How to Organize Bills (2024)

How to Organize Bills (1)

Paying bills can sometimes feel like fighting a never-ending battle. Every time you get one in the mail, it's a reminder of the fact that even after you pay, 30 days later another will come. To make matters worse, bills often get mixed in with your junk mail or lost in the shuffle from your mailbox to the kitchen counter top. If you don't have a good system in place for keeping your bills organized and paying them on time, it could cost you a lot of money in late fees. It might even hurt your credit score.

In theory, keeping your bills organized seems like an easy task. In reality, however, it often proves more difficult. There are a number of reasons why. For example, bills don't all come at the same time. You might get your gas bill around the first of the month and your cable bill a week later. Similarly, the due dates are probably all different. Your rent or your mortgage payment is likely due on the 1st, but if you have a car payment, it may not be due until the 7th or later. On top of that, if you have roommates or a spouse who shares the responsibility of paying bills, things can get even more complicated.


However, organizing your bills doesn't have to be difficult. There are several ways to manage them, whether you get bills in the mail or you do everything online. It might be as simple as making a trip to the local hardware store to pick up some bins to store your bills in or doing some research to find out what online bill payment options are available. In some cases, it might mean buying computer software that will keep track of everything for you.

The most important thing is to find a system that works for you [source: Weston]. Keep reading to learn about methods you can use to organize the bills you pay by mail.



  1. Methods for Organizing Mailed Bills
  2. Methods for Organizing Online Bills
  3. Bill Organizing Software

Methods for Organizing Mailed Bills

Organizing the bills you pay by mail starts with taking them out of your mailbox. According to one approach, you actually don't have to organize your mail immediately when you receive it. Simply have a bin inside your house where you throw all the mail. Then, a couple times a week go through it and sort it all at once. When you do, make sure you have another bin that you put all the bills in.

Write the due date of each bill on the outside of the envelope and stack them in order of when they need to be paid. Set aside a time every week to go through the bin of bills and pay them. As you do this, it's a good idea to find a place to file your paid bills. That way the only bills in the bill bin are the ones you still need to pay [source: Brynes].


Another system uses "The Four Ds." The first D stands for dump. Start by dumping all your bills and paperwork out on the floor. The second D stands for distribute. Go through everything and organize it. Staple multiple pages of the same bill together so they don't get lost, and if you haven't paid something yet, write a check for it immediately and set it aside to be mailed. The third D stands for diminish. Get rid of everything you don't need to keep -- start with the easy stuff like junk mail and credit card offers. The fourth and final D stands for due diligence. Once you've organized everything, use a filing system to keep it that way. Every day when you receive your mail, sort through it and pay any bills you receive. That's all there is to it [source: Chatzky].

The basics of keeping your bills organized boil down to keeping them in one place and paying them according to a set schedule. For some people, that schedule might be every day after they check the mail. For others it might be every Tuesday night before primetime television starts. Just make sure you know the due dates and mail your bills out at least a week in advance. This will ensure that they get processed on time.

If you tend to pay all your bills online, keep reading to find out how you can stay organized as well.

I Owe How Much?

As of 2003, Americans owed almost $2 trillion in debt, according to the Federal Reserve. That's up over 40 percent from five years earlier and doesn't even include mortgage debt [source: Khan].


Methods for Organizing Online Bills

In this day and age, you can probably pay every bill you have online with the click of a mouse. It's easy, and the best part is that it can save you time and money. You just have to be careful to avoid the common pitfalls of paying bills online. One way to do that is to stay organized to make sure you don't miss payments and rack up late fees.

The easiest way to stay on top of your online bills is to set up automatic payments. If you have the technological means to do so, your bills will be paid directly from your bank account every month, so you don't have to pay as much attention to due dates. Some banks may also offer online bill paying options that allow you to pay all your bills from one Web page. This can take some time to set up, but once it's done you should be able to see every bill you owe listed right in front of you. Even better, you'll be able to pay them all each month in a matter of minutes.


If you do start paying your bills online, some companies may offer a paperless statement option. If you sign up, you'll receive all your bills by e-mail from that point on -- no more paper mail to clog up your mailbox. Just be careful. If you do sign up for paperless statements, be sure to create a folder in your email program where you can keep all your electronic bills. If one gets lost in your inbox and you forget about it, you could get hit with late fees.

