How to protect your privacy online (2024)

Online privacy is important. Take these steps to protect your financial and personal information.

Worried about how much of your private information is on the internet and vulnerable to theft or misuse? You’re not alone. Online privacy is an important issue.

But there are steps you can take to help manage and protect your financial and personal information while you visit your favorite social media, news, and entertainment sites.

Tips for internet privacy

Here are some ways you can boost your online privacy.

Limit the personal information you share on social media

A smart way to help protect your privacy online? Don’t overshare on social media. Providing too much information on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram could make it easier for cybercriminals to obtain identifying information, which could allow them to steal your identity or to access your financial information.

For example, could an identity thief determine your high school mascot or your mother’s maiden name from digging through your Facebook account? This information is sometimes used as security questions to change passwords on financial accounts.

Unfortunately, many people don’t take this advice. In a 2018 study, the Identity Theft Resource Center found that approximately 52 percent of respondents shared personally identifying information through social media sites.

And that’s just the start of the oversharing. The same study found that about 48 percent of respondents shared information about their children, while nearly 33 percent shared information about their location. A total of 42 percent of respondents shared information about their travel plans through social media.

To protect your online privacy, ignore the “About Me” fields in your social media profiles. You don’t have to let people know what year or where you were born — which could make you an easier target for identity theft. Explore different privacy settings, too. You might want to limit the people who can view your posts to those you’ve personally invited.

Create strong passwords, too, for your social media profiles to help prevent others from logging into them in your name. This means using a combination of at least 12 numbers, special characters, and upper- and lower-case letters. And never use personal, easy-to-guess information — such as your birthdate or pet’s name — as your password.

Browse in incognito or private mode

If you don’t want your computer to save your browsing history, temporary internet files, or cookies, do your web surfing in private mode.

Web browsers today offer their own versions of this form of privacy protection. In Chrome, it’s called Incognito Mode. Firefox calls its setting Private Browsing, and Internet Explorer uses the name InPrivate Browsing for its privacy feature. When you search with these modes turned on, others won’t be able to trace your browsing history from your computer.

But these private modes aren’t completely private. When you’re searching in incognito or private mode, your Internet Service Provider (ISP) can still see your browsing activity. If you are searching on a company computer, so can your employer. The websites you visit can also track you.

So, yes, incognito browsing does have certain benefits. But it’s far from the only tool available to help you maintain your privacy while online. Anonymous search engines and virtual private networks can bolster your online privacy.

Use a different search engine

If you’re like many web surfers, you rely heavily on Google as your search engine. But you don’t have to. Privacy is one reason people prefer to use anonymous search engines. This type of search engine doesn’t collect or share your search history or clicks. Anonymous search engines can also block ad trackers on the websites you visit.

Use a virtual private network

A virtual private network (VPN) gives you online privacy and anonymity by creating a private network from a public internet connection. VPNs mask your Internet Protocol (IP) address so your online actions are virtually untraceable.

Using a VPN is especially important when you’re on public Wi-Fi at a library, coffee shop, or other public location. A VPN will make it more difficult for cybercriminals to breach your online privacy and access your personal information.

You can find many free VPN solutions, but it could make more sense to pay for a service from a trusted security provider if you want the maximum amount of privacy protection while online.

Be careful where you click

One of the ways in which hackers compromise your online privacy is through phishing attempts. In phishing, scammers try to trick you into providing valuable financial or personal information. They’ll often do this by sending fake emails that appear to be from banks, credit card providers, or other financial institutions. Often, these emails will say that you must click on a link and verify your financial information to keep your account from being frozen or closed.

Don’t fall for these scams. If you click on a phishing link, you could be taken to a spoofed webpage that looks like the homepage of a bank or financial institution. But when you enter in your account information, you’ll be sending it to the scammers behind the phishing attempt, not any bank, credit union, or credit card company. Before clicking on suspicious links, hover your cursor over the link to view the destination URL. If it doesn’t match the financial website you use, don’t click.

Also, remember that banks or other financial institutions will never ask you to provide account or financial information through an email. If you receive such an email and you are wary, log in directly to your financial provider’s online account portal. You can then check to see if there are problems with your account. Or call the financial provider yourself to ask if there are any problems with your account — using the customer-service number from one of your statements or the provider’s website, not the one included in the suspect email you received.

Secure your mobile devices, too

Many of us spend more time surfing the web, answering emails, and watching videos on our smartphones than we do on our laptops. It’s important, then, to put as much effort into protecting our online privacy on our phones and tablets as on our computers.

