How to recover deleted files on Windows 11? - Full Guide [2024] (2024)

How can you recover deleted files on Windows 11?

Windows11 promises both UX and performance improvements that align the operatingsystem (OS) with modern apps and services, while leveraging the compute andmemory power of next-generation processors. But no matter how shiny the new OS,users will still need to deal with routine issues such as recovering lostfiles. There are many reasons why files may be deleted or become unavailable:

  • Human error, such asaccidental deletion or overwriting of files.
  • Software issues, such as anapp crashing while data is being processed, a document editor not saving orupdating files properly, or backup software not working properly.
  • Hardware malfunctions, suchas firmware corruption, read / write mechanical failure, or damaged harddrives. The causes of these malfunctions are diverse, from aging equipment tosudden power failures / surges, or mishandling, to name a few.
  • Unpredictable naturaldisasters such as fires, floods and earthquakes that destroy equipment and, byextension, the data stored on it.
  • Malware, ransomware andothercybersecurityexploitsthat can freeze, steal or damage data assets.
  • Early versions of a WindowsOS can be buggy, and sometimes files can be lost in upgrades to Windows 11.

In this article, we'll look at different methods for recoveringlost files in Windows 11.

How to perform immediate recovery of accidentally deleted files inWindows 11?

Ithappens to us all — we realize in real time that we have accidentally deleted afile. But there's no need to panic. Windows 11 continues to support the basicfeatures that make it easy to recover these lost files as long as we actimmediately:

RecycleBin:As long as you didn't delete the files using theShift+Delete shortcut, you should be able to find them in the Recycle Bin.Double click the Recycle Bin on the desktop, select the files to be recovered,and either drag and drop the files to the desired location or right click thefile and select "Restore."

How to recover deleted files on Windows 11? - Full Guide [2024] (1)

UndoDelete:With the folder from which you accidentally deleted thefile(s) in focus, press CTRL+Z, or right click anywhere in the folder andchoose "Undo Delete." Be sure to use this method as soon as youbecome aware of the accidental deletion — and definitely before you restart thecomputer.

How to recover deleted files on Windows 11? - Full Guide [2024] (2)

How to recover deleted files with Windows 11 File Recovery?

WindowsFile Recovery is a command-line utility for recovering deleted files from localdisk drives, USB flash drives, or memory cards. It has two modes:"Regular" for recovering recently deleted files, and"Extensive" for trickier situations such as recovering files deleteda while ago or from disks that have been formatted or corrupted. Windows FileRecovery supports two file systems: NTFS and FAT or exFAT.

WindowsFile Recovery works on Windows 11, but it doesn't come preinstalled. You candownload it for free from the Microsoft Store and install it, but there are anumber of drawbacks that limit the utility's usability:

  • It's command line only andyou have to learn its general and advanced syntax to set parameters, switchesand filters. To recover a folder, a typical command line would be: winfrsource-drive: destination-drive: [/mode] [/switches] Note that in Windows 11,you can run Windows File Recovery on Windows Terminal (press Windows Button +Xand select Windows Terminal).
  • It won't work if the lostor deleted files have been overwritten by new data. So, it's critical to runWindows File Recovery as soon as possible after discovering that files aremissing.
  • The Extensive mode can bequite time-consuming.

How to recover files on Windows 11 after an upgrade?

Thissection focuses specifically on five methods for recovering files afterupgrading to Windows 11. These include:

  • Dealing with account issues(you were signed in with a temporary profile or the admin account was disabled)
  • Troubleshooting WindowsSearch to find files that were hidden or relocated
  • Restoring files from nativebackup utilities
  • Rolling back to theprevious Windows version

Method 1: Dealing with a temporary profile

If filesare missing after a Windows 11 upgrade, it might be because you have beensigned in with a temporary profile (which Windows does automatically when itexperiences difficulty logging into your usual profile).

To see ifthis is the problem, go to the Start menu, select Settings → Accounts and thenSync your settings. If you get the message "You are signed in with atemporary profile …" or the message "We can't sign into youraccount," then restart the machine and log in again to your usual profile.After the successful login, sync your settings as described above.

Note thatonce you sign out of the temporary profile, it will no longer be accessible.Therefore, as an extra precaution, before rebooting, you should back up thefiles in the temporary profile to an external storage device.

