How to Quit Your Job, Go Travel, and Not Worry about Money - Generation Nomads (2024)

Do you wonder how to quit your job and travel the world?

It does sound amazing, doesn’t it? Put all obligations aside for a while, get lost somewhere in jungles, wild beaches, or romantic cities, and just be for once.

One way of making this dream a reality is to save up money, sell your stuff, and run off to new adventures.

That’s at least what you expected to read here, isn’t it?

But if you knew already how most people say they do it, why haven’t you done it yourself yet?

While we think we know they reason why, you have to admit something. It sound pretty easy in theory, right? You hand in your resignation letter, pack up your stuff, get cheesy goodbye presents, and close the door behind you.

Actually, we know many who did exactly that. They quit their jobs, sold all their belongings, and all that romantic sounding jazz. They went traveling, and you know what? Only a few short weeks or months in, they decided to turn around and come back home!

Why? Because they couldn’t handle seeing their money being drained out of their pockets. They didn’t have a longterm plan and they started freaking out once savings started to get tight. And they will get tight … sooner or later!

Let me guess.

You haven’t quit your job and gone traveling on your savings because you know that this is not the right way.

At least not for you?We agree. That’s why we did it in a totally different way. In a safer and longterm sustainable way.

Read on if you want to know how we managed to leave our 6-figure corporate jobs and create a life of freedom. And … how you can start planning ahead right if you want to know how to quit your job and create a life of location and financial freedom.

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How to Quit Your Job, Go Travel, and Not Worry about Money - Generation Nomads (1)

You need to have a longterm plan forhow toquit your job and travel worry-free

We quit our corporate jobs in 2018 to become digital nomad entrepreneurs and we can’t stress enough how important it is to do proper preparations before you quit your job and travel the world. Especially when it comes to money.

We don’t want you to quit your job abruptly without having a plan.

Instead, we want you to choose another path.

We’ll let you in on a proven method of how you can quit your job and go travel in full peace of mind. With this method you won’t need to worry about money.

Even better, this method will not only allow you to travel but to change your life so that you can start living a life of freedom forever.

In short, we want to help you build a life in which you can do whatever you want, whenever you want, wherever you want.

Without having to worry about money running out and without sacrificing your happiness for money either!

We know, this sounds almost too good to be true but just roll with us for a moment. You will very soon understand what we mean.

Oh and no, there is no secret hook, and it’s easier than you think it is.

Let us start by telling you a short story about us and how we have been traveling the world full-time without without touching our savings and while doing what we love.

Secret #1: How we went traveling full-time without working and without touching our savings

The story of becoming full-time travels and digital nomad entrepreneurs starts on a sunny spring afternoon 5 years ago. It was Sunday and Tomer and I were strolling along the beautiful canals of Amsterdam when the pre-Monday blues started to settle in. Sounds familiar?

We had been dreaming about going traveling for a long time but I had just received a juicy promotion and it didn’t seem like the right time to leave.

I remember getting into a heated discussion. We concluded that if we didn’t go traveling soon, it was likely never going to happen.

At that time we used to live in a rented apartment that cost us $1600 a month. Our landlord rented it out because he was traveling around South America.

We found this fact so fascinating that we started looking into mortgage prices to figure out how much profit our landlord was making on us. We learnt that if we bought an apartment ourselves, our monthly total cost would be $1000. That’s $600 less than what we were renting our apartment for! That meant that our landlord had an additional $600 for his travel budget coming out of our bank account, every month.

Learning this was a game changer for us.

Over the course of the next 2 years we bought 3 apartments and gave them up for rent. You can do the math how much that made us. The best thing, apart from some small administrative tasks of about 2 hours a month, we don’t need to work for this income.

This type of income is called passive income.

Passive income is any earnings that you make without having to actively work for. In simple words, it’s money that you earn while you sleep.

Before you object and say“Ok, thumbs up for you guys, but that’s not realistic for me.”, let us calm you down.Real estate is not the only way. In fact, there are many more options — especially those that require less than $20 to start. We summarized the11 best passive income streams that we see great potential in here.

Instead of watching your savings run out and stress about urgently needing to find random remote jobs, passive income will give you peace of mind during your travels. Besides being an essential ingredient for smart money management, it is also a cushion. A financial cushion to explore what you actually want to do, without stress.

