How to Earn Interest on USDC: A Beginner's Guide (2024)

A. Rapsey

How to Earn Interest on USDC: A Beginner's Guide (1)

In this guide, we'll take you through everything you need to know about earning interest on USDC, a stablecoin pegged to the US dollar. Whether you're a seasoned crypto enthusiast or just getting started in the world of digital assets, we've got you covered.


  • USDC is a stablecoin pegged to the US dollar, designed to maintain a stable value.
  • You can earn interest on your USDC through crypto lending platforms, savings or growth accounts, crypto exchanges, lending services, staking, and yield farming.
  • Interest rates on USDC are often higher than traditional finance savings products due to factors like decentralized platforms, supply and demand dynamics, risk-adjusted returns, competition among lending platforms, cryptocurrency market volatility, and blockchain technology efficiency. However, there are associated risks to consider, such as counterparty risk, regulatory risk, and smart contract risk.

What is USD Coin (USDC)?

USDC is a cryptocurrency pegged to the US dollar. One USDC is designed to be equal to one dollar.

Because of this, it’s referred to as a stablecoin. Its value is designed to remain stable.

USDC allows users to send and receive USD-denominated value around the world using cryptocurrency infrastructure.

If you want to learn more about USDC, check out our article What is USDC?

How to Earn Interest on USDC

There are several ways to earn interest on your USDC, each of which has the potential to help your money grow. Here's a breakdown of some of the most common ways to earn interest on your USDC.

How to Earn Interest on USDC: A Beginner's Guide (2)

Crypto Lending Platforms

Crypto lending platforms are a popular way to put your USDC to work.

You provide your USDC to the platform, and in return, the platform lends it to other users or traders. These borrowers pay interest on the USDC they borrow, and you receive a portion of that interest as a reward for lending your funds. Borrowers gain access to liquidity, while you earn a passive income stream.

Savings or Growth Accounts

Crypto savings accounts are akin to traditional finance savings accounts, but with a crypto twist.

You deposit your USDC into these specialized accounts, and in return, the platform pays you interest. Interest rates in crypto savings accounts are often significantly higher than those in traditional finance savings products, making them an attractive option for growing your USDC holdings. The funds you deposit are typically used by the platform for various lending activities, generating the interest that is then shared with you.

Related Content: Best USDC Interest Rates for Passive Income

How to Earn Interest on USDC: A Beginner's Guide (3)

Crypto Exchanges

When you deposit your USDC into these exchanges, they may offer you a share of the interest generated by lending your funds to margin traders or other users on the platform. Centralized exchanges, in particular, provide a straightforward way to earn interest while keeping your funds within the exchange ecosystem. The interest you earn contributes to your overall USDC yield

Lending Services and DeFi Protocols

These platforms often leverage smart contracts and decentralized technologies to facilitate lending and borrowing. By supplying your USDC to these services, you become a lender in a decentralized lending pool. Borrowers can access funds from this pool and pay interest. Your share of the interest is distributed automatically through smart contracts, ensuring transparency and security in the lending process.


Staking involves participating in the governance and security of a blockchain network by locking up your USDC tokens as collateral. In return, you receive rewards in the form of additional USDC tokens or other assets native to the blockchain network. Staking is an active way to contribute to the blockchain ecosystem while earning a return on your USDC investment. The rewards vary depending on the network's staking protocol and the duration of your stake.

Related Content: USDC Staking - How to Earn Rewards

Yield Farming

Yield farming involves providing liquidity to decentralized exchanges and lending platforms in exchange for interest and rewards.

You supply your USDC and another cryptocurrency to liquidity pools. In return, you receive LP (Liquidity Provider) tokens that represent your share of the pool. These tokens can be staked or used in other DeFi protocols to earn additional rewards. Yield farming can be lucrative but comes with increased complexity and potential risks.

Related Content: Stablecoin Yield Farming: Is it Worth it?