Method 2: Enable administrator account

Duringthe course of the Windows 11 upgrade, the local administrator account may bedisabled, in which case the files associated with the account will not be available.

  • Select Local Users andGroups on the left side of the Computer Management pane.
  • Now double-click Users (onthe right side of the pane) and then double click Administrator to open theProperties interface.
  • Make sure that the optionAccount is disabled is unchecked.
  • Click Apply and OK, thensign in with the admin account. The lost documents should now be available.

Method 3: Troubleshooting Windows 11 Search

If you'rehaving trouble finding files using Windows Search, you may need to initiate arebuilding of the search index, as follows:

  • Use the Search box on theWindows taskbar to locate and open the Indexing Options pane.
  • Click the Advanced button.
  • In the Troubleshooting sub-pane, click Rebuild to delete the current index and rebuild a new one from scratch.

If somefiles still seem to be missing, it could be that Windows defined certain filetypes as hidden during the upgrade. Here's what you can do, as shown in figure1:

[Figure1: Showing hidden items]

  • Open the File Explorer pane[1] and select the View tab [2].
  • In the Show / Hide area,make sure that Hidden items is checked [3].
  • Search again for themissing files.
How to recover deleted files on Windows 11? - Full Guide [2024] (3)

Method 4: Recover files after Windows 11 upgrade withnative backup

If all ofthe methods described above don't uncover the missing files, it is quitepossible that you will have to restore them from your nativeWindows 11 backup.Windows 11 continues to support the two nativeWindows backupfeatures:

  • File History,whichautomatically maintains incremental backups of files stored in frequently usedfolders. You can choose the external destination backup drive as well ascustomize the folders that will be included or excluded. However, please notethat only the specified folders will be backed up. For end-to-end file backups,it's best to use a third-partybackup software.
  • Backup and Restore (Windows7), which not only backs up data files to a user-designated local orexternal drive, it also creates a system image.

FileHistory allows you to restore individual files, whileWindows BackupandRestore supports only full restores. In either case, access the appropriateinterface in the Control Panel and follow the instructions.

Note thatif you are using OneDrive to back up and sync files, you can restore themissing files from there.

Tip: Create a document with the same name as the missing file, right-click the file to open Properties, select the Previous Versions tab, and select the most recent previous version as created by File History.

Method 5: Restoring to a previous version to recover yourdeleted files

Sometimesyou'll have to restore to the previous Windows version, copy the files thatwere lost during the Windows 11 upgrade, then reinstall the upgrade.

It'sworth noting that any files you created or apps you installed after upgradingto Windows 11 will be lost if you roll back to your previous version.

How do I find recently deleted files in Windows 11?

Recentlydeleted files reside in the Recycle Bin in Windows 11. As long as you haven'tperma-deleted them or emptied the Recycle Bin by habit, you can open theRecycle Bin and browse through recently deleted files.

If youwant to restore a file, right-click on it and select the "Restore"option. You can also drag and drop the file to the desktop or a folder torestore it.

How can I recover a deleted Word document in Windows 11?

Accidentaldeletion is a common mishap with Word documents. Even if they try their best,mis-clicks can send them to oblivion. This, of course, can be reverted by thehumans responsible for the Word documents.

Asidefrom Recycle Bin restore and the "Undo Delete" option, you'll findthe most efficient methods to recover deleted Word documents below.Let'sexplore them.

  • Via File History

FileHistory persists as a feature in Windows 11. You can use it to restore savedcopies of Word documents from the File History backup drive.

FileHistory outweighs Recycle Bin and "Undo Delete", as it can retrievefiles that have even been permanently deleted (and are no longer residing inthe Recycle Bin).

Here'show to use this approach:

  1. Open the "Start" menu → type in "Control Panel"
  2. Execute the "Control Panel" app
  3. Find "System and Security" → "File History"
  4. Click on "Restore personal files" (it's on the left sidebar)
  5. Browse through File History backup copies to find the one containing the deleted Word document → select the document (or documents) → click the green recovery button.

You canalso access File History backup copies (as well as restore points) byright-clicking the folders where the original files were located. Afterright-clicking, select "Show more options → Restore previous versions."Then, browse through the versions and find the one containing the deleted Worddocument to recover it.

  • Via CHKDSK (Command Prompt)

The goodold Command Prompt is still here to aid you in recovering deleted files andeven repairing corrupted documents.