Getting rid of paper bills can make a big difference. Not only could it cut down on the clutter in your life, but it may also decrease the amount of time it takes you to pay your bills. Just make sure you write down the confirmation number for each bill you pay online. That way if there's a problem later, you'll have proof that you did pay it, and the situation should be resolved much more quickly. It's also a good idea to check your statements regularly so you can review what you've paid for, even if you're paying bills automatically.

Keep reading to find out what type of computer software can help you organize your bills.

Taxing Records

Believe it or not, it's a good idea to save your tax returns and all relevant backup documentation for seven years [source: Chatzky]. That's how long the IRS has to audit you, and in the event that they do, you'll need to have proof of everything you claimed. So make sure you have plenty of filing cabinet space.


Bill Organizing Software

When it comes to organizing your bills, the right computer software can sometimes make all the difference. The hard part may be choosing the right program. These days, some computer stores dedicate entire sections to software that promises to help you organize your finances and keep your bills under control. The problem is, some types of software can be too complicated for the average person. To be beneficial, something that's meant to help you organize your bills should be relatively simple to use and easy to understand.

Quicken is one example of a widely used personal finance program. It can help you organize all of your accounts in one place and set a budget -- it can even remind you when your bills are due. There are four different versions of the software. They range in price from $59.99 to $149.99. The cheapest version has enough features to help the average person keep his finances under control. But if you want to use the software to manage investments, a home business or a rental property, you'll have to spring for a more expensive version [source: Quicken].


Another software option is Moneydance. It costs $39.99, and includes some features -- such as online banking and bill payment -- at no extra charge. Almost anyone can use it, too, because Mac, Windows and Linux all support Moneydance software [source: Moneydance]. Aside from Quicken and Moneydance, there are also several free programs you can download online to help keep your bills organized. You may have to try out a few before you find one that actually works for you.

To learn more about how you can organize your life, check out the links on the next page.

Shred Away

When it comes time to get rid of old bank statements or financial records, it's never a good idea to just throw them in the trash. These types of documents can easily be used to steal your identity. Instead, you should shred them or tear them up by hand before discarding them [source: Consumer Credit Counseling Service].


Lots More Information

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  • Bank of America. "Pay Bills Online." (Accessed 01/12/10)
  • Brynes, Glenn Ph.D., MD. "How to Organize and Pay Your Bills: A Simple System." Northern County Psychiatric Associates. 2000. (Accessed 01/12/10)
  • Chatzky, Jean. "Bills in a Box." Oprah. July 15, 2003. (Accessed 01/12/10)
  • Consumer Counseling Credit Service. "To Shred or Not to Shred." April 9, 2009. (Accessed 01/12/10)
  • Discover Card. "Paperless Statements." 2010. (Accessed 01/12/10)
  • Khan, Kim. "The Basics: How does your debt compare." MSN Money. 2010. (Accessed 01/12/10)
  • Martha Stewart Living. "Organizing Your Paperwork." March 2008. (Accessed 01/12/10)
  • Moneydance. "Learn More About Moneydance's Features." 2009. (Accessed 01/12/10)
  • Quicken. "Quicken 2010 Desktop Personal Finance Products." Intuit. 2010. (Accessed 01/12/10)
  • Weston, Liz Pullman. "Organize your financial life." MSN Money. April 9, 2009. (Accessed 01/12/10)
How to Organize Bills (2024)


What is a good way to organize bills? ›

How to manage your bills: A step-by-step guide
  1. Make a list. ...
  2. Create bill-paying spaces. ...
  3. Check your statements. ...
  4. Review your due dates. ...
  5. Ask about your grace periods. ...
  6. Make a bill-paying date with yourself. ...
  7. Streamline the payment process. ...
  8. Keep paying attention.

How do you organize bills paperwork? ›

If you want to learn how to organize your paperwork, follow these seven steps:
  1. Separate documents by type. ...
  2. Use chronological and alphabetical order. ...
  3. Organize your filing space. ...
  4. Color-code your filing system. ...
  5. Label your filing system. ...
  6. Dispose of unnecessary documents. ...
  7. Digitize files.
Aug 15, 2024

How do I make sure I have enough money for my bills? ›

Doing a budget will help you prioritize your spending. When you see all of your income and expenses written down in a budget, you'll get a fuller picture of what your finances look like. Then, you'll be able to see what you can cut out and sacrifice as you make a plan for every single dollar you own.