Understanding USDC APY, Interest, and Yield

When it comes to earning on your USDC, it's essential to understand the differences between APY, interest, and yield:

USDC APY (Annual Percentage Yield): APY represents the total amount of interest earned on your USDC over a year, considering the effects of compounding. It provides a standardized way to compare returns across different platforms and accounts, taking into account the frequency with which interest is applied to your balance.

USDC Interest: Interest is the basic return you earn on your USDC. It can be paid out at different intervals, such as daily, weekly, or monthly. The interest rate typically quoted does not account for the effects of compounding, which is why APY is often a more informative metric.

USDC Yield: Yield generally refers to the actual earnings on your USDC investment over a specific period. It can encompass various types of returns, including interest from lending, rewards from staking, or returns from yield farming. Yield is a broader term and can fluctuate based on market conditions, platform performance, and other factors.

By understanding these terms you can better compare all the options of earning a return from your USDC.

Crypto Interest Rates vs Traditional Finance

In many cases, crypto interest rates tend to be higher than those offered by traditional finance savings products. We'll explain why this is the case and what it means for your earnings.

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Decentralization and Reduced Intermediaries

A key reason behind higher crypto interest rates is the decentralized nature of many crypto lending and DeFi platforms.

Traditional finance savings products, in contrast, often involve multiple intermediaries, such as banks, brokers, and regulatory bodies. These intermediaries can add layers of complexity and cost to the lending process, resulting in lower interest rates for savers. In the crypto world, smart contracts automate lending and borrowing, reducing the need for intermediaries and administrative overhead. This efficiency allows more of the interest generated to flow back to users, resulting in higher rates and a better USDC APY.

Supply and Demand

Crypto markets operate globally, 24/7, and are not constrained by geographic boundaries.

As a result, the supply and demand for lending and borrowing crypto assets can fluctuate rapidly. When demand for borrowing crypto assets outstrips supply, interest rates rise to incentivize more users to lend their assets. In the traditional finance system, interest rates are often set by central banks or monetary policies, and they tend to be more stable but lower due to the centralized nature of these systems.

Risk and Collateralization

Crypto lending platforms often require borrowers to provide collateral, which reduces the risk of default.

This over-collateralization practice, where borrowers pledge more crypto assets than the loan amount, helps protect lenders. In traditional finance, unsecured loans are more common, and the risk of default is mitigated through credit checks and collateral that is unrelated to the loan asset. The collateralized nature of crypto lending contributes to lower interest rates, as lenders are willing to offer better rates in exchange for the added security.

Emerging Market

The crypto lending and DeFi market is still relatively young and constantly evolving.

As it matures, more users and institutions are entering the space, creating competition among lending platforms. This competition can lead to higher interest rates as platforms strive to attract lenders by offering better returns. In contrast, the traditional finance sector is well-established and characterized by larger, more stable institutions, resulting in less competition for deposits and lower interest rates.

Economic Conditions

Interest rates of traditional finance savings accounts are influenced by broader economic conditions, central bank policies, and inflation targets. In the crypto space, interest rates are in addition driven by the specific dynamics of the crypto market and the platforms themselves. These economic factors combined may contribute to the higher volatility and potential for higher yield in crypto lending.

Related Content: Is Crypto a Good Hedge Against Inflation in 2024?

Risks of Stablecoin Interest Rates

Stablecoins are designed to maintain a stable value, often pegged to a specific asset or currency, such as the US dollar. While earning interest on them can be attractive, there are potential risks, as is true of any investment activity.

Platform Risk

The platform or service you use to earn interest on your stablecoins may not be as stable as the coin itself. Decentralized Finance (DeFi) platforms and lending services can be subject to smart contract vulnerabilities, hacks, or operational issues. Choose reputable platforms with a track record of security and reliability.

