How To Make A Drone Jammer? (Step By Step Instructions) (2024)

Disclaimer: This content is for educational and informational use only. Consult professionals for any legal, safety, or technical advice. You’re responsible for complying with laws and ensuring safety. We assume no liability for actions taken based on this content.

This article shows you how to make a drone jammer step-by-step. A drone jammer is a device that emits radio waves to interfere with the signal between a drone and its controller.

Drone jammers are used to prevent the drone jamming and provide safety to the user and its area of operation. It involves in a set of telecommunication hardware with the capability of detecting drone signals, receiving them and jamming them. The customer can expand the system to an unlimited number of drones at a time by adding an additional drone receiver and drone transmitter.

To make a drone jammer, you need to get a radio frequency generator, which will send out radio waves that interfere with the drone’s ability to communicate with its controller. You also need an antenna to broadcast the jamming signal.

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Summary of The Steps

  • Obtain a 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi antenna and amplifier: The antenna sends jamming signals, and the amplifier (with at least 10 dB gain) improves their efficiency.
  • Acquire power supply components: Get an amplifier power supply, power cord, and a portable battery pack with a minimum capacity of 10,000 mAh to power the jammer.
  • Set up a protective Pelican case: To house and secure the jammer’s components, purchase a case. Drill airholes for ventilation and holes for coaxial connectors and power cables.
  • Install components in the Pelican case: Install coaxial connectors, battery, and Wi-Fi antenna in the case, connecting them to ensure proper functionality.
  • Add a control switch: To turn the jammer on and off as needed, mount a switch. This helps to comply with regulations and conserve power when not in use.

Step By Step Instructions To Make A Drone Jammer

1. Obtain A 2.4 GHz Wifi Antenna

How To Make A Drone Jammer? (Step By Step Instructions) (1)

You will also need a 2.4 GHz WiFi antenna that has a connector that matches the amplifier (usually this is an SMA connector, but check the specifications of both your antenna and your amplifier to make sure).

Once you have all of these parts, it’s time to wire everything together!

How To Make A Drone Jammer? (Step By Step Instructions) (2)

2. Purchase A 2.4 Ghz Amplifier

How To Make A Drone Jammer? (Step By Step Instructions) (3)

To start off, you need a 2.4 GHz amplifier. This should be a high power amplifier. It would be best to use a high gain amplifier or an amplifier with a gain of at least 10 dB. You may use any type of linear amplifier for this project, but the most common are RF amplifiers.

Some examples include LNAs (low noise amplifiers), and HEMT (high electron mobility transistor) technology based amplifiers (e.g., GaAsFET, pHEMT).

3. Obtain An Amplifier Power Supply And Power Cord

Obtain An Amplifier Power Supply And Power Cord. If you are buying a Wi-Fi amplifier, it will already come with this; however, if you are making your own jammer and have bought the amplifier separately, you will have to obtain a power supply unit (PSU) and a power cord.

This is where the internet comes in handy again. Use the spec sheet for your amplifier to determine what type of PSU to buy. Select a PSU that can provide at least double the wattage needed by the amplifier, as greater margins are better when it comes to electronics.

Also select a power cord rated at 15 amps or greater that is compatible with your country’s electrical receptacles.

4. Get A Portable Battery Pack

How To Make A Drone Jammer? (Step By Step Instructions) (4)

You will need a portable battery pack, also called power banks. You can purchase a power bank on Amazon or at most local stores such as Walmart. Make sure you get one with at least 10,000 mAh capacity and a USB port (most have them). Some of these power banks have built-in LED flashlights, which can come in handy.

5. Purchase Or Obtain A Pelican Case

Purchase Or Obtain A Pelican Case. A Pelican case is an extremely durable and protective case, sized to fit your electronic components. The type of cases used for this project are sealed with an airtight o-ring and latched securely.

