How to Move with No Money: 8 Budget-Friendly Tips (2024)

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Practical tips to help you move anywhere in the world for cheap

Co-authored byMarty Stevens-Heebner, SMM-C, CPO®and Cheyenne Main

Last Updated: September 4, 2024Fact Checked

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Moving to a new area can be super exciting, but it can also be a little scary, especially if you’re on a tight budget. However, by planning ahead and figuring out your housing and job opportunities before you relocate, it’s totally possible to move out without a lot of money in your pocket. Whether you’re looking for your first place or heading to a new state, we’ve put together plenty of low-budget options to help you out. We also included some money-saving tips and tricks you can use during and after your move.

Tips for Moving Out with No Money

  1. Plan how much you need to spend on transportation, food, and rent.
  2. Move to a place that offers a relocation package.
  3. Sell your unwanted belongings.
  4. Set up a fundraising page to get extra money for your move.
  5. Get free moving supplies wherever you can.
  6. Look for job opportunities in your new town.

Section 1 of 5:

Tips for Moving Out with No Money

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  1. 1

    Plan how much you need to spend on transportation and rent. To make sure you have enough in-pocket to move without relying on credit cards, loans, or other methods that can rack up debt, look up the average cost in the place you’re moving to. Budget enough money for transportation (including gas), your living situation, and food while you’re traveling.[1]

    • You’ll know you’re ready to move if you have a savings fund with enough money to live off of for at least 3 months, plus a steady income (or a job lined up) to pay your rent and bills.[2]
    • Try to set aside anything you can spare in case of unexpected costs or emergencies while you’re moving.
    • If you’re moving to a new state with a car, set aside $100 to $125 to re-register it and get a new driver’s license.[3] Many states require you to register your vehicle 30 to 60 days after moving.[4]
  2. 2

    Move to a city or state that offers a relocation initiative. The state of West Virginia pays remote working newcomers $12,000 to live there for 2 years, with prepaid activities like skiing and rafting included in the package.[5] Places like Tulsa, Oklahoma and Topeka, Kansas are also willing to pay thousands of dollars to new residents who move there. Here’s a closer look at some of your options:[6]


  3. 3

    Turn your unwanted items into cash for your move. Sort through your belongings and decide what you do and don’t want to keep. Sell any valuable, unwanted items on a site like Facebook Marketplace or eBay, or host a yard sale in your neighborhood to help with your downsizing efforts. There’s no point in packing and moving things that you don’t want or need![7]

    • You can also donate some of your old clothes if you don’t feel like selling them.
    • Make sure to hold onto things you’ll need for your move, like your computer, interview clothes, important documents (like your social security card and banking info), and medications.
  4. 4

    Set up a fundraising page to scrounge up some extra cash. There’s nothing wrong with asking for help from friends, neighbors, acquaintances, and even perfect strangers, especially if you’re trying to escape a dangerous living situation. Explain what your story is on the campaign page, and let potential donors know that any contributions are greatly appreciated.[8]

  5. 5

    Ask your friends and loved ones for money if you need to. There’s no easy way to ask a friend or relative for money, but a repayment plan shows that you fully intend to pay them back. Draft up a loan agreement explaining how much money you need, how much and how often you plan on repaying the loan, and how much interest you’ll pay.[10]

    • To help convince your friend or loved one further, explain what consequences you’ll face if you don’t pay them back in time.
    • Making a loan agreement definitely requires a little extra work, but it will also show how serious you are about what you’re asking.
    • When first bringing up the loan in conversation, say something like, “I’d really like to move out and have a place of my own, but I’ve hit a rough patch financially. Would I be able to borrow $1,500 to help get me on my feet? I plan on paying it all back over the next 6 months with 3% interest.”
  6. 6

    Look for job opportunities before you get to your new town. Once you’ve settled on where you’re moving to, start searching online for jobs in that area. Having a job lined up makes it much easier to manage any new bills and expenses after you move, and gives you one less thing to worry about in the weeks or months to come.[11]

