How To Find Old Emails On Gmail: Full Guide With Screenshots (2024)

When Gmail Stores Your Messages Over Time

Gmail accounts can hold up to 15 GB of emails, attachments, and other data. Scrolling through endless email pages isn't practical, and the default search features can be a hit or a miss. Cleaning up or deleting old emails may not always be the right solution, especially if you've had your Gmail account for years!

So you can either go through various search techniques and features on Gmail to make locating old emails an easier mission. We'll discuss different ways shortly.

You can also utilize third-party apps like Clean Email. Some users even argue that it can be easier to use than Gmail, especially when accessing it on mobile devices!

For instance, you can go to Old Mail in the Favorites section of the left menu and choose any period you want to find old emails.

How To Find Old Emails On Gmail: Full Guide With Screenshots (1)How To Find Old Emails On Gmail: Full Guide With Screenshots (2)

You can also group your emails by date in any folder for better navigation.

How To Find Old Emails On Gmail: Full Guide With Screenshots (3)How To Find Old Emails On Gmail: Full Guide With Screenshots (4)

Then, in the Sort drop-down menu (Newest on Top), you can toggle between Newest on Top or Oldest on Top to set your preferred order.

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How To Find Old Emails On Gmail: Full Guide With Screenshots (5)

Basic Search Techniques

Gmail's search bar is at the top of your inbox and works like any other search engine. You can type keywords or phrases; Gmail will pull up all relevant emails.

Enter relevant keywords or email addresses into the search bar. For example:

  • Keywords: Typing in specific words or phrases related to the email content you're looking for can help narrow down the results. Also, if you know the sender's name or the topic, you will receive a list of matching messages.

How To Find Old Emails On Gmail: Full Guide With Screenshots (6)How To Find Old Emails On Gmail: Full Guide With Screenshots (7)

  • Email addresses: Entering the sender’s or recipient’s email address can quickly bring up all communications associated with that address.

You can use these techniques both on the desktop and on the phone.

How To Find Old Emails On Gmail: Full Guide With Screenshots (8)How To Find Old Emails On Gmail: Full Guide With Screenshots (9)

After you enter your query, Gmail will display a list of results. You can sort these results to find what you need more efficiently:

  • By relevance: By default, Gmail sorts the results by relevance, showing the most pertinent emails first.
  • By date: To search emails by date, click on the filter option (the three-line icon) next to the search bar, and select the date range (Date within) you are interested in. This helps find the most recent or oldest emails matching your search criteria.

Advanced Search Operators

You can also use operators to refine your query—both on desktop and mobile devices. Here are some useful operators with examples that you can type in the search box to help narrow down your results:

from:Emails from a specific sender from:[email protected]
to:Messages sent to a specific recipient to:[email protected]
subject:Messages with specific words in the subject line subject:meeting
before:Emails sent before a specific date before:2022/01/01
after:Messages sent after a specific date after:2022/01/01
older_than:Search for emails in Gmail older than a specific time (d, m, y for days, months, years) older_than:1y (emails older than one year)
newer_than:Messages newer than a specific time newer_than:1w (emails from last week)
has:attachmentThose with attachments has:attachment
is:importantMessages marked as important is:important
label:Those with specific labels label:work

Examples of How to Combine Multiple Search Operators for Precise Results

You can also combine search operators to narrow down your criteria. Here are some examples that we've tested ourselves:

  1. Finding old emails from a specific person with attachments
  2. "from:[email protected] has:attachment" — This will show those from John Doe that contain attachments.

  3. Searching for Gmail messages sent to a specific person before a certain date
  4. "to:[email protected] before:2022/01/01" — This will display those sent to Jane Smith before January 1, 2022.

  5. Searching for important emails with a specific keyword in the subject line
  6. "is:important subject:project" — This will bring up all important correspondences with "project" in the subject line.

  7. Locating emails sent within the last year that contain attachments
  8. "newer_than:1y has:attachment" — This will show old emails sent within the past year that have attachments.

  9. Finding emails from a specific sender within a custom label

"from:[email protected] label:work" — This will display all messages from your boss that are categorized under the "work" label.

Using Gmail's Advanced Search Filters

The search bar includes a filter icon on the right end of the bar. Clicking this opens up Gmail's search filters, which can help refine your query.

How To Find Old Emails On Gmail: Full Guide With Screenshots (10)How To Find Old Emails On Gmail: Full Guide With Screenshots (11)

Fill in the following fields to input specific criteria and view narrowed results on Gmail. Here’s how:

FromEnter the email address or name of the sender whose messages you want to see in Gmail. From: [email protected]
ToSpecify the recipient’s email address if you want to get to old emails sent to a particular person. To: [email protected]
SubjectType in keywords related to the subject line of the messages you’re seeking. Subject: project update
Has the wordsEnter keywords that you expect to find in the body of the emails. Has the words: annual report
Doesn't haveExclude those containing certain words. Doesn't have: confidential
SizeSearch for those larger or smaller than a specified size. Size: larger_than:5MB
Date withinChoose a date range to filter messages sent within a specific time frame. Date within: 1 year; 2022/01/01
Has attachmentCheck this box to include only messages that have attachments. If ticked, the result will return only those with attachments.
SearchSelect whether to dig into your entire inbox, starred or unread emails, or other categories. All Mail / Inbox / Starred, etc.

