How to Create NFT Art Without Coding in 6 Easy Steps! (2024)

Creating NFT art is easier than you may believe. Of course, to create NFT arts, you’ll need talent, a vision, and a particular motive. But when it comes to tech, every person can build their own collection of cryptographic tokens with patience and effort, even without coding skills.

In this article, we’ll teach how to create NFT art without coding, i.e., via an analog way and with zero coding experience.

Table of Contents

  • How to Mint or Create Digital Art Tokens
    • 1. Research the Market and Find Out Which Collections are a Success
    • 2. Plan Several Traits and Aspects of your NFT Collection
    • 3. Create the Images
    • 4. Generate Your Collection
    • 5. Mint Your Collection on an NFT Marketplace
    • 6. Promote Your NFT Collection
  • Final Thoughts

How to Mint or Create Digital Art Tokens

NFT creators look to be well-known and sell their art pieces reasonably on the NFT market. The NFT creation process is simple, but they must mint their NFT arts created in reliable platforms.

1. Research the Market and Find Out Which Collections are a Success

How to Create NFT Art Without Coding in 6 Easy Steps! (1)

Creating a simple NFT art involves several steps, just like another piece of art. Still, there is an essential difference between both: digital artwork is part of a global market where distinctions and differences are relevant.

Then, the very first step is to delve into the market and conduct research before starting to create. There are hundreds of non-fungible token collections out there. You should find a space that has yet to be exploited.

2. Plan Several Traits and Aspects of your NFT Collection

How to Create NFT Art Without Coding in 6 Easy Steps! (2)

If you have found an available spot in the NFT market, it’s time to make some design decisions and put them on the screen.

What do you want to create?

As a graphic artist and NFT creator, you will have to make some decisions about the style of the digital asset, the subject, the intensity of colors, lines, streaks, and much more.

Of course, the mood of your non-fungible token is very significant since it defines the target audience it aims for.

Some examples of NFT traits or features include:

  • The subject matter (e.g., animals, portraits, etc.);
  • The art style (e.g., digital painting, traditional painting, etc.);
  • The size of the artwork (e.g., small, medium, large);
  • The resolution of the artwork (e.g., low resolution, high resolution);
  • The background of the photo (e.g., plain color, gradient, etc.).

3. Create the Images

It’s time to start working and creating the images. Of course, this is a long-term process since most results are sketches and essays, or maybe not the outcome you were waiting for.

You can address the process of creating the images from three different points of view:

  1. You can make the art by yourself;
  2. You can use AI art generators;
  3. You can hire a freelance designer or artist.

Each option has its pros and cons. For instance, when you create the art yourself, the images will be more accurate and close to what you’re looking for. They will probably also be more personalized and have your stamp. You can use software such as MS Paint, Photoshop, Illustrator, or Corel Draw.

When creating images, try to be different and find your own language. There are millions of royalty-free images people can use as avatars on the Internet, and too many imitators. Create unique and valuable images, and you’ll see how buyers and potential investors arrive in a matter of days or months.

Note. Consider that creating NFTs may take weeks or months, just like any other piece of art.

4. Generate Your Collection

How to Create NFT Art Without Coding in 6 Easy Steps! (4)

Do you know that the popular NFT collections have over 100, 1,000, and 10,000 pieces of artwork? The NFT industry is full of different art collections, but each of them has a large number of non-fungible tokens.

At this point in the process, you likely have produced thousands of images. Still, you must select those that are best at representing your ideas and are lucrative for NFT art sales.

Decisions, decisions!

Check every piece of NFT artwork you’ve produced manually or with the hired artist, and make sure that they live up to your talent and imagination. Remember, NFT means non-fungible tokens, so the images should be unique and individual units.

You can use a no-code NFT generator to create these digital assets without coding.

Some of the most recognizable NFT generator platforms are the following:

In general, the process is straightforward.

  • Drag and drop your images;
  • Choose rarity in both layers and attributes;
  • Add the number of attributes or layers you want;
  • Use the advanced mode to create your own NFT multi-character collection;
  • The Metadata will be generated automatically.
  • Preview the images;
  • Export them to photos/gifs/videos.

5. Mint Your Collection on an NFT Marketplace

How to Create NFT Art Without Coding in 6 Easy Steps! (5)

This step is the most relevant for you if you’re considering putting your NFT listing in a token sale or marketplace minting and making money.

But what does mint mean?

Minting refers to converting your images into real NFTs and making them available to anyone. People can purchase them through the most popular blockchain, the Ethereum Blockchain technology. This step is also the moment you determine the NFT mint prices according to the quality and rarity of the NFT traits.

