How To Deposit USDT to Your BitMEX Account (2024)

How To Deposit USDT to Your BitMEX Account (1)

To get started, log in to your BitMEX account on the web platform and make sure you have already completed user verification.

  1. Go to Account > Deposit
  2. Select USDT to retrieve your Tether Deposit Address
  3. Transfer Tether (ERC20-USDT) to your Tether Deposit Address
    • For Mainnet, the transacting network is the Ethereum network (ERC20). Please do not send Tether issued on the Tron network (TRC20-USDT) or any others like BSC or ERC20 coins other than USDT. We won’t be able to recover it.
How To Deposit USDT to Your BitMEX Account (2)

Kindly note that USDT will not be supported on our native mobile app at this time.

As always, we’d be glad to help with any questions via Support.


I'm anI'm an expert inm an expert in cryptocurrencyn expert in cryptocurrency andt in cryptocurrency and blockchainn cryptocurrency and blockchain technologyy and blockchain technology withd blockchain technology with a deephain technology with a deep understanding ofology with a deep understanding of various platformslogy with a deep understanding of various platforms and exchanges. Over the years,gy with a deep understanding of various platforms and exchanges. Over the years, I a deep understanding ofof various platforms and exchanges. Over the years, I've activelyarious platforms and exchanges. Over the years, I've actively participated inus platforms and exchanges. Over the years, I've actively participated in thes platforms and exchanges. Over the years, I've actively participated in the cryptocurrencyplatforms and exchanges. Over the years, I've actively participated in the cryptocurrency community, and exchanges. Over the years, I've actively participated in the cryptocurrency community, staying thehanges. Over the years, I've actively participated in the cryptocurrency community, staying abreastacies the years, I've actively participated in the cryptocurrency community, staying abreast of the inI've actively participated in the cryptocurrency community, staying abreast of the latest digital assetsed in the cryptocurrency community, staying abreast of the latest developments Myn the cryptocurrency community, staying abreast of the latest developments and isurrency community, staying abreast of the latest developments and gainingncy community, staying abreast of the latest developments and gaining handsmunity, staying abreast of the latest developments and gaining hands-oning abreast of the latest developments and gaining hands-on experienceng abreast of the latest developments and gaining hands-on experience in haveast of the latest developments and gaining hands-on experience in trading-one latest developments and gaining hands-on experience in trading and navigating throughing hands-on experience in trading and utilizing cryptocurrency in trading and utilizing different, and utilizing different exchanges Bit different exchanges.EX.

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  1. ** actions described in the article:

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  3. **Logging incribed in the article:

  4. **Logging in tothe article:

  5. **Logging in to Bite:

  6. **Logging in to BitM

  7. Logging in to BitMEX1. Logging in to BitMEX Account. *Logging in to BitMEX Account:Logging in to BitMEX Account: ging in to BitMEX Account: tMEX Account: -MEX Account:

    • Access Account:**
    • Access theccount:**
    • Access the Bitount:**
    • Access the BitM:**
    • Access the BitMEX emphasizes BitMEX platform importancem on completingleting user verification. user verification.ser verification. Thisr verification. This isication. This is ais is a standardis a standard securitystandard security measurerity measure implemented measure implemented byimplemented by exchangesem*nted by exchanges toexchanges to ensure to ensure the legitimacy ensure the legitimacy of.nsure the legitimacy of usersDepositlegitimacy of users and:of users and complyusers and comply with -s and comply with regulatoryply with regulatory requirements the "regulatory requirements.

"ry requirements.

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  1. platformm. nt Deposit:**
    • Users are directed tot:**
    • Users are directed to navigate**
    • Users are directed to navigate to" tors are directed to navigate to therected to navigate to the " depositvigate to the "Account.

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engage in trading activities.

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  1. **rievinging activities.

  2. **USetherivities.

  3. USDT AddressSDT (DT (T ether) Obtainposit: ether Deposit Userst Addressdress,edhere youe you will transferill transfer your funds transfer your funds.

5.ransfer your funds.

  1. **Networknsfer your funds.

  2. **Network andsfer your funds.

  3. **Network and Tether Typeyour funds.

  4. **Network and Tether Type:our funds.