Most models feature a pressure release valve, which allows the air pressure inside the case to equalize with the surrounding environment as you go from place to place. This prevents shock and damage from sudden changes in pressure.

For example, if you were flying on an airplane that was ascending or descending, the change in altitude would cause a sudden change in air pressure on either side of the closed lid of your Pelican case.

The exact size of your case will be determined by what components you choose to use in building your drone jammer. If you are following this guide exactly, you should purchase a 1450 model Pelican Case (but again, any size that can accommodate all the equipment will work).

6. Drill Airholes Into The Pelican Case

  • Make sure your Pelican case is clean and free of any dust or debris.
  • Measure the width of your amplifier’s fan located on top and mark it with a ruler on your pelican case. Your fan will be at least 2″ in diameter so the air holes will be roughly that size as well. You can use a larger bit if you want, but don’t go under 2″ in diameter or you’ll risk overheating the amplifier.
  • Grab your power drill and 3/8″ drill bit and begin drilling out the airholes for ventilation in the Pelican case lid directly over where your amplifiers are mounted to ensure they get good airflow while they’re operating.

7. Drill Holes For The Coaxial Connectors On The Pelican Case

  • Set up a workspace and gather the tools you’ll need to open the Pelican case and drill holes for the coaxial connectors.
  • Before drilling, mark the hole locations on the case with a pencil, making sure that they are in line with one another so your antenna will be straight.
  • Using a small drill bit (we used 1/8-inch), drill pilot holes before proceeding with larger bits so you don’t crack or break the plastic Pelican case.
  • Repeat step 3 until all your coaxial connectors are in place, then attach your antenna faceplate to secure them in place.

8. Drill Holes For The Power Cables In The Pelican Case

Drill the holes for the power cables in the Pelican case. You’ll want to measure them carefully and drill pilot holes with a small drill bit before drilling larger holes for the cables themselves. Take your time and make sure that you have a drill bit that’s the correct size for the power cable.

9. Install The Coaxial Connectors On The Pelican Case

Drill a hole in the center of one of the circles you drew. This hole should be large enough to install a BNC connector. In this guide, I used a 0.25in diameter bit which fit perfectly with my connector model and the size of the Pelican case, but you may have to adjust your drill size depending on your own equipment.

Next, we need to create threads in this hole so that our BNC connector can screw in firmly and securely. You could do this by hand if you are patient and careful, or if you need it done fast (like me) then use your tap & die kit with a threading gauge to make sure that the threads match your BNC connectors. Test-fit each one before moving on; they should fit snugly into place!

10. Install The Battery Into The Pelican Case

  • Check the battery compatibility.
  • The Pelican case we assembled this drone jammer in has specific requirements for its batteries. Verify that your battery is compatible with the case before you begin working on it.
  • Determine where to install the battery in the case.
  • Install The Battery Into The Pelican Case and connect it to the power supply unit (PSU).
  • Make sure that all wires are connected properly, then close up your Pelican case and secure its locking system for safety purposes.
  • Never leave a charged lithium-ion or lithium polymer battery inside of a Pelican case unattended and never leave them charging inside of a closed Pelican case for more than a few hours at a time!
  • Doing so may cause overheating, fire and/or other hazardous conditions within your DroneDefender™ Portable’s casing if it is not aired out regularly to allow heat to dissipate from within!

11. Insert The Wifi Antenna Into The Battery Compartment

Although many devices that cause WiFi interference can be detected and disabled, there are still a few out there that use a technique called “sweeping” to emit interference signals at different frequencies throughout a given range.

This makes it difficult to protect your drone from jamming with an automated system, as it would mean setting up more than one device to detect the signal across its entire frequency range. To counter this kind of drone jamming, you can install an antenna focused on emitting a jamming signal in the same range as your drone’s controller and receiver using WiFi technology.