    • Gig work can be a great way to make some quick cash, especially if you live in a busy area.[12]
    • Some good side hustle gigs include delivering food via Doordash or GrubHub, delivering groceries with Instacart, or offering babysitting or handyman services around your neighborhood.[13]
    How to Move with No Money: 8 Budget-Friendly Tips (10)

    Erin Lowry, Personal Finance Expert

    When facing a move with limited funds, resist racking up credit card debt for temporary conveniences. Instead, get creative—leverage your network for rideshares, temporary housing, borrowing a truck or supplies, and earning extra 'gig economy' income. Moving frugally requires grit and sacrifice, but with resourcefulness and strict budgeting, you can transition to a new lower-cost area and lifestyle aligned to your long-term goals.

  7. 7

    Adjust your budget and save money after the move. Adjusting to a smaller budget can help prevent you from living beyond your means and alleviate unnecessary financial stress. Subtract your monthly expenses from your income, then see where in your budget you can save a little extra money.[14]

    • For example, if you make $2,500 a month after taxes, rent costs $800, and you tend to spend $100 on eating out, you may try meal planning instead to save an extra $50.
    • Some experts suggest using the 50/30/20 rule to manage your monthly paychecks: use 50% for necessary expenses, 30% for things you want, and 20% for debt repayment and savings.[15]
  8. 8

    Create a backup plan you can use if your housing falls through. Talk with your trusted friends and loved ones to see if you can come up with a contingency plan in case you lose your housing or don’t have enough money to make ends meet. Knowing that you can crash at a friend’s place can offer some peace of mind as you transition through your move.

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Section 2 of 5:

Saving Money While You’re Moving

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  1. 1

    Collect free boxes from liquor stores and grocery stores. “Collect your Amazon Prime boxes and you can reuse those,” Professional move manager Marty Stevens-Heebner recommends. “Anywhere you can think of to get used cardboard, like strong for shipping cardboard boxes, go there and see if you can get them.”

    • Spread the word on sites like Craigslist and Freecycle, too. Chances are, there’s someone in your area with some boxes that they don’t need.
    • You can also use other items to hold your stuff, like plastic bins and laundry baskets. Stick clothing, pillows, towels, and other soft items around breakable items like dishes.
    • Ask your friends and loved ones for help, too! They might have some leftover boxes that they don’t need.
  2. 2

    Try to avoid relocating on peak moving dates. Winter months between December and March tend to be the cheapest time to move because there’s less competition from other renters. Some landlords even offer a month of rent off, or waive application or broker fees.[16]

    • Moving during the middle of the week mid-month also tends to be cheaper.[17]
  3. 3

    Apply to a driveaway company to travel to a location one-way. Car-renting road trippers often take one-way trips with their vehicles, leaving them pretty far from their place of origin. Driveaway companies hire people to drive these cars on a one-way trip back to their original location.[18] This could be a great way to get to a new place while making a little extra money in the process.

    • Auto Driveaway is the most well-known driveaway company out there, but you can also find open driveaway jobs on job-hunting sites.
  4. 4

    Borrow a friend’s vehicle to cut costs on a moving van. Ask your friend if you can use their car to move your belongings over to your new place—the bigger the car, the better! See if they’ll let you use their car for free, or offer to pay for gas.[19]

    • Try chatting up your friends who have an SUV or pick-up truck first. The bigger their car is, the fewer trips you’ll have to make.
    • If you have a little extra cash saved up, you can also ship your items to your destination or rent a portable moving container.
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Section 3 of 5:

Best Places to Move to with No Money

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  1. Relocate to a town with a low cost of living. A low-cost town can take a lot of financial stress off your shoulders. However, some low-cost places may have fewer job opportunities or smaller paychecks. Towns like Decatur, Illinois, and Harlingen, Texas may have lower costs and more job opportunities.[20] Other low-cost areas include:[21]

    • States:
      • West Virginia
      • Oklahoma
      • Kansas
      • Alabama
      • Mississippi
      • Missouri
    • Towns:[22]
      • Fort Wayne, IN
      • Huntsville, AL
      • Wichita, KS
      • Springfield, MO
      • Davenport, IA
      • Hickory, NC
      • Montgomery, AL
      • Green Bay, WI
      • Little Rock, AR
      • Oklahoma City, OK
    • You can also use a living wage calculator to figure out how much income you’ll need to live comfortably in whatever area you’re moving to.