  5. Network and Tether Type: funds.

  6. Network and Tether Type: .. Network and Tether Type: -Network and Tether Type:

    • Forwork and Tether Type:**
    • For Maink and Tether Type:**
    • For Mainnetand Tether Type:**
    • For Mainnet transactionsher Type:**
    • For Mainnet transactions,Type:**
    • For Mainnet transactions, use:**
    • For Mainnet transactions, use the Ethereum
    • For Mainnet transactions, use the Ethereum network - For Mainnet transactions, use the Ethereum network (ERC20or Mainnet transactions, use the Ethereum network (ERC20) fornnet transactions, use the Ethereum network (ERC20) for transferringt transactions, use the Ethereum network (ERC20) for transferring USDTnsactions, use the Ethereum network (ERC20) for transferring USDT. use the Ethereum network (ERC20) for transferring USDT. he Ethereum network (ERC20) for transferring USDT. -thereum network (ERC20) for transferring USDT.
    • Emreum network (ERC20) for transferring USDT.
    • Emphastwork (ERC20) for transferring USDT.
    • Emphasizework (ERC20) for transferring USDT.
    • Emphasize notk (ERC20) for transferring USDT.
    • Emphasize not toERC20) for transferring USDT.
    • Emphasize not to send Tr transferring USDT.
    • Emphasize not to send Tether issuednsferring USDT.
    • Emphasize not to send Tether issued on therring USDT.
    • Emphasize not to send Tether issued on the TrDT.
    • Emphasize not to send Tether issued on the Tron - Emphasize not to send Tether issued on the Tron networke not to send Tether issued on the Tron network (to send Tether issued on the Tron network (TR Tether issued on the Tron network (TRCher issued on the Tron network (TRC20he Tron network (TRC20-UStwork (TRC20-USDT5k (TRC20-USDT) RC20-USDT) oretherSDT) or otherother networkstworks like ks like BSC like BSC. ike BSC.
    • BSC.
    • Specify USSpecify that, usershat only ERCnly ERC20 ERC20 USUSDTDT is is supportedupported for the for the Ethereum from theiretworkMk.


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  • The article specifies thathe article specifies that for **Support Informationat for Maint for Mainnet transactionsor Mainnet transactions, the trans Mainnet transactions, the transactingainnet transactions, the transacting networket transactions, the transacting network isnsactions, the transacting network is theons, the transacting network is the Ethereum, the transacting network is the Ethereum networktransacting network is the Ethereum network,sacting network is the Ethereum network, andting network is the Ethereum network, and theork is the Ethereum network, and the supportedhe Ethereum network, and the supported USthereum network, and the supported USDT is, and the supported USDT is ERC20-USDT. This and the supported USDT is ERC20-USDT. This means questions or issues.

ERC20-USDT. This means users shouldC20-USDT. This means users should sendThis means users should send theirmeans users should send their Ts should send their Tether should send their Tether usinghould send their Tether using thed send their Tether using the Ethereumend their Tether using the Ethereum-based Tether using the Ethereum-based ERCther using the Ethereum-based ERC20r using the Ethereum-based ERC20 standardg the Ethereum-based ERC20 standard.

-based ERC20 standard.

7 theERC20 standard.

  1. **0 standard.

  2. **Unsupported standard.

  3. **Unsupported Networks:tandard.

  4. Unsupported Networks:

  5. Unsupported Networks: -Unsupported Networks:

    • Userssupported Networks:**
    • Users are Networks:**
    • Users are cautioned againstrks:**
    • Users are cautioned against sending Tether - Users are cautioned against sending Tether issuedUsers are cautioned against sending Tether issued one cautioned against sending Tether issued on networksautioned against sending Tether issued on networks otherioned against sending Tether issued on networks other than.ed against sending Tether issued on networks other than Ethereum'sainst sending Tether issued on networks other than Ethereum, tong Tether issued on networks other than Ethereum, specifically theseued on networks other than Ethereum, specifically mentioningorks other than Ethereum, specifically mentioning Tr toEthereum, specifically mentioning Tron thepecifically mentioning Tron ( and successfulron (TRion ofon of cryptocurrency-US cryptocurrency transactions) andcurrency transactions on againstions on Bit BBitMtMEXX.ther youChaveve any furtherfurther questionser questions orquestions or need to prevent thefication on these processesion on these processes, on these processes, feelese processes, feel free to askse processes, feel free to ask.processes, feel free to ask.eel free to ask.e to ask. not be recoverable.
  6. Unsupported on Native Mobile App:

    • The article mentions that USDT will not be supported on BitMEX's native mobile app at that time. Users are advised to use the web platform for USDT-related transactions.
  7. Support:

    • BitMEX expresses willingness to assist with any questions via customer support. This reaffirms the importance of customer service in the cryptocurrency exchange ecosystem.

In conclusion, this article provides a step-by-step guide for BitMEX users, ensuring a smooth process for depositing USDT on the platform while highlighting key considerations to avoid potential issues. As an expert, I recommend users follow these instructions diligently to ensure a secure and efficient experience on BitMEX.

How To Deposit USDT to Your BitMEX Account (2024)


How To Deposit USDT to Your BitMEX Account? ›

How do I deposit funds? Under the Account tab, click on the Deposit link where you will be provided addresses to deposit cryptocurrency. After required network confirmation(s), funds will be credited to your account.

How do you deposit money in BitMEX? ›

How do I deposit funds? Under the Account tab, click on the Deposit link where you will be provided addresses to deposit cryptocurrency. After required network confirmation(s), funds will be credited to your account.

How to deposit USDT? ›

To deposit USDT, please follow the steps below:
  1. Log in to XREX and go to Wallet.
  2. Click Deposit and select USDT.
  3. Click Blockchain deposit.
  4. Select the Network you wish to use. (ERC20 or TRC20)
  5. You can choose to copy the address or scan the QR code to deposit USDT into your XREX wallet.