How do you organize bills electronically? ›

Electronic Bills

For bills that are set up on automatic payment – file any incoming electronic bill statements into a reference folder within your email system (name it something like MONTHLY BILLING STATEMENTS). You're simply filing them away as reference, since they do not require any action on your part.

How can I organize my finances easily? ›

Tips for Organizing Your Finances
  1. Step 1: Ditch the Shoebox Method. ...
  2. Step 2: Track Your Expenses. ...
  3. Step 3: Establish a Bill-Paying System. ...
  4. Step 4: Read Your Bills and Account Statements. ...
  5. Step 5: Shred Old Financial Records. ...
  6. Step 6: Stop the Clutter at the Source.

How do you categorize your bills? ›

Budgeting 101: Personal Budget Categories
  1. A list of recommended personal budget categories is a great place to start when creating a budget. Here are two ways you can get the most out of the list:
  2. Housing.
  3. Transportation.
  4. Food.
  5. Utilities.
  6. Clothing.
  7. Medical/Healthcare.
  8. Insurance.

How to declutter paperwork at home? ›

Instead of procrastinating until the paper pile becomes overwhelming, devote just five minutes a day to decluttering paper. During this time, sort your papers into three piles: shred, file, or recycle. Once a week, set aside half an hour to file the papers in the filing pile and shred the ones in the shredding pile.

How to organize bills and paperwork at home without? ›

Now it's time for your household paperwork pile. You can organize your paper without a filing cabinet by using a binder, a box with folders, drawers on your desk, or another accessible spot. Many people prefer to keep their household papers in a binder with various sections and pockets.

How should I schedule my bills? ›

Set up a bill paying schedule that coincides with your pay days. List all your obligations by payee name or type of expense. Place them in due date order with the amount you pay every month, and any balances left to be paid. Bills should be paid about one week before the due dates, so plan accordingly.

How to keep track of household bills? ›

On a sheet of paper or spreadsheet, list each of your monthly and periodic expenses, as well as any bills you know are upcoming. Add them up and subtract the total from your income and savings.

What bills can I skip? ›

5 Bills You Can Skip Or Postpone if Money is Tight
  • Subscriptions. If you have monthly memberships or subscriptions, it's a good idea to review them and decide which ones are still useful or relevant. ...
  • Utilities. Contact your utility providers to discuss your situation. ...
  • Credit Card Payments. ...
  • Auto Insurance Premiums. ...
  • Internet.
Apr 10, 2021

In what order should I pay my bills? ›

With the bills you should pay first in mind, here's the order for how you should prioritize your bills when on a budget.
  1. Mortgage or Rent Payments. ...
  2. Utilities. ...
  3. Insurance Premiums. ...
  4. Food and Other Living Essentials. ...
  5. Car and Work-Related Expenses. ...
  6. Credit Cards and Unsecured Debts. ...
  7. Student Loans.

Is there an app to organize my bills? ›

Bills Organizer & Reminder has dashboard-style views that allow you quickly see approaching bills, and it sends payment reminders for upcoming bills before due date. Never miss bill payment and always pay all your bills on time!

How to best organize bills? ›

Here's How You Can Efficiently Organize Your Paper Bills and Mail
  1. Create a Workstation. ...
  2. Automate Bill Paying. ...
  3. Opt for Paperless Bills and Statements. ...
  4. Eliminate Paper & Electronic Junk Mail. ...
  5. Store Important Documents Electronically. ...
  6. Keep Tax Stuff Seperate.

How do you organize a spreadsheet for bills? ›

How to Build a Budget Spreadsheet in 6 Steps
  1. Choose your software and template.
  2. Calculate your income.
  3. Categorize your expenses.
  4. Decide how often to update your budget.
  5. Enter your numbers.
  6. Maintain and stick to your budget.
Jan 31, 2024

What is the best way to store money bills? ›

Start by storing your notes in a reasonably cool, dry place—one that remains that way. Anywhere that is subject to extremes of heat, cold or humidity is the wrong place to store them. Ideally, conservators recommend a temperature between 18 and 22 degrees centigrade and between 45 and 50 percent relative humidity.

Is it better to pay bills weekly or monthly? ›

While nobody really looks forward to doing their bills monthly, much less even more frequently, experts agree that making weekly time for bills is a smarter way to go. Reviewing and paying bills on a weekly basis can save you headaches, hassles and keep you ahead of your financial goals.

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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.