Section 4 of 5:

Finding a Cheap Living Arrangement

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  1. 1

    Move in with a friend to save money. You’ll still need to pay rent, but your original costs are split in half (or by however many roomies you get on board). Look for a place where the rent is already reasonable, so you pay even less per month.[23]

    • The median asking rent in the U.S. was around $1,400 in 2024.[24] If you were splitting that cost with a friend, you’d pay about $700 each month!
    • Alternatively, find roommates on a site like Roomster or Diggz. To be safe, meet your roommates beforehand if possible, and look them up online.
  2. 2

    Sign a sublease to lean on someone’s rental contract for a set time. Renters and homeowners sublet their homes when they’re away for a long period—this way, they can make enough money to pay their bills. Sublet contracts can last for weeks or months at a time, and can be a great solution if you’re looking for a quick, cheap way to move out.[25]

    • Airbnb has a section of their site dedicated to subletting. Some hosts also offer discounts to renters who book a room for at least 28 days.[26]
    • Subleases come in 2 forms: short-term and long-term. With a short-term sublease, the original renter plans on coming back—you stay there until that time comes.[27]
    • With long-term subleases, however, the renter doesn’t plan on coming back, so you can stay in the room or space until the lease runs out.[28]
  3. 3

    Join a home-sharing arrangement to live in someone’s home for cheap. This kind of setup typically pairs elderly homeowners in need of a little extra assistance with younger individuals looking for discounted (or free) rent.[29] In exchange for a little extra help and/or companionship, you can live in someone else’s home for almost nothing.[30]

  4. 4

    Couch surf at someone’s place if you need to move out quickly. The Couchsurfing app lets you browse available hosts (or “couches”) in the area where you can crash for the night.[31] Couch surfing is free—just keep in mind that the service is targeted toward travelers and tourists, and isn’t a viable long-term moving solution.[32]

    • The official Couchsurfing company recommends doing some sort of nice gesture for your host in return for your lodging, like offering to make dinner.
  5. 5

    Stay at a hostel if you need a short-term place to stay. The cheapest hostel rooms are designed to fit small groups of people, but some are converted motels or houses.[33] Some hostels also let you pay for your lodging for a week at a time, which can definitely be helpful if you need a new place to stay.

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Section 5 of 5:

Mistakes to Avoid When Moving Out

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  1. 1

    Moving without planning ahead Moving out is a big decision that can feel stressful, especially if you don’t have a lot of money in your pocket. However, planning a budget ahead of time, sorting out your living situation, and trying to line up a job can help alleviate some of your stress and make moving out a lot easier.[34]

    • If your situation allows for it, push your move-out date back a bit so you can save up a little more. You’ll feel a lot more at ease if you have a nest egg on hand, even if it’s small!
    • Try not to feel like you have to juggle your move all on your own! Lean on your friends and loved ones for assistance, like finding a new place and packing up your belongings.
  2. 2

    Moving into a dangerous or toxic situation Even if you’re desperate to leave your current living situation, it’s better to do tons of research ahead of time to make sure your new living situation is better. Look up the city or town you’re moving into to make sure it’s safe and vet any roommates you don’t know before moving in with them.

    • Use the FBI’s Crime Data Explorer to find the crime rates in the area you’re moving to.
    • When choosing someone to live with, trust your instincts—find someone you feel comfortable being around and who shares some of the same values.[35]
    • Try to address problems with your roommate right away. Calmly explain when something goes against your boundaries and make a plan together to move forward.[36]
  3. 3

    Buying or acquiring furniture before you move While it may seem tempting to take everything you own with you when you move, bulky items can be difficult and expensive to move. Sell everything you don’t need ahead of time, and plan to save up money to buy items when you get there.[37]

  4. 4

    Not letting your friends or family know that you’re moving Not only can your friends and family help you if moving doesn’t work out, but they can give you emotional and financial support while you’re relocating. Let them know about your plans in-person and keep communication lines open and friendly in case you need to come back.[38]

    • If you use social media, send your loved ones photos and videos while you’re moving and keep in touch when you’ve settled into your new life.
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Expert Q&A


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    How do I start saving to move out?

