How to Detect Identity Theft in the Cryptocurrency Sector (2024)

How to Detect Identity Theft in the Cryptocurrency Sector (1)

How to Detect Identity Theft in the Cryptocurrency Sector (2)

by Bence Jendruszak

The anonymous and pseudonymous nature of cryptocurrencies has long attracted fraudsters. And as crypto businesses increase identity verification (IDV) due to ever-shifting regulation and fraud concerns, criminals turn to stolen or synthetic identities more and more.

How can you balance security, identity verification, and respect for customers’ privacy? Alternative data may be the answer.

Why Is Identity Theft a Challenge for Crypto Companies?

Crypto companies are under increasing pressure to verify their users’ identities. This may be at odds with the crypto data-privacy ethos but, nonetheless, is a legal requirement in the vast majority of cases.

This requirement takes the form of KYC – Know Your Customer – checks, which, in practice, involves sorting real identities from:

  • Stolen identities: On the darknet, it is entirely possible to purchase someone’s digital ID, full name, and even social security number.
  • Synthetic identities: They are profiles made by combining real ID data and made-up information. Synthetic identities can be created by the fraudster themselves or be created by someone else, then bought.
  • Fake personas: Criminals might also attempt to “invent” personas to try their schemes with, completely from scratch.

Verifying identities (IDV) is challenging, as it creates obstacles for everyone. On the one hand, you want to block fraudsters as soon as possible, but you also don’t want to stop legitimate customers from accessing your services.

In fact, balancing security and friction is one of the key challenges of identity verification for crypto businesses.

Failing to meet KYC requirements isn’t an option either, as it will make your company liable for hefty compliance fines or even lose you your licensing, in extreme cases. With fines, the negative press that may ensue can result in a loss of consumer trust, too.

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Why Is Identity Verification Important for Crypto Companies?

Confirming you are dealing with a legitimate customer is the key to preventing several different types of fraud attacks on your crypto business.

Cryptocurrency fraud is rampant, and it is in your best interest to protect yourself and:

  • avoid KYC or AML fines from regulating bodies
  • maintain a good reputation with customers
  • stay out of legal trouble to remain operational across multiple markets

However, not all forms of ID verification are created equal. Document checks, for instance, are notoriously high-friction, which isn’t ideal in the highly competitive world of crypto exchanges.

Indeed, new customers can be hesitant about scanning or showing to the camera their personal documentation, but even when they genuinely are not worried about this, the act of having to locate these documents and go through the motions will affect the experience for them, and possibly cause churn.

What’s more, KYC checks are expensive, which can become a budget challenge when so many fraudsters attack crypto businesses.

A much more flexible solution is to look at alternative data and customer behavior to deploy pre-KYC checks. This allows you to pre-filter junk leads and bad agents, only sending medium and low-risk users through to the next KYC stage.

This means that you don’t have to run KYC checks on every single fraudster trying to attack you; only customers who are much more likely to be legitimate are let through to the KYC stage.

3 Top Custom Rules to Improve Identity-Proofing in Crypto

As it is so important to keep friction as low as possible in order to keep customers happy and build loyalty, the rules we have selected do not interrupt the customer journey.

#1: Email Has Not Been Registered on Social Media

The simplest data points you can get from a new user are an email address and/or a phone number. Online, people are used to providing such information.

And it is often enough to detect fraudsters.

Here is how it works: SEON looks at whether the phone number or email address has an online footprint – in other words, whether they are registered on social media platforms, crowdsourced websites, listed on data leak lists and so on.

Why can this help? Because a legitimate user will almost always have some type of online activity.

Fraudsters, on the other hand, create disposable phone numbers and new email accounts for every one of their personas. They do not have the time to build convincing digital footprints – and even if they tried, this would not scale.

In other words, a complete absence of social media profiles is a red flag. It’s a great place to start asking more questions, or at least to question whether that user should carry on to the KYC stage.

#2: Evidence of a Spoofed Browser

Sure, some data-privacy-oriented users have good reasons to hide behind spoofed browsers. But just like with a lack of social profiles, this is an indicator that you should look into the person further. Chances are you’re dealing with a fraudster.

Bad agents almost always rely on spoofing and other emulation software to avoid detection when creating multiple profiles or making multiple attempts.

The device fingerprinting module at SEON will query dozens of different aspects of the customer’s hardware and software to get a better sense of whether they are using suspicious tools to appear as someone they’re not.

What’s more, a device cache and other elements will alert the software as to who is a returning user even when they are trying to hide this fact.

Most fraud attacks are only profitable at scale, which is why fraudsters must create multiple profiles to target crypto businesses – and their device or browser data is the clearest indicator that you’re not dealing with the average user.

