for home improvements, debt consolidation, or other personal finance goals.
Check your eligibility for a cash-out refinance. Start here

Qualifying for a conventional refinance loan

To refinance into a conventional mortgage, you’ll need to meet the lender’s qualification criteria. Each mortgage lender has their own requirements, but in general, you’ll need:

  • A credit score of at least 620
  • A debt-to-income ratio below 50%
  • Stable income and employment
  • At least 20% equity in your home

If you don’t quite meet these criteria, you may still have options. For example, if you have less than 20% equity, you might qualify for a conventional loan with lender-paid mortgage insurance (LPMI). With LPMI, your lender pays for mortgage insurance on your behalf in exchange for a slightly higher interest rate.

How to refinance your FHA loan to remove mortgage insurance

If you’re ready for FHA mortgage insurance removal, here are the steps you’ll typically go through when applying for refinancing:

  1. Shop around and compare offers from multiple lenders. Look at interest rates, closing costs, and qualification requirements to find the best deal.
  2. Choose a lender and submit your mortgage refinance application. You’ll need to provide documentation of your income, assets, and debts.
  3. Get a new appraisal on your property. The lender will order a home appraisal to determine your home’s current property value and ensure you have sufficient equity to refinance.
  4. Go through underwriting. The mortgage lender will verify your financial and property information and make sure you meet their qualification criteria.
  5. Close on your new loan. If approved, you’ll sign the final paperwork and pay any required closing costs.
  6. Start making payments on your new conventional loan, free of FHA mortgage insurance premiums!

Refinancing to remove MIP payments can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months, depending on your financial situation and lender efficiency.

Alternatives to FHA mortgage insurance removal

Not everyone is eligible for a conventional mortgage refinance, and that’s ok. Even if complete FHA mortgage insurance removal isn’t possible for you, there may still be options available to reduce your FHA mortgage insurance costs.

Check your FHA MIP removal eligibility. Start here

FHA Streamline Refinance to reduce MIP costs

An FHA Streamline Refinance allows you to refinance your existing FHA loan to a lower interest rate, without a new appraisal or income verification. While this won’t eliminate your MIP, it could lower your overall mortgage payment.

To qualify for an FHA Streamline, you must have made at least 6 months of on-time payments on your current FHA loan. You also need to demonstrate that the refinance will result in a “net tangible benefit,” such as a lower payment or shorter loan term.

FHA MIP refund for recent borrowers

If you opened your FHA loan relatively recently, you might be eligible for an MIP refund. When you pay your Upfront Mortgage Insurance Premium (UFMIP) at closing, the FHA places that money in an escrow account for a short period. If you refinance or sell your home within the first 3 years of your loan term, you may be able to get a partial refund of your UFMIP.

The amount of your potential refund depends on how far into your loan term you are when you refinance or sell. Here’s a breakdown of the refund percentages:

  • If you refinance or sell within the first 12 months: 80% refund
  • If you refinance or sell between months 13-24: 60% refund
  • If you refinance or sell between months 25-36: 40% refund

Example: If you paid a $2,000 UFMIP at closing and refinance your loan after 18 months, you could be eligible for a $1,200 refund (60% of $2,000).

It’s important to note that this refund only applies to your upfront MIP, not your annual mortgage insurance premiums. Additionally, you must refinance or sell your home within the first 3 years of your loan term to be eligible for a refund.

If you think you may qualify for an MIP refund, contact your loan servicer or the HUD Resource Center for instructions on how to request one.

How long does FHA MIP last?

Most current FHA loans fall into two categories. Those with case numbers issued before June 3, 2013, and applications made on or after that date. Your FHA MIP removal will depend on this deadline because that’s when FHA rules changed.

Check your eligibility for FHA mortgage insurance removal. Start here

FHA loans for which you completed an application on or after June 3, 2013:

Modern FHA loans have simplified their MIP schedule. The size of your down payment determines whether MIP will expire.

Loan TermOriginal Down PaymentMIP Duration
All loan termsLess than 10%Life of loan
All loan termsMore than 10%11 years

FHA loans for which you completed an application before June 3, 2013:

These older FHA loans use a more elaborate MIP schedule.

Loan TermOriginal Down PaymentMIP Duration
20, 25, 30 yearsLess than 10%78% LTV after 5 years
20, 25, 30 years10-22%78% LTV after 5 years
20, 25, 30 yearsMore than 22%5 years
15 yearsLess than 10%78% LTV
15 years10-22%78% LTV
15 yearsMore than 22%No MIP

FAQ: FHA mortgage insurance removal

Check your FHA MIP removal eligibility. Start here

What is FHA MIP?