To useCHKDSK, you can use two approaches — go via the Command Prompt or Properties.

CHKDSKvia Command Prompt:

  1. Press the "Win" + "X" buttons -> select the "Windows Terminal" option
  2. Type chkdsk volume: /r (Here, replace "volume" with the letter corresponding to your storage device)
  3. Hit "Enter" on the keyboard and let CHKDSK scan and repair the specific storage device

CHKDSKvia Properties:

  1. Launch "File Explorer"
  2. Select "This PC" from the locations list on the left sidebar
  3. Right-click on the storage device you wish to repair → select "Properties"
  4. Select the "Tools" tab
  5. Click on the "Check" button
  • Via ATTRIB

Windows11 comes with an extra recovery tool called "ATTRIB". You can useATTRIB to change specific characteristics of computer files or directories(also called "attributes," hence ATTRIB).

Thisoption doesn't literally recover perma-deleted files but rather"reveals" documents that have become obscured from view. (forexample, by malware)

Weinclude it because, sometimes, we may perceive a Word document as deleted whenit is merely hidden from view by a user or a malicious program.

Here'show to use ATTRIB:

  1. Press “Win” + “X” → select the “Windows Terminal” option.
  2. Type attrib -h -r -s /s /d volume:\*.* (Here, replace “volume” with the letter corresponding to your storage device).
  3. Press "Enter" on the keyboard.
  • Via an older Windows backup

Back inthe day, Windows 7 (and Windows Vista) introduced the Backup and Restorefeature. Despite its seniority, the option still holds its ground in Windows11. With it, you can create acomplete PC imageand recover data from it.

If yousomehow delete a Word document and want it back the old-school way, here's howto go about it:

  1. Launch the "Settings" app
  2. Find “System” → “Recovery
  3. Click on "Restart now"
  4. Go for “Troubleshoot” → “Advanced options” → “See more recovery options” → “System Image Recovery
  5. Choose the system image backup

Keep inmind, you need to have at least one already created Windows Image backup torestore documents from it. As a bonus, the Backup and Restore (Windows 7)enables backups of all critical drives required for Windows to run optimally,so you can use it for more than simply recovering Word documents.

  • Via third-party recovery software

Third-partyrecovery solutions can prove helpful in recovering Word documents in specificconditions.

If thestorage drive for the original (deleted) file is not corrupted or compromised,you'd probably be able to restore the file. However, if the drive has sufferedphysical damage, causing some files to get erased, you may not recover themsuccessfully, even with a robust solution.

  • Via the File Recovery Tool

WindowsFile Recovery is Microsoft's native data recovery app. It’s available fordownload from the Microsoft Store and runs on Windows 10 (2004) and newerversions, including Windows 11.

You canuse it to recover common file formats from local storage.

AsWindows File Recovery doesn't have its own graphical interface, you'd need tocontrol it via the Command Prompt.

To do that:

  1. Press “Win” + “X” → select “Windows Terminal
  2. Type in winfr C: E: /regular /n \Users\<username>\Documents\ to restore the Documents folder on drive C to drive E.

You canalso pick a different path for the Documents folder, as well as differentsource and destination drives.

  • Via cloud backup from OneDrive

If youhave been using Windows for a while, you're probably familiar with its nativeOneDrive cloud backup solution. The feature enables you to sync files betweenyour computer and cloud storage.

To useit, you'd need to create an account and enable backups to OneDrive.

Oncethat's done, you can restore data from it as long as you have a stable internetconnection. However, the OneDrive cloud's purpose is to mirror the contents ofthe OneDrive folder on your PC or laptop. It does so by syncing the data fromyour device with data on the cloud about every 10 minutes.

So, ifyou delete a file from your computer, with the file stored in the OneDrivefolder, you'd have about 10 minutes (at best) to retrieve it from OneDrivebefore the next sync cycle.

Torecover a deleted document from OneDrive:

  1. Visit
  2. Log in to your account via your Microsoft email address and passcode
  3. Browse through the backed-up files and select which ones you need to retrieve → click the "Download" button

You canalso use the OneDrive app included in Windows 11 to access cloud backupdocuments from the File History feature. This will also enable automaticbackups of your data.

Keep inmind, if you rely on a computer without internet access, it's obsolete to setup OneDrive as it won't be able to back up any data.