Saving Custom Searches for Frequent Use

You can save these custom searches by creating a filter. After filling in the information for certain fields, click the Create filter button.

How To Find Old Emails On Gmail: Full Guide With Screenshots (12)How To Find Old Emails On Gmail: Full Guide With Screenshots (13)

You can use filters in many ways, not just for searching older emails but also organizing your messages.

Recovering Emails From the Trash and Spam Folders

When you auto-delete an email in Gmail, it doesn't vanish instantly. Instead, it goes to the Trash folder, which stays for 30 days before being permanently removed.

To check the Trash folder for deleted messages:

  1. On the left-hand side of your Gmail interface, click on Trash to open the Trash folder. If you can’t find it, scroll down and click on More to expand the list of labels.
  2. Browse through the messages in the folder to find the ones you want. Use the Search bar to narrow the search.

Searching Within the Trash and Spam Folders

Gmail allows you to look for older messages specifically within the Trash or Spam folders to locate more efficiently: you can access your old emails from the Search Bar.

  • To dig up messages within the Trash folder, include "in:trash" in your search query.

Example: "in:trash meeting notes"

  • To look for messages within the Spam folder, include "in:spam" in your search query.

Example: "in:spam invoice"

Find Old Mail Easier With Clean Email

While Gmail's built-in search features are powerful, third-party tools and extensions can further enhance your ability to organize, search, and manage your emails. These tools often have advanced functionalities that optimize email management and improve productivity.

The Clean Email app provides enhanced search capabilities, improved productivity, customization and personalization, and a mobile-friendly interface.

For instance, the Old Mail option is available at the top of every folder (like All Mail) in the Clean Email app for web users and on Android and iOS.

How To Find Old Emails On Gmail: Full Guide With Screenshots (14)How To Find Old Emails On Gmail: Full Guide With Screenshots (15)

How Clean Email Helps Reduce the Clutter

One of the best ways to stay on top of your inbox is to reduce the number of incoming messages that aren't important. To help manage this issue, you can use Clean Email's powerful inbox filters.

How can Clean Email help you find old emails?

  1. Choose All Mail from the left-side panel (you may have to scroll down) and click Old Mail, shown above the search field.
  2. Select a filter such as ‘Older than 6 months’ to sort your messages.
  3. How To Find Old Emails On Gmail: Full Guide With Screenshots (16)How To Find Old Emails On Gmail: Full Guide With Screenshots (17)

  4. Select the messages you need and choose an action such as Delete, mark read, archive, etc. These are great for clearing old, unnecessary messages or tidying up inboxes and folders by removing the unread flag (learn more about how to find unread emails in Gmail).

How To Find Old Emails On Gmail: Full Guide With Screenshots (18)How To Find Old Emails On Gmail: Full Guide With Screenshots (19)

You can also create an automated email rule (Auto Clean feature) to filter certain old messages automatically. For example, if you want old messages (older than…) to be moved to Trash or to the other folder (like Archive) automatically, do the following:

  1. Click the Auto Clean tab from the left-side panel. Then click Create Rule or the plus button on top.
  2. How To Find Old Emails On Gmail: Full Guide With Screenshots (20)How To Find Old Emails On Gmail: Full Guide With Screenshots (21)

  3. Fill in the rule’s criteria. Optionally, toggle the switches to include this rule in Action History and apply it to existing messages.
  4. Click Create Rule to set up the automation.

📌 Hint: This is especially handy if, for example, your company has a policy of only holding on to data for a specific period and then automatically archiving any email messages over that data range.

How To Find Old Emails On Gmail: Full Guide With Screenshots (22)How To Find Old Emails On Gmail: Full Guide With Screenshots (23)

Clean Email also has a Smart Folders function, which automatically groups emails based on their context, such as You are CC-ed, Finance and Insurance, or Messages to yourself (we all do it!)

How To Find Old Emails On Gmail: Full Guide With Screenshots (24)How To Find Old Emails On Gmail: Full Guide With Screenshots (25)

You can also search for old messages in Clean Email within a specific folder. Just choose the folder from the left-side panel, such as Social notifications or Online shopping and repeat the above instructions.

How To Find Old Emails On Gmail - FAQs

How far back does Gmail keep emails?

Gmail can keep emails indefinitely. However, your individual email messages may be deleted after 2 years of inactivity. If your account (across all Google products) exceeds 15GB, you'll be unable to receive new emails.

How do I search for emails 10 years ago in Gmail?

Open Gmail and type in ‘older_than:10y’ on the top search bar to look for messages older than 10 years. You can also use the Clean Email app for advanced search options.

Why is my Gmail not showing old emails?

If you use the new Gmail layout, your old emails may be in a different folder. Check for filters that may have been applied, especially for messages archived with labels. Check the Trash and Spam folders for missing messages.

