How to Find Stocks Before They Spike for Beginners (2024)

How to Find Stocks Before They Spike for Beginners (1)

Trading Education Trading Help How To

  • By Loran Shkolnik
  • Updated April 15, 2024

9 min read

  • Reviewed by Angelica Rieder
  • Fact checked by Lucien Bechard


Have you ever wondered how to find stocks before they spike? It is a challenging task involving research, analysis, some luck, and speculation. Several tools are available to identify stocks before they experience a significant price increase. Finding these stocks takes significant time and research, but if you are successful, the rewards will be worth the time spent.

The tools below are relevant for experienced day traders, investors, and those looking to make a career or a hobby from trading. Let’s take a look at some of the most popular ones.

Table of Contents

  • Finding Stocks Before They Spike Introduction
    • 1. Technical Analysis
    • 2. Fundamental Analysis
    • 3. Social Media and News Monitoring
    • 4. Upcoming Catalysts
    • 5. Volatility Analysis
    • 6. Momentum Investing
    • 7. Screening Tools
    • 8. Insider Buying
  • Risk Management
    • Final Thoughts: How to Find Stocks Before They Spike
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Finding Stocks Before They Spike Introduction

To know how to find stocks before they spike, you can search for a mix of patterns, reports, and news, and you have to dig around on various social media platforms. While there’s no foolproof method, here are some strategies that investors often consider.

1. Technical Analysis

Diving into technical analysis involves scrutinizing chart patterns to unveil potential indications of upcoming stock spikes. Chart patterns, such as triangles, flags, and head and shoulder formations, represent market sentiment and potential price movements.

Recognizing these patterns can offer valuable insights and signal imminent changes in stock direction. And help find stocks before they spike. Some of the most popular technical analysis tools include:

  • Simple Moving Average (SMA) and Exponential Moving Average (EMA)
  • Bollinger Bands
  • Relative Strength Index (RSI)
  • Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD)
  • Fibonacci Retracement
  • Support and Resistance Levels
  • Candlestick Patterns
  • Trendlines
  • Volume Analysis

You can find more information about the various technical analysis tools by clicking the links above.

How to Find Stocks Before They Spike for Beginners (3)

2. Fundamental Analysis

Next, we use a different type of analysis that looks at various documents released by companies during their earnings report. Fundamental analysis provides a snapshot of a company’s financial health and performance.

Investors scrutinize revenue, profit margins, and earnings per share (EPS) to gauge a company’s profitability and growth potential. Positive surprises or strong earnings growth often catalyze stock price spikes, reflecting strong operational performance and financial stability.

Fundamental analysis extends beyond individual companies to encompass broader market trends. Investors keen on how to find stocks before they spike pay close attention to sector analysis.

Industries experiencing growth due to technological advancements, regulatory changes, or consumer trends may house stocks poised for upward momentum. Investors can position themselves ahead of potential stock spikes by assessing the fundamental factors influencing an entire sector.

3. Social Media and News Monitoring

In today’s digital age, social media platforms and news outlets are pivotal in shaping market sentiment. Savvy investors recognize the importance of sentiment analysis, which examines market participants’ collective moods and opinions expressed through social media channels, financial forums, and news articles.

Positive sentiment often precedes stock price spikes, and tracking these online conversations can provide early indications of emerging trends or market enthusiasm. This can be used to learn how to find stocks before they spike.

Rumors and speculative news can significantly impact stock prices, creating opportunities for investors who can discern credible information from baseless speculation.

Monitoring news outlets, financial blogs, and social media for emerging stories can provide a competitive edge. However, verifying the information before making investment decisions is crucial, as the market’s reaction to rumors can be volatile and short-lived.

4. Upcoming Catalysts

Knowing how to find stocks before they spike often involves monitoring scheduled corporate events. Earnings announcements, product launches, and shareholder meetings are examples of events that can catalyze significant price shifts.

In addition to regular events, mergers and acquisitions (M&A), stock buybacks, or changes in executive leadership can also serve as catalysts. Investors who proactively track these occurrences gain valuable insights into a company’s trajectory, positioning themselves strategically before the broader market recognizes the impact of these events.

Government regulations and regulatory decisions can profoundly influence stock prices, making it imperative for investors to stay attuned to legal developments in relevant industries. Regulatory approvals, changes in legislation, or favorable court rulings can act as catalysts, propelling stock prices upward.

Stocks of electric vehicle companies, such as Tesla and others, saw significant price spikes in 2020 and early 2021.

The rise was driven by growing interest in electric vehicles, policy support, and a broader market trend towards renewable energy and sustainability.

How to Find Stocks Before They Spike for Beginners (4) How to Find Stocks Before They Spike for Beginners (5) How to Find Stocks Before They Spike for Beginners (6)
DESCRIPTION Bullish Bears offer trade rooms in our Discord. Our chat rooms include penny stocks, large caps, options, and futures We offer stock signals and trade alerts through our watch lists and Discord bots using Tradytics Swing trade and day trade watch lists with hand-picked symbols that have the best chance of breakouts. These are stocks to watch
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5. Volatility Analysis

Historical volatility involves examining a security’s past price movements to measure fluctuations. Investors can quantify the degree of historical price variability by calculating standard deviations.