#3: Card Country and IP Do Not Match

How to Detect Identity Theft in the Cryptocurrency Sector (3)

Another good time to catch fraudsters is at the deposit stage. If your crypto platform allows coin and token purchases, chances are that credit cards are a preferred payment method.

That’s exactly where fraudsters will strike, using stolen card data that might result in chargeback fraud requests from the cardholder – which you will have to pay for out of pocket.

But a simple data comparison rule can help you stop this type of abuse by spotting suspicious users.

What we’re looking for here are simple discrepancies between where your user says they are and where they appear to be.You can also easily add rules to flag specific countries or country/issuing country combinations.

Part of how this is done is via BIN lookups combined with IP address analysis and other technology.

As a simple example of how this works, you can try SEON’s BIN lookup by entering the first six digits of any card below.

This will tell you where it was issued, which bank it’s linked to, and more useful yet anonymous information – all useful when deciding whether the customer is suspicious.

Free BIN lookup!

Enter the first 6 or 8 digits of a card number (BIN/IIN)

Bank Name

Text here

Cardholder name







Of course, with such customers, it doesn’t make sense to automatically jump to conclusions and flag them as fraudsters.

But combining multiple rules like the above can help build a comprehensive profile to understand if you should block these customers, ask them for more proof of who they are, or even allow them on your crypto platform without any added friction.

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How SEON Can Help Detect Identity Fraud for Crypto Businesses

It is almost certain that your crypto KYC process should include some form of ID verification, subject to applicable legislation. SEON can streamline this and reduce your KYC spend.

SEON looks at user data to better understand their behavior and intentions, sourcing additional information in real-time, without asking the customer for it.

This is a tremendous advantage for crypto businesses, especially as synthetic IDs are challenging to detect with IDV software, and as customer satisfaction is key to growth.

With alternative data, you can study someone’s digital footprint to reach (or automate) a decision, all based on concrete information relating to location, devices, browsers, and online presence.

The key is to leverage the wealth of insights to customize and deploy rules according to your risk appetite –all in order to make your crypto business safer for you, your partners, and your customers. As well as more profitable.

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How to Detect Identity Theft in the Cryptocurrency Sector (8)

Bence Jendruszak

Bence Jendruszák is the Chief Operating Officer and co-founder of SEON. Thanks to his leadership, the company received the biggest Series A in Hungarian history in 2021. Bence is passionate about cybersecurity and its overlap with business success. You can find him leading webinars with industry leaders on topics such as iGaming fraud, identity proofing or machine learning (when he’s not brewing questionable coffee for his colleagues).


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As an expert in the field of identity verification and fraud prevention, I can confidently provide insights into the concepts discussed in the article by Bence Jendruszak on the challenges of identity theft in the crypto industry and the importance of identity verification (IDV). My expertise is based on a deep understanding of the technological landscape and the evolving strategies employed by fraudsters.

Why Is ID Theft a Challenge for Crypto? The article rightly points out that the anonymous and pseudonymous nature of cryptocurrencies makes them attractive to fraudsters. Criminals exploit this feature by using stolen or synthetic identities, presenting a significant challenge for crypto businesses. The author highlights the legal requirement for Know Your Customer (KYC) checks to verify user identities, emphasizing the prevalence of stolen identities, synthetic identities, and fake personas in the darknet.

Why Is IDV Important? The importance of identity verification (IDV) is underscored by the necessity for crypto companies to comply with KYC regulations. Failure to meet these requirements can lead to compliance fines, loss of licensing, and damage to the company's reputation. The article emphasizes that confirming the legitimacy of customers is crucial for preventing various types of fraud attacks, including cryptocurrency fraud.

Top 3 Custom Rules for IDV:

  1. Email Doesn't Have Social Activity: The first custom rule focuses on checking whether a user's email address or phone number has an online footprint, including social media registrations. Legitimate users are expected to have some online activity, whereas fraudsters may create disposable accounts for their illicit activities.

  2. Browser Spoofing: This rule addresses the use of spoofed browsers, a tactic often employed by fraudsters to hide their identity. The article suggests that users hiding behind spoofed browsers may warrant further investigation, as this behavior is indicative of potential fraudulent activities.

  3. IP Address Not in Card Country: This rule is designed to catch fraudsters during the deposit stage by comparing the user's claimed location with their apparent location based on IP address analysis. Discrepancies between the user's stated location and actual location can be a red flag, especially when using credit cards for transactions.

How SEON Can Help: SEON is presented as a solution to address the challenges of identity verification in the crypto industry. It is mentioned that SEON leverages alternative data and customer behavior to deploy pre-KYC checks, allowing crypto businesses to filter out potential fraudsters before subjecting every user to high-friction KYC checks. The article suggests that SEON's approach, which includes analyzing digital footprints related to location, devices, browsers, and online presence, can streamline the KYC process and reduce costs.