  • Via backup from a third-party backup solution

Dedicatedbackup solutions offer what we call "true backup".

Insteadof syncing your data (like OneDrive), third-party backup solutions createcopies of your files and folders, transfer them to secure cloud (or local)storage, and ensure their protection and availability for immediate recovery.

If youhold backups on a dedicated cloud, you can access them anytime (as long as youmaintain a stable internet connection) and recover Word documents even if youhave erased the document from your computer.

Moreover,you can back up data to external HDDs or other media carriers to ensure quickaccess even if you don't have an internet connection. You can encrypt thebackups, so only you'd have access to the data on them, even if you lose themor somebody steals them.

Areliable backupis the most effective way to restore deleted Word documents.

If youhave a copy of the Word file in storage, losing access to it could only occurif the backup is somehow compromised. Otherwise, you'd be able to recover datafrom it freely anytime you need.

Naturally,it's up to you to choose a file recovery approach – all of the discussedoptions can retrieve Word documents under the right circ*mstances; however,only true backup ensures your data's entirety, integrity, and availability.

What is the File History feature in Windows 11?

As we'vementioned, File History is Windows' in-built data recovery feature. With it,you can take a timeline snapshot of critical files on your computer, place itin storage, and use it to recover stored data when needed.

Below, wewill explore how to set up and use the feature. Let's go.

How to set up File History in Windows 11?

First,you need to set up File History so it's enabled and operating correctly. To useFile History, you'll also need an external hard drive dedicated to File Historystorage.

This iswhere the software will keep snapshots of your files securely. If you don'thave external storage connected to your device, you won't be able to use FileHistory.

Here'show to enable the feature in Windows 11:

  • Connect the external storage to your computer
  • Type "control panel" in the "Start" menu → choose the "Control Panel" app
  • Here, change the view to "Large Icons" to find "File History" quicker
  • If you still haven't connected an external storage device to your computer, you'll see a message — "No usable drive was found." If you have connected an external drive but still get this message, try reconnecting and refreshing the page (either via the "Refresh" button or the "F5" button)
  • Click on the "Turn on" button
  • File History is now enabled and will start an automatic backup

UsingFile History in Windows 11

You haveenabled File History to back up data from your computer to external storage.However, there are a few other things you might want to configure.

  • Choose folders for File History backups

FileHistory backs up essential folders by default — documents, desktop, pictures andvideos. Nonetheless, you can add any folder you wish to backup by File History.To do so, you'd need to add a specific folder to one of the default libraries.


  1. Right-click the folder you wish to add to File History backups → select "Show more options" to open the old Context menu
  2. From the menu, choose "Include in library" → select the directory you want to transfer the folders and files to

Anyfolder or file added to the library will be included in future File Historybackups.

  • Exclude folders from File History backups

On theother hand, you might not want to include a particular folder to File Historybackup. You can exclude a folder by following the instructions below.

  1. Open "Start" and search for "file history"
  2. Click on the "File History" option from the "Best match" label on the top
  3. In the "File History" window, open the "Excluded folders" link (it's on the list on the left)
  4. Click the "Add" button → choose which folders (or subfolders) to exclude from future File History backups
  5. After you've selected the excluded folders, click the "Save" button to confirm your choice (it's at the bottom of the screen)
  • Manage backup timers

FileHistory automates backups, which is convenient for many users. However,frequent backups may quickly fill up your external storage if you don't auditthem. To ease the burden of constantly updating backups to optimize storagespace, you can configure File History backups frequency.

To do so:

  1. Open "Start" and search for "file history"
  2. Click on the "File History" option from the "Best match" label on the top
  3. Once in the "File History" menu, click on "Advanced settings" (it's on the list on the right)
  4. Here, you can set the backup frequency; the options vary from 10 minutes to daily backups; you can also configure the retention span of backups on the external storage drive and delete old File History backup copies to optimize drive space

How to restore files with File History in Windows 11?

FileHistory enables you to store data locally and recover it in cases of accidentaldeletion or data corruption. Since it's not a syncing feature but createscopies of your files, you can recover the data as it was included in your lastFile History backup.

Thatmeans some recent changes may not be present, but it also counters malwarespreading over your entire backup.