The next step is finding a reputable NFT marketplace to mint your collection. There are dozens, maybe hundreds, of NFT marketplaces where authorized artists can mint their artwork. These curated platforms provide security and good deals.

Some NFT self-service platforms or marketplaces you can consider are the following:

Some of the factors you should consider to make a wise decision about what is the best peer-to-peer marketplace to create a lucrative business are the following:

  • The trustworthiness of the market;
  • The blockchain technology it uses;
  • The quality of artwork you can find there;
  • The popularity.

If you see low-quality collectibles, that is not your site.

Creating non-fungible tokens also involves knowing where exactly you have to show them. The best of the options we’ve mentioned above is that you can spend money on something other than art galleries or auction houses.

When you select the marketplace you’ll use, you must set up a digital wallet. This crypto wallet allows you to store NFTs and cryptocurrencies.

Note. When you mint your collection, stand out over other artists by whitelisting, i.e., creating early access to prevent buyers from paying a gas fee.

Note 2. To mint your artwork in an NFT marketplace, you’ll have to prove ownership before placing it.

6. Promote Your NFT Collection

How to Create NFT Art Without Coding in 6 Easy Steps! (6)

Now you have minted your collection into a preferred marketplace, and it’s time to promote it through different channels. Promoting via several media will increase the chances of making your project known. You should consider four options: social media, online ads, influencer marketing, and word of mouth.

Fundamentally, you eliminate intermediaries. This way, you can better control all the factors determining the project’s success.

The key here is to highlight your NFT collection over most projects already in the right marketplace. It would help if you got your non-fungible tokens in front of as many people as possible.

Attract potential clients’ attention with good advertising, NFT utilities, offers, and more!

A good strategy is to design animated graphics that show several artworks from your collection. You can even create a video to promote your NFT and display the best piece of art you’ve created. Make sure that the video has incredible music!

How to Create NFT Art Without Coding in 6 Easy Steps! (7)

In this regard, GamerSEO can help you to build a good Youtube campaign and social media strategies!

Of course, there are other alternative ways to promote your collection, such as paying to reach a certain number of people when you create an advertisem*nt on Instagram.

Consider a Youtube channel to publish videos that show the collection’s story, the artists who have participated, and the descriptions of the NFTs.

Influencer marketing is also a good way to promote your cryptographic token. You can contact some relevant influencer with a good number of followers and make a deal with them. This will probable will make a key difference in the number of visitor your project has.

We encourage you to use all your creativity. This way, you can attract potential buyers and even loyal NFT holders for future projects.

Final Thoughts

The increased market demand for NFTs makes them an exciting business opportunity in which creators and developers can shine their light. The price of NFTs depends on the creativity of the artists, the rarity, and the reception by the public.

This article mentioned the basic steps you must adopt to create and sell NFTs as efficiently as possible. Soon you’ll build your crypto space and carry out dozens of transactions. Of course, it’s a bit harsh, but over time you can monetize your artwork and receive your profit in your Metamask wallet.

Regarding MetaMask, it is a cryptocurrency wallet that exists only on your computer, giving you full control of your funds. It also allows you to interact with decentralized applications (dApps).

Creating NFTs is a long shot, but with our help, you can make your dream come true. Meanwhile, fill yourself with knowledge by reading several other articles we have for you. Here you find how to easily create NFTs, mint NFTs, associated concepts, where to store them, etcetera.

How to Create NFT Art Without Coding in 6 Easy Steps! (8)

Stanek Marek

SEO enthusiast and digital marketing strategist. My expertise lies in optimizing websites for organic traffic growth and search engine visibility. I carry out, among others, SEO tests, keyword research and analytical activities using Google Analytics. Privately, he is a lover of mountains and bicycle trips.

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How to Create NFT Art Without Coding in 6 Easy Steps! (2024)


How do you code an NFT for beginners? ›

Here's a step-by-step for how to make NFTs:
  1. Choose your digital medium. ...
  2. Choose your blockchain. ...
  3. Create your crypto wallet. ...
  4. Choose your marketplace. ...
  5. Create your NFT. ...
  6. Sell your NFT.
Oct 6, 2023

How to create NFT art for free? ›

Can I make NFT art for free? Yes, it is possible to make NFT art for free if you have access to the right creative software - for example, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign. In order to upload your NFT for free, you will need to choose a free NFT platform on which to share your art.

