How To Invest 1 Million Dollars (2024)

Benjamin Franklin once said, "An investment in knowledge pays the best interest." Investing a million dollars can seem like a daunting task, but it's a smart move to grow your wealth and secure your financial future.

Before diving into the world of investing, you should educate yourself on the available options and develop a solid strategy. With some knowledge and the proper guidance, you can make your money work for you and achieve your financial goals.

In this article, we'll explore some smart options and strategies on how to invest 1 million dollars. So let's dive in and start building a brighter financial future.

How To Invest 1 Million Dollars (1)

How Much Interest Does 1 Million Dollars Earn Per Year?

If you're lucky enough to have a million dollars to invest, you're probably wondering how much you can expect to earn in interest each year. The answer depends on several factors, including the type of investment you choose, your investment horizon, and your risk tolerance.

Stocks are a popular investing choice; historically, they have delivered an average yearly return of about 10%. This means that a $1 million investment in the stock market could potentially earn you around $100,000 per year in interest.

If you explore a concentrated stock position or allocate a significant portion of your wealth to a consistently well-performing stock, you can maximize certain stocks. However, this strategy only works if you're guided by informed decisions and effectively manage associated risks and rewards.

Of course, the returns are not guaranteed, and risks are associated with investing in stocks. It's essential to have a well-diversified investment portfolio and a long-term investment horizon to mitigate the risk of market downturns.

With $1 million to invest, it makes little sense to go it alone. A financial advisor can provide objective and informed guidance to help you attain your financial goals.

Real estate investing is another alternative to consider. Real estate investment trusts (REITs) and real estate crowdfunding platforms offer opportunities to invest in commercial and residential properties and earn a return on your investment.

The average annual return for REITs is around 8%, which could translate to a return of $80,000 per year on a $1 million investment. Real estate investments also offer tax benefits and the potential for capital appreciation.

Bonds and money market accounts may be a good option for those with more conservative risk tolerance. Treasury bonds and municipal bonds typically offer lower returns but come with less risk.

With a bond paying a 2% interest rate, a $1 million investment could earn you $20,000 per bond pay interest income annually. High-interest savings accounts are another low-risk option, with interest rates averaging around 0.5%. A $1 million investment in a money market account could earn you $5,000 per year in interest income.

Another great option you can explore is the Lyons Enhanced Yield Strategy. This investment strategy produces optimal tax efficiency while ensuring a consistent high-level income. This consistency is independent of market direction.

Things To Consider Before Investing $1 Million

Learning how to invest 1 million dollars is a decision that requires careful consideration and planning. Here, we'll explore some essential things to consider before investing your million dollars so you can make informed decisions and achieve financial success.

How To Invest 1 Million Dollars (2)

Investment Goals

Your investing horizon should be one of your two initial investment priorities. Are you making short-term or long-term investments? If you have a long-term investment horizon, you may want to consider investing in stocks or real estate, as these investments have historically provided higher returns over the long run. We at Lyons Wealth can help you identify the best stock options that align with your goals.

On the other hand, if you're investing for the short term, you may want to consider bonds, which are less volatile and offer more stable returns.

Risk Tolerance

How much riskier investments are you willing to take on? Investing always involves risk, but some investments are riskier than others. For example, stocks can be volatile and may experience significant fluctuations in value, while bonds and money market accounts are generally less risky but offer lower returns.

Understanding your risk tolerance allows you to choose investments that align with your comfort level and help you achieve your financial goals. Our team at Lyons Wealth can help you determine your risk tolerance so you can confidently navigate your investment journey.

Financial Situation

It's essential to consider your personal financial situation and any existing debts or obligations. If you have high-interest debt, such as credit card debt, you should pay off that debt before investing. This can help you reduce your overall debt load and free up more money to invest in the future. Our financial advisors at Lyons Wealth can help you assess your financial situation accordingly.

Portfolio Diversification

You should diversify your investment portfolio to minimize risk and maximize returns. This can help spread your investments across various assets, reducing your exposure to any single investment and minimizing your overall risk.

Investing in a mix of stocks, bonds, real estate investment trusts (REITs), and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) can create a well-balanced investment portfolio that aligns with your financial goals. A great way to diversify your portfolio is through Lyons Core Portfolio. This strategy empowers you to allocate funds to income-generating common and preferred stocks and corporate bonds. For any queries related to our products, you can get in touch with our financial advisors by filling up the form below.

