How to File a Car Insurance Claim (2024)

Car insurance claims can be tricky, and knowing the how, what, when, where, who, and why can sometimes be more overwhelming than the accident or theft itself.

That’s why we’ve put together a simple list of what to do before, during, and after the incident occurs so you can get back on the road again.

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What Is a Car Insurance Claim?

A car insurance claim is a written or spoken request from an insured (i.e., the policyholder) to the insurance company for monetary compensation for covered damage, theft, or destruction to a piece of property, etc. In the case of car insurance, a claim may be filed if a vehicle gets damaged in a traffic accident, stolen, or damaged by a natural event like hail. You may also wonder how soon you can file a claim after getting insurance. This will depend on your specific policy and when your coverage kicks in, so be sure to review it with your independent insurance agent.

Steps for Filing a Car Insurance Claim

Whether you were just in an accident, had your car stolen, or just want to be prepared in case one of these disasters happens, read on. Here are six steps to help you handle the first few minutes and days after an incident occurs. This list can easily be printed and stored in a glove box for future reference.

Step 1: Check the health of everyone involved.

See if there were any injuries, whether it was an accident or a carjacking.

Step 2: Call for help.

Make sure you’re somewhere safe. In any accident more serious than a minor fender bender, call 911.

Step 3: Evaluate the damage.

Inspect your vehicle and the other vehicles involved.

Step 4: Document the details.

Get as much detail as you can about the other driver and any witnesses, including their insurance information. Also, make sure to take pictures and videos of the crash scene and damage.

Step 5: Get your car off the road.

Even if it’s completely wrecked, get your car out of the way of moving traffic. If it’s not obstructing traffic, leave it where it is.

Step 6: Contact your independent insurance agent.

Let your independent insurance agent know you’ve been in an accident, and they’ll help guide you through the next steps.

Understanding Fault and How Fault Impacts Car Insurance Claims

Who's officially found to be at fault for a car accident or other incident can affect your ability to receive compensation after filing a claim. The at-fault driver's insurance company is responsible for paying out compensation after a car accident. Insurance companies investigate fault after each car insurance claim is filed to ensure that the right carrier compensates for the damage. Some states even consider shared fault to be an option, meaning that each driver could be assigned a percentage of the fault for an accident, and in turn, their insurance companies would be responsible for their portion of the fault. Research your state's car insurance negligence laws to gain a better understanding of how fault can impact any claims you file.

Bodily Injury Claim

Your health, and the health of everyone involved in a car accident, should always be the top priority. Though you might be tempted to ignore what seems like a minor injury right afterward, don't, since these can sometimes lead to serious long-term health complications down the road. So, what is a car insurance claim for bodily injury? It's the type of claim you'd file if any injuries resulted from an auto accident you were involved in, ranging from minor to severe, and even death. The at-fault driver's auto insurance should provide compensation for the medical treatment of injuries resulting from the accident. Compensation can also sometimes include funeral expenses in the event of a death and missed work and rehabilitation costs in the case of serious injuries.

Property Damage Claim

A property damage claim is the type of car insurance claim you'd file if there was physical damage to your vehicle or another piece of property you own caused by a vehicle, such as if someone ran into your fence. Insurance companies also investigate these claims for fault, and sometimes a policyholder may decide to seek a decision outside of the insurance claim (e.g., from an attorney) regarding property damage if they're unhappy with their carrier's ruling. You also might be wondering, "Should I get an estimate before filing a claim?" Typically, yes, you'll always want an estimate before filing a property damage car insurance claim. However, your independent insurance agent can further advise you on whether you should secure an estimate in each unique claim circ*mstance.

When to File a Car Insurance Claim

Before it ever comes time to file a claim, you should ideally review your car insurance policy in depth and become familiar with precisely what it covers and what it doesn't. This can help ensure you'll have a successful claim in the future, should you need to file. Learn your deductible amount or the amount of money you'll have to pay out of pocket each time you file a claim before you begin to receive compensation from your carrier.

If you had to file a car insurance claim for a total of $1,000 in damage to your vehicle after an accident, but you had a deductible of $250, you'd pay the $250 yourself and receive a maximum compensation of $750 from your insurance company. The car insurance claims process can vary by insurer and local laws, but typically you'll have somewhere between 30 days and up to a few years, depending on the state you live in. Find out more about how long you have to file a car insurance claim here.

Statistically speaking, car insurance claims have been increasing every year. In 2022, car insurance collision claims increased by 9% in severity from 2021.

