How to participate in the Home Buyers' Plan (2024)

The Home Buyers' Plan (HBP) is a program that allows you tomake a withdrawal from your registered retirement savings plans (RRSPs) to buy or build a qualifying home for yourself or for a specified disabled person.The HBP allows you to pay back the amounts withdrawn within a 15-year period.

You can make a withdrawal from more than one RRSP as long as you are the annuitant of each RRSP account. Your RRSP issuer will not withhold tax on withdrawn amounts of $35,000 or less. Some RRSPs, such as locked-in or group RRSPs, do not allow you to make a withdrawal from them.

Certain conditions must be met in order to be eligible to participate in the HBP, including the following:

  • you must be considered a first-time home buyer.If your participation is in respect of a specified disabled person, this condition does not have to be met
  • you must have a written agreement to buy or build a qualifying home, either for yourself or for a specified disabled person
  • you have to be a resident of Canada throughout the period that starts when you make your first eligible withdrawal from your RRSPs under the HBP and ends when you buy or build a qualifying home
  • you must intend to occupy the qualifying home as your principal place of residence within one year after buying or building it. If you buy or build a qualifying home for a specified disabled person, or help a specified disabled person to buy or build a qualifying home, the specified disabled person must intend to occupy the qualifying home as their principal place of residence within one year after buying or building it

In all cases, if you have previously participated in the HBP, you may be able to do so again if your HBP balanceon January 1st of the year of the withdrawal is zero and you meet all the other HBP eligibility conditions.

HBP eligibility conditions

In order for withdrawals from your RRSPs to be treated as eligible withdrawals under the HBP, you must meet the conditions outlined below. If you are making withdrawals from your RRSPs under the HBP to buy or build a qualifying home for the benefit of a specified disabled person, or to help a specified disabled person buy or build a qualifying home, you are the one who must meet the conditions outlined below.

The HBP conditions that you must meet are as follows:

  • You must be a resident of Canada at the time of your withdrawal from your RRSPs under the HBP.
    • If you have not acquired the qualifying home before your first withdrawal, you have to be a resident of Canada throughout the period that starts when you make your first withdrawal and ends when you or the specified disabled person has acquired the qualifying home.
  • You or the specified disabled person must have a written agreement to buy or build a qualifying home at the time of your withdrawal.
    • A qualifying home is a housing unit located in Canada. This includes existing homes and those being constructed. Single-family homes, semi-detached homes, townhouses, mobile homes, condominium units, and apartments in duplexes, triplexes, fourplexes, or apartment buildings all qualify. A share in a co-operative housing corporation that entitles you to possess, and gives you an equity interest in a housing unit located in Canada, also qualifies. However, a share that only provides you with a right to tenancy in the housing unit does not qualify.
    • Obtaining a pre-approved mortgage is not considered a written agreement to buy or build a qualifying home and therefore will not satisfy this condition.
    • In order to be considered an eligible withdrawal, the qualifying home must be acquired or built before October 1st of the year after the year of the first withdrawal. If the qualifying home is being built, the home will be considered built on the date it becomes habitable. If it is an agreement to purchase a condo unit, it will be considered acquired on the day the purchaser is entitled to immediate vacant possession of it.
      • If you do not buy or build the qualifying home before October 1st of the year after the year you made your first withdrawal, you must do one of the following:
        • cancel your participation in the HBP
        • buy or build a replacement property before October 1st of the year after the year you made your first withdrawal
      • We still consider you to have met the deadline if either of the following situations applies:
        • If the qualifying home is being acquired, you or the specified disabled person must have another written agreement before that October 1st date to acquire the qualifying home or a replacement property before October 1st of the 2nd year after the year you made your first withdrawal (i.e. an additional year).
        • If the qualifying home or replacement property is being constructed, you or the specified disabled person must have made payments to the contractors or suppliers (with whom you deal at arm's length) for materials for the home being built, or towards its construction, that was at least equal to the total of all withdrawals under the HBP. These payments must have been made during the period that starts on the date of the first withdrawal and ends before October1stof the year after the year you made your first withdrawal.

A replacement property has to meet the same conditions as a qualifying home. To inform us that you are buying or building a replacement property, send a letter to one of the following addresses:

If your residential address is in Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Labrador, Yukon, Nunavut, Northwest Territories or in the following cities in the province of Quebec (Montréal, Québec City, Laval, Sherbrooke, Gatineau and Longueuil), send your request to:

Canada Revenue Agency
Sudbury Tax Centre
Pension Workflow Team
Post Office Box 20000, Station A
Sudbury ON P3A 5C1

If your residential address is in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick or a location in the province of Quebec not listed under the Sudbury Tax Centre, send your request to:

Canada Revenue Agency
Winnipeg Tax Centre
Pension Workflow Team
Post Office Box 14000, Station Main
Winnipeg MB R3C 3M2

Provide your name, address, and social insurance number, as well as the address of the replacement property. You have to say in the letter that you intend to occupy the replacement property as your principal place of residence within one year after you buy or build it.