Low-Cost Funds

You should also consider investing in low-cost funds, such as index funds and ETFs. These funds have lower fees than actively managed funds, which can eat into your investment returns over the long run. You can benefit from the growth potential of the stock market without paying high fees through low-cost funds investment.

Different Asset Classes

It's crucial to think about additional asset classes when investing in addition to equities and bonds. This can include alternative investments such as private equity, other real estate projects, and peer-to-peer lending. Alternative investments can offer the potential for higher returns and can be a great way to diversify your investment portfolio.

Tax Implications And Fees

You should also consider tax ramifications and expenses related to specific investments. It's crucial to look into and choose investments that provide tax advantages, such as municipal bonds, which are typically exempt from federal taxes. Additionally, you should consider the fees associated with different investments, such as management fees for actively managed funds.

Our team at Lyons Wealth can help you manage the tax implications of your investment accounts. We can help you maximize returns while minimizing your tax obligations.

How To Invest 1 Million Dollars: 9 Best Options

Now, the big question is - how to invest the million dollar? With so many options out there, it can be overwhelming to decide where to put your money. In this article, we'll cover the nine best options for investing one million dollars so you can make informed decisions and achieve your financial goals.

How To Invest 1 Million Dollars (3)

Stock Market

When investing, the stock market is often the first place that comes to mind. Investing there can offer the potential for significant long-term returns, but it also comes with risks. It's essential to research and invest in quality, established companies with a track record of success.

One option for investing is to invest in individual stocks. This can be a good option for those who want more control over their investments and are willing to do research to identify quality companies. If you're interested in investing in particular stocks, our concentrated stock position strategy can help you determine which stock options you should invest in to maximize investment growth.

However, investing in individual stocks can be risky, as a single company's performance can significantly impact your investment returns. If you seek our expert guidance, we'll help manage the risks of stock market volatility.

Another option is index funds, which are designed to track the performance of a particular market index, such as the S&P 500. Index funds offer broad market exposure and can be a good option for those who want to diversify their portfolio while minimizing risk.

Dividend stocks can also be a good option for those looking for regular investment income. They pay regular dividends to shareholders, which can provide a steady stream of income over time.


Bonds can be a good option for those looking for a lower-risk investment with regular income. Bonds are essentially loans made to corporations or governments, and they pay interest to the investor. When investing in bonds, it's essential to consider factors such as credit quality and interest rates, as these can impact the performance of the investment.

You might want to consider individual bonds, which are a good option if you want more control over your investment. However, identifying quality bonds can be tricky and requires in-depth research. Similar to stocks, individual bonds carry risk, as the success or failure of a single bond can significantly influence your investment outcomes.

Corporate bonds are another way to grow your money. They offer regular interest income and can provide a steady stream of income to help support your retirement or other financial goals. It's essential to research and select high-quality corporate bonds that offer a reasonable yield and are issued by companies with strong credit ratings.


Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are similar to mutual funds but trade like stocks on an exchange. ETFs offer broad market exposure and can be a good option for low-cost investments with very low expense ratios.

They can also offer diversification across different types of assets, such as stocks, bonds, and commodities. This can help to minimize risk and protect against market downturns.

Rental Properties

How To Invest 1 Million Dollars (4)

Investing in rental properties can provide a steady stream of passive income and long-term returns. They offer the potential for appreciation in value over time and can be a good vehicle for those looking for a tangible asset to invest in.

It's essential to consider factors such as location, property type, and rental market demand. Having a solid understanding of landlord-tenant laws and having a plan in place for property management is also crucial.

Private Lending Or Peer-To-Peer Lending

Private lending or peer-to-peer lending can be an excellent option for those looking for alternative investments with potentially higher returns. Private lending involves providing loans to individuals or businesses with personal capital, while peer-to-peer lending consists in connecting borrowers with investors through online platforms.

Peer-to-peer lending can offer the potential for higher returns than traditional investments such as bonds or savings accounts.

When investing, it's essential to consider factors such as credit quality, loan terms, and borrower risk. It's also essential to understand the potential risks and a solid understanding of the investment platform and how it operates.


Investing in cryptocurrency can offer the potential for significant returns and high-interest loans, but it also comes with significant risk. Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum are highly volatile and can experience significant price fluctuations in a short period.

When investing in cryptocurrency, it's essential to have a solid understanding of the technology and market trends. It's also essential to have a plan to manage risk and not invest more than you can afford to lose.

CDs And Money Market Accounts

Certificates of Deposit (CDs) and Money Market Accounts (MMAs) are low-risk investment options that offer guaranteed returns. CDs are loans to a bank for a fixed term, and in exchange, the bank pays a fixed interest rate on the money.