How to File a Car Insurance Claim (2)

However, filing a claim may not always be the wisest course of action, depending on the circ*mstances of each incident. Unofficially, there’s an “ideal claim zone” where the benefits will outweigh the costs of filing a claim.The goal is to find this zone. The easiest way to do that is to calculate potential expenses and decide if it’s worth filing a claim.

How to File a Car Insurance Claim (3)


Say you’re in an accident and the cost of repairing the damage is $505. If your deductible is $500, filing a claim would definitely not be worth the risk of your premium going up for a difference of $5.

But here are a few scenarios in which you'd most likely want to file a claim:

  • If you’re in an accident where you can be held responsible.
  • If the damage done to your car is significantly more than your deductible.
  • If an uninsured or underinsured motorist hits you and doesn’t have uninsured motorist coverage.
  • If you or anyone else involved has serious injuries.

If you decide you are going to file a claim, you'll want to do it as soon as possible after the accident. Waiting can cause the insurance company to deny your claim.

Tips on Filling Out an Auto Insurance Claim

There are specific timelines for filing car insurance claims, and the time you have to file your claim will vary by carrier. After an accident, proper and extensive documentation of the details is critical for both your personal records and your best chance of filing a successful claim.

Still asking, "How do auto insurance claims work?" Well, here are a few tips for filling out car insurance claims accurately and efficiently:

  • Call your independent insurance agent and have them file your car insurance claim directly through your insurance company. This will ensure you report all the necessary information and have the best possible chance of getting reimbursed for your claim. Your agent can also keep you updated on every step of the claims process moving forward.
  • Be prepared for a visit from an insurance adjuster. After you file a car insurance claim, your carrier will schedule a visit by a claims adjuster to further evaluate your vehicle's damage. Keep in mind that if you have a car loan or lease your vehicle, your lender might need to be involved in the adjuster's evaluation.
  • Have money set aside to pay your deductible out of pocket. Always have enough money set aside in your savings to be able to pay your car insurance deductible when you have to file a claim.

If you have any further questions about filing a car insurance claim, your independent insurance agent can help answer them for you and file your claim directly.

How to File a Car Insurance Claim (4)

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What Happens After I File a Claim?

Most of your time after a claim will be spent waiting to hear from your insurer while they take care of things on their end. After you report your accident, your insurer will follow these steps:

  • Step 1: They’ll take down the information of anyone involved in the accident.
  • Step 2: Someone will call you to get your side of the story.
  • Step 3: They’ll send out a claims adjuster or send you to a shop to assess the damage.
  • Step 4: They’ll generate a report.
  • Step 5: There will be an adjustment period for repairs.
  • Step 6: They’ll deal with any medical bills.
  • Step 7: They’ll direct you on where to get your car fixed and what will happen with your insurance.

In the long run, filing a claim could cause your car insurance premium to increase. Depending on the damage, your insurance could decide to total your car or pay for the damage.

While filing a claim is never fun, your independent insurance agent can help guide you through the process and get you back on the road as soon as possible.

Car Insurance Claims Frequently Asked Questions

Uninsured motorist coverage varies from state to state. If you don't have uninsured/underinsured coverage and you get hit by someone whose policy limits won’t cover all of your expenses, you’ll want to assess the situation to determine if it’s worth filing a claim for the remaining balance.

If you have uninsured/underinsured coverage and get hit by someone who doesn’t have adequate coverage or has no insurance at all, you’ll definitely want to file a claim with your insurance.

Various factors determine whether your premium will be raised after a claim. Some insurance companies offer good driver discounts and other forgiveness packages. Your potential premium increase will depend on the severity of your accident, your insurance policy, and your driving record.

How to File a Car Insurance Claim (2024)


How to File a Car Insurance Claim? ›

If you need to make a claim contact your insurer as soon as possible and ask them to send you a claim form. They may be able to email this to you to speed things up. Complete the claim form carefully and keep a copy for yourself.

What are 3 important tips on filing an auto insurance claim? ›

Important Tips
  • Read your policy. ...
  • If you don't understand your policy, ask your agent and/or company for clarification.
  • If you have an accident, call the police. ...
  • Get as much information as possible at the accident scene to furnish to your agent and/or insurance company.

What is the best way to make an insurance claim? ›

If you need to make a claim contact your insurer as soon as possible and ask them to send you a claim form. They may be able to email this to you to speed things up. Complete the claim form carefully and keep a copy for yourself.

