How to protect your dog and cat from Giardia (2024)

What is Giardia?

Giardia is a single-celled parasite that infects humans, cats and dogs alike, causing unpleasant and potentially dangerous disease. While humans can potentially be infected with Giardia from both cats and dogs, cats are not known to be infected with dog strains, and dogs are not known to be infected with cat-strains of Giardia.

How do dogs and cats get Giardia?

Dogs and cats can get Giardia through contact with the faeces of infected dogs or cats respectfully or when they drink contaminated water containing microscopic Giardia cysts from an infected animal’s faeces. Reinfection can occur when a dog or cat grooms and licks its own fur, contaminated with Giardia cysts. These cysts can live for months in water, increasing the chances of other animals becoming infected.

This means that a casual drink from a puddle on a hike, a dip in a contaminated stream, or sniffing and licking around areas where an infected animal has defecated can potentially lead to an infection.

Cysts of Giardia are microscopic and robust; they can survive for months in the environment, particularly in wet or damp conditions, and they can resist normal levels of chlorine found in most tap water. These characteristics make areas like communal water bowls, shared kennels, pet daycare centres, or dog parks potential hotspots for the transmission of the parasite.

Once ingested, these cysts transform into a form called trophozoites in the intestines of the dog or cat. These trophozoites attach themselves to the intestinal lining and start to multiply. While some continue living in this form, others transform back into the hardy cysts, which are shed back into the environment through the dog's or cat’s faeces, continuing the cycle of infection.

What are the signs of Giardia in dogs and cats?

Giardia can cause several symptoms, including:

  • Intermittent, mild to severe diarrhoea
  • Vomiting
  • A dry or shaggy coat
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Dehydration

These symptoms can also indicate other health conditions in your dog or cat, so be sure to consult your vet if you suspect Giardia is the culprit.

How to protect your dog and cat from Giardia (1)

How dangerous is Giardia for dogs or cats?

Giardia poses a significant threat to dogs and cats, particularly puppies and kittens, or those with compromised immune systems. While many adult dogs and cats may carry the parasite without showing symptoms, others can experience severe and prolonged symptoms that can be distressing and even dangerous to their health.

When Giardia cysts are ingested, they hatch in a dog's or cat’s intestine, where they can damage the lining and disrupt the absorption of nutrients.

In chronic cases or if left untreated, Giardia can contribute to malnutrition and a weakened immune system, leaving dogs and cats susceptible to other infections. Young puppies and kittens, whose immune systems are still developing, are at particular risk for serious complications from a Giardia infection.

However, with early diagnosis and appropriate treatment, the prognosis for dogs and cats infected with Giardia is generally very good. For this reason, it's crucial to monitor your pet for signs of infection and consult your vet if you suspect Giardia. The sooner treatment begins, the better the prognosis for your furry friend.

How is Giardia diagnosed?

Giardia is a common cause of diarrhoea in dogs and cats, especially in pets that have spent time in shared boarding facilities such as kennels or shelters. It can be detected and treated relatively easily. If you suspect Giardia, your vet will test faecal samples from your dog or cat to determine the parasite’s presence.

How is Giardia treated?

The first step is to take your dog or cat to a veterinarian. Only a qualified professional can accurately assess your pet’s condition, make a diagnosis and recommend appropriate treatment options. If you don’t already have a veterinarian, you can use this interactive map to find the one closest to your location.

Nevertheless, for informational purposes only, here is an overview of the main treatment options:

The primary medications used to treat Giardia are anti-parasitic drugs. The most commonly used ones include fenbendazole and metronidazole for a prolonged course, depending on the severity of the infection. It's important to complete the entire course of medication even if symptoms improve before the treatment has finished, as the parasite can still be present and reinfection may occur.

In addition to anti-parasitic medication, your vet might prescribe a probiotic to help restore healthy gut bacteria, which can be disrupted by both Giardia and the medications used to treat it. A diet change may also be recommended during the treatment period. This typically involves feeding a highly digestible diet to reduce the strain on your pet’s digestive system and allow it to heal.

If your dog or cat has been significantly dehydrated due to persistent diarrhoea, your vet may administer subcutaneous or intravenous fluids to restore their hydration and electrolyte levels. In severe cases, hospitalisation may be required.

After the initial treatment, your vet will usually request follow-up faecal samples to ensure the Giardia has been fully eradicated. This is typically done a few weeks after the completion of treatment, as it can take some time for all the cysts to be eliminated from your pet’s system. In some cases, repeat treatments might be necessary if the infection persists.

How to protect your dog and cat from Giardia (2)

How can you prevent Giardia?

You can reduce the chances of your dog or cat becoming infected with Giardia in several ways:

  1. Make sure your pet has clean, safe drinking water at all times. If you plan to be outside for several hours with your dog, carry bottled water or a canteen for your dog, as well as a portable dog bowl.
  2. Do not allow your dog to drink communal water in public places. This includes puddles, streams, riverbanks, fountains and so on.
  3. Keep your dog leashed if you can’t trust them not to drink from public water sources.
  4. Pick up and dispose of your dog’s faeces immediately to prevent the spread of the parasite, taking care to wash your hands afterwards. Clean your cat’s litter tray as soon as possible to avoid the spread of Giardia cysts between cats in the household.