… which brings us to Secret #2 to creating a lifestyle in which you do what you love where you love and when you love:

Secret #2 is to turn your passions into an income source.Or in other words, become a digital nomad entrepreneur.

Secret #2: Turn your passions into income as digital nomad entrepreneur

How would it feel if you could do something you love all day long and make money while you’re at it?

This was our vision. We knew there had to be another way of making money. One withoutbeing chained to your office desk from 9 to 5 and doing work that drained our souls.

Instead, we wanted to do do our own thing. We wanted to be in control of our own schedules, travel, and spend our time on projects and people that inspired us.

So after leaving our Fortune 500 leadership careers thanks to passive income, we started building our freedom based online business in Bali.

That’s the ultimate ticket to freedom.Finding your marketable skills and passions and turning it into an online offer that people will love to buy … Starting an online business as a solo-preneur allows you to work from anywhere in the world on your own terms. And it doesn’t have to be complicated!

The key to launching an online business that is profitable and fun is to pick a business idea you are passionate about and follow a step-by-step plan to start making money with it … without the overwhelm. In this post, we help you break down your knowledge, interests, and experiences into marketable skills and find profitable business ideas.

having a clear step-by-step plan that takes away the overwhelm and doubting. In this post, we take you through the 5 Steps forHow to Start an Online Business (+ Work Only 2 Hours/Day!) as a Beginner.

The fastest and most profitable way to become a digital nomad entrepreneur is to create a consultancy or coaching service.

Why is that? Here are the benefits of becoming a digital nomad coach / consultant:

  • You stop working on somebody else’s schedule. Instead, you decide what you offer to whom and how, allowing for control and flexibility.
  • You can get started withskills you already have, without the need for retraining (or becoming a bigger expert!).
  • You can charge a premium price andmake substantial money relatively fast.This means you sustain your travels with the business as soon as possible.

Becoming an online consultant or coach is a great way tomonetize skills you already have. You do that by turning them into value that others are willing to pay for.

You don’t need to be the best in your field. The secret is to be one step ahead of somebody to create a huge benefit for them.

If you’re looking for a structured way to map out your business idea and the steps it takes from launch to first client, here’s a FREE Training. We take you through the 5 Steps of creating a premium service offer and acquiring your first client … as a beginner. It comes with a FREE Workbook to jot down your ideas and keep yourself organized!

How long will it take? Timeline for how to quit your job, travel and do things you love

We can imagine, you don’t want to wait forever until you can finally live your travel dreams … and you don’t have to!

However, we want to set the right expectations. Becoming a financially free digital nomad entrepreneur doesn’t happen over night. It does take time and dedication.

That’s totally fine and needed. Overnight success is a myth. Often, as fast as it comes, that’s also as fast as it is lost. Everything that is worthwhile keeping is the result of a process.

The key is to know the step-by-step process of making your travel business plan a success.

This process is the difference between working hard for months without making any money and landing your first high-paying remote clients in the first weeks of your new business.

It’s about creating something that people will really want and to market it effectively.

How to quit your job … starting now: Your next steps

How does your freedom lifestyle look like? What do you secretly dream about doing or trying?

If your vision of an ideal freedom based life is being your own boss, working from anywhere with a wifi connection, and doing things you enjoy, we have something you will like.

We created a FREE Training that teaches you the 5 Steps for becoming a Digital Nomad Entrepreneur.In other words, we tell you how you can find your marketable skills and passions and turn them into a profitable online offer that people will want to buy.

The best thing is that you can start right away, without waiting for more confidence, certifications, or social media followers. You can start turning your passions into a remote income source now! Access the FREE Training here. It comes with a free workbook with journaling prompts and questions to map out your freedom business idea.

How to Quit Your Job, Go Travel, and Not Worry about Money - Generation Nomads (2024)


How to quit your job and become a nomad? ›

It's best to tread slow. Start with the little things. That you are going to quit your current job, travel for a few months, try working in a different beat, and see how it goes. Leave some things vague, like you might have a come-back plan, like you might want to 'settle down' at some point.

Is it a bad idea to quit your job to travel? ›

Quitting your job to travel can positively and negatively impact your career. While travel experiences can enhance personal growth, cultural understanding, and adaptability, explaining gaps in your resume to potential employers may be challenging.