Smart Contract Risks

Many stablecoin interest-earning platforms operate through smart contracts, which are self-executing agreements with predefined terms. Smart contracts are not immune to coding errors or vulnerabilities. A flaw in the contract's code could result in unintended consequences, such as loss of funds or disruptions in interest payments.

Market Volatility

While stablecoins aim to maintain a stable value, they are not entirely immune to market fluctuations. In some cases, stablecoins may experience minor deviations from their pegged value. Sudden and significant market events or liquidity issues can impact stablecoin stability, potentially affecting the interest rates offered on these assets.

Regulatory Changes

The stablecoin and DeFi space is subject to evolving regulatory frameworks in various jurisdictions. Changes in regulations or legal challenges could affect the availability and terms of stablecoin interest-earning services. It's essential to stay informed about regulatory developments in your region and how they may impact your stablecoin holdings.

Counterparty Risk

When you lend your stablecoins to earn interest, you are essentially entrusting your assets to a counterparty—either an individual borrower or a platform. There's always a risk that the counterparty may default on their obligations, leading to potential loss of funds. Some platforms mitigate this risk by requiring borrowers to provide collateral, but there's still a degree of counterparty risk involved.

Illiquidity Risk

While stablecoins are generally considered highly liquid assets, there can be illiquidity risk associated with interest-earning positions. In some cases, you may need to lock up your stablecoins for a specific period, and early withdrawal could result in penalties or reduced interest earnings.

Economic Conditions

Stablecoin interest rates can be influenced by broader economic conditions and market sentiment. Economic factors, such as changes in interest rates or inflation expectations, can impact the rates offered on stablecoins. While stablecoins aim for stability, interest-earning stablecoin products are not entirely insulated from these external forces.

Is Earning Interest on USDC Worth It?

Whether investing in USDC is worth it depends on your financial goals, risk tolerance, and investment strategy.

Here are some considerations to help you determine if earning interest on USDC aligns with your objectives.

Risk Tolerance

USDC is a stablecoin, designed to maintain a stable value, and earning interest on it typically involves lower risks compared to more volatile cryptocurrencies. However, as with any investment, there is always an element of risk.

Financial Goals

Are you seeking short-term gains, looking to diversify your investment portfolio, or aiming for long-term wealth preservation? Earning interest on stablecoins like USDC can provide a relatively stable source of passive income, which may align with specific financial objectives.

Liquidity Needs

Some interest-earning platforms may require you to lock up your USDC for a specified period, limiting immediate access. If you anticipate needing your funds in the short term, evaluate whether the potential interest earnings outweigh the inconvenience of restricted liquidity.


Earning interest on USDC can be a part of a diversified approach, particularly if you hold various types of assets, including cryptocurrencies, stocks, bonds, or real estate. Diversification can help spread risk and enhance overall portfolio stability.

Market Conditions

The interest rates offered on USDC may vary depending on market dynamics, economic factors, and the platform you choose. Evaluate whether the prevailing rates align with your income expectations and investment objectives.

Tax Implications

Tax regulations related to cryptocurrencies and interest income can vary by jurisdiction and are evolving all the time.

Financial Knowledge

Earning interest on USDC often involves using decentralized platforms, smart contracts, and blockchain technology. Having a solid grasp of these concepts can help you make informed decisions and navigate the complexities of the crypto ecosystem.

Platform Selection

Choose your interest-earning platform wisely. Assess the platform's reputation, security measures, and track record. Look for platforms that offer competitive interest rates and align with your risk profile and investment goals.

The Best USDC Savings Account For Earning Interest

Ledn’s new USDC Growth Account is the benchmark in how to generate yield on your stablecoins. They currently offer 8.50% APY on USDC, a competitive yet realistic rate.

These accounts are designed to fund Ledn’s retail loan book. As a result, your stablecoin deposits are fully collateralized with Bitcoin posted by borrowers, making it a secure way to earn yield on USD stablecoins.

Via Ledn’s Monthly Open Book Report, you can regularly see the collateralization levels and how they use stablecoin deposits. You can also check out their Proof of Reserves attestations every 6 months.