This information helps identify high and low volatility periods, allowing traders to anticipate future price swings, i.e., knowing how to find stocks before they spike

Volatility analysis extends beyond historical measurements. It involves real-time monitoring of current market conditions. Volatility indices, such as the Volatility Index (VIX), offer insights into the market’s expectation of future volatility. Volatility is not solely a measure of risk. It can also serve as an indicator of market sentiment.

Sudden spikes in volatility may signal a shift in investor perception, potentially pointing to upcoming stock movements. Traders who interpret changes in volatility within the broader market context gain valuable insights into potential opportunities and risks.

6. Momentum Investing

Momentum investing is a strategy that capitalizes on existing trends and seeks to ride the wave of strong price movements in financial markets. These investors prioritize recent price performance rather than focusing on a stock’s intrinsic value or fundamental factors.

The aim is to identify securities that can continue their existing trends, which helps us know how to find stocks before they spike.

Momentum strategies can extend beyond individual stocks to encompass entire sectors. Investors may rotate their portfolios into sectors exhibiting strong relative performance compared to others. This approach involves dynamically adjusting investments based on evolving market trends.

However, markets can be unpredictable. Momentum strategies may falter during periods of sudden reversals or increased volatility. Identifying the optimal entry and exit points for momentum trades requires precision and timing.

7. Screening Tools

Stock screeners are powerful tools that empower investors to filter and identify stocks based on specific criteria. This allows for a more targeted and efficient approach to stock selection.

These tools enable users to set market capitalization, price-to-earnings ratio, dividend yield, and other fundamental or technical indicators, depending on their investment strategy and preferences.

Stock screeners help streamline the research process by narrowing the universe of stocks to those that meet specific requirements.

Advanced stock screeners integrate technical analysis indicators, offering a comprehensive approach to identifying potential stock spikes.

Investors can screen for stocks exhibiting specific technical patterns, crossovers, or other signals. Therefore, screening tools help us know how to find stocks before they spike.

8. Insider Buying

When corporate insiders such as executives, directors, or employees purchase shares of their company’s stock, it is often interpreted as a vote of confidence in its future performance.

Accessing regulatory filings, such as Form 4 in the United States, where insiders must report their stock transactions, enables investors to track insider buying. So check this out if you’re trying to figure out how to find stocks before they spike.

How to Find Stocks Before They Spike for Beginners (7)

Best Trading Tools

The Bullish Bears Team created a list of the best trading tools. Our reviews give detailed breakdowns of the positives and negatives of scanners, charting software, journaling, and simulators.

View List

Risk Management

After a stock has experienced a significant spike, effective risk management becomes crucial to safeguard profits and navigate potential market volatility. Here are some risk management techniques to consider.

Implement trailing stop-loss orders.

Utilize trailing stop-loss orders to adjust your exit point automatically as the stock price moves in your favor. This helps lock in profits while allowing the stock to continue its upward trend. Trailing stops can be adjusted based on a percentage or dollar amount.

Take partial profits

Consider selling a portion of your position to secure profits while allowing the remaining portion to ride potential further gains. This strategy helps balance profit-taking with the opportunity for additional upside.

Diversify your portfolio

Avoid concentration risk by diversifying your portfolio across different asset classes, industries, or sectors. This helps mitigate the impact of a sharp decline in any single stock on your overall portfolio.

Stay informed

Continuously monitor market conditions, news, and developments that may impact the stock or sector. Be prepared to adjust your risk management strategies based on the new information.

Avoid chasing the market.

Resist the urge to chase a stock higher after a significant spike. Evaluate whether the fundamentals still support the stock’s valuation and whether it aligns with your investment strategy. Chasing momentum without careful consideration can increase risk.

Final Thoughts: How to Find Stocks Before They Spike

To conclude, various tools are available for investors to find stocks or sectors before they spike. You can use a mix of technical and fundamental analysis while you monitor various social media platforms.

Keep in mind that these tools require a lot of time and commitment. Implementing risk management techniques such as stop-loss orders, personal discipline, and financial goals is also very important to avoid losing your initial investment.

To learn more about the stock market, check out our free library of educational courses.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do You Buy Stocks Before They Skyrocket?

To learn how to find stocks before they spike, learn technical analysis. Price action, along with technicals, can signal an upcoming move up.

How Do You Find Short Squeeze Stocks Before They Explode?

Start by scanning for short-squeeze stocks. Then, make sure that the short shares outnumber the average daily volume.

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How to Find Stocks Before They Spike for Beginners (18)

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Stock training doesn’t need to be hard. But it sure feels hard when you don’t know where to turn for legitimate knowledge. There are tons of places to learn, but what makes us different?