Torestore files from File History backups:

  1. Open “Start” → search for “file history” → launch the feature.
  2. In the "File History" window, click on the "Restore personal files" link (it's on the list on the left).
  3. The command will open a "File History" window with all of your available backups; you can scroll through files and folders via the controls at the bottom (given you have your storage drive connected to your computer).
  4. To restore a file or a folder, select them and click the "Restore" button (it's at the bottom of the screen).
  5. Once you restore a file or a folder, they're moved back to their original location on your PC or laptop, so you'd be able to access them normally.

Do I need File History turned on?

In thestrictly etymological sense of the question, you don't necessarily need FileHistory to always be turned on to operate your computer appropriately. FileHistory is an optional feature for Windows users. It's not a critical operatingsystem process, so you are free not to use it.

However,File History enables users to back up their files frequently and, thus, keepsecure storage of their vital data outside of their primary machine (on anexternal storage drive).

If youwant to safeguard your files against human error (accidental deletion), powersurges, and cyberattacks, it's convenient to have File History turned on. Itwill automatically make copies of the default folders on your PC and keep themsecurely in storage. This way, if you delete or lose data, you'd be able torecover it from the backups.

Now, evenif you've enabled File History, you don't need to keep it turned on at alltimes.

Whilehaving the feature running constantly, you won't need to bother with manualbackups. Nonetheless, you can go for manual backups if you want to optimizestorage space and don't mind doing it.

Manual File History backups

Automaticbackups are the most convenient, but they can also burden your external HDD ifyou make frequent changes to File History default folders on your PC. If youchoose to run manual backups, you won't need File History turned on at alltimes. In addition, you won't have your storage space fill up unexpectedly.

You caninitiate manual backups from the File History window. There, you'd see a linelabeled "Run now" (typically placed below your external storage drivespecs in the middle of the screen).

On theother hand, you'd probably want to copy and back up critical documents as soonas you've made changes to them. So, File History's running state is all up tothe user.

If you'reconfident you won't forget about manual backups, you can only turn File Historyon when initiating a backup. If you prefer to have the feature run automaticbackups, it's best to leave it turned on at all times.

Lastly,you can choose not to use File History at all. Although it's convenient (andfree), you can choose from different storage options. There's the public cloud(free, with limited space and lower data security), a cloud backup solution(paid, with enhanced security options), or a dedicated backup solution for bothlocal and cloud backups (paid, with enhanced security and backup options).

What folders does File History back up?

As we'vementioned, File History comprises a predetermined set of folders eligible forautomatic backup. Those are the user folders, libraries, the desktop, savedgames, favorites from Internet Explorer, and searches.

Userfolders typically include Documents, Pictures, Desktop, and Videos. If you wantto back up an item, it must reside in one of those mentioned above.

You can'tadd separate, customized folders to be included in a File History backup, butyou can exclude one or more if you wish.

How long are File History backups retained by default?

FileHistory cares a lot about your backups. If it's up to the feature, it will keepevery backup forever by default. However, the default setting may quickly fillup your external storage if you edit, remove or add files frequently.

You canset the retention span for backups from the File History settings menu. Here,you can choose timeframes from one month to two years, "Until space isneeded," or leave the default option "Forever" on.

Dependingon your data creation speeds, you'd probably want to pick a value between one andsix months to keep your storage optimized.

A lowerretention span means backups will be removed quicker, so you need to be carefulin picking the shortest period. However, if you initiate daily backups, you'dstill have a month to recover deleted or lost data. If not, you may want tocalculate the optimal backup-retention cycle for your data creation habits.

As forextended retention periods, six months of backup creation would meancomprehensive storage, but it would also translate to less available storagespace. If you pick a higher retention period, it would be best to audit yourbackups from time to time to ease the load on your external drive.

How do I restore an app in Windows 11?

Whendiscussing app restoration in Windows 11, it may refer to three primary cases.

If an appisn't operating correctly, you can repair and restore it via Windows settings.

If youwish to reinstall an app to potentially fix it (or for any other reason,really), you can do it via PowerShell in Windows 11.

Lastly,if you want to restore already installed apps from one Windows device toanother, you could use the "Restore Apps" function for Windows 11.

Let's discussall three one by one now.

How to restore an app via Windows 11 settings?

Windowssettings allow users to repair specific apps, although it doesn't offer the"repair", "change", or "modify" options for allapps and programs on your PC.