MMAs are similar to savings accounts but typically offer higher interest rates and require a higher minimum balance. While these options may not provide the highest returns, they are great for investors looking to preserve their capital.


How To Invest 1 Million Dollars (5)

Investing in a business can be lucrative for those willing to take on a bit more risk. This can involve starting your own business, investing in an existing business, or buying a franchise.

It is essential to thoroughly research the business and its industry and the potential risks and rewards before investing.

Alternative Investments

Alternative investments are non-traditional assets that can provide diversification and potentially higher returns. This includes hedge funds, private equity, art and collectibles, commodities, etc.

While these options can offer unique opportunities, they often come with higher fees and a higher degree of risk. It is essential to carefully consider your risk tolerance and thoroughly research the investment before making any decisions. Working with a financial advisor can also help determine the best course of action.

Other Ways To Use Or Maximize Your 1 Million Dollars

Pay Off Debt

One of the smartest things you can do with your million dollars is to pay off any outstanding debts. This can include credit card debt, student loans, car loans, or mortgages.

By paying off these debts, you can free up more money in the long run, which can be invested or used to fund other goals. Additionally, paying off debt can improve your credit score and financial standing, making it easier to access credit in the future.

Charitable Giving

Giving to a charity or cause dear to your heart is another fantastic way to put your million dollars to use. It can be a satisfying way to change the world, whether aiding a local non-profit, sponsoring research for a disease, or assisting with disaster relief.


A smart use of your million dollars could be to spend it on education, whether for you or a loved one. This could entail paying for graduate or college tuition, enrolling in a certification course, getting professional training, or even taking a break to travel and pick up new skills.

Your long-term career and financial goals can be attained with the aid of education, which can also open doors to new learnings and opportunities.

Travel Or Experiences

Spending a million dollars on travel and new experiences might be gratifying. Travel may broaden your horizons and create lifelong memories, whether a lavish holiday, a round-the-world tour, or an outdoor experience. You might also use your money to pay for experiences like attending a music festival, enrolling in a culinary class, or starting a brand-new activity.

Build Retirement Fund

And finally, it may be wise to invest your million dollars in starting a retirement fund. This may entail opening a 401(k), Roth IRA, or other retirement account, as well as developing your own business that will generate passive income now and will be able to provide passive income for you once you retire.

You can help ensure your financial future and have a pleasant retirement by investing early and frequently.


To invest $1 million effectively, it's crucial to analyze your financial goals, identify your risk appetite, diversify your portfolio, study the different investment vehicles, and seek professional advice. With the right strategies and guidance, you can achieve your financial goals and secure your future.

At Lyons Wealth, our team of experienced financial advisors is committed to helping you achieve your financial goals and maximize your investments. Click here & reach out to learn more about our services and how we can help you make smart decisions for your million-dollar investment.


Where is the safest place to put $1 million dollars?

The safest place to put $1 million dollars would be in a combination of insured bank accounts and conservative investments, such as bonds and CDs, to ensure a balance of liquidity and stability.

Can I retire at 55 with $1 million?

Retiring at 55 with $1 million is possible, but it depends on a variety of factors, such as your current expenses, lifestyle, and retirement goals. It's important to consult with a financial advisor to determine a feasible retirement plan.

How fast will $1 million dollars grow?

It depends on the type of investment and the market conditions. Generally, a diversified portfolio with a mix of stocks, bonds, and other assets can yield an average annual return of around 6-8%.

Is having a million dollars rich?

Having a million dollars is considered a significant amount of wealth, but it may not necessarily mean one is "rich" depending on factors such as living expenses and lifestyle choices. It's important to have a comprehensive financial plan and manage finances wisely to ensure long-term financial stability.

Whether to invest or keep cash depends on an individual's financial goals and risk tolerance. While cash can provide immediate liquidity, it may not yield significant long-term growth. Investing can offer the potential for higher returns but comes with risk.

A diversified portfolio with a mix of investments and cash reserves can provide a balanced approach. It's important to consult with a financial advisor to determine the best course of action.

How To Invest 1 Million Dollars (2024)


How should I invest 1 million dollars? ›

For those with a high risk tolerance, investments in stocks or real estate can provide higher income but come with greater volatility, she added. “If you have a low risk tolerance, safer investments like bonds, money markets or CDs will be more your speed,” she said.