  • If you have previously participated in the HBP, your HBP balance must be zero at the beginning of the calendar year of your withdrawal.
  • You must intend to occupy the qualifying home that you are buying or building as your principal place of residence no later than one year after buying or building it, or if you are buying or building the qualifying home for the specified disabled person or helping the specified disabled person buy or build the home, you must intend that the specified disabled person occupy the home as their principal place of residence no later than one year after buying or building it.
  • Except as provided below, you must be considered a first-time home buyer.
    • You will be considered to be a first-time home buyer if you did not, at any time in the current calendar year before the withdrawal (except the 30 days immediately before the withdrawal) or at any time in the preceding four calendar years, live in a qualifying home (or what would be a qualifying home if located in Canada) as your principal place of residence that either you owned or jointly-owned, or your current spouse or common-law partner (at the time of the withdrawal) owned or jointly-owned.
      • For example, if you are making a withdrawal on July 31, 2024, you cannot have lived in a home as your principal place of residence that either you or your spouse or common-law partner owned or jointly-owned from January 1, 2020 to June 30, 2024.
    • If you are not considered a first-time home buyer now, you may be considered a first-time home buyer later, once the required amount of time has passed.
      • For example, if in 2018 you and your spouse sold a home that you both lived in and you did not purchase another home that you both lived in, you may be able to participate in the HBP in 2023 if you meet all of the other conditions. If the home was sold in 2019, you may be able to participate in 2024.
    • You are not required to meet the first-time home buyer condition in the following situations:
      • you are a specified disabled person who is making a withdrawal to buy or build a qualifying home, or you are making a withdrawal to buy or build a qualifying home for the benefit of a specified disabled person, or to help a specified disabled person buy or build a qualifying home.
        • The qualifying home must enable the specified disabled person to live in a more accessible dwelling or in an environment better suited to the personal needs and care of the disabled person.
      • you live separate and apart from your spouse or common-law partner at the time of the withdrawal and began to live separate and apart in the year in which the withdrawal is made, or any time in the four preceding years.
        • If you currently own your previous principal place of residence, you will be required to dispose of the previous principal place of residence no later than two years after the end of the year in which the withdrawal is made. The requirement to dispose of the previous principal place of residence will be waived if you buy out the share of the residence owned by your spouse or common-law partner. The existing rule that individuals may not acquire the home more than 30 days before making the HBP withdrawal will also be waived in this circ*mstance.
        • However, in the case where your current principal place of residence is a home owned and occupied by a new spouse or common-law partner, you will not be able to make an withdrawal under the HBP.
  • You cannot withdraw more than $35,000 in total from your RRSPs under the HBP. You are only permitted to make withdrawals under the HBP from your RRSPs.
    • Your RRSP issuer will not withhold tax on the amounts withdrawn under the HBP where the total amounts withdrawn do not exceed $35,000.
    • Normally you will not be allowed to withdraw amounts from a locked-in RRSP or a group RRSP.
  • You are permitted to make multiple withdrawals from your RRSPs under the HBP, however you are only permitted to make those withdrawals in the same calendar year as your first withdrawal, and in January of the following calendar year.
    • You are not permitted to make withdrawals outside of this period unless expressly permitted by the Minister.


  • You have to fill out Form T1036, Home Buyers' Plan (HBP) Request to Withdraw Funds from an RRSP for each eligible withdrawal.
  • You are responsible for making sure that all HBP conditions are met (see the eligibility questions in Area 1 of Form T1036, Home Buyers’ Plan (HBP) Request to Withdraw Funds from an RRSP). The CRA may contact you to ask for more information about your HBP withdrawal.
  • If you make an RRSP withdrawal under the HBP and a condition is not met, your RRSP withdrawals may be considered ineligible. If your RRSP withdrawals are considered ineligible, you will have to include part or all of the withdrawals as income on your income tax and benefit return for the year you received the amounts. If we have already assessed your income tax and benefit return for that year, we will reassess it to include the withdrawals.
  • If you made contributions to your RRSPs within 90 days of your HBP withdrawal, your RRSP contribution may not be deductible.
  • If you have previously participated in the HBP, you may be able to do so again if your HBP balance is zero on January 1st of the year during which you plan on making a withdrawal under the HBP, and you meet all the other HBP conditions that apply to your situation. The RRSP, PRPP, or SPP contributions you make in the first 60 days of a year, and designate as HBP repayments for the previous year reduce your HBP balance for purposes of determining whether your balance is zero on January 1st of the current year.