How to quit your job and travel with no money? ›

An incomplete list of options to get your ass abroad and exploring the world:
  1. Join a volunteer organization. ...
  2. Teach English. ...
  3. Find a source of mobile income. ...
  4. Start an online business. ...
  5. Convince your company to let you work remotely. ...
  6. Get transferred overseas. ...
  7. Find odd jobs as you travel. ...
  8. Work on a cruise or for an airline.

How do I quit my job and survive financially? ›

6 Steps to Financially Prepare to Quit Your Job
  1. Build up your emergency fund. ...
  2. Create a bare-bones budget. ...
  3. Consider your options for medical insurance. ...
  4. Consolidate high-interest debt. ...
  5. Decide what to do with your 401(k). ...
  6. Start your new business (or job search) while still employed.
Jun 26, 2024

Is 30 too old to be digital nomad? ›

Although you might think digital nomads are all Generation Z, the reality is that you can become a digital nomad at any age, in your 30s, 40s or beyond. Even better, you have some big advantages that younger people don't enjoy — and that can get your remote working lifestyle off to a great start.

What is the average income of a digital nomad? ›

The answer varies depending on your skill level, level of education, and the industry you work in. In 2023: The average digital nomad earned between $50,000 and $123,000 a year. The average hourly rate for a digital nomad was between $10 and $30 per hour.

How to quit your 9'5" and make money? ›

Alternatives to nine-to-five jobs include freelancing, owning a business and other self-employment options. If you don't want to work a nine-to-five job, it can be helpful to learn how to transition into a new job.

Why do people quit their jobs to travel? ›

You may decide to travel to help gain more direction in your life. It can also be a great way to learn new skills that you can use throughout your career. Seeing new locations and different countries can also help you develop a better perspective of diverse cultures, which many employers value.

How to quit everything and start over? ›

How do I start over in life?
  1. Start with reflection.
  2. Examine your value system.
  3. Revisit (and rewrite) your goals.
  4. Work up the courage to change.
  5. Make your next move.
  6. Get a coach.
  7. Keep checking in on yourself.

What can I do instead of quitting my job? ›

Cultivate A Hobby Outside Of Work

This could mean starting a new hobby you've been putting off or picking up an old hobby you stopped doing. Between working, job searching, and having some semblance of a personal life, picking up a hobby can feel like another thing you don't have time for right now.

What to do when you can't afford to quit your job? ›

Research gig-based jobs, side hustles, and even freelance work. Perhaps, there are other positions within your company that you'd prefer over your current role. Whatever you do decide to do, Adler says it's important to work through as many options as you can, even when choosing how to make your exit.

How much money should I have before I quit my job? ›

This fund serves as a safety net, covering unforeseen expenses like medical emergencies or unexpected job market challenges. Finally, many financial advisors suggest having at least six months to a year's worth of living expenses saved before leaving a job.

How do I restart my life financially? ›

Here are five actionable steps to reset your finances and get back on track to building wealth.
  1. Review Your Spending. Before you reset your finances, look back at how you've been doing financially. ...
  2. Reset Your Budget. ...
  3. Check Your Net Worth. ...
  4. Check Your Credit Score. ...
  5. Set New Intentions. ...
  6. Visualize Success.
Sep 24, 2022

How to escape the 9 5 life? ›

Here are a few key things to consider if you're wondering how to make a living not working 9-5:
  1. Start a business. Becoming your own boss is a great way to dictate your own hours. ...
  2. Become a freelancer. ...
  3. Get a remote job. ...
  4. Move abroad. ...
  5. Save money.

How much money do you need to be a nomad? ›

On average, digital nomads spend between $1000 and $3000 per month. This budget includes accommodation, food, local transportation, work-related expenses, and leisure activities. The cost can vary based on the country you're in and your personal lifestyle choices.

Do you have to pay taxes if you're a nomad? ›

1. Do Digital Nomads Have to Pay US Taxes? Yes, American digital nomads are required to file a US Federal Tax Return if they make over the minimum filing requirement—no matter where they live and if they're working remotely. The US is one of the few countries in the world that uses citizenship-based taxation.

Can you legally be a nomad? ›

Yes, you can live a nomadic lifestyle in the U.S. as long as you comply with local, state, and federal laws. Note: If you are visiting the U.S. on a VISA and have a valid passport, you must also comply with all U.S. local/state/federal laws, otherwise your VISA could be revoked.

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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Author information

Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.