How to Get Free Stuff As a Content Creator (2024)

One of the hardest parts about being a content creator is coming up with ideas for content. What’s even harder is when you have fantastic ideas for content, but it’s based around a product or service that you don’t have and potentially can’t pay for. That’s when it’s good to know how to get free stuff. Here’s the thing, though: everyone wants free stuff. There’s only a limited amount of it to go around. So you have to make yourself stand out from the crowd and prove to the companies that you’re going to have a good return on their investment.

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Table Of Contents

  • 1The Golden Rule of Getting Free Stuff
    • 1.11. Be Nice
    • 1.22. Don’t Ask for Free Stuff
  • 2Expert Advice
    • 2.11. Explain Why Your Audience is the Perfect Fit for Their Product
    • 2.22. You are Basically Making a Sales Pitch
    • 2.33. It’s Okay Not to Have a Lot of Views or Subscribers
    • 2.44. Offer Companies More Than Just One-Off Cooperation
    • 2.55. Build Relationships with the Companies You Work With
    • 2.66. Work First, Ask Later
    • 2.77. Choose How You Approach Them
    • 2.88. Set Your Expectations
  • 3Wrapping Up

The Golden Rule of Getting Free Stuff

Just ask for it.

The cliche you miss 100% of shots you don’t take is kind of the golden rule in terms of content creation and getting free stuff. If you wait for brands to approach you, your coffers will remain empty and your shelves filled with cobwebs. In many cases, no matter how much you think you’re known, there’s a brand you want to partner with who doesn’t know you.

It’s up to you, then, to get them to notice you.

Because of that, you need to be comfortable approaching and talking with people you don’t know and don’t have a relationship with. Since you don’t have an existing relationship, approaching the topic with aplomb is the surest way to win them over and get whatever you’re asking for. The downside is that because trying to get free stuff as a content creator is so common, it’s easy to come across as just more noise or spam in their inbox.

There are a couple of tactics, though, that work pretty well when approaching brands with whom you don’t have an existing relationship.

1. Be Nice

The last thing you want to do is come across as entitled. Remember, these brands don’t owe you anything for free. No matter how awesome think you are (or are), you are another potential paying customer to them.

If you come across as entitled and that you deserve something for free, you will be disregarded. On the internet, we can all have an inflated sense of self-worth. But when trying to get free products and services requires humility and self-awareness.

So rather than sending an email to someone you don’t know that says hey, you make good chairs. I need to get a chair to review on my YouTube channel, a better approach might be to tell them you’ve used their products for a while, really enjoy them, and think that your audience would like to hear about their newest line. Write to the company like a person is getting the email (because they are).

If you’re rude, then that cuts off the relationship before it starts, and you may never be able to recoup that lost social capital.

2. Don’t Ask for Free Stuff

In addition to being nice and not entitled in your contact, you might try not asking for free stuff at all. Really. Despite our advice earlier (to just ask for it), let’s alter it just a little.

Just ask for it. But not always for free.

In our experience, brands want to get their products out there to people who are passionate about them. The best way to show that you’re passionate about something is to pay for it. Or be willing to pay for it.

Instead of emailing a company or brand and asking if they send out products or accounts for review, ask if they have a partner program. That way, you get a chance to talk about your audience and platform with them, and you get an opportunity to show that you aren’t simply seeking free stuff to get free stuff but instead to build a relationship and bring value to them and your audience.

Another tactic in this vein is to ask whether they give discounts to reviewers and creators. In our experience, simply indicating that you’re willing to pay has escalated the request and resulted in actually being given the products for free. Again, this is because it shows a genuine interest in the product or service and that you’re a user (or potential user) who sees the value of what the company does.

Expert Advice

Our video specialist Matt Philie has helped put together a fantastic look at how to get free stuff. He’s quite good at it, too. During his career as a YouTube creator, Matt has definitely come to know what works and what doesn’t when it comes to interacting with brands so that getting free stuff can be mutually beneficial.

So here are the quick hits that you should take to heart if you want to get free stuff. These are tried, true, and effective.

1. Explain Why Your Audience is the Perfect Fit for Their Product

The more specific you can be, the better. It’s not just about showing a tech audience a tech product. It’s referencing specific content you’ve made previously that not only received a lot of views, but also had the most interaction. Such as follow up questions in the comments, shares, discussion points, etc. This interaction shows your audience is actually engaged in the product category, not just browsing and bouncing off to something else.

2. You are Basically Making a Sales Pitch

So make sure that you present all the relevant info. You can’t just assume they will do the research on your channel to find related content to their products. Think about it from their point of view: if they aren’t reaching out to you, then they (probably) have no idea who you are. This is where you have a chance to introduce yourself, explain the content you make, how often you post, how long a product review video takes to make, estimated views, follower stats, etc.