Did Gmail delete my old emails?

Gmail will not automatically delete your emails unless your account has not been accessed in over 2 years, in which case it becomes a possibility.

Is Clean Email secure?

Yes, Clean Email is an email management tool, but cannot send or forward any of your communications. We have a clear focus on the privacy and security of our users.

How To Find Old Emails On Gmail: Full Guide With Screenshots (2024)


How do I retrieve old emails from years ago in Gmail? ›

For example you could search for old emails by typing something like before:2018/04/08 in the search bar. You can also search for emails within a date range by typing "after:" followed by the starting date in YYYY/MM/DD format, followed by "before:" followed by an end date in YYYY/MM/DD format in the search bar.

How do I view oldest emails in Gmail? ›

Change the order from newest to oldest
  1. Open Gmail.
  2. In the message window, point to the numbers above your inbox. ...
  3. To see the oldest messages first, click Oldest.
  4. To see the most recent messages first, click Newest.
  5. If you have more than 100 messages, click.

How far back does Gmail keep emails? ›

Yes, you can search Gmail by date using your desktop or the Gmail mobile app. No limits exist on how far back you can look. Google will retain any emails in your inbox from day one of creating your account, so feel free to search as far back as needed.

How do I find emails older than 1 year in Gmail? ›

Move your mouse to the search bar, then click on Show Search Options (the toggles to the right of the bar). When the Advanced Search box appears, move down to the section that says Date within. Now, specify the amount of time (ranges from 1 day to 1 year) and the start date (ex. February 14, 2023).

Why can't I see all my old emails in Gmail? ›

Why is my Gmail not showing old emails? If you use the new Gmail layout, your old emails may be in a different folder. Check for filters that may have been applied, especially for messages archived with labels. Check the Trash and Spam folders for missing messages.

Where is the archive folder in Gmail? ›

These archived emails can be easily found under "All Mails" label in Gmail. You can also use Gmail filters to easily find specific archived emails. Here you will see a label called "All Mail", click on it to see all your emails including the ones you archived.

How to find old email accounts on Gmail? ›

Go to and enter any email accounts or phone numbers that you've had for a while and which may have been used as recovery info. The “find your email” page can help you locate any forgotten Google accounts.

How do I view all emails in Gmail? ›

View archived email
  1. On your computer, open Gmail.
  2. On the left, click More.
  3. Click All Mail.

Does Gmail delete old mails? ›

Fortunately, Gmail does not delete any messages from your account (other than Trash and Spam after about 30-days). This includes if the account gets full (you just can't receive any NEW e-mail). The following are potential causes of missing messages (roughly listed in the order most seen on the forums):

How far back can I search Gmail? ›

Searching for emails older than 10 years: Type "10 years" in the From: field, followed by hitting enter. Then select Search Messages Older Than from the menu bar above. Scroll down until you see 2016 and click Go. Looking for emails older than 20 years: Enter "20 years" in the From: field, followed by hitting enter.

Does Gmail archive old emails? ›

In Gmail: Archive messages, or set up filters to automatically move messages to the archive. No need to schedule rules to run at regular intervals. After you archive messages, you can still find them under the label, All Mail.

How do I get to my oldest emails in Gmail? ›

Locate the email counter located on the right-hand side of the mailbox > Click on it and a small dropdown with 2 options will open, Newwest and Oldest. Click on the “Oldest” option to see sort your Gmail chronologically starting from your 50 oldest emails.

How can I see emails older than 12 months? ›

Sign in to your Outlook account and click on 'File' at the top left corner.
  1. Click on 'Account Settings' and select 'Account Name and Sync Settings' from the drop down menu.
  2. A pop-up window will appear with a slider, where you will be able to adjust the time frame of how far back you would like to see your emails.

Why does Gmail only show 50 emails? ›

Why does Gmail show only 50 emails? Gmail defaults to 50 messages per page for three reasons: Performance: Gmail can load its web page faster and allow for a more responsive experience by limiting the number of messages. This is especially true for people with slower internet speeds.

How can I recover my Gmail emails after 2 years? ›

Deleted emails are not irrecoverable to personal account users 30 days after deletion. After another 25 days, they become irrecoverable to even IT admins using the Google Admin Console. You can retrieve permanently deleted emails from Gmail after 2 years only if you backed up your email data.

How do I retrieve expired emails in Gmail? ›

If you need help, go to Find a user account. Restore data. You can also find this option at the left of the user's account page, under More . Select the date range for the data you want to restore, from within the last 25 days.

How can I recover my Gmail account from years ago? ›

To get started, head to and enter your Gmail address. If possible, try the following to make recovery easier: Use a computer, phone, or tablet you've previously used to sign into your account. Use the same browser that you usually do, like Chrome or Safari.

Why did my old emails disappear in Gmail? ›

There are several causes for previously saved emails to disappear. It could be a device syncing issue or filters accidentally mis-filing or deleting messages. If you share a Gmail account, it's also possible that someone else has moved or deleted those messages accidentally.

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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

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Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.