How to Create Multiple Streams of Income [7 Proven Methods] (2024)

If you rely on ONE income stream, you run the biggest risk.


Because you’re one bad day away from zero income streams.

So what’s the solution?

Creating multiple streams of income.

And that’s exactly what you’ll discover in this guide.

Let’s dive in.

In this article

How to Create Multiple Streams of Income

Did you know theaverage millionaire has 7 income streams?

The 7 income streams include:

  1. Rental Income– Income from rents
  2. Dividend Income– Income from stocks
  3. Earned Income– Income from jobs/side hustles
  4. Royalties– Royalties from books, inventions, etc.
  5. Business Income– Income from business profits
  6. Interest Income– Income from savings accounts, bonds, etc.
  7. Capital Gains– Capital gains from selling highly appreciated assets

Now, I will revealhow you can create these 7 income streams.

I’ll also include resources with each income stream so you can start making money right away.

With that said, let’s kick things off with income stream #1:

How to Create Multiple Streams of Income [7 Proven Methods] (1)

1. Rental Income

Rental income is one of the most popular income streams.

Why the popularity?

Because real estate can provide asteady stream of cash flowfrom rents.

Not only that but you can also:

  • Get tax benefits
  • Diversify your portfolio
  • Profit from property appreciation

And it gets better:

You don’t need $100,000s to start investing in real estate.

In fact, you can earn rental income with as little as $10.

Here are 3 ideas you can use to start earning rental income:

Rental Income Idea #1: Invest in Private Real Estate

Fiona's Rating


Private Real Estate Investing











Potential Monthly Income

$10 to $500+

Best Resource


Private real estate investing might be the right option for you if you want to earn passive rental income without dealing with tenants.

But how do you get started with private real estate investing?

Enter Fundrise 👇

FundriseBuilt to help smart investors invest smarter.Learn more

Fundrisegives you the chance to invest in real estate (through private REITs) for as little as $10.

REIT Definition:A REIT (aka Real Estate Investment Trