How To Get Rich From Trading Options: 7 Ways (2024)

How To Get Rich From Trading Options: 7 Ways (1)

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How To Get Rich From Trading Options: 7 Ways (2)

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Options are a type of derivative, meaning they “derive” their value from the securities to which they are linked. Options are also leveraged, meaning a smaller amount invested in them can generate larger gains — or losses — than simply buying the underlying security.

For example, if you think Tesla stock is about to make a huge move up, rather than laying out $20,000 or more per share to buy 100 shares of the stock, you can spend perhaps $200 per option to gain the same amount of exposure. These trades have very different risk profiles, but the amount of capital needed reflects the leverage involved.

Can Options Trading Make You Wealthy?

Yes, options trading can make you a lot of money — if you understand how it works, invest smart and maybe have a little luck. You can also lose all of your money trading options, so make sure you do your research before you get started.

There are two primary types of options: calls and puts. In their most basic form, a call option gives you the right to buy 100 shares of an underlying stock at a given price by a given date, while buying a put option works in the opposite manner: You can sell 100 shares of the underlying stock at a given price by a given date.

Beyond these basic definitions, however, there are various ways you can buy and sell options. Over time, you may look to some more advanced trading strategies in your quest to get rich. Here’s a quick overview of how to make money with options, along with some basic but essential information about options in general.

1. Buy Puts

Buying a put is a way to bet on a stock’s price falling. Rather than having to sell a stock short, you can simply buy a put and profit if its share price drops.

For example, say that you’re bearish on Tesla stock and think it will drop from its current level of around $200 per share to $150 in the near future. You can buy a put option on Tesla with a strike price of, say, 200 for perhaps $20 per option. If the stock does fall to $150, the intrinsic value of that option will shoot up to $50, in addition to whatever time value remains.

Buying puts is one of the lowest-risk options strategies because your loss is limited to the premium you pay, unlike some more aggressive strategies. While it’s true that you can lose your entire investment if the stock goes nowhere or trades higher before the option expires, you won’t have to dig into your pocket and come up with more money if you’re on the wrong side of the bet.

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How To Get Rich From Trading Options: 7 Ways (7)

2. Sell Covered Puts

Selling a covered put is a way to generate income from an existing short position. If the stock does nothing or goes down slightly, you’ll get a boost in profit from the premium you receive for selling the put. The risk is that if the stock instead rises sharply, it will result in a loss for you. However, the loss will still be less than if you simply held the short position outright.

3. Sell Naked Puts

Selling a naked put is one of the most aggressive bets you can make in the options world. When you sell a naked put, you are giving the purchaser of your option the right to force you to buy the stock at the strike price at any time. If the stock falls to zero, for example, you’ll still be forced to buy the stock at the strike price. But if the stock rises, you’ll get to keep the premium you received without any further repercussions.

4. Buy Calls

Buying a call is the simplest way to profit from a speculative trade. When you buy a call, you are betting that the price of a stock will move higher, typically over a short period of time. Buying a call gives you the right — but not the obligation — to purchase shares of a stock at a certain designated price within a specific time frame. Generally, call buyers believe that a stock price rise is imminent and want to use the leverage of options to magnify their gains. This is a key aspect of how to make money with options.

For example, imagine Tesla trades for $185 and you buy a call with a strike price of 200 for $20. If the stock rises to $400 per share, the intrinsic value of your option will rise to $200, plus any remaining time value. While stock investors will have made a 116% profit, you will have earned at least 10x your money.

Buying calls can also be a way to conserve capital. In the example above, if you wanted to buy 100 shares of Tesla, you’d have to lay out $18,500 in cash. But buying the call option would only cost you $2,000. Certainly, owning the option involves a much higher risk of losing all of your money, as if the stock doesn’t move, the option will eventually expire worthless. But you’d also be magnifying your gains while keeping that additional $16,500 in your pocket at the same time.

5. Sell Covered Calls

Selling covered calls is a more conservative option strategy that carries lower risk and lower reward.

When you sell a covered call, it means you sell a call against a stock that you already own. This means you give another investor the right to buy, or “call,” your shares of stock away at a specified price before a specified date. By selling away this right, you receive the option premium as income.

The ideal scenario for an investor selling a call is that the stock’s price doesn’t rise beyond the strike price of the option. In that case, you both pocket the premium you received as income and also get to keep your stock. In other words, if your stock falls, does nothing or rises to a price below the stock price, you simply profit from the sale. But if the stock rises, you may lose out on some potential upside as your stock gets called away from you by the purchaser of the option. For this reason, if you really want to keep the stock, you should only sell a call at a price that you’d be happy to receive for the stock.

Here’s an example. Imagine you own 100 shares of Coca-Cola currently trading at $50 per share. While you don’t really want to sell the stock, you’d be fine accepting $60 per share for your position, as that would mark a 20% gain over current levels. You could sell a call against your shares at $60 for a premium of, say, $2 per share.

If the stock trades beneath $60 for the entire time period until expiration, you will keep both the $200 in premium and your 100 shares of Coca-Cola. But if the stock trades higher, you will net both the $200 in premium income and the additional $1,000 in capital gains as the stock moved from $50 to $60. In this sense, you can’t really “lose” selling a covered call. The worst-case scenario is that you give up any future moves on the stock. If Coca-Cola traded at $70, for example, you’d still only receive $60 per share.

6. Sell Naked Calls

Selling a naked call is the riskiest strategy possible in the options world, as it subjects you to a theoretically infinite loss. You’ll profit by keeping the premium you receive from the sale if the stock remains the same price or falls.

However, if it rises, you’ll be forced to buy the stock in the open market at the current price to provide it to the buyer of your call option. As a stock can theoretically rise to any price, you may be forced to pay a huge amount to buy that stock and fulfill your obligation.

7. More Exotic Strategies

While you can certainly “get rich” by trading options in these most direct ways, there are also more complicated strategies employed by professional options traders that may enhance your return potential and/or reduce your risk. These methods go by such exotic names as “spreads,” “straddles,” “strangles” and even “The Iron Condor.”

Just to explore what a more complicated options strategy may look like, take the case of a long straddle. This involves buying both a call option and a put option with the same strike price and expiration date. In this scenario, you can only profit if the underlying stock makes a big move. But since you own both a put and a call, you’ll profit from a move in either direction. The big risk with this strategy is that the stock must make a big move in either direction or else you’ll lose the cost of both premiums.

Before you begin trading these more advanced options strategies, be sure to consult with a financial advisor regarding their appropriateness for your portfolio and risk profile.

How Do Options Get Their Value?

In one sense, options are essentially “made up” securities. The only reason they have any value at all is that they confer certain rights associated with a different security.

The options price you see listed in the active market is a combination of an option’s “intrinsic” and “time” value.

Intrinsic Value

The intrinsic value of an option is the amount that it is “in-the-money” in relation to its strike price. For example, if you own a Microsoft call with a strike price of 200 but the actual market price of Microsoft shares is $250, you are “in the money” by $50. This $50 is the intrinsic value of that call option.

Time Value

But since options also expire at a set date in the future, they also have a time value. The longer an option is dated, the greater the time value it has, as it gives the stock a longer period of time to get “in the money.”

Imagine that you and your friend both have Microsoft call options with strike prices of 200. Your option expires in April, but your friend’s doesn’t expire until December. Which option would be more valuable? The one that affords Microsoft stock the longer time to climb above $200 per share. Thus, the time value of your friend’s option would be significantly larger than yours.

What Are All the Numbers Associated With an Option?

If you’re looking to buy or sell an option, you might notice that there is both a month and a series of numbers associated with each option. For example, you might see a stock call option listing that looks like this:

  • MSFT JUL 200 83.08

This means that you can buy one call option on Microsoft stock that expires on the third Friday of July for $83.08.

As each option gives you the right to control 100 shares, that $83.08 price will actually cost you $8,308. The “200” figure is the strike price, which is the price that you will have to pay if you want to exercise your call option. In addition to the $8,308, if you want to exercise that call option and buy 100 shares of Microsoft, you’ll have to fork over an additional $20,000, or 200 x 100 shares.

Final Take

Employing these seven options trading strategies — and understanding the market — can make you rich. Just remember that no investment is without risk. If you’re interested in trading options, you should consult with a financial advisor about your risk tolerance and financial goals first.

John Csiszar contributed to the reporting for this article.

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How To Get Rich From Trading Options: 7 Ways (2024)


How To Get Rich From Trading Options: 7 Ways? ›

Basics of Option Profitability

A call option buyer stands to profit if the underlying asset, say a stock, rises above the strike price before expiry. A put option buyer makes a profit if the price falls below the strike price before the expiration.

How do people get rich from options trading? ›

Basics of Option Profitability

A call option buyer stands to profit if the underlying asset, say a stock, rises above the strike price before expiry. A put option buyer makes a profit if the price falls below the strike price before the expiration.

How to make the most money trading options? ›

Essentially, you need to be effective at forecasting future stock prices. If you are able to consistently project how a stock's price will trend over a given period, you can either write options contracts or buy options contracts in your favor – earning a profit along the way.

Can I invest $1,000 in options trading? ›

In conclusion, venturing into options trading with a starting capital of 1000 Rupees is possible, but it comes with its set of challenges and limitations. It's crucial to approach this with a comprehensive understanding of the options market, a well-thought-out strategy, and a clear awareness of the risks involved.

What is the trick for option trading? ›

Avoid options with low liquidity; verify volume at specific strike prices. calls grant the right to buy, while puts grant the right to sell an asset before expiration. Utilise different strategies based on market conditions; explore various options trading approaches.

How do you never lose in option trading? ›

The option sellers stand a greater risk of losses when there is heavy movement in the market. So, if you have sold options, then always try to hedge your position to avoid such losses. For example, if you have sold at the money calls/puts, then try to buy far out of the money calls/puts to hedge your position.

Can I make a living trading options? ›

If you're interested in trading options for a living, you should know that only about 5% of options traders make money. Therefore, to make money with options, you need to become one of the 5% by having the right trading skill, knowledge, temperament, and financial risk tolerance.

What is the most profitable option strategy? ›

1. Selling Covered Calls – The Best Options Trading Strategy Overall. The What: Selling a covered call obligates you to sell 100 shares of the stock at the designated strike price on or before the expiration date. For taking on this obligation, you will be paid a premium.

What option makes the most money? ›

Deciding what career to pursue can be a tricky decision when you're first starting out.
  • General internal medicine physician.
  • Family medicine physician.
  • Orthodontist.
  • Nurse anesthetist.
  • Pediatrician (general)
  • Dentist.
  • Computer and information systems manager.
  • Architectural and engineering manager.
Mar 1, 2024

How to master options trading? ›

10 Traits of a Successful Options Trader
  1. Be Able to Manage Risk. Options are high-risk instruments, and it is important for traders to recognize how much risk they have at any point in time. ...
  2. Be Good With Numbers. ...
  3. Have Discipline. ...
  4. Be Patient. ...
  5. Develop a Trading Style. ...
  6. Interpret the News. ...
  7. Be an Active Learner. ...
  8. Be Flexible.

How to make 1k a day? ›

Jobs that pay $1,000 a day
  1. Sales representative. ...
  2. Blogger. ...
  3. Digital marketing specialist. ...
  4. Freelance writer. ...
  5. Business development executive. ...
  6. Freelance designer. ...
  7. Petroleum engineer. ...
  8. Sales executive.
Apr 18, 2024

How to earn 1k per day from trading? ›

What are the rules?
  1. Trade in high-volume stocks. The first guideline of trading stocks is to focus on equities with high volume or liquidity. ...
  2. Leave your greed and fears at the door. ...
  3. Maintain consistent entry and exit points. ...
  4. Use a Stop-Loss Order to Limit Your Loss. ...
  5. Observe the Trend.
Jun 10, 2024

How many options trades can I make per day? ›

Similar to trading equities, you must maintain a balance of $25k in your brokerage account in order to play more than three options day trades in a five-day period. Otherwise, you will be flagged as though you were buying or selling the same day with simple equities purchases.

How to trade options like a pro? ›

Here are the steps to help you select and implement a ready-made options strategy like a pro.
  1. Assess Market Conditions. ...
  2. Define Risk Tolerance and Investment Goals. ...
  3. Research and Select a Strategy. ...
  4. Implement the Strategy. ...
  5. Monitor and Adjust Positions.
Jun 21, 2024

Is option trading a skill or luck? ›

But, unlike teen patti, options trading is not just based on luck. With the right knowledge and understanding of the market, you can make informed decisions that can lead to big profits.

What is the safest option strategy? ›

However, while the collar strategy is considered one of the safest options strategies, it does have limitations. By selling the call option, you cap your upside potential. If the stock price rises above the strike price of the call option, you might end up selling the stock at a lower price than the market value.

Do options traders make a lot of money? ›

Options trading can be one of the most lucrative ways to trade in the financial markets. Traders only have to put up a relatively small amount of money to take advantage of the power of options to magnify their gains, allowing them to multiply their money many times, often in weeks or months.

How much does the average options trader make? ›

The average options trader salary in the United States is $110,139. Options trader salaries typically range between $65,000 and $185,000 yearly. The average hourly rate for options traders is $52.95 per hour.

How did one trader make $2.4 million in 28 minutes? ›

When the stock reopened at around 3:40, the shares had jumped 28%. The stock closed at nearly $44.50. That meant the options that had been bought for $0.35 were now worth nearly $8.50, or collectively just over $2.4 million more that they were 28 minutes before. Options traders say they see shady trades all the time.

Can you actually make money selling options? ›

Buying options can be an effective way to profit from a market movement, but it can also be risky. Selling options can provide a more consistent income stream and potentially reduce the overall risk of an investment portfolio.

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