FHA MIP is the mortgage insurance program for FHA loans. It includes an upfront charge (UFMIP) equal to 1.75 percent of the loan amount, and a monthly premium (annual MIP) included in your mortgage payment. MIP protects FHA lenders, allowing them to offer competitive rates even with low down payments and average credit.

How is mortgage insurance (MIP) calculated by FHA?

MIP is calculated on your loan’s outstanding principal balance, which goes down as you make payments each month. Most FHA borrowers pay the same mortgage insurance rates: a 1.75 percent UFMIP and a 0.55 percent annual MIP. The annual premium is divided into 12 monthly MIP payments added to your mortgage payment.

Does FHA mortgage insurance go down each year?

FHA mortgage insurance rates do not go down each year, but your MIP insurance payments do. As your mortgage balance decreases, the dollar amount you pay for mortgage insurance decreases as well.

Can FHA mortgage insurance increase?

FHA can increase mortgage insurance rates at any time. But your existing MIP will not go up. As long as you stick with your original FHA loan (and don’t refinance into a new FHA mortgage), you’ll continue to pay your original mortgage insurance rate based on the home’s original value for as long as your MIP is due.

Does FHA require PMI without 20 percent down?

FHA loans require mortgage insurance premium (MIP) regardless of down payment size, even if you put down 20 percent or more. PMI (private mortgage insurance) is for conventional loans with less than 20 percent down.

Can PMI be removed from FHA loans?

No, PMI is for conventional mortgages. FHA loans have MIP, which usually lasts 11 years or the life of the loan. To remove MIP, you must refinance into a conventional loan once you have enough equity.

How do I get rid of FHA mortgage insurance?

For FHA loans originated before June 3, 2013, you might qualify for MIP removal when your loan balance reaches 78 percent LTV. For newer loans, you must refinance into a conventional loan with no PMI once you have 20 percent equity.

Can you get rid of MIP on an FHA loan without refinancing?

FHA MIP removal without refinancing is only possible in certain instances, such as loans originated before 2013 or with at least 10% down payment. Otherwise, you must refinance out of your FHA loan to eliminate MIP.

Are there lenders that specialize in FHA-to-conventional refinances?

Any lender that offers conventional loans by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac can assist in FHA mortgage insurance removal through refinancing. Additionally, any FHA-approved lender can help you reduce your payments via an FHA Streamline Refinance loan. Speak with a loan officer to explore your options.

Can you take cash out when you do a mortgage insurance elimination refi?

Yes, a conventional cash-out refinance allows you to take out up to 80 percent of the value of your home, while also avoiding PMI. An FHA cash-out refinance also allows 80 percent LTV, but you will still pay MIP.

How can I get rid of PMI without 20 percent down?

To remove PMI or MIP on an existing loan, refinance once your home reaches 20 percent equity. For a new loan type, consider options like piggyback loans, lender-paid mortgage insurance, or specialized programs without PMI.

Is paying PMI or MIP worth it?

Yes, mortgage insurance allows you to buy a home with a smaller down payment and more lenient credit requirements. You can refinance to remove PMI or MIP once you have 20 percent equity.

Bottom line on FHA mortgage insurance removal

The best way to achieve FHA mortgage insurance removal is to refinance into a conventional loan or a government-backed loan, such as a VA loan or a USDA loan.

So contact a mortgage lender to get a refinance rate quote. Mortgage quotes come with an eligibility check and potentially an estimate of the home’s appraised value.

Get a quote and get started canceling your FHA MIP today.

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How to Remove FHA Mortgage Insurance | FHA MIP Removal 2024 (2024)


How to get MIP removed from FHA loan? ›

If you meet the eligibility requirements to remove MIP from an FHA loan, your mortgage servicer should automatically cancel the premiums once you meet the criteria ( a 78 percent LTV or 11 years, depending on the loan). That's assuming you're in good standing with a record of on-time mortgage payments.

How long is MIP required on an FHA loan? ›

If you make at least a 10% down payment on an FHA loan, you'll only need to pay MIP for the first 11 years of the loan term. If you put less than 10% down, you'll pay MIP for the entire life of your loan. Most FHA-approved lenders add your annual MIP to your monthly mortgage payment.

Can I request to have PMI removed? ›

PMI is automatically removed when your loan-to-value (LTV) ratio reaches 78%. You can request to have PMI removed from your loan when you reach 80% LTV in your home. You can achieve an 80% LTV ahead of schedule if your home's value increases or if you make extra loan payments.