12. Add A Switch To Turn Everything On And Off As Needed

For most applications, you will not want to keep the jammer on all the time. You are better served by leaving it off in most cases, and turning it on only when you need to. In fact, many jurisdictions have laws that apply to the use of jammers that require one to be turned off when not in use.

One way of accomplishing this is to simply have a switch that turns your jammer on or off. You can use any type of switch for this purpose, but it should be noted that some are more difficult than others to operate.

Now You Know How To Jam Drones!

Now that you know how to build your own drone jammer, there are a few important points to remember:

  • Make sure you’re within range of a drone before activating the jammer.
  • Prepare for potential legal consequences. While the legality of drone jammers varies from state to state, it’s best to assume this tool is illegal in your area unless explicitly stated otherwise.
  • Operate with caution and make sure not to harm anyone or anything as a result of using the drone jammer. It’s possible that the drone operator could lose control over their device and accidentally crash it into someone or something, so use this tool responsibly!

While it may seem like an unnecessary piece of equipment for some, building your own drone jammer can be a great way to learn about electronics, antennas and amplifiers.

In addition, if you have no need for a signal blocker but still want to learn more about these fields, building your own signal-emitting drone can be incredibly worthwhile!

Frequently Asked Question (how To Make A Drone Jammer)

How Do I Protect Myself From Drones?

If you want to protect yourself from being spied on, there are many options you can use. The most common one is a drone jammer. A drone jammer is an electronic device that prevents drones from flying within a certain area. It also disrupts the communication between the drone operator and their drone, so that they cannot control it anymore.

There are several types of jammers: cell phone jammers, radio jammers, wifi jammers and more! But today we’re talking about drone jammers!

How Do I Disable A Drone?

You can disable a drone in several ways. The most common way is to use a laser to disrupt its sensors, or a net to catch it in flight and bring it down. You can also use radio jammers or GPS jammers, although these have the potential to interfere with other devices that are operating on those frequencies.

Another option is an RF jammer, which disables all wireless communication within range of your device—such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connections—so that drones cannot receive signals from their operator’s controller and fly away safely.

Another option is an RF signal blocker, which targets specific frequencies using precision electronics; this means that while you may affect the operation of some drones when using this technique (which might not be desirable), it will not cause interference with other devices such as cell phones or Wi-Fi routers in range

Can I Shoot A Drone Out Of The Sky?

You can’t legally shoot down a drone, even if it’s hovering above your house or flying over your property. As for jamming its communication signals, that is also illegal in most countries. The only way to force an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) to land is by using a specialized device called a drone jammer.

Can My Cell Phone Jammer Jam A Drone?

Cell phone jammers are a common and widely used kind of drone jamming device. They work by blocking the frequency on which cell phones communicate with their base stations, making it impossible for them to make or receive calls or send texts. Cell phone jammers don’t just interfere with cell phones; they also disrupt other devices that use radio signals like drones, Wi-Fi routers and Bluetooth devices.

So yes! A jammer can be used to stop drones from gathering data about you. But bear in mind that this is only one way to protect your privacy from drones—you can also invest in anti-drone netting or even build your own anti-drone system!

Is There Such Thing As A Wifi Jammer For Drones?

If you’ve been wondering whether or not there’s such a thing as a wifi jammer for drones, the answer is “no.”

Wifi jammers are illegal in many countries, and they’re usually ineffective against drones.

You can’t jam a drone with a wifi jammer because it doesn’t work on the 5GHz frequency band that most modern-day drones use to communicate with their controllers.

There is also no way for you to protect your own drone from being jammed by someone else if you don’t have access to an advanced military or commercial-grade radar system (which would be prohibitively expensive).

What Are The Risks Involved In Drone Jamming?

Jamming drones can be risky. For example, a drone that is jammed and loses communication may fall out of the sky and injure people on the ground below. It could also cause problems with other devices: if your jammer interferes with a cell phone tower or another piece of equipment on your street, it could cause an outage for thousands of users in your area.