Forms and publications

  • Form T1036, Home Buyers' Plan (HBP) Request to Withdraw Funds from an RRSP
  • Schedule 7, RRSP, PRPP, and SPP Contributions and Transfers, and HBP and LLP Activities
  • RC471, Home Buyers' Plan (HBP) – Cancellation
How to participate in the Home Buyers' Plan (2024)


Can I pay off my HBP early? ›

While making a larger repayment won't reduce the number of years you'll need to make repayments, it will reduce the amount that you'll be required to repay for each remaining year. Can I choose to make an early repayment under the HBP? You sure can!

Do you have to pay back an RRSP withdrawal? ›

Repayments begin two years after you withdraw the funds and you have fifteen years to complete your repayments to your RRSP. You'll receive an annual statement of account from the CRA outlining your balance, payments made and the minimum payment amount for the following year.

What is an example of HBP repayment? ›

Accordingly, the 15-year repayment period would start the fifth year following the year in which a first withdrawal was made. For example, if you made your first withdrawal in 2022, your first year of repayment will be 2027.

Where to send T1036 form? ›

To make withdrawals from your RRSPs under the HBP, fill out Form T1036, Home Buyers' Plan (HBP) Request to Withdraw Funds from an RRSP. You have to fill out a separate form for each withdrawal you make. After filling out Area 1 of Form T1036, give it to your RRSP issuer. The RRSP issuer must fill out Area 2.

Is there a downside to paying off your house early? ›

The Downside of Mortgage Prepayment

Prepaying your mortgage ties up your funds in your home, potentially leaving you with less liquidity for other financial needs or opportunities.

Can I pay off my mortgage early by paying twice a month? ›

Absolutely. With biweekly mortgage payments, you make one full extra payment per year. This may seem small, but over the course of a 15 or 30-year mortgage, it can significantly shorten your loan term and the amount of interest you pay.

What are the two types of HBP? ›

Primary, or essential, high blood pressure is the most common type of high blood pressure. For most people who get this kind of blood pressure, it develops over time as you get older. Secondary high blood pressure is caused by another medical condition or use of certain medicines.

What can HBP be used for? ›

The Home Buyers' Plan (HBP) is a program that allows you to withdraw from your registered retirement savings plans (RRSPs) to buy or build a qualifying home for yourself or for a specified disabled person.

What happens in HBP? ›

If you have high blood pressure, the force of the blood pushing against the artery walls is consistently too high. The heart has to work harder to pump blood. Blood pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury (mm Hg). In general, hypertension is a blood pressure reading of 130/80 mm Hg or higher.

What is T1036? ›

This form is used by individuals, business, administrators, who wish to withdraw funds from an RRSP to participate in Home Buyers' Plan.

How to submit T1036 to Tangerine? ›

Send us your T1036 form by fax at 1-888-464-2929 or mail to: Tangerine 3389 Steeles Ave E., Toronto, ON M2H 0A1 Remember to include your Client Number + which account you'd like your funds to be deposited into. You can write this anywhere on the form.

How can I withdraw my RPP? ›

Most pension regulators allow RPP plan members to vest immediately. This means your contributions and those made by your employer belong to you. They're locked in and can only provide you with income when you retire. When you receive that money, you'll pay tax on it.

Do you get money back if you pay off your mortgage early? ›

After your loan is closed, your escrow account will also be closed, and any remaining funds will be returned to you. Legally, the mortgage servicer must issue your escrow refund within 20 days of closing the account. You will then be responsible for paying your home insurance premiums and property taxes on your own.

What is the temporary repayment relief for HBP? ›

As a temporary relief measure, home buyers who make an HBP withdrawal between Jan. 1, 2022, and Dec. 31, 2025, have five years to start repayment. Previously, the grace period was two years.

Can I pay off my FHA mortgage early? ›

Yes. You can pay off your FHA mortgage early. Unlike many traditional mortgages, FHA loans do not charge prepayment penalties.

What is the best way to pay off a 30 year mortgage early? ›

Here are some ways you can pay off your mortgage faster:
  1. Refinance your mortgage. ...
  2. Make extra mortgage payments. ...
  3. Make one extra mortgage payment each year. ...
  4. Round up your mortgage payments. ...
  5. Try the dollar-a-month plan. ...
  6. Use unexpected income.

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