At Ledn, they believe in giving you control which is why you can opt-in and out of yield by moving deposits between interest-earning Growth Accounts and no-yield Transaction Accounts whenever you want.

All of Ledn's Growth Accounts are ring-fenced, which means you are only exposed to the counterparties that generate your yield - a key learning and improvement after the collapses of competitive CeFi platforms like BlockFi, Celsius, and Voyager. In the unlikely event of a Ledn bankruptcy, your Growth Account will not be affected.

Why is interest so high on USDC?

There are a few reasons why interest rates on USDC tend to be higher than those on traditional fiat savings products.

Supply and Demand

In the world of cryptocurrencies, particularly stablecoins like USDC, interest rates are primarily influenced by supply and demand dynamics. When users are willing to borrow USDC for various purposes, such as trading, liquidity provision, or yield farming, they create a demand for these stablecoins. This increased demand for borrowing drives up the interest rates that lenders can charge.

Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Opportunities

USDC and other stablecoins play a significant role in the DeFi space. DeFi platforms offer various financial services, including lending, borrowing, and yield farming, all of which involve the use of stablecoins as collateral or for generating yields. DeFi users are willing to pay higher interest rates to access these opportunities, which, in turn, benefits USDC holders lending their assets.

Risk-Adjusted Returns

Earning interest on USDC involves certain risks, such as smart contract vulnerabilities, market volatility, and platform risks. To compensate for these risks, interest rates on USDC tend to be higher than those on traditional fiat currencies held in savings accounts or CDs. Investors are rewarded for taking on these additional risks in the crypto lending and DeFi markets.

Competition Among Lending Platforms

These platforms vie for users' assets by offering attractive interest rates. The competition among these platforms can drive interest rates higher as they seek to attract more liquidity and borrowers. But remember that if an interest rate seems too good to be true, it probably is.

Cryptocurrency Market Volatility

Cryptocurrencies, including USDC, are known for their price volatility. Lenders and liquidity providers in the DeFi space often require higher interest rates to compensate for the potential loss in the value of their assets due to market fluctuations. This volatility risk contributes to the higher interest rates observed in the crypto lending market.

Blockchain Technology Efficiency

Blockchain technology and smart contracts enable efficient and automated lending and borrowing processes in DeFi. This efficiency reduces operational costs and intermediaries, allowing lenders to offer more competitive rates while borrowers are willing to pay higher rates for streamlined access to capital.


Earning interest on USDC offers opportunities for passive income that can significantly outperform traditional bank savings accounts. However, it's crucial to be aware of the associated risks and choose the approach that aligns with your financial goals and risk tolerance.

Ready to start earning interest on your USDC? Open a Growth Accounttoday.

Sponsored by 21 Technologies Inc. and its affiliates (“Ledn”). All reviews and opinions expressed are based on my personal views.

How to Earn Interest on USDC: A Beginner's Guide (2024)


How to Earn Interest on USDC: A Beginner's Guide? ›

USDC is a stablecoin pegged to the US dollar, designed to maintain a stable value. You can earn interest on your USDC through crypto lending platforms, savings or growth accounts, crypto exchanges, lending services, staking, and yield farming.

How do I earn interest on USDC? ›

DeFi Protocols: Decentralized Finance (DeFi) platforms leverage smart contracts and decentralized ledger technology to facilitate lending and borrowing. By lending your USDC to these platforms for others to borrow, you earn interest on the funds you provide after the protocol takes its spread.

Can you make money holding USDC? ›

Earn up to 5.20% rewards on USDC

Put your assets to work simply by holding USDC and grow your balance in a low-risk way, starting with as little as $1.

Is staking USDC worth it? ›

Staking USDC provides investors with a method to earn interest or rewards, creating a consistent source of passive income. Due to its backing by cash and short-term US Treasuries, along with regular audits, USDC is recognized as a stable and reliable asset for staking.