How much interest does $1 million dollars earn per year? ›

With $1,000,000 invested, you will get $46,700 per year in interest. A lot of retirees gradually shift to more stable retirement income funds. Those kinds of funds usually invest in less risky bonds and large-cap companies. They're designed to provide income and some capital growth.

Can you live off the interest of 1 million dollars? ›

Once you have $1 million in assets, you can look seriously at living entirely off the returns of a portfolio. After all, the S&P 500 alone averages 10% returns per year. Setting aside taxes and down-year investment portfolio management, a $1 million index fund could provide $100,000 annually.

How much monthly income will 1 million generate? ›

With cash, and assuming a 30 year retirement, you can expect to withdraw about $2,700 per month. ($1 million / 30 years = $33,333 / 12 months = $2,777) With your $2,500 in Social Security, this would give you about $5,200 per month to live on.

How to turn $500k into $1 million? ›

How to turn $500,000 into $1,000,000? To turn $500,000 into $1,000,000, you need a sound investment strategy. Diversifying your investments across a mix of asset classes like stocks, bonds, and real estate can help.

What is a good rate of return on 1 million dollars? ›

Stocks are a popular investing choice; historically, they have delivered an average yearly return of about 10%. This means that a $1 million investment in the stock market could potentially earn you around $100,000 per year in interest.

Can you live off of CD interest? ›

There are a few different ways to invest your money to earn interest and live off of that income. The most popular investments are bonds, certificates of deposit (CDs) and annuities. The interest that you'll earn will depend on the amount of money you have in your account when you go to live off of that interest.

At what age can you retire with $1 million dollars? ›

Retiring at 65 with $1 million is entirely possible. Suppose you need your retirement savings to last for 15 years. Using this figure, your $1 million would provide you with just over $66,000 annually. Should you need it to last a bit longer, say 25 years, you will have $40,000 a year to play with.

How many people have $1,000,000 in savings? ›

In fact, statistically, just 10% of Americans have saved $1 million or more for retirement. Don't feel like a failure if your nest egg isn't quite up to the seven-figure level. Regardless of your financial position, however, you should strive to save and invest as much as you can.

How much money do most people retire with? ›

The average retirement savings for all families is $333,940, according to the 2022 Survey of Consumer Finances. The median retirement savings for all families is $87,000. Taken on their own, those numbers aren't incredibly helpful. After all, not everyone who is the same age will retire at the same time.

How much do I need in the bank to live off interest? ›

Many Americans need at least $1 million invested to live off interest, but it varies. Explore how to live off interest and calculate how much you need for retirement.

Can I retire with 1 million net worth? ›

Around the U.S., a $1 million nest egg can cover an average of 18.9 years worth of living expenses, GoBankingRates found. But where you retire can have a profound impact on how far your money goes, ranging from as a little as 10 years in Hawaii to more than than 20 years in more than a dozen states.

How much money do I need to invest to make $4000 a month? ›

Making $4,000 a month based on your investments alone is not a small feat. For example, if you have an investment or combination of investments with a 9.5% yield, you would have to invest $500,000 or more potentially. This is a high amount, but could almost guarantee you a $4,000 monthly dividend income.

At what age should your net worth be 1 million? ›

From there, average net worth steadily rises within each age bracket. Between 35 to 44, the average net worth is $549,600, while between 45 and 54, that number increases to $975,800. Average net worth surges above the $1 million mark between 55 to 64, reaching $1,566,900.

Are you rich if your net worth is $1 million? ›

Additionally, statistics show that the top 2% of the United States population has a net worth of about $2.4 million. On the other hand, the top 5% wealthiest Americans have a net worth of just over $1 million. Therefore, about 2% of the population possesses enough wealth to meet the current definition of being rich.

What's the fastest way to save a million dollars? ›

Saving a million dollars in five years requires an aggressive savings plan. Suppose you're starting from scratch and have no savings. You'd need to invest around $13,000 per month to save a million dollars in five years, assuming a 7% annual rate of return and 3% inflation rate.

Is a $1 million dollar income good? ›

However, we can all agree that earning $1,000,000 a year or more makes you rich, especially since a top 1% income level starts at roughly $650,000 as of 2024. No household earning $1,000,000 or more should ever struggle unless they leveraged up and their investments imploded.

How much interest does $50,000 earn in a year? ›

5% APY: With a 5% CD or high-yield savings account, your $50,000 will accumulate $2,500 in interest in one year. 5.25% APY: A 5.25% CD or high-yield savings account will bring you $2,625 in interest within a year.

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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.