    How to Move with No Money: 8 Budget-Friendly Tips (31)

    Marty Stevens-Heebner, SMM-C, CPO®
    Professional Move Manager

    Marty Stevens-Heebner was the first Certified Senior Move Manager (SMM-C) in the United States and is Founder and CEO of Clear Home Solutions, a move management and professional organizing company based in southern California. Marty is also a Certified Professional Organizer and a Certified Aging in Place Specialist (CAPS) through the National Association of Home Builders. She is the President-Elect and is on the board of directors of the National Association for Senior Move Managers, a member of the National Association of Professional Organizers, and has been acknowledged as a Hoarding Specialist and ADHD Specialist through the Institute for Challenging Disorganization.

    How to Move with No Money: 8 Budget-Friendly Tips (32)

    Professional Move Manager

    Expert Answer

    Give yourself plenty of time if you plan on saving money by doing the packing yourself. If you try to do it all the day before, you may not get everything done in time. Then, as you're scrambling to get finished packing, things might not get packed as carefully, so there could end up being a lot of breakage.

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  • Question

    How do I prepare myself to move out for the first time?

    How to Move with No Money: 8 Budget-Friendly Tips (33)

    Marty Stevens-Heebner, SMM-C, CPO®
    Professional Move Manager

    Marty Stevens-Heebner was the first Certified Senior Move Manager (SMM-C) in the United States and is Founder and CEO of Clear Home Solutions, a move management and professional organizing company based in southern California. Marty is also a Certified Professional Organizer and a Certified Aging in Place Specialist (CAPS) through the National Association of Home Builders. She is the President-Elect and is on the board of directors of the National Association for Senior Move Managers, a member of the National Association of Professional Organizers, and has been acknowledged as a Hoarding Specialist and ADHD Specialist through the Institute for Challenging Disorganization.

    How to Move with No Money: 8 Budget-Friendly Tips (34)

    Professional Move Manager

    Expert Answer

    If you're going to be moving, go to liquor stores, restaurants, and supermarkets, and ask if they have any boxes you can have. Also, save any boxes you get from ordering things online. This can save you money on storage for all of your thnigs.

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    I don’t have any money and I really want to move overseas. Is this a good idea?

    How to Move with No Money: 8 Budget-Friendly Tips (35)

    Janice Tieperman

    Community Answer

    It's definitely better to wait until you have some money saved up. Still, if your heart is really set on living abroad, consider moving to international cities with relocation incentives, like Antikythera, Greece; Candela, Italy; Kaitangata, New Zealand; and Albinen, Switzerland.

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      • Some companies offer employee relocation packages to reimburse you for moving if they require you to do so.[39]


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      About This Article

      How to Move with No Money: 8 Budget-Friendly Tips (51)

      Co-authored by:

      Professional Move Manager

      This article was co-authored by Marty Stevens-Heebner, SMM-C, CPO® and by wikiHow staff writer, Cheyenne Main. Marty Stevens-Heebner was the first Certified Senior Move Manager (SMM-C) in the United States and is Founder and CEO of Clear Home Solutions, a move management and professional organizing company based in southern California. Marty is also a Certified Professional Organizer and a Certified Aging in Place Specialist (CAPS) through the National Association of Home Builders. She is the President-Elect and is on the board of directors of the National Association for Senior Move Managers, a member of the National Association of Professional Organizers, and has been acknowledged as a Hoarding Specialist and ADHD Specialist through the Institute for Challenging Disorganization. This article has been viewed 194,143 times.

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      Updated: September 4, 2024


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      Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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      Author information

      Name: Gregorio Kreiger

      Birthday: 1994-12-18

      Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

      Phone: +9014805370218

      Job: Customer Designer

      Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

      Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.