Do you have to refinance to get rid of PMI FHA loan? ›

For FHA loans opened on or after June 3, 2013

If you put 10 percent or more down, your MIP will go away after you've made payments on your loan for 11 years. If you put less than 10 percent down, you'll likely need a mortgage refinance to eliminate these monthly premiums.

Can I ask my bank to remove PMI? ›

You can typically remove PMI if market conditions lead to a significant increase in your home's value. You have to make a request with your lender and order a new appraisal. The appraisal confirms your property value rose enough to where you own the required amount of equity.

Can you get an appraisal to remove PMI on FHA? ›

Even if you don't, they must cancel it automatically at 22% equity. Whether you reach those thresholds by paying down your mortgage or through property appreciation doesn't matter, so yes, you can remove PMI because your home's appraised value increases. MIP is the mortgage insurance you pay on FHA loans.

What is the FHA MIP rate for 2024? ›

The majority of FHA borrowers choose a 30-year fixed term with a 3.5% down payment. In this case, the monthly mortgage insurance factor would be . 55% as of 2024. The one-time upfront (UPMIP) would be 1.75% – this is commonly added to the buyer's final loan amount.

What are the FHA student loan guidelines for 2024? ›

FHA Student Loan Guidelines 2024

If the actual monthly payment is zero or is less than what would be under regular amortizing payment terms, lenders must use the greater of . 5% of the outstanding loan balance or the monthly payment reported on the credit report.

Can I cancel my FHA mortgage insurance? ›

The FHA mortgage insurance agreement is between FHA and the mortgage company, so you must contact your mortgage company and ask them what they require to drop the insurance. Most mortgage companies will want you to have a substantial amount of equity in your home.

Why is it so hard to get PMI removed? ›

Many lenders (like Fannie Mae) also require a two-year “seasoning requirement,” meaning you can't have PMI removed until you've made two years' worth of on-time payments—even if your equity has grown above 20%. If it's been less than five years, you might even be required to have 25% worth of equity.

Do I have to wait 2 years to remove PMI? ›

If you've owned the home for at least five years, and your loan balance is no more than 80 percent of the new valuation, you can ask for PMI cancellation. If you've owned the home for at least two years, your remaining mortgage balance must be no greater than 75 percent.

How to remove PMI faster? ›

There are four methods you can use to terminate your PMI, according to these guidelines:
  1. Wait for PMI to terminate automatically. ...
  2. Request PMI cancellation. ...
  3. Refinance to get rid of PMI. ...
  4. Refinance into a piggyback loan to get rid of PMI. ...
  5. Get a new appraisal if your home value increases.

Can you get MIP removed from an FHA loan? ›

When can MIP be removed from an FHA loan? Depending on when you finalized your loan and your payment history, your FHA MIP could end after 11 years with a 10% down payment (for loans created on or after June 3, 2013) or 5 years if you have 78% LTV (for loans originated before June 3, 2013).

Can a mortgage company refuse to remove PMI? ›

Yes, a lender can refuse to remove PMI. For instance, if your property does not appraise as expected or you do not satisfy a requirement, a lender can reject your request. However, if you meet the requirements, you can request the removal of PMI.

Should you pay down mortgage to remove PMI? ›

You have the right to remove PMI for many mortgages, once you have paid down your mortgage to a specified point. Ending PMI reduces your monthly costs. Some lenders and servicers may allow removal of PMI under their own standards.

Can I remove escrow from my FHA loan? ›

Can you waive escrow on an FHA loan? Federal Housing Administration (FHA) loans 2 are not eligible for escrow waivers. FHA borrowers are required to hold an escrow account throughout the life of their mortgage.

Can MIP be refunded? ›

A refund of an upfront mortgage insurance premium (MIP) payment can be requested through HUD's Single Family Insurance Operations Division (SFIOD). On the FHA Connection, go to the Upfront Premium Collection menu and select Request a Refund in the Pay Upfront Premium section.

Can a borrower be removed from an FHA loan? ›

FHA Streamline Refinance: FHA loans allow removal of a name without credit and income verification if the remaining borrower can prove they've made the past six months' mortgage payments on their own. Otherwise, re-qualification is necessary.

What is the current FHA monthly MIP rate? ›

FHA MIP for mortgage term of more than 15 years*
Base loan amountLTV ratioMIP charged (percentage of loan amount)
$726,200 or lowerUp to 90% 90% to 95% Above 95%0.50% 0.50% 0.55%
More than $726,200Up to 90% 90% to 95% Above 95%0.70% 0.70% 0.75%
Apr 14, 2023

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.