How to mint NFT without coding? ›

Mint NFTs with 0 code

Click on the three dots in the same row as the NFT created. You will see an option to mint and send NFTs. Click on "Mint and send". Now, you can either mint and send the NFT to an email address or a wallet address.

How do I turn my art into an NFT? ›

How to turn pictures into NFTs.
  1. Select the option that enables you to create an NFT.
  2. Upload picture to tokenise.
  3. Give a unique name to your NFT and add a link to your portfolio/website.
  4. Select a type of collection to categorise your NFT in.
  5. Select if you prefer the NFT to be 1/1 or a semi-fungible token.

Is it easy to create your own NFT? ›

Part of what makes this possible is that it's relatively easy to create these NFTs. Anyone can create an NFT, but it requires work. Thanks to the magic of blockchain technology and its permanent digital ledger, creating (also called “minting”) an NFT allows creators to always receive historical credit for its creation.

How do I create and sell my first NFT? ›

How Are NFTs Made and Sold?
  1. Place something - an image, a video, a piece of original music, etc. ...
  2. Purchase crypto currency and place it in an online crypto wallet. ...
  3. Choose a platform to sell the NFT on. ...
  4. Mint the NFT by uploading it to the crypto wallet and placing it on the block chain for sale.
Mar 29, 2023

Do I need to learn coding for NFT? ›

You don't necessarily have to be a programmer to make and sell an NFT. However, you can generate art and image files with code and or AI models (to then sell as a Non-Fungible Token). Just upload your file on OpenSea (OpenSea is a marketplace that I recommend), and you're good to go.

What code is used for NFT? ›

Solidity: Solidity is a programming language specifically designed for writing smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. It is the most widely used language for developing NFTs and other decentralized applications (dApps). Web3. js: Web3.

How much does it cost to create 1 NFT? ›

NFT creation involves several costs, which vary depending on the chosen blockchain and marketplace. These costs can range from as low as $0.05 to over $150 per NFT. The primary factors influencing these costs include blockchain fees, gas fees, marketplace account fees, and listing fees.

How do I create my own digital art? ›

8 Steps for Creating Digital Art
  1. Select a Digital Art Software. Take time to research what software will suit you best. ...
  2. Sketch Your Design. ...
  3. Work on Multiple Layers. ...
  4. Color Your Drawing. ...
  5. Remove Sketch Layers. ...
  6. Add Finishing Touches. ...
  7. Merge the Layers. ...
  8. Save Your Digital Artwork.
Jan 5, 2024

How to convert an image to NFT? ›

Process of Converting PNG to NFT
  1. Choose the Right PNG Image. Selecting the perfect PNG image is the foundation. ...
  2. Convert PNG to a Compatible Format. ...
  3. Compressing Images for Minting. ...
  4. Uploading to NFT Platform. ...
  5. Adding Descriptive Metadata. ...
  6. Setting Pricing and Royalties. ...
  7. Minting the PNG NFT. ...
  8. Promoting Your PNG NFT.
Nov 29, 2023

Can you create an NFT without a smart contract? ›

NFTs would not exist without smart contracts, and an NFT smart contracts is frequently viewed as a single unit serving the same functions. These smart contracts can be used to manage and improve digital assets. If you want to learn more about non-fungible tokens, start with their relationship with smart contracts.

What is the difference between minting NFT and creating NFT? ›

Key differences between NFT creation and minting

Creation precedes minting, with the creator retaining ownership pre-minting. On the other hand, minting ensures the legitimacy and traceability of the digital asset by establishing public, verifiable ownership on the blockchain.

Is it possible to mint an NFT for free? ›

To mint NFTs for free, select a platform like OpenSea, Rarible, or Mintable that supports gasless minting or blockchains that don't impose fees for minting NFTs. Keep in mind that while minting is free, other fees may apply when selling or transferring your NFTs. It could range anywhere from $0 to $1,000.

Does making NFT require coding? ›

Becoming an NFT creator doesn't require coding skills - all you need is a bit of creativity and the right platform to showcase your work.

Can I use AI generated art as NFT? ›

AI art takes on various forms, including sculptures, paintings, music, and films, making it an exciting and rapidly evolving field. Furthermore, AI-generated NFTs are the next big thing. Using AI, anyone can create unique artworks and turn them into NFTs.

Can NFT be created without blockchain? ›

No, non-fungible tokens (NFTs) cannot exist without blockchain technology. Blockchain is necessary for creating them because it provides the decentralized and immutable ledger required to verify ownership and uniqueness of digital assets, which is essential for NFTs.

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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.