To start, make sure to use a passcode to lock your phone. It might seem like a hassle to enter a code every time you want to access your phone’s home screen. But this passcode could offer an extra layer of protection if your phone is lost or stolen. Make sure your passcode is complex. Don’t use your birthdate, your house number, or any other code that thieves might be able to guess.

Use caution when downloading apps. These games and productivity tools could come embedded with dangerous viruses. Only buy games from legitimate sources.

Use the same caution, too, when searching the web or reading emails on your mobile devices as you do when using your laptop or desktop computer.

Don’t ignore software updates, either. These updates often include important protections against the latest viruses. If you continue to ignore them, you could be leaving your smartphone’s operating system and programs vulnerable to attack.

Use quality antivirus software

Finally, always install antivirus software on all your devices. This software can keep hackers from remotely taking over your computer, accessing your personal and financial information, and tracking your location.

And once you install this software, don’t forget about it. Manufacturers frequently update their virus protection software as a defense against the latest malware, spyware, and other viruses. Install updates as soon as they become available.

How to protect your privacy online (1)

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How to protect your privacy online (2)

  • Dan Rafter
  • Freelance writer

Dan Rafter is a freelance writer who covers tech, finance, and real estate. His work has appeared in the Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, and Fox Business.

Editorial note:Our articles provide educational information for you. Our offerings may not cover or protect against every type of crime, fraud, or threat we write about. Our goal is to increase awareness about Cyber Safety. Please review complete Terms during enrollment or setup. Remember that no one can prevent all identity theft or cybercrime, and that LifeLock does not monitor all transactions at all businesses. The Norton and LifeLock brands are part of Gen Digital Inc.

As an expert in online privacy and cybersecurity, I've dedicated my career to understanding and advocating for measures that protect individuals from the ever-evolving threats in the digital landscape. With a deep understanding of the intricacies of online privacy, I've witnessed firsthand the vulnerabilities that individuals face when it comes to the security of their financial and personal information on the internet.

The article you've mentioned provides valuable insights into the crucial steps individuals can take to safeguard their online privacy. Let's delve into each concept covered in the article:

  1. Limit Personal Information on Social Media:

    • Oversharing on social media platforms can expose individuals to identity theft and unauthorized access to financial information.
    • Security questions often rely on personal details, so minimizing the information shared on social media is a prudent step.
    • The recommendation to explore privacy settings and use strong, unique passwords enhances overall account security.
  2. Browse in Incognito or Private Mode:

    • Private browsing modes like Incognito Mode in Chrome and Private Browsing in Firefox aim to prevent the saving of browsing history and cookies.
    • The article rightly highlights that these modes don't offer complete privacy, as ISPs and employers can still monitor online activities.
  3. Use Different Search Engines:

    • The suggestion to use anonymous search engines emphasizes the importance of preventing the collection and sharing of search history and clicks.
    • Anonymous search engines can also block ad trackers, contributing to a more private online experience.
  4. Utilize a Virtual Private Network (VPN):

    • VPNs create a secure, encrypted connection, masking users' IP addresses and making online actions nearly untraceable.
    • Emphasizes the importance of using VPNs, especially on public Wi-Fi, to protect against cybercriminals and maintain online privacy.
  5. Be Cautious with Clicking:

    • Highlights the threat of phishing attempts, where scammers try to obtain valuable information through fake emails.
    • Advises users to hover over links to verify their destination URLs and avoid clicking on suspicious links.
  6. Secure Mobile Devices:

    • Stresses the significance of protecting online privacy on smartphones by using strong passcodes, being cautious with app downloads, and staying vigilant while browsing and reading emails.
  7. Use Quality Antivirus Software:

    • Installation of antivirus software is recommended to prevent remote takeover of devices, unauthorized access to personal and financial information, and tracking of location.
    • Encourages regular updates to antivirus software for protection against the latest malware and viruses.

In conclusion, these comprehensive measures, ranging from social media habits to the use of advanced tools like VPNs, collectively contribute to a robust online privacy strategy. As an enthusiast in this field, I firmly advocate for the adoption of these practices to empower individuals in safeguarding their digital lives.

How to protect your privacy online (2024)


How do you protect your privacy online? ›

How to protect your privacy online
  1. Passwords: make them strong and secure.
  2. Don't share more information than you need to.
  3. Review your apps' permissions.
  4. Pay for things securely online.
  5. Be aware of phishing scams.
  6. Switch to a private web browser.
  7. Update your software.
  8. Use a secure connection.
May 17, 2023

Which of these is a good way to keep your online privacy? ›

Encrypt your data Set up encryption on your computer to keep your personal info like data, texts, and emails safe. Anyone without an encryption key or password won't be able to access any of your information. You should also consider storing less in the Cloud and more on a physical hard drive.

