How to Get Someone to Stop Texting You? 25 Effective Ways (2024)

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There may be times when you are trying to enjoy yourself, and you notice that your phone keeps going off. This could be because individuals are texting you, and you don’t want them to.

If this has happened to you, you might need to know more about how to get someone to stop texting you. This article will provide you with information on this topic as well as a look at 25 ways to get a person to stop texting you all the time.

How can I stop someone from texting me?

Anytime you are curious about how to politely tell someone to stop texting you, there are a few basic courses of action you can take.

You can delicately ask them to stop texting you in a variety of ways. If they decide that they don’t want to respect your boundaries and will not stop, then you may choose to block their number.

Something else to consider is engaging in real-world problem solving, which is considering all of your options before deciding what to do about a problem you are experiencing.

Should I ignore their calls and texts?

How to Get Someone to Stop Texting You? 25 Effective Ways (3)

Depending on who is texting you, it may be necessary to ignore their calls and texts. For example, if you politely ask your friend to quit texting you and they won’t stop, you may want to ignore them for a while. On the other hand, if the individual texting you is someone you used to date or were considering going out with, and you are no longer interested, it could be appropriate to ignore them completely in order to avoid giving mixed messages. This may be the right choice if they are not paying attention to the stop texting signs and requests you have been giving them.

To find out more about the etiquette related to texting, check out this video:

How to Get Someone to Stop Texting You? 25 Effective Ways (4)

How to get someone to stop texting you

If you are concerned about how to get a guy to stop texting you, the best way to handle the situation is to find an effective way to tell them that you would prefer that they stop sending you messages.

In some cases, they will eventually be fine with this, but if they threaten you or you feel unsafe, remember you can contact someone in your support system or the authorities for further guidance.

Related Reading- How to Ignore Someone You Love

25 effective ways to get someone to stop texting you

There are ways to go about how to get someone to stop texting you. Here are 25 techniques to consider when you want someone to stop texting you.

1. Tell them to stop

The first place that you may want to start when it comes to how to tell someone to stop texting you is to simply tell them that you wish that they would cease communication. This may be the case if the person texting isn’t a close friend or you don’t associate with them much.

If it is a family member or a friend you may need to take more time to consider the impacts and consequences of this decision.

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Furthermore, if the texter is an ex or someone that is romantically interested in you, this is the type of communication you likely want to avoid if you don’t feel the same way about them.

Related Reading- The Danger Behind Talking to an Ex While in a Relationship

2. Ask them to stop

If telling them doesn’t work, you should ask them to stop. They may not have understood that you were serious the first time. Keep in mind that you don’t have to provide a reason, but you can if you want to.

This may be a productive way to proceed concerning how to get someone to stop texting you. If they refuse to comply with your request, it will be clear that you should choose another approach.

3. Send only one-word replies

Anytime you feel like someone keeps texting me and you don’t want them to, you should consider only sending one-word replies, no matter what the texts say. However, while this can discourage someone from texting you, it may come across as passive-aggressive and not conducive to healthy communication.

On positive side, this could cause the other person to become bored with texting you, and they might stop on their own without you having to say much else to them.

This may seem annoying when it comes to how to get someone to stop texting you, but it might just do the trick.

4. Tell them how you feel

When a person you dated once or talked to online briefly is texting you, and you don’t want them to, you should tell this person exactly how you feel.

You can respectfully tell them to stop sending you messages. Additionally, you might want to explain to them why you feel a certain way.

Also Try- Should I Tell Him How I Feel the Quiz

5. Let them know you’re busy

Another tip to consider is letting the other person know you are busy. If you don’t have the time to read their texts, you can use this as an excuse on how to end a conversation nicely in text.

This should let them know that you appreciate that they are messaging you, but you don’t have the bandwidth to read or answer their texts.

6. Offer an alternative

In some instances, the person you want to tell, “stop messaging me,” is a friend. If this is the case, you should consider giving them an alternative. Perhaps you can tell them to send you emails or call you instead of texting many times a day.

Alternatively, you may talk to them about figuring out a good time to hang out and discuss the links or videos they are sending you through text messages, so you can discuss things in person.

7. Explain boundaries

How to Get Someone to Stop Texting You? 25 Effective Ways (5)

Another thing that may be necessary when a friend or someone you care about is texting you is to explain boundaries to them.

If you are at work and they are sending you multiple messages each day, you should express that they should not send you these texts.

If you are experiencing obsessive calling and texting from a friend, it is still important to be nice, but they should also recognize that you have other things to do. It is necessary to have boundaries in all relationships.

8. Speak to them in private

When you don’t want to hurt a friend’s feelings by saying stop texting me; you can talk to them in private about how you feel. There may be several reasons why you are having difficulty with their text messages, which you can explain to them if you wish to.

Otherwise, you can keep the conversation direct and simply ask them to talk to you when you see them instead of with messages.

9. Consider if they are dangerous

As you are wondering how to get someone to stop texting you, it is also vital to consider if they are a dangerous person or not. If they are, you will need to think long and hard about what to say to them or if you want to say anything at all. You may also need to contact the local authorities or someone you trust for advice.

You don’t want to put yourself at risk by telling someone to leave you alone if it may be detrimental to your health or well-being.

10. Inform them you aren’t interested

If someone that likes you is texting you and you simply aren’t interested in cultivating a relationship with them, it may be necessary to let them down gently. Be as nice as possible and explain that you are not thinking about dating presently or that you have other things going on in your life.

11. Tell them you are dating another person

You might have to inform certain individuals that you are dating someone else so they will get the point and stop texting you. At times, a person may be trying to get you to go out with them, or it could be someone who finds you attractive, and they hope you feel the same way.

However, if you are in a relationship, they will need to respect this. It is vital that texting boundaries are followed in dating since this can cause problems in any relationship.

12. Make an excuse

You may find it necessary to think of an excuse so a person will stop texting you. The point is to make sure that it isn’t rude and believable. For example, you might want to say how you live with an elderly person, and they are upset about all the time you spend on your phone.

This could be why you need to receive fewer messages that an individual may respect and feel obligated to change their behavior.

13. Make self commitment

If you are in a situation where you don’t know what else to do or how to get someone to stop texting you, it might be handy to mentally commit to your decision.

An example could be that , they have listened to you ask them to stop, but then they pop up later.

Writing your intention out and keeping it as a vow could deter you from feeling like you need to respond or feeling guilty about ending communication.

14. Don’t interact

When you are unsure of how a person will act if you ask them to stop texting you, it may be better to stop all contact with them. Instead of asking them to stop texting you, try your best not to say anything.

This could be one of the most effective ways when it comes to how to stop someone from texting you without blocking them.

On the other hand, if you don’t know how to avoid texting someone, you may need to ask friends for advice on what to do. Additionally, you can do a quick internet search for more guidance.

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15. Don’t read their texts

Along with not sending any texts back, you also need to keep from reading them. If you have a phone that allows others to see when you have read their messages, they may feel like you are interested in hearing from them.

Ignoring their texts completely might be the best tool to help a person understand that you would prefer not to hear from them.

16. Change your number

In extreme instances, you may need to change your number to get someone to stop texting you. This might be the case if an individual has threatened you or if they simply won’t stop texting you after you have asked them repeatedly to do so.

Furthermore, if you feel uncomfortable with a certain person being able to contact you, this may also cause you to want to change your phone number.

17. Use your phone less

You might consider using your phone less while figuring out how to get someone to stop texting you. When you aren’t using your phone, you won’t be able to see messages as often, which may help you feel better about the situation.

Besides that, it will provide you with time to do other things that you may want to do instead of worrying about another person texting you too much. Limiting your phone use could be beneficial for your health and sleep schedule, according to research.

18. Ask friends for advice

When you are unsure what to do to get another person to stop texting you, it may be helpful to talk to friends and ask for their advice. They might have experienced a similar situation and can provide insight on steps you can take to stop the messages from piling up. It is best if you only rely on friends that don’t know the person texting you for the best results.

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19. Ask friends for help

You can also ask your friends for help. They might be available to help you explain to your texter that they must stop contacting you. It may be more beneficial if your friends know the person who continues to send you messages.

If they speak to someone on your behalf, this might make a big difference in getting the point across.

20. Block their number

It could be necessary to block people from texting you sometimes. This is the case if you are not interested in having a relationship or friendship with them or when you have asked them frequently not to contact you.

Remember that you do not have to feel bad for blocking someone; it could be the safest course of action.

21. Text that they have the wrong number

There are so many ways on how to get someone to stop texting you, but one you may not readily think of is simply texting them that they have a wrong number.

Of course, this may only be effective if you won’t see this person again, and there is little chance that they will find out that this isn’t true.In addition, it is important to consider the other approach of asking them to stop first.

22. Tell someone

You may find it important to tell someone that you are getting messages that you don’t want. This will alert another person to this fact if something untoward happens between you and the individual texting you.

If you are feeling threatened or unsafe, you can talk to the authorities. They should be able to tell you the next step or other things that may be necessary to do.

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23. Send an error message

There are error messages that you can find online that you may want to send to a person that is texting you. These messages will make it seem like a wrong number was messaged, preventing you from getting further messages.

Be sure to note what you have sent to this person, however, so you don’t end up messaging them with this number again after sending them a text of this type.

24. Text them frequently

When a friend is texting you frequently and getting on your nerves, you may want to do the same thing to them. You can text them repeatedly when you have the time to do so, which can help them understand how you feel when you are bombarded with their messages.

25. Tell them you are running out of texts

In some situations, you may have to be as upfront as possible when contemplating how to tell someone to stop contacting you.

If you are limited on time or would rather use your time in another way, you can inform them that you are. If they are a person who is polite and cares, they may stop texting you.


How to Get Someone to Stop Texting You? 25 Effective Ways (6)

When you need to know exactly how to get someone to stop texting you, there are dozens of ways you can go about the process. If the person sending you too many messages is a friend, you may want to offer them an alternative way to interact with you.

On the flip side, if you are receiving texts from someone you talked to online or considered dating, there are different approaches you might want to take. You can tell them you aren’t interested in hearing from them, block their number, or even ignore their texts completely.

Be sure to ask people you trust for advice, and they might be able to help you figure out how you want to handle the situation. Just be as nice as possible and protect yourself if they send threatening messages back or make you feel uncomfortable.

How to Get Someone to Stop Texting You? 25 Effective Ways (2024)


How to Get Someone to Stop Texting You? 25 Effective Ways? ›

Tell them you're busy.

Set personal boundaries, and when they start blowing up your phone, send them one of these replies: “Hey, I really can't text right now because I'm super busy and can't be distracted, but I'll hit you up later!” “Silencing my phone for a bit because I really need to focus, I'll call you later.”

How do you get someone to stop texting you so much? ›

How to Get a Creepy Guy to Stop Texting You
  1. Ignore his texts.
  2. Talk about the person you're dating.
  3. Tell him you're taking a digital detox.
  4. Say something gross or creepy.
  5. Let him know that you're not interested in him.
  6. Ask him straight up to stop texting you.
  7. Block his number.

How do you politely stop someone from texting you? ›

Tell them you're busy.

Set personal boundaries, and when they start blowing up your phone, send them one of these replies: “Hey, I really can't text right now because I'm super busy and can't be distracted, but I'll hit you up later!” “Silencing my phone for a bit because I really need to focus, I'll call you later.”

What to do if someone won't stop contacting you? ›

Legal Options
  1. Applying for a Protection Order. ...
  2. Report to the police. ...
  3. Document the harassment. ...
  4. Telephone company. ...
  5. Social media. ...
  6. Block the abusive person from contacting you.
Aug 2, 2023

How to respond to unwanted text? ›

Best Practices for Dealing with Spam
  1. Don't Reply To Spam Text Messages. Always ignore instructions to respond to the text message if you don't recognize the sender or number. ...
  2. Block the Sender. One of the easiest ways to stop scammers is to block the number. ...
  3. Forward Texts to 7726. ...
  4. Use Anti-Spam Apps. ...
  5. Protect Your Information.
Oct 3, 2023

How to legally tell someone to stop contacting you? ›

Or, if you just want her stopped but don't need her to be charged with a crime, you can get a civil restraining order. You would go to civil court, get the petition from the clerk, get a temporary order and have the police serve it on her. Violating the order after she's served would be a criminal offense.

What to do if someone keeps texting you? ›

While not giving the person an answer may seem good enough, the best first step usually involves blocking the person sending the messages or posting harmful content. Some warning signs that it may be time to suspend communication and/or block the sender are: Messages that make you uncomfortable.

How do you report someone who won't stop texting you? ›

If you get an unwanted text message, there are three ways to report it:
  1. Copy the message and forward it to 7726 (SPAM). This helps your wireless provider spot and block similar messages in the future.
  2. Report it on the messaging app you use. ...
  3. Report it to the FTC at

How do you deal with someone who doesn't text you? ›

Call or visit them if you're worried.

If you feel like the person isn't responding because something happened to them, try a different method of communication. Call them or email them if you're far away, or simply visit their home if you're close.

How do you get someone to stop messaging you? ›

25 effective ways to get someone to stop texting you
  1. Tell them to stop. ...
  2. Ask them to stop. ...
  3. Send only one-word replies. ...
  4. Tell them how you feel. ...
  5. Let them know you're busy. ...
  6. Offer an alternative. ...
  7. Explain boundaries. ...
  8. Speak to them in private.
Nov 16, 2023

How do you permanently stop someone from texting you? ›

Block a conversation
  1. Open Google Messages .
  2. On the Home screen, touch and hold the conversation you want to block.
  3. Tap Block. OK.

How do I stop someone from sending messages? ›

Blocking Texts on Android
  1. Navigate to the Messages app.
  2. Choose the text from the number you want to block.
  3. From the drop-down menu, select “Details.”
  4. From the following screen, tap the option for blocking the number.
  5. On the next screen, choose whether to report the text as spam on the form box.
Mar 18, 2022

How do you deal with someone who texts you too much? ›

25 effective ways to get someone to stop texting you
  1. Tell them to stop. ...
  2. Ask them to stop. ...
  3. Send only one-word replies. ...
  4. Tell them how you feel. ...
  5. Let them know you're busy. ...
  6. Offer an alternative. ...
  7. Explain boundaries. ...
  8. Speak to them in private.
Nov 16, 2023

How many texts are considered harassment? ›

Example: Getting 50 unwanted and upsetting text messages, emails and/or phone calls from the same person within a week for no reason. If someone has committed any of the above actions, you may have grounds to get a civil harassment restraining order.

What is excessive texting? ›

Excessive Texting

For instance, texting non-stop could indicate that one partner is clingy and needy or that they are feeling insecure in the relationship. While this is harmful to the person doing the excessive texting, it can also be smothering to the person on the receiving end.

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.