In summary, the article provides valuable insights into the challenges of identity theft in the crypto industry, the importance of ID verification, and practical custom rules, along with a solution, SEON, to address these challenges effectively.

How to Detect Identity Theft in the Cryptocurrency Sector (2024)


How is identity theft detected? ›

Checking your credit report is an efficient way to detect fraudulent activity in your name. Evidence of identity theft typically includes fraudulent or inaccurate information on your credit report. For example, you might see incorrect addresses, names, initials, or Social Security numbers.

How do you ensure security in cryptocurrency? ›

Crypto Safety: The Basics of Protecting Your Crypto
  1. Use two-factor authentication (2FA) on your wallets and exchange.
  2. Withdraw your crypto from your exchange to a wallet.
  3. Write down the seed words for your wallet on a piece of paper, but store it safely.
  4. Use strong passwords every time.
Jun 6, 2024

What is proof of identity in crypto? ›

Proof of identity (PoID) is a consensus protocol for permission-less blockchains, in which each uniquely identified individual receives one equal unit of voting power and associated rewards (minting token).

How do you know if a crypto is a security? ›

What makes a crypto a security?
  1. Money is invested.
  2. There is an expectation the investor will earn a profit.
  3. The investment is in a common enterprise.
  4. Profits are generated via the efforts of others.

How can identity theft be identified? ›

Signs of identity theft

Mail that you're expecting doesn't arrive. You get calls or texts about products and services you've never used. Strange emails appear in your inbox. A sudden increase in suspicious phone calls, texts or messages through social platforms.

How do I check for identity theft? ›

Here are six simple ways to check for identity theft:
  1. Review your credit reports.
  2. Check your bank statements.
  3. Pay attention to strange mail.
  4. Stay on top of your tax returns.
  5. Check your medical statements.
  6. Review your Social Security statements.
Jun 3, 2024

Which security measure is most commonly used to protect users of cryptocurrency? ›

Wallet Security: Strong passwords, multi-factor authentication (MFA) and regular updates to wallet software are key to improving wallet security.

What is the safest way to keep cryptocurrency? ›

The safest place to store crypto is in a hardware wallet, which is a physical device that stores your private keys offline and keeps them solely under your control. A cold wallet is the most secure for long-term crypto storage. It protects against online attacks and unauthorized access.

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Examples of scams are giveaways, hustles involving new romance, phishing, extortion emails, fake company alerts, blackmail, "rug pulls," and may involve fake mining apps or networks. Signs of crypto scams include poorly written white papers, excessive marketing pushes, and get-rich-quick claims.

How do I verify myself on crypto? ›

Provide a video recording of yourself where you:
  1. Show a front and profile view of your face.
  2. State “security verification for”
  3. State the date, including the year.
  4. Show the identification document (i.e., driver's license, passport) you used to register your App account.

Why do I need to verify my identity for crypto? ›

KYC is a mandatory verification process that helps prevent fraud, money laundering, and the financing of terrorism. Successful completion of the KYC program will enable you to use the full range of products and services. Read more about our KYC program here.

Can crypto theft be traced? ›

Amidst these challenges, blockchain analysis emerges as a crucial tool for monitoring illicit activities and recovering stolen assets. Through meticulous blockchain analysis, experts can trace the movement of stolen crypto, unraveling the mystery and returning funds to their rightful owners.

How do you check for crypto malware? ›

One way to check for crypto malware is to visit a website with little or no media content—meaning it shouldn't use much computer power. Next, run your Activity Monitor or Task Manager to check your CPU usage. If you notice high CPU usage, you may be a victim of cryptojacking or another form of malware.

What is the most secure crypto? ›

Bitcoin is the most accepted cryptocurrency for goods and services. It's the original digital asset, the most decentralized, and the least controllable by centralized forces such as governments. For all those reasons and more, Bitcoin is the safest digital asset you can buy.

What are the first signs of identity theft? ›

Beware of these warning signs:
  • Bills for items you did not buy.
  • Debt collection calls for accounts you did not open.
  • Information on your credit report for accounts you did not open.
  • Denials of loan applications.
  • Mail stops coming to or is missing from your mailbox.
May 3, 2024

How do I check to see if someone is using my Social Security number? ›

Contact the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) at 1-800-908-4490 or visit them online, if you believe someone is using your SSN to work, get your tax refund, or other abuses involving taxes. Order free credit reports annually from the three major credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion).

How to check if your ID has been used? ›

Conduct regular credit checks to verify whether someone has applied for credit using your personal information and if so, advise the credit grantor immediately. Investigate and register for credit related alerts offered by credit bureaus. Check your bank statements regularly.

How does identity theft usually begin? ›

There are a number of ways identity thieves may obtain your personal information. Fraudsters may dig through mail or trash in search of credit card or bank statements. Unsecured web sites or public Wi-Fi may allow identity thieves to access your information electronically.

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