How does insurance work when it's not your fault? ›

When you're not at fault for an accident, your car insurance might still get involved initially to cover your expenses, like vehicle damage repairs or medical treatment bills, depending on your policy's coverage. Your insurance company may then seek reimbursem*nt from the at-fault party's insurer through subrogation.

What to do before making a claim? ›

10 Things to Consider Before Filing an Insurance Claim
  1. File Quickly. It's best not to wait to file a claim. ...
  2. Show Your Knowledge. ...
  3. Be Diligent. ...
  4. Find Experts to Help. ...
  5. Make a List. ...
  6. Work With Insurance Adjusters. ...
  7. Document Insurance Adjuster Interactions. ...
  8. Report and Document Damages.

What is the downside of filing an insurance claim? ›

One consideration when filing a claim is the potential for increased premiums. While insurance is generally designed to protect against financial loss, frequent claims can raise red flags with your insurer. They may view you as a higher risk, resulting in premium hikes.

At what point is it worth claiming on insurance? ›

Key takeaways. Filing a home insurance claim might make the most sense when the loss estimate is more than your deductible. Any claim, even a minor one, might lead to an increase in your home insurance premium. Having frequent or repeat claims could cause a property insurer to nonrenew your policy.

What is the first step in filing an insurance claim? ›

Six Steps in Making an Insurance Claim
  1. Step One: Contact Your Agent Immediately. ...
  2. Step Two: Carefully Document Your Losses. ...
  3. Step Three: Protect Your Property from Further Damage or Theft. ...
  4. Step Four: Working with Adjustor. ...
  5. Step Five: Settling Your Claim. ...
  6. Step Six: Repairing Your Home.

What are the 5 steps to file a claim? ›

Your insurance claim, step-by-step
  1. Connect with your broker. Your broker is your primary contact when it comes to your insurance policy – they should understand your situation and how to proceed. ...
  2. Claim investigation begins. ...
  3. Your policy is reviewed. ...
  4. Damage evaluation is conducted. ...
  5. Payment is arranged.

When filing an insurance claim, the policyholder must pay a? ›

When filing an insurance claim, the policyholder must pay a deductible, which is the amount you owe before insurance will cover the rest of the bill.

Will my insurance be affected if its not my fault? ›

Does declaring a non-fault claim affect my insurance? Yes, it will be recorded on your claims history. In many cases, your premiums will go up after you've declared a non-fault claim.

Should I let my insurance know if it wasn't my fault? ›

You should call your insurance after an accident if it was not your fault. Informing them of your accident can help you learn about any policy benefits you might have regarding your loss of property and your injuries. Your insurance policy may not be the only option for your damages.

Does your insurance go up after a claim that is not your fault? ›

Under California law, an insurer cannot increase your premiums when you aren't at fault.

What is the first step of submitting a claim? ›

Step-by-step guide for filing an auto insurance claim

Contact your insurer. Provide them with details about the incident. Answer questions from your adjuster. Get an estimate for the vehicle damage and repairs.

What to avoid when writing a claim? ›

A “claim” (also known as a “thesis statement” or “argument”) is the central idea of your paragraph or essay and should appear in the first sentence. AVOID GENERALIZATIONS, CLICHÉS, QUESTIONS, OR “STATING THE OBVIOUS”: Wishy-washy openings are the hallmark of an under-confident writer.

Should I get a quote before filing an insurance claim? ›

Almost every major car insurance company advises potential claimants to file a claim first, and then get a repair estimate. While you can almost always choose where to get your vehicle repaired, the insurance company is usually going to want to be involved in the vehicle inspection/damage estimate process.

What are the top 3 most important aspects to a claim? ›

It may help you to remember the essential elements by way of the acronym CEES (Cause, Effect, Entitlement and Substantiation).

How can I get the most out of my insurance claim? ›

Let's dive into the thick of it!
  1. Never Accept the First Offer.
  2. Never Sign Anything Before Consulting.
  3. Hire a Professional to Review and Give You Advice.
  4. Look Out for These Four Specifically.
  5. Show Proof if You Want to Argue the Estimate.
  6. Ensure the Insurance Company is Aware of Matching Elements That Also Need to be Replaced.
Jun 6, 2023

What are the three important things about insurance? ›

Key Takeaways

Life, health, homeowners, and auto are among the most common forms of insurance. The core components that make up most insurance policies are the premium, deductible, and policy limits.

What are the 3 key goals of a claims adjuster when settling claims? ›

Claims adjusters have three main goals when settling claims: accurate claim assessment, timely settlement, and customer satisfaction. They investigate and evaluate claims, ensuring that the claim amount accurately reflects the covered losses.

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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

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Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.