What are 3 ways to protect yourself online? ›

10 Ways to protect yourself online
  • Create strong passwords. ...
  • Opt in for alerts to track account activity. ...
  • Be social media savvy. ...
  • Avoid scammers in your inbox. ...
  • Review statements, credit reports regularly. ...
  • Stick with secure Wi-Fi. ...
  • Install antivirus and anti-malware software. ...
  • Lock your devices.

What strategies can be used to protect an individual's online privacy? ›

To protect your online privacy, you can use strong, unique passwords; read privacy agreements that pop up on websites; limit what you share on social media; request that companies delete your data and opt-out of future data collection; educate yourself on data privacy laws and advocate for stronger legislation.

How do we protect our privacy? ›

Tips to protect your privacy
  1. Know your rights. ...
  2. Read privacy policies and collection notices. ...
  3. Always ask why, how and who. ...
  4. Check your credit report. ...
  5. Protect yourself online. ...
  6. Be aware of your mobile security. ...
  7. Use security software. ...
  8. Be careful what you share on social media.

Why is it important to protect my online privacy? ›

Internet privacy is important because it gives you control over your identity and personal information. Without that control, anyone with the intention and means can manipulate your identity to serve their goals, whether it is selling you a more expensive vacation or stealing your savings.

What is online privacy? ›

The definition of online privacy is the level of privacy protection an individual has while connected to the Internet. It covers the amount of online security available for personal and financial data, communications, and preferences.

How do I make my information private online? ›

6 ways to protect your personal information online
  1. Create strong passwords. ...
  2. Don't overshare on social media. ...
  3. Use free wi-fi with caution. ...
  4. Watch out for links and attachments. ...
  5. Check to see if the site is secure. ...
  6. Consider additional protection.

What are 4 ways to be safe while online? ›

Cybersecurity 101: 7 Basic Internet Safety Tips
  • Protect Your Personal Information With Strong Passwords. ...
  • Keep Personal Information Private. ...
  • Make Sure Your Devices Are Secure. ...
  • Pay Attention to Software Updates. ...
  • Be Careful About Wifi. ...
  • Set Up Two-Factor Authentication. ...
  • Back Up Your Personal Data.

Do not share any personal info.? ›

Personal information

You may already realize that sharing your driver's license, passport, credit or debit cards, Social Security number and bank account numbers can open you up to identity theft. But even seemingly harmless pieces of information can be used against you.

How else can you maintain your privacy online? ›

Use a VPN to hide your browsing history

This can be used by advertisers, sold to scammers, or even shared with the government (or your work), even if you're using private or incognito mode. A virtual private network (VPN) encrypts your internet traffic so that no one can track what you do or see where you've been.

What is the best way to protect your personal information online? ›

What Can I Do to Protect My Personal Information?
  1. create strong and unique passwords for online accounts.
  2. shop safe on the Internet using secure online payment services.
  3. stay aware of the risks of using the Internet, email and social engineering tactics (such as phishing.)

What behavior would you change to protect your online privacy? ›

Safe Browsing Habits

Safe browsing is crucial for online privacy. Avoid suspicious websites and links that might have malware. Use secure and updated browsers with strong privacy settings to manage what data is shared with websites.

How can the online privacy of users be protected? ›

In addition to clearing cookie data, users should adjust their browser settings to ensure their online sessions remain private. Another option is to access the internet in Private Browsing Mode to automatically block third-party tracking, making it a quick and easy option to ensure private browsing.

What should you do to protect your identity on the Internet? ›

Safeguard your passwords and change them often.

If someone logs on to a site and pretends to be you, they can trash your identity. Pick passwords that no one will guess and change them often. Never share them with anyone other than your parents or a trusted adult.

How do I protect my online activity? ›

Use different passwords for different websites, accounts and devices. If you need to write your passwords down to remember them, keep them offline in a secret, secure, locked place. Be wary of anyone who asks for your bank or credit card details via email and only use secure sites when shopping online.

How does Google protect your privacy? ›

Data is encrypted in-transit and at-rest. If you choose to access these files offline, we store this info on your device. Your Google Account comes with built-in security designed to detect and block threats like spam, phishing and malware. Your activity is stored using strong industry standards and practices.

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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.