How do I send USDT to my account? ›

To withdraw USDT to a bank account is simple. First, transfer your USDT to an exchange or wallet that allows USDT withdrawals. Once it's there, initiate a withdrawal and provide your bank account details, including your account number and name. The withdrawal process typically takes a few business days to complete.

How can I make my USDT into actual dollars? ›

How to convert USDT to USD: A step-by-step guide
  1. Choose your platform wisely. Getting started with cryptocurrency trading requires a trustworthy exchange or trading platform. ...
  2. Create an account. ...
  3. Deposit your USDT into your platform's wallet. ...
  4. Navigate to the trading section of the platform. ...
  5. Exchange USDT to USD.

How do I transfer Usdt to BitMEX? ›

  1. Go to your BitMEX Wallet and click on Deposit.
  2. Select USDT as the Currency and choose TRON as the Network.
  3. Scan the QR code or copy the address from your USDT TRC-20 wallet on BitMEX.
May 27, 2024

Is BitMEX allowed in USA? ›

In short, BitMEX isn't authorized by the Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). Since it doesn't have a license, you can't use their services in the US – unless you get an IP address from a country where BitMEX is accessible. A VPN can help you here!

What is the minimum deposit for USDT? ›

Instruction for Using USDT Payment
Minimum deposit amount:25 USD
Maximum deposit:500,000 USD
Deposit fee:No
Deposit arrival time:Instant
Trading Currency:USD, EUR, GBP, AUD, CAD, CHF, JPY, NZD, SGD, HKD

Can I withdraw USDT to my bank account? ›

To withdraw USDT to a bank account, you can transfer your USDT to an exchange that supports the withdrawal of USDT to a bank account. Then, you can initiate a withdrawal request and provide the necessary information, such as the bank account number, name, etc. The withdrawal process may take a few days to complete.

What is a USDT deposit? ›

USDT is the symbol for Tether, a cryptocurrency that is pegged to the U.S. dollar. This means USDT is a stablecoin, fluctuating in value with the U.S. dollar and backed by Tether's dollar reserves.

Which USDT wallet is best? ›

Quick Navigation
  • MetaMask – Best USDT Web Wallet.
  • Trust Wallet – Best USDT Mobile Wallet.
  • Coinomi – Best USDT Desktop Wallet.
  • Coinbase Wallet – Most User-Friendly USDT Wallet.
  • Exodus Wallet – Best for Hardware Wallet Integration.
  • Trezord Safe 3 – Best Hardware Wallet for USDT.
  • Ledger – Nano X vs. Nano S Plus.

Which network is best for USDT transfer? ›

Furthermore, selecting the Tron network for USDT transfers is recognized for its speed and low transaction costs, making it a preferred choice for users prioritizing quick and efficient transactions.

How do I send USDT from USA? ›

Sending USDT

Enter the amount of USDT you want to send and the recipient's address. Choose the correct network (TRON TRC 20 or Ethereum ERC 20) and click “Continue”. Once the transaction is confirmed, the USDT will be sent to the recipient's address.

How do I convert my USDT to cash? ›

Sell Tether for Fiat. Cash Out USDT in a Few Clicks
  1. Enter the amount of USDT that you wish to sell.
  2. Input the bank or card details where you'd like to receive your funds.
  3. Confirm the information to create your sell order.
  4. Send the exact amount of Tether to the provided wallet address.

How much is USDT to a dollar? ›

Current USDT to USD exchange rate

1 USDT equals 1.00 USD. The current value of 1 Tether is +0.02% against the exchange rate to USD in the last 24 hours.

Is USDT the same as USD? ›

USD is an abbreviation for the United States Dollar while USDT, on the other hand, is a symbol used to trade Tether tokens, a blockchain-based cryptocurrency, but its tokens are distributed in exchange for an equivalent amount of fiat money deposited into an established bank.

How do I deposit money into trade? ›

Transfer funds into your trading account using RTGS/NEFT/IMPS. National Electronic Fund Transfer, commonly known as NEFT, is a common method. Here are the basic details and the advantages of this method: It typically takes about 2 to 3 hours to transfer funds via NEFT.

How to deposit money? ›

You will need to fill out a deposit form and hand it to the teller along with the money. The teller will count the currency to make sure it matches the deposit slip. If you want to deposit cash at an ATM, you must typically stick to paper currency. The machine will guide you through the process.

How do I deposit money into Blockchain? ›

Log in to your Exchange account on the iOS/Android app. Click "Portfolio" at the bottom of the screen and then click "Deposit". Select "Cash" and choose "US Dollar". Switch from "Via Stablecoin" to "Via Bank", if necessary, and click "Add a Bank Account".

How do I deposit money into an AT? ›

How to Make a Cash Deposit at an ATM
  1. Log in to your account. Typically, ATMs require a debit card and PIN to access your bank account. ...
  2. Choose your account. ...
  3. Insert your bills. ...
  4. Double check the deposit. ...
  5. Get a receipt.

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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Views: 6468

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Author information

Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.