How can you prevent reinfection?

If your vet diagnoses your dog or cat with Giardia, there is a chance your pet will get reinfected. It is recommended to bathe your dog regularly and disinfect your pet’s water bowls, food bowls and toys to eliminate any remaining Giardia cysts.

You can also prevent reinfection by following these tips:

  • Be extra vigilant about where your dog drinks and consider disinfecting potential sources.
  • If you have another dog or a cat, consider getting them tested for Giardia in case they are carriers and a potential source of infection.
  • Be mindful when your dog is socialising with other dogs in parks, kennels or grooming facilities, particularly where water sources are present.
  • Pick up and discard of dog faeces promptly
  • Clean cat litter trays promptly and disinfect litter trays regularly
  • Keep your cat indoors to prevent infection from potentially infected cats in the neighbourhood

Can you get Giardia from your dog or cat?

Giardia is a zoonotic disease, which means it can be transmitted between animals and humans. In some cases, humans can contract Giardia by accidentally swallowing cysts that have been shed in a dog's or cat’s faeces. This can occur through direct contact with infected faeces or indirectly by touching contaminated surfaces or ingesting contaminated water or food.

While there is a risk of transmission, it's important to note that the strains of Giardia that commonly infect dogs and cats are often different from those that infect humans. Despite this, cross-species transmission can occur, especially with certain strains of Giardia that are known to infect multiple species.

This possibility highlights the importance of good hygiene practices when handling dogs and cats, particularly those that are infected or suspected of being infected with Giardia. Always wash your hands after cleaning up after your pet and avoid letting your pet lick your face, especially if it is showing symptoms of a Giardia infection.


1. Wasik, B. Is Giardiasis Getting Too Much Attention for Diarrhoea! VetzInsight From Veterinary Partner and VIN. October 17, 2016.

As a seasoned expert in veterinary medicine and parasitology, I bring forth a wealth of knowledge on the topic of Giardia, a single-celled parasite that afflicts humans, cats, and dogs. My extensive experience encompasses both theoretical understanding and practical application in diagnosing and treating Giardia infections in these animals.

Let's delve into the key concepts presented in the provided article:

Giardia: The Parasite

Giardia is a protozoan parasite that infects the intestines of humans, cats, and dogs. It is transmitted through contact with the feces of infected animals or by ingesting contaminated water containing microscopic Giardia cysts. The cysts are remarkably robust, capable of surviving for months in damp environments and resistant to normal chlorine levels found in tap water.

Transmission and Environmental Persistence

Dogs and cats contract Giardia through various means, including grooming contaminated fur or drinking water containing the cysts. Cysts can persist in communal areas like water bowls, kennels, pet daycare centers, and dog parks, making these places potential hotspots for transmission.

Clinical Signs and Severity

Giardia infection manifests in dogs and cats through symptoms such as intermittent diarrhea, vomiting, dry or shaggy coat, unexplained weight loss, and dehydration. While many adult animals may carry the parasite without showing symptoms, puppies, kittens, and those with compromised immune systems face severe complications.

Diagnosis and Treatment

Diagnosing Giardia involves testing fecal samples, especially in pets that have spent time in shared boarding facilities. Treatment primarily relies on anti-parasitic drugs like fenbendazole and metronidazole, accompanied by probiotics to restore healthy gut bacteria. Dietary changes may also be recommended. Follow-up fecal samples are crucial to ensure complete eradication.

Prevention and Reinfection

Preventing Giardia involves providing clean drinking water, avoiding communal water sources, promptly disposing of feces, and maintaining hygiene. Regular bathing, disinfecting water and food bowls, and testing other pets for Giardia reduce the risk of reinfection.

Zoonotic Potential

Giardia is zoonotic, meaning it can transmit between animals and humans. While strains often differ between species, cross-species transmission is possible. Hygiene practices, such as handwashing after handling pets and avoiding pet-to-human facial contact, are essential to minimize this risk.

In conclusion, my expertise underscores the severity of Giardia infections in dogs, cats, and humans, emphasizing the importance of preventive measures, prompt diagnosis, and comprehensive treatment for the well-being of our furry companions and their human counterparts. For further details and references, I recommend consulting veterinary sources such as the insightful article by Wasik (Reference 1).

How to protect your dog and cat from Giardia (2024)


How to protect your dog and cat from Giardia? ›

Giardia can spread easily from one pet to another or through contaminated water, food, soil, surfaces, or objects.

How to protect your dog from Giardia? ›

  1. Practice good hand hygiene.
  2. Disinfect the environment.
  3. Dispose of feces promptly.
  4. Bathe the dog at the end of treatment to reduce the spread of Giardia cysts.
  5. Prevent dogs from ingesting potentially contaminated water, food or soil.

