How to Have a Magical (Frugal) Christmas Even When Money is Tight (2024)

We’ve had our share of broke Christmases over the years. My husband and I haven’t exchanged gifts in over a decade because our top priority is to give the kids a magical Christmas- even when money in the house is tight (or non-existent!)

But just because you may be broke or need to plan Christmas on a budget- that doesn’t mean you can’t give your children the best Christmas ever!

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How to Have a Magical Christmas— Even When Money is Tight!

How to Have a Magical (Frugal) Christmas Even When Money is Tight (1)

No Money for a Tree? No matter.

Christmas Trees are pretty expensive these days- real or fake! So if you find yourselves with out a way to fund the Christmas Tree here’s what you can do:

Decorate a House Plant!

When I was a kid we had a large potted ficus tree in our house. One year (or maybe a for a few years) we decorated that ficus. We covered it in handmade ornaments and the very few “real” ornaments we owned. And I loved it!

Looking back, I am sure my parents couldn’t afford a tree, but to the 5 year old me- I thought it was pretty cool!

Bust Out the Tinker Toys!

When my boys were young, we were in need of a tree for a pre-Christmas get together and we didn’t yet have the funds to buy our tree. But we improvised and built one out of their very large tinker toy blocks! I thought it looked great once it was strung with lights and ornaments.

If you don’t have tinker toys, maybe you have another toy that could be built into a “tree” I bet the kids would love the fact that they built the tree!

How to Have a Magical (Frugal) Christmas Even When Money is Tight (2)

Get Your Art on!

Grab a large piece of paper or appliance box, whip out the green paint, and call the kids. Paint yourself a Christmas tree. Paste or tape real or drawn ornaments.

You could even make this 3-d by cutting 3 or 4 panels out of the large appliance box and taping them into a triangle. This could be the making of a new tradition!

Go Rustic!

Do you have access to woods? Take a walk and a saw and choose your own Christmas tree from the woods.

It doesn’t have to be perfect and the memories made by choosing your own tree like this with the kids are priceless.

Use Your Imagination!

There are millions of ways to fashion a tree! Just check out Pinterest for Christmas Tree Alternatives. I’ve seen anything from a ladder strung with lights to books stacked in a pyramid.

The Magic of Christmas is in the Memories

Now, I know that kids LOVE gifts. But the real magic and the real memories lie in the traditions leading up to Christmas. Years from now when they look back they won’t remember the gifts as much as they remember things you did together as a family to celebrate the season. And you can make memories even when you are broke.

24 Days of Christmas Tradition

When my kids were very young we did a yearly 24 Days of Christmas tradition. I made up a list for every day from December 1- 24th.

On each day we did something special- if can be anything: making ornaments, art projects, homemade gifts or treats, paper chains, trips to see neighbor hood lights, hot chocolate and a holiday movie. Anything!

But they will wake up excited every day to see what special treat is planned! (You can see some of my 24 Days of Christmas traditions on my personal blog).

Read. Read. Read

Take a trip to the library and get as many Christmas and holiday themed books as you can find. Then READ them all together. You can also get 24 of them and wrap them up in paper and let the kids unwrap one “gift” per day at bedtime.

How to Have a Magical (Frugal) Christmas Even When Money is Tight (3)

Make Ornaments

Ornaments are so fun to make and there are so many ways to decorate a tree or house for nearly free just using homemade ornaments.

Bonus- the kids can give them to relatives as gifts. You can make ornaments out of egg shells, paper, glitter, beads, popcorn, homemade playdough or clay. Again- your imagination is the limit!

Make Treats and Gifts

Make special snacks- shaped breads, reindeer chow, decorated sugar cookies- or make pictures. These are so fun to create together and make great memories.

Buy cheap frames and packaging at the dollar store and let the kids give out their special creations to family on Christmas morning. You can also fashion little gift boxes out of Christmas cards– they are the perfect size for a little treat or handmade ornament.

Create Christmas Morning Traditions

Make morning traditions that don’t revolve around the opening of gifts. Bake a special breakfast. Have a special movie. book, or game that you do together.

Have someone dress up as Santa or create a scavenger hunt for something special. Remember these traditions are things they will remember and carry on to their own children one day.

Magical Gifts without Breaking the Bank

The most stressful part of Christmas on a budget is wondering how to give your kids a magical Christmas morning when you don’t have the money for tons of gifts.

First things first- if you usually swap gifts with the whole family, let them know that this year is tight and you will be focusing on the kids (both yours and your nieces and nephews).

Here are some tips on how to create the illusion of a big Christmas even when you are on a tight budget.

Wrap Everything

And I mean everything. Wrap everything in the stocking. Wrap every single hot wheels car. Every piece of a multi-pack. Every candy cane.

The more to open the more exciting it is. You can get wrapping paper super cheap at discount stores- or simply wrap them for free in newspaper (or even rest stop maps!)

Start Early

If you start early- ideally a whole year before…but even if it’s just a couple of months, you can put aside a few dollars out of each paycheck and save them or buy items on sale. If you do this you can take advantage of sales throughout the year. Such as the back-to-school sale on crayons and markers and other art supplies.

If you are thinking ahead you can get ahead of the stress of the whole holiday season. You will have a clear head and remember to do things like hold back a stash of Halloween candy to re-gift in the stocking or make something super special at home.

Hold a Swap

One year when we had a tight budget and 5 kids to buy for I got together with a friend and swapped toys. We each had toys our kids had outgrown or we needed to reduce the amount to make room for new ones. So we swapped.

If you are part of a moms group, church group, or even just a group of friends- get together with some old toys, books, and clothes and make the swap- each of you will come away with a stash of new-to-you gifts to wrap up for your kids for free!

Toys Are Not the Only Option

We give quite a bit of real and useful items as gifts. My kids’ stockings are mostly filled with fresh fruit (bought for cheap at our local Aldi) and things they need like toothbrushes and other toiletries.

These are things they need anyway and your discount stores are a great place to stock up on them.

Related Reading: The Clutter Free Gift Guide for Kids

How to Have a Magical (Frugal) Christmas Even When Money is Tight (4)

Make Your Own

Handmade is great- even when it comes to kids. If you knit or sew- make them something to wear or for their dolls to wear. Create a cookie or cake mix in a jar to make together. Make a huge batch of homemade playdough.

Create a bowling game with some paint and recycled bottles. Check out this article from A Modern Homestead– she’ll give you a great list of homemade gifts you can make for kids that cost next to nothing- great for any family planning Christmas on a budget!

Gift Group Gifts

Family gifts are a great way to give one present for multiple people. We always include a few gifts labeled for all the kids- these are usually games, movies, a baking mix, etc. Try to give things that can be used on Christmas morning for family fun.

Lower Expectations

One thing we have done from a very young age is to keep the Christmas expectations low. We follow the little rhyme- Something you want, something you need, something to wear, something to read. Our kids know that they get 4 gifts from us and one from Santa and their stocking.

Anything extra, is just that, extra. There have been plenty of years that the books come from the used book store, the clothes might be hand-me-downs, and the other gifts from the discount store.

Teach your children to be gracious, giving, and find the joy in everything.

Above all remember- the MAGIC is in the MEMORIES. Create a season that they will remember. One they will look back on with fondness and full of traditions that they will want to continue with their own families as they get older.

How to Have a Magical (Frugal) Christmas Even When Money is Tight (2024)


How to Have a Magical (Frugal) Christmas Even When Money is Tight? ›

Start buying early. Your budget will greatly appreciate you buying one or two gifts each month all year, instead of waiting to buy it all during December. You can also take advantage of sales all year long! Don't forget to use cashback sites to get some money back on your shopping.

How to do Christmas on a very tight budget? ›

Start buying early. Your budget will greatly appreciate you buying one or two gifts each month all year, instead of waiting to buy it all during December. You can also take advantage of sales all year long! Don't forget to use cashback sites to get some money back on your shopping.

How to make Christmas magical for adults at home? ›

23 Ways To Make Christmas Magic When You're A Grown-Up
  1. Buy a chocolate Advent calendar. ...
  2. Or get crafty and make one. ...
  3. Whenever you get moody at work, type Christmas + Animal + Gif in to Google images. ...
  4. Switch from tea to hot chocolate. ...
  5. Plan your tree. ...
  6. Or make a DIY one out of books.
Dec 3, 2014

How can I pay for Christmas with no money? ›

What To Do If You Have No Money For Christmas
  1. Ask friends and family to help. ...
  2. Ask someone else to host. ...
  3. Keep the celebrations small. ...
  4. Apply to Toy Appeals. ...
  5. Don't be afraid to say no. ...
  6. Don't be tempted by payday loans. ...
  7. Trim the kids' expectations. ...
  8. More money management tips this way.
Nov 26, 2023