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Yes, we work hard every day to teach day trading, swing trading, options futures, scalping, and all that fun trading stuff. But we also like to teach you what’s beneath the Foundation of the stock market.

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If you’ve looked for trading education elsewhere then you’ll notice that it can be very costly.

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How to Find Stocks Before They Spike for Beginners (2024)


How to Find Stocks Before They Spike for Beginners? ›

IPO investors can track upcoming IPOs on the websites for exchanges like Nasdaq and the New York Stock Exchange, and various specialty websites. These include Google News, Yahoo! Finance, IPO Monitor, IPOScoop, and Renaissance Capital IPO Center.

How to find stocks before they go public? ›

IPO investors can track upcoming IPOs on the websites for exchanges like Nasdaq and the New York Stock Exchange, and various specialty websites. These include Google News, Yahoo! Finance, IPO Monitor, IPOScoop, and Renaissance Capital IPO Center.

How do I know what stocks to buy for beginners? ›

How to pick the best stocks to invest - A definitive guide
  1. Determine your financial goals. ...
  2. Identify your risk appetite. ...
  3. Buy stocks only if you understand the company. ...
  4. Understand financial ratios. ...
  5. Watch out for value traps. ...
  6. Avoid chasing high yields. ...
  7. Determine whether a company has a competitive advantage.
Aug 12, 2024

How to find stocks before they spike? ›

Here are seven ways to identify and profit from potential breakout stocks.
  1. Look for companies with a competitive advantage. ...
  2. Watch for key market trends. ...
  3. Monitor volume and price. ...
  4. Identify companies with strong fundamentals. ...
  5. Track a stock's relative strength. ...
  6. Keep an eye out for catalysts. ...
  7. Exit at your target price.
Mar 5, 2024

How to tell a short squeeze is coming? ›

Signs of a Short Squeeze

These are: An asset trading near its 52-week lows and the price is much lower than the fair value estimated by experts. The reasons for the gap may be many, but markets eventually correct and settle closer to the fair value.

How do you identify stocks before market opening? ›

There are some screeners which we should use to identify stocks in the pre-market opening session:
  1. Choose stock from the F&O list. ...
  2. Volume traded should be at least 10,000 in the pre-market session.
  3. The price range of stocks that could be selected should be between ₹100 - ₹2000. ...
  4. VIX should be above 20.

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Growth investing

P/E Ratios and beta calculations can be used to determine a stocks potential growth over the long run. You find a P/E ratio by dividing a stocks share price by the earnings per share, or EPS, which is simply the total net profits from the last year divided by the total number of outstanding shares.

What are stocks called before they go public? ›

Pre-IPO investing allows individuals like you to participate in a company's journey before the company is listed on NYSE, NASDAQ or other public stock exchanges, granting access to shares usually reserved for a select group of institutional investors.

Has anyone gotten rich off penny stocks? ›

Yes, you can make money with penny stocks, but you can also make money playing the lottery, though you probably won't. To make money in penny stocks, you have to be able to separate the good companies from the bad, and that means you have to be able to analyze companies.

What stock will explode in 2024? ›

Best Growth Stocks for September 2024
HRTGHeritage Insurance Holdings, Inc.103.36
GTHXG1 Therapeutics, Inc.96.94
CDNACareDx, Inc.89.78
SWIMLatham Group, Inc.88.01
10 more rows

What is the hottest penny stock right now? ›

Most Active Penny Stocks
  • SBSW4.010.28% Sibanye Stillwater Limited.
  • NGD3.100.21% New Gold Inc.
  • PTON4.730.46% Peloton Interactive, Inc.
  • OPEN2.270.08% Opendoor Technologies Inc.
  • CHPT1.370.05% ChargePoint Holdings, Inc.
  • LAZR0.850.06% Luminar Technologies, Inc.
  • AZUL2.770.68% Azul S.A.
  • CAN1.070.14% Canaan Inc.

What is the formula for picking stocks? ›

P/E Ratio – The P/E ratio is a calculation that evaluates a stocks relative performance and value. It is computed by dividing the stock's price by the company's per share earnings for the most recent four quarters.

How many stocks should a beginner start with? ›

A portfolio of 10 or more stocks, particularly across various sectors or industries, is much less risky than a portfolio of only two stocks.

How to spot winning stocks? ›

Look for stocks trending in the direction you want to profit from (uptrend for buying, downtrend for short-selling). In the above stock, we spot the price is in an uptrend with higher highs and higher lows in conjunction with moving averages rising.

How to trigger a short squeeze? ›

A short squeeze begins when the price of an asset unexpectedly jumps higher. It gains momentum as a significant number of the short sellers decide to cut losses and exit their positions.

How to find heavily shorted stocks? ›

For general shorting information about a company's stock, you can usually go to any website with a stock quote service. For more specific short interest info, you would have to go to the stock exchange where the company is listed.

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Author: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

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