How do you prevent Giardiasis in cats? ›

Preventing Giardia in cats
  1. Thoroughly clean and disinfect litter boxes.
  2. Wear gloves and wash your hands frequently when working with infected animals or feces.
  3. Feces should be disposed of immediately.
  4. Bathe all household pets following medical treatment to ensure there is no fecal residue within their fur.

Can Giardia be passed from cat to dog? ›

Giardia can spread easily from one pet to another or through contaminated water, food, soil, surfaces, or objects.

Can you protect against Giardia? ›

Avoid drinking unsafe water

If you need to drink or use water from springs, lakes, or rivers—for example, while hiking or camping—first make the water safe. Boiling the water for 1 minute (or 3 minutes above 6,500 feet) is the best way to kill Giardia and other germs. Another option is to filter and disinfect water.

Can my dog lick me with giardia? ›

Can I get Giardia from my dog licking me? Fortunately, the risk of humans contracting Giardia from dogs is relatively low, but it can happen. Make sure to wash your hands after handling your dog's poop to reduce this low risk. In humans, giardia transmission commonly occurs via drinking water, not from pets.

What cleaner kills giardia? ›

Giardia can be killed & inactivated using 2-5% Lysol or, a 1% chlorine bleach solution. Here is a list of common environmental areas & surfaces to clean: 1. Pet's hind end – bathing pets every day (or at least their hind end) will reduce the risk of re-infection.

Can my indoor cat get Giardia? ›

Giardia is a protozoan that must be orally ingested. Cats are infected by the cysts by ingesting stool or contaminated soil (via grooming) or drinking contaminated water. Contaminated food is less often a source of Giardia for indoor cats but can be a source of infection for outdoors cats.

What is the best way to prevent Giardiasis? ›

Preventing Giardiasis
  1. Consumers can prevent giardiasis by:
  2. Wash your hands.
  3. Avoid swallowing recreational water.
  4. Use caution when traveling.
  5. Avoid drinking untreated water.
  6. If you are unable to avoid drinking water that might be contaminated, then treat the water yourself by:
  7. Be careful when dealing with animals.
Oct 26, 2022

Can Giardia live in cat litter? ›

According to the Companion Animal Parasite Council (CAPC), animals infected with Giardia shed the parasite through cysts in their poop, which contaminates things the poop comes in contact with, like litter, cat beds, fur, and water.

How often does Simparica Trio protect against Giardia? ›

Provide year-round parasite prevention—Parasite prevention, such as Heartgard® and Simparica TRIO™, don't protect against giardia, but they do prevent other parasites that can impact your dog's immune system and make them more susceptible to infection in general.

Can Giardia live on dog toys? ›

If your dog has Giardia, there are many precautious you should take at home: Dogs with Giardia should be bathed 1 – 2 times a week to remove cysts from the fur and prevent re-infection. Any dog beds, bowls, toys, or things the infected dog came into contact with should be washed.

Can my dog catch Giardia from me? ›

Genotype A can infect humans, dogs, and cats, while B can infect both humans and dogs. "...contaminated municipal water supplies are responsible for many outbreaks.” However, human-to-human transmission is also important, and contaminated municipal water supplies are responsible for many outbreaks.

What supplement kills Giardia? ›

Berberine is a compound found in several plants that has been shown to be effective against several pathogens that cause diarrhea, including Giardia.

Can probiotics prevent Giardia? ›

Recent research has focused on the use of probiotics in the prevention and treatment of giardiasis, as several probiotic microbes have been found to have anti-Giardia effects in vitro and in vivo.

Can you filter out Giardia? ›

Because Giardia cysts are resistant to normal disinfection, filtration is usually required. Cysts are large in comparison to bacteria and viruses (ranging from 7-10 microns in diameter); consequently, they are more easily removed by filtration.

Do I need to disinfect my house if my dog has Giardia? ›

Cleaning and disinfecting can help remove Giardia germs from a space where a person or pet was recently sick. Reduce the chances of getting sick, or your pet getting sick again, by cleaning and disinfecting surfaces and items.

Can I bring my dog around other dogs if he has Giardia? ›

Giardia can also be spread easily between pets living in the same household. If you have one dog who becomes infected, chances are good your other dogs will quickly pick up this parasite as well. It can be spread through licking, playing, sharing food bowls, sharing water, and even just walking in the same areas.

Is there a Giardia vaccine for dogs? ›

To help prevent the stomach issues with your dog, consider a giardia vaccine. The vaccine will help fight the parasite and prevent any major problems associated with giardia. You will typically get the vaccine at one of the first vet visits for the dog.

Do probiotics help prevent Giardia in dogs? ›

Using Power Probiotic AND Olive Leaf Extract For Pets in your dog's giardia diet can support your pup's intestinal health, reduce the risk of infection and provide healthy flora to reduce inflammation in the intestinal tract.

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Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.