Think about all of the little things you think make you a good fit for their products and include it in your pitch. This is your shot to really sell yourself and your channel, blog, or whatever. Don’t waste it.

3. It’s Okay Not to Have a Lot of Views or Subscribers

At the end of the day, views and subscribers are just numbers. As a content creator, you need to offer the company more than just eyes and clicks and numbers.

You should talk about previous interactions where you had a video with what might be considered low views, but generated 100 sales through your affiliate link. Remember, companies want customers, not views. Let’s say that you have a video that has 500 views, but of those 500, you generate 100 sales. Now let’s put that against a video with 500,000 views that only generates 5 sales. This sort of thing happens all the time. Which is why it is so important that your audience is a direct match to the products like we were saying in number 1 above.

4. Offer Companies More Than Just One-Off Cooperation

Sure, you can offer a one-time video review on a product or a feature in your podcast. But depending on who the company is and your current stats and interaction, they may not see the value in a single piece of content. However, if you tell the company that you’ll link their products in the description for the next 3 months, that can add more value. Additionally, rather than simply doing a YouTube video, why not suggest to them that you will post to your Instagram story or Twitter page, too? It’s all about value, so if you want free stuff, then you need to provide real value to thse brands.

In the beginning, you will need to offer more in terms of content and interaction in order to secure free products. But in the future, you can use these experiences as selling points. You can show off the analytics from the campaigns, maybe even get a quote from the company about the positive results they saw because of you, and you might even be able to put together a portfolio of successful campaigns you’ve run with different partners to show how much value you can bring to them.

5. Build Relationships with the Companies You Work With

If you work on a relationship, like mentioned above, when they release new products, you are on their list to receive them first. Eventually, you will have worked with them enough can can offer enough value to get paid in addition to the free product.

6. Work First, Ask Later

Before emailing companies for any kind of free product, try out affiliate marketing. There are a number of reputable affiliateprograms that you can join to begin receivingfree stuff to review on your blog. Adding an affiliate plugin makes the integration process fast and uncomplicated.

If you make product reviews of things you already own, share your Amazon affiliate link in the description and advertise it in the video. If you’re a blogger who is a part of the Amazon Affiliates program, using an Amazon affiliate plugin on your site can help you manage your participation in the program with ease. Fast forward a month or more, and you now have stats to share with companies. Brands don’t want to send some random person on the internet free stuff without any chance of return. After all, they’re a business, just like you. They want to see that you can actually offer them something, too.

If you can show them what you can do with stuff you’ve purchased on your own (especially if it is one of the company’s own products), you have more backing you up than just promises.

7. Choose How You Approach Them

Email is the most likely form of contact with different brands and companies. Of course, you can find a marketing email on their website, craft the perfect sales pitch, and hope for a reply. That method works, and it works well. Don’t think we’re knocking it at all.

But you can also try other ways. Sometimes companies have their DMs open on Twitter. If so, they probably check them often. Send a message there and ask for the right person to contact. You can even ask there, but don’t be surprised if you’re redirected since social managers generally don’t have the authority for product samples. The same applies to Instagram or Facebook or any other network. Many brands make a point to personally interact on those platforms, and if that’s how they do, then you can do the same.

Just remember that even though it’s social media, you’re still presenting yourself as a professional and potential business partner. So informal is fine, but unprofessional isn’t.

8. Set Your Expectations

With all of that said, we have to urge you to be realistic when reaching out for free stuff. Sony isn’t going to send you a PS4, no matter how much you ask. They have no need for the free marketing because you’re going to buy one of their systems regardless. That would just be money off their bottom line.

However, if you approach smaller the company or look for less-expensive products, the more likely you are to succeed. Just because you make gaming videos doesn’t mean you can get a free PC or TV. It means you might get various accessories and peripherals and even some free games.

If you can’t be realistic, you will be wasting your time. And theirs. Which might be even worse.

Wrapping Up

Now, with all of that said, you can absolutely get free stuff on the internet. Content creators are some of the most sought after people out there right now, but if no one’s seeking you out personally, then you have to know how to get free stuff on your own. The big takeaway here is that you’re working to create enough value through what you create to get companies and brands to believe you can help increase their revenue. That means you need to not be selfish when asking for something for free, but magnanimous: ask not what your favorite brands can do for you, but what you can do for your favorite brands.

What’s the best stuff you’ve been able to get for free as a content creator?

Article featured image by Mascha Tace /

How to Get Free Stuff As a Content Creator (2024)


How to Get Free Stuff As a Content Creator? ›

Joining influencer campaigns on platforms

These platforms typically pool together a range of brands from various industries, meaning you're bound to find brands you're interested in working with. Many platforms even include compensation filters to find collabs that offer free products.