Additionally, you might get sued! If you’re interfering with air traffic control by jamming drones near airports or other sensitive areas where aircraft fly overhead, then you could face legal consequences from law enforcement officers who want to make sure everything is safe for everyone involved.

In short: don’t try this at home (or anywhere else).

How Can I Protect My Own Drone From Being Jammed By Someone Else?

If you’re worried about your drone being jammed by someone else, you can always use a jammer to protect it. This will make sure that no other drones can interfere with your flight and give you total control over where your drone goes—you’ll be able to fly freely without worrying about someone else trying to take over.

A good place to start is with anti-jamming technology. Anti-jamming technology prevents interference from other devices like jammers, so if someone tries to interfere with your signal or locate where the signal is coming from using an antennae, they won’t be able to do it because of this feature!

Another good option is encrypted communication between the transmitter and receiver in order for them not be detected by any third party devices such as jammers (which are used often).

As an enthusiast and expert in telecommunications technology, particularly in radio frequency (RF) communication and jamming devices, I can provide a detailed analysis of the concepts mentioned in the article about making a drone jammer. My expertise stems from hands-on experience, extensive research, and a comprehensive understanding of RF technology.

The article outlines a step-by-step guide on how to create a drone jammer, emphasizing the use of a 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi antenna and amplifier. Here's an overview of the concepts and components discussed:

  1. 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi Antenna:

    • Purpose: The antenna is crucial for sending jamming signals to interfere with the drone's communication.
    • Connection: It should have a connector matching the amplifier (typically an SMA connector).
  2. 2.4 GHz Amplifier:

    • Function: A high-power amplifier is employed to boost the efficiency of jamming signals.
    • Recommendation: It's advised to use an amplifier with a gain of at least 10 dB, and examples include LNAs and HEMT-based amplifiers.
  3. Power Supply Components:

    • Components: An amplifier power supply and power cord are necessary for providing power to the jammer.
    • Selection: Choose a power supply unit (PSU) that meets the amplifier's wattage requirements and a power cord compatible with the electrical receptacles in your region.
  4. Portable Battery Pack:

    • Requirement: A portable battery pack with a capacity of at least 10,000 mAh is needed to power the jammer.
  5. Pelican Case:

    • Purpose: The case serves as a protective enclosure for housing and securing the jammer's components.
    • Selection: A Pelican case is recommended for its durability, airtight seal, and pressure release valve.
  6. Drilling Holes in Pelican Case:

    • Airholes: Drill airholes for ventilation to prevent overheating.
    • Coaxial Connectors: Drill holes for coaxial connectors and power cables to connect the components.
  7. Installing Components:

    • Coaxial Connectors: Attach the coaxial connectors securely to the Pelican case.
    • Battery and Antenna: Install the battery, ensuring compatibility with the case, and insert the Wi-Fi antenna into the battery compartment.
  8. Control Switch:

    • Purpose: Add a switch to turn the jammer on and off as needed.
    • Compliance: Comply with regulations that may require the jammer to be turned off when not in use.

The article also addresses frequently asked questions related to drone jamming, covering topics such as protection against drones, disabling drones, legal implications, and risks associated with drone jamming. It emphasizes the importance of responsible use and awareness of potential legal consequences.

In conclusion, the provided information gives a comprehensive guide to building a drone jammer while highlighting the need for caution, legal compliance, and responsible usage.

How To Make A Drone Jammer? (Step By Step Instructions) (2024)


How to make an anti-drone system? ›

Anti-Drone System
  1. RADAR System – Drone detection and tracking.
  2. EO System – CCD, IR camera with LRF for detection and tracking of Drone target.
  3. DF Counter Drone System- Drone communication channel RF Detection & Jamming, GPS Jamming / Spoofing System (Soft Kill)
  4. Laser Directed Energy Weapon System (Hard Kill)

What are the anti jamming techniques of drones? ›

The four most effective anti-drone techniques are Radiofrequency (RF) Jamming, GPS spoofing, Laser systems, and Drone-catching Nets.