How often is interest paid on USDC? ›

The higher your USDC balance, the more rewards you earn. Rewards accrue daily based on your balance on the day, and the rewards rate you are earning. Accrued rewards are typically distributed within the first 5 business days of the following month into your USDC balance.

How to convert USDC into money? ›

Download the BitPay Wallet app or use the platform. Select USDC and the amount you'd like to convert to cash. Choose your payout method—direct bank deposit or an existing debit card. Review the quoted rate for selling your USDC.

How do I get paid at USDC? ›

Select a crypto wallet that supports USDC. Give your USDC wallet address to the payer; it functions like a bank account number but for digital currency. For freelancers or contractors, generate and send invoices requesting payment in USDC, including your wallet address.

What is the downside of USDC? ›

The downside of USDC

USDC is backed by reserves held by regulated financial institutions. While this structure helps protect USDC against a potential collapse, it also introduces risks related to the stability of these institutions.

Is it smart to put money into USDC? ›

Is USD Coin crypto a good investment? USDC is a stablecoin, and if you want to invest for profit, this token isn't what you need. Its price has almost no volatility. However, stablecoins are quite handy assets for waiting out periods of crypto market declines.

What is the point of owning USDC? ›

Hedge against volatility: Investors exposed to other cryptocurrencies can reduce their portfolios' volatility by strategically buying a stablecoin like USDC. Owning USDC during periods of significant market volatility can help to stabilize a portfolio's value.

Where should I stake my USDC? ›

Best Platforms for Staking USDC

Aave: Offers a rate of 4.61%. Unlike alternatives, instead of a dedicated account, you add your digital dollars into a pool with other users to earn interest on them. Binance: Offers a rate of 4.74%. One of the largest digital asset exchanges which also offers staking opportunities.

How much can you make staking USDC? ›

Benefits of staking with USD Coin (USDC)

USD Coin (USDC) offers an APY of 5,10%, one of the most interesting currently available in the crypto market.

What are the risks of staking the USDC? ›

Potential Risks and Considerations

Smart Contract Risks: Staking on DeFi protocols involves locking up funds in smart contracts, which may be susceptible to vulnerabilities or exploits. Conduct thorough research on the staking platform's security protocols before staking your USDC.

Is USDC safe to hold long term? ›

Yes, USDC is generally considered safer as it is fully collateralized and regulated, whereas USDT is only partially collateralized and lacks regulatory oversight.

Is USDC interest taxable? ›

You may have to pay taxes on your USD Coin investments. Although USDC is pegged to the value of a dollar, it's still a crypto asset and therefore may be subject to Capital Gains Tax or Income Tax depending on your specific investments.

How do you earn interest on Stablecoins? ›

Another way to earn interest on stablecoins is to stake them in a protocol to ensure the smooth running of the network. This process is common in networks that employ the proof-of-stake algorithm. Here, users deposit stablecoins in a specific wallet, node, or platform that they do not have access to.

How do you earn interest on stablecoins? ›

Another way to earn interest on stablecoins is to stake them in a protocol to ensure the smooth running of the network. This process is common in networks that employ the proof-of-stake algorithm. Here, users deposit stablecoins in a specific wallet, node, or platform that they do not have access to.

What is the best way to get USDC? ›

Coinbase is the most trusted place for people and businesses to buy, sell, and manage USDC. It's quick and easy.

Do you pay capital gains on USDC? ›

Stablecoins such as USDC and USDT are still considered to be cryptocurrency, and as such, any coin-to-coin trade or sale of these coins would be considered a capital gain/loss that must be reported to the IRS in your tax forms.

Does it make sense to invest in USDC? ›

Is USD Coin crypto a good investment? USDC is a stablecoin, and if you want to invest for profit, this token isn't what you need. Its price has almost no volatility. However, stablecoins are quite handy assets for waiting out periods of crypto market declines.

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