How to be frugal for Christmas? ›

The experts: money gurus' 20 failsafe, frugal tips to keep Christmas overspend at bay
  1. Limit your exposure to unreal expectations of Christmas. ...
  2. Don't throw money at the problem. ...
  3. Consider group presents. ...
  4. Try a Secret Santa. ...
  5. Reject the notion that 'it isn't Christmas without …' ...
  6. Budget for festive spending throughout the year.
Dec 7, 2023

What is a realistic budget for Christmas? ›

What is a Realistic Budget for Christmas Gifts? A realistic budget for Christmas gifts depends on individual financial circ*mstances. However, a common guideline is to allocate around 1-2% of your annual income for gifts.

How do I not spend a lot of money for Christmas? ›

7 Ways to Avoid Overspending this Holiday Season
  1. Set a Budget. Before the holiday shopping season even begins, decide how much money you want to spend. ...
  2. Be Aware of Retail Tricks. ...
  3. Limit self-gifting. ...
  4. Cut down on convenience costs. ...
  5. Establish expectations early. ...
  6. Look for shortcuts to make travel cheaper. ...
  7. Track spending.

When you can't afford Christmas presents? ›

Homemade items are another way to manage your holiday spending. Taking the time to make something yourself is lovely and thoughtful. You can always give the gift of your time. An offer to babysit, drive carpool or do chores for someone is a great way to give a gift without having to spend any money.

How to get in the Christmas spirit with no money? ›

Spend time with family and friends.

This probably is the most important way to feeling happy. Make some cookies, and invite a few friends over, and watch a Christmas film like "White Christmas". See if you can find a party to go to this year instead of organizing it all yourself. It makes for a nice change.

How can I be super frugal with money? ›

Consider which of these frugal habits work for you and your financial goals.
  1. Choose quality over quantity. ...
  2. Prioritize value over price. ...
  3. Use credit wisely. ...
  4. Declutter regularly. ...
  5. Use a budget to guide your spending. ...
  6. Know the difference between wants and needs. ...
  7. Be a savvy consumer. ...
  8. Prioritize your values.
Oct 17, 2023

How to be frugal but not cheap? ›

15 Tips for Living Frugally Without Looking Cheap
  1. Eliminate monthly subscriptions.
  2. Shop for new insurance.
  3. Reduce prescription costs.
  4. Buy used items.
  5. Rent, don't own.
  6. Purchase at the right time.
  7. Buy high-quality products.
  8. Enlist your friends.

How can I be frugal and have fun? ›

Table of Contents
  1. Saving time and money.
  2. Find a new hobby.
  3. Volunteer for a cause you love.
  4. Get in shape.
  5. Think about your goals.
  6. Visit the library.
  7. Sell items on eBay.
  8. Visit a museum.

How much should you spend on your so for Christmas? ›

If you have been dating for less than a year, it is appropriate to spend a maximum of $50. A budget of around $100 is standard for longer relationships. If you're married, $100 is the median amount, and the top 25% of couples spend $300.

How can I make easy Christmas money? ›

Check out these ideas to make extra money for Christmas.
  1. Sell Your Old Clothes. Seriously, don't underestimate the clothing you have hanging up in your closet. ...
  2. Do Some Brand Ambassador Work. ...
  3. Offer Consulting Services. ...
  4. Freelance and Contract Work. ...
  5. Dog Walk or Pet Sit. ...
  6. Stack Your Earnings. ...
  7. Make Money Fast and On Your Own Terms.
Feb 27, 2024

How do I set aside money for Christmas? ›

You've got a limited amount of time to accumulate the funds you need, so start saving money for Christmas weekly. Divide the total you need by the number of weeks you have left. If you plan to spend $600 total on gifts, and you have 8 weeks to do your shopping, then you need to set aside an extra $75 per week.

How can I slow down and enjoy Christmas? ›

Here are 6 ideas to embrace if you're looking for calm and ease this holiday season.
  1. First, start by slowing down. Try slowing down everything – how you move, drive, think. ...
  2. Set boundaries, and guard them fiercely. ...
  3. Don't forget to rest. ...
  4. Simplify your schedule. ...
  5. Be Intentional with gift-giving. ...
  6. Have Fun!
Nov 26, 2023

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Name: Allyn Kozey

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