How does an influencer get free products? ›

Joining influencer campaigns on platforms

These platforms typically pool together a range of brands from various industries, meaning you're bound to find brands you're interested in working with. Many platforms even include compensation filters to find collabs that offer free products.

How to get a brand to send you free stuff? ›

If you can articulate why you want to test the product, companies may see that you are a valued and reliable customer. In this case, they may be more likely to send free products, even if they don't publicly advertise free trials. At the very least, it doesn't hurt to ask.

How to ask for free stuff as an influencer template? ›

My name's [YOUR NAME], and I work at [BRAND]. I absolutely loved your post about [PRODUCT NAME], and I'm so happy you get so much value from it. You've done such a great job promoting our [BRAND] to your fans, and we'd love to send you some free products!

How to get free products as an Amazon influencer without paying? ›

Do Amazon Influencers Get Free Products? Yes, they receive completely free products from the brands and sellers they collaborate with. These brands usually send free products to the influencers, who then review them, show them to their audience, and give their opinion on the product.

What is it called when influencers get free stuff? ›

Influencer gifting is when brands send products to content creators in exchange for promotional social posts. Paid collaborations (AKA sponsorships) refer to influencers posting about brands in exchange for free product(s) and financial compensation.

What brands pay you to post? ›

You'll find out how it works and how you can get started the easy way!
  • 17 Companies That Pay You to Post Links.
  • PartnerStack.
  • Surfshark.
  • Fiverr.
  • Related Blog Post: 63 Best Affiliate Programs to Make Money Online.
  • Amazon Associates Program.
  • Swagbucks.
  • Google Adsense.
Jul 14, 2024

How to get free products as a content creator? ›

The Golden Rule of Getting Free Stuff
  1. Be Nice. ...
  2. Don't Ask for Free Stuff. ...
  3. Explain Why Your Audience is the Perfect Fit for Their Product. ...
  4. You are Basically Making a Sales Pitch. ...
  5. It's Okay Not to Have a Lot of Views or Subscribers. ...
  6. Offer Companies More Than Just One-Off Cooperation.

How do you ask a company to sponsor you? ›

How to Get a Sponsorship: 8 Key Tactics
  1. Research potential sponsors. Look at your existing supporters. ...
  2. Tell your organization's story. ...
  3. Provide sponsor incentives. ...
  4. Reach out to established companies. ...
  5. Use data to legitimize your pitch. ...
  6. Find the right contact. ...
  7. Build a connection over time. ...
  8. Follow up.
Jul 10, 2023

How do I reach out to content creators? ›

8 ways to reach out to influencers
  1. Follow them. ...
  2. Engage with the influencer's content. ...
  3. Contact them via email. ...
  4. Craft a compelling subject line. ...
  5. Send a clear, enthusiastic message. ...
  6. Share compensation details. ...
  7. Provide product samples without expectations. ...
  8. Give influencers creative freedom.

How do I ask for free stuff to promote? ›

To get companies to send you free stuff, including samples and coupons, you can take a direct approach by simply asking. You can also try signing up for newsletters, as well as complaining when a product is bad. Most companies want to keep their customers happy, so they'll often send you products if you just ask.

How to be an influencer without money? ›

Open Your DMs for Collabs with Influencers and Brands
  1. Reach out to similar, small influencers to partner with.
  2. Follow and engage with brands online.
  3. Talk about your favorite products.
  4. Research agencies that match influencers with brands for collabs.

Can I get free products to review? ›


Like most product testing sites, Influenster wants to get to know you with an online survey before sending you free products. But they do offer something that's a little bit different: a VoxBox, a box filled with product samples and goodies that you can use for free and review.

Why do influencers get so much free stuff? ›

You are not the only one trying to generate interest in your brand. Influencers are also trying to grow their brand as well and they're always looking for ways to give their profile a boost. Giveaways are a great tactic for building interest for your brand and for the influencer.

How do you get products on influencer? ›

8 ways to reach out to influencers
  1. Follow them. ...
  2. Engage with the influencer's content. ...
  3. Contact them via email. ...
  4. Craft a compelling subject line. ...
  5. Send a clear, enthusiastic message. ...
  6. Share compensation details. ...
  7. Provide product samples without expectations. ...
  8. Give influencers creative freedom.

How do influencer giveaways work? ›

Influencer giveaways are competitions hosted by influencers on Instagram, offering followers the chance to win prizes by engaging with the brand's content, usually resulting in increased follower counts and engagement for the brand's page. How do I select the right influencers for my giveaway campaigns?

Do influencers actually help sell products? ›

Brands are quickly realizing that influencer marketing is one of the fastest-growing channels for acquiring new customers online. Without running ads on content produced by creators, customer acquisition costs truly only come out to be the influencer's rate (which we've established is a win for the brand).

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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

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Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.