Why are drone jammers illegal? ›

“These jamming devices pose significant risks to public safety and potentially compromise other radio communications services,” the FCC says on its website. The manufacture, importation, sale or offer for sale of jamming equipment violates Section 302(b) of the Communications Act of 1934, the FCC says.

How do you block a drone signal? ›

Jammers can neutralize many drones. You need to emit a strong radiofrequency signal that blocks either the drone's command, video, or GPS channel. As a result, the drone is not-steerable, it's “blind”, or it flies in the wrong direction. Many smaller drones will crash when their frequencies are jammed.

Is there a device to disable a drone? ›

Battelle's DroneDefender is a device that emits an electromagnetic field meant to disrupt the most popular GPS and ISM radio frequencies, which keep drones in the air. The DroneDefender can then take control and guide the drone safely down to the ground.

What can block a drone? ›

Radio Frequency (RF) Analysers
  • Radio Frequency (RF) Analysers. ...
  • Optical Sensors (Cameras) ...
  • Acoustic Sensors (Microphones) ...
  • Radio Frequency Jammers. ...
  • GPS Spoofers. ...
  • High Power Microwave (HPM) Devices. ...
  • Nets and Net Guns. ...
  • High-energy Lasers.

Are anti drone jammers legal? ›

Robert McDowell, a former FCC commissioner, said any device that jams radio frequencies is illegal per se unless an authorized federal agency is the one using it. “Jammers are illegal because they could be used for nefarious purposes and cause chaos,” he said.

Which is the most effective anti jamming technique? ›

The most commonly used technique to overcome jamming is frequency hopping (FH).

Are homemade drones legal? ›

Yes, it is legal to build your own airplane and fly it. In fact, the Federal Aviation Administration FAA will provide you with guides and tools to help you succeed with your amateur-built aircraft.

Can you make a DIY drone? ›

There are many kinds of drones you can build and operate, but a simple quadcopter is the easiest to build and control for beginners. A simple drone is a great way to get started learning about how they work and practice piloting them before moving up to more expensive and complex platforms.

How high can a homemade drone fly? ›

Legally speaking, drone flights are bound by specific regulations that dictate their maximum altitude. In the United States, as well as many other countries, the law sets a strict limit of 400 feet above ground level. Despite this legal ceiling, drones can technically reach altitudes up to 10 kilometers (33,000 feet).

Can I own a jammer? ›

Federal law prohibits the operation, marketing, or sale of any type of jamming equipment that interferes with authorized radio communications, including cellular and Personal Communication Services (PCS), police radar, and Global Positioning Systems (GPS).

What are the techniques of jamming? ›

Spot jamming, sweep jamming, and barrage jamming are the three most common types of noise jamming, whereas DRFM jamming is the most common type of repeater jamming.

What happens if you jam a drone? ›

Jamming does not take over control of the drone. It merely negates the control of the pilot. A drone that loses its remote controller's signal will generally commence an “emergency back-up plan,” which in most cases will be either returning home, hovering in place, or landing on the spot.

Can a jammer stop a drone? ›

Drone jammers are counter-UAS (unmanned aerial systems) devices that are used to stop drone threats from entering controlled airspace and critical areas such as airports, prisons and industrial facilities. They may also be used to protect military personnel and buildings on the battlefield.

Do drone jammers exist? ›

There are several types of jammers against drones known:

Systems that jam a specific GPS signal. They can turn on spontaneously, lose satellites and go into no-holds-barred mode; Jammers that substitute GPS readings.

How do you detect a drone spying on you? ›

A: If you believe a drone is spying on you at night, try to spot the drone's lights or listen for its distinct buzzing sound. Spy drones might hover or circle around your property at night. Using night vision or thermal cameras at night can also help in identifying such drones.

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Name: Duncan Muller

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Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.