However,the method can still be helpful, so let's explore how to proceed with it. Repair options via the "Settings" page:

  • Select “Start” → “Settings”→ “Apps” → “Apps & features
  • Click the "More"icon next to the app you wish to repair.
  • Select "Advancedoptions" under the app's name (again, some apps won't have that optionavailable).
  • On the "Advancedoptions" page, select "Repair" (if available).

If "Repair" isn't available (or doesn't fix the issue), select "Reset."Repair options via "Control Panel"

  • Type "controlpanel" in the Search on your taskbar → select "Control Panel"from the results.
  • Select “Programs” →“Programs and Features
  • Right click on the programyou wish to repair → choose "Repair."

If"Repair" isn't available, select "Change" and follow the on-screendirections to complete the process.

How to reinstall an app via PowerShell in Windows 11?

Sometimes,you want to reinstall individual apps (even not supported by the previousmethod) to fix them (or for any other reason).

To usePowerShell in such a case, follow the steps below.

  1. Type "windows powershell" in the Windows search box → right-click on "PowerShell" → choose the "Run as administrator" option
  2. You'll see a PowerShell prompt → type Get-Appxpackage –Allusers and press "Enter"
  3. Scroll down to locate the entry of the specific app and copy its "PackageFullName" (after finding and selecting the app’s "PackageFullName," you'll need to use Ctrl + C to copy it; the right-click and copy command doesn't work here).
  4. Now, type and execute the following command:

Add-AppxPackage-register “C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\<PackageFullName>”–DisableDevelopmentMode

In thecommand above, you'd need to replace the label "PackageFullName" withthe actual package name of the specific app you want to reinstall. Also, you'dneed to replace "C" with the corresponding drive letter to whereWindows 11 is installed.

How to restoreapps via the "Restore Apps" feature for Windows 11?

Restoringpreviously installed apps to a new Windows installation is probably the most time-consumingtask during the process. This is why Microsoft is working on developing a"Restore Apps" feature for Windows 11.

With it,you'd be able to quickly reinstall all previously installed apps from theMicrosoft Store on a freshly installed PC.

You'dstill need to install desktop applications manually, but "RestoreApps" will enable users to install all Microsoft Apps connected to theiraccount by clicking a single button.

Althoughwe haven't seen it in action, screenshots of thedevelopment process suggest a user-friendly command to command all of your apps back when switching to Windows 11.

When youvisit the "Library" in the Microsoft Store, you'll see a new optionappear. It will show all previously associated apps with your Microsoftaccount. You'd be able to click on the "Restore all" button torestore all of the said apps on your new Windows 11 installation.

You couldalso pick individual apps and restore only those you wish to keep.

However,you won't be able to use this feature for desktop apps like Photoshop, Steam orMS Office.

Anotherthing to look for is Microsoft's addition to the "Restore Apps"feature. As it seems, users will be able to search for an app via the"Search" function on the Windows taskbar and install it directlywithout accessing the Microsoft Store.

How do you reset app data?

Sometimes,new OS versions may be buggy and cause apps to malfunction. And even if you'veupgraded to Windows 11 and all is well, an app may still crash or fail to open.

In suchcases, you can try repairing the app via Settings or the other means we'vediscussed. However, if repairing doesn't bear fruit, you may need to reset theapp's data.

Keep inmind that resetting an app will erase all of the app's data on your device(including sign-in credentials and preferences). It will also unpin the appfrom the taskbar, so you'd need to pin it manually after the reset.

Theguides below will walk you through resetting Universal Windows Platform (UWP)apps.

If you'resure that an app reset is needed, here are the ways to go about it.

Reset app data via Settings

To resetapp data in Settings, follow the steps below.

1.Press "Win" +"I" to open "Settings"

2.Click on "Apps"(on the left) → click on "Apps & features" or on "Installedapps" (on the right)

3.Browse through the appslist and click on the three-dotted button next to the app you wish to reset →select "Advanced options"

4.Click on"Terminate" to ensure the app and all related processes aren'trunning

5.Click on "Reset" →click on "Reset" again to confirm

6.Settings will now reset theapp to its default state

Reset appdata via the Start menu

If theapp you want to reset isn't listed in "Settings," you can tryresetting it from the Start menu.

Here'show to do it:

  1. Open the Start menu
  2. Click on the "All apps" button
  3. Browse through apps and right-click (or press and hold) on the app you want to reset → click on "More" → click on "App settings"
  4. Click on "Terminate" to ensure the app and all related processes aren't running
  5. Click on "Reset" → click on "Reset" again to confirm
  6. Settings will now reset the app to its default state

Reset appdata via PowerShell

For thisstep to work, you'd need to have the Capability Access Manager Service (camsvc)enabled to run the commands below.

To use PowerShell in such a case, follow the steps below.

  • Type "windows powershell" in the Windows search box → right-click on "PowerShell" → choose the "Run as administrator" option
  • Copy-paste the commandbelow and press "Enter" to check all installed UWP apps for thecurrent user

Get-AppxPackage | SelectName >"$env:userprofile\Desktop\Apps_List.txt"

(this will output a list toa text file on your desktop)


Get-AppxPackage | SelectName

(this will output a listinside PowerShell)

  • Scroll through the list ofUWP apps to find the name of the app you wish to reset
  • Type the following commandin PowerShell and press "Enter"

Get-AppxPackage *UWP appname* | Reset-AppxPackage

Here, substitute "UWPapp name" in the command line with the app's actual name.

Resetlisted app data via PowerShell

Again,you'd need camsvc running to go for this approach.

Once it'sactive, go for the steps below.

  1. Open "Windows Terminal" → select "Windows PowerShell"
  2. Copy-paste the corresponding command to the app you wish to reset → press "Enter" (we will include a list of the commands below)
How to recover deleted files on Windows 11? - Full Guide [2024] (4)
How to recover deleted files on Windows 11? - Full Guide [2024] (5)

Do you lose your files when upgrading to Windows 11?

Asannounced by Microsoft, Windows 11 became available for users on October 5, 2021.

It comeswith a streamlined new design, new startup sound, some new features, visualupgrades and more. As with any newer OS version, it's designed with innovationin mind, but some users have already reported losing their files afterupgrading to Windows 11.

Generally,there's no need to worry about losing files after updating to Windows 11. Thereported cases can be explained by system bugs or human error; we expect theofficial Windows 11 version not to present any data loss issues.

Userswon't lose their data during upgrading if they simply select the "Keeppersonal files and apps" option during Windows setup. If you fail tochoose the option, there's a chance of losing personal data during the setup.

Even ifyou don't lose data, keep in mind that Windows removed some features fromWindows 10. Those are, News & Interests, Desktop Wallpaper, Math InputPanel, Quick Status, Tablet Mode, Touch Keyboard and Wallet.

In anycase, you'll have plenty of time to decide whether you want to update to Windows11 (at least one Windows 10 release will be supported until October 14, 2025).

Regardlessof when you upgrade your OS, it's best to back up your files before you do.We're not saying you'll lose data during Windows 11 update, but errors dohappen. For example, you may fail to tick the "Keep personal files andapps" option, or a power surge can strike during setup.

If yousomehow lose your data and don't have it backed up in storage, you'd need torebuild it. Or, if that's not possible, you'll lose it for good.

Windows 11 recovery solution: Acronis Cyber Protect HomeOffice

Acronis True Image(formerly AcronisTrue Image) is a unified solution for small offices (up to five computers) thatdelivers exceptional backup and recovery capabilities along with advanced cybersecurityprotection. No matter what the cause of disruption — from hardware or softwarefailure to a cyberattack — Acronis True Image ensures quickrestores and recovery.

WithAcronis True Image, you cancreate a full-disk image backup, butthe solution also:

  • Enables you to create local backups and back up to the cloud to make it easy tofollow the industry-accepted3-2-1 rule of backup.
  • Works at a highly granular level, making it easy to backup and restore a singlefile or an entire file system
  • Backs up your iPhone and Android devices
  • Supports iOS to or from Android migration
  • Creates direct cloud-to-cloud backups of yourMicrosoft 365 account, including the emails andattachments from your mailbox and all of the files in your OneDrive
  • Offers machine-intelligence (MI)-based cybersecurity to block attacks in realtime — before malware, ransomware, or cryptojackers can cause damage — and itkeeps accidental infections and unwanted cyberattacks away from your valuabledata while browsing online or video conferencing with your family and friends

Learnmore aboutAcronis True Imageortry it out for free.

How to recover deleted files on Windows 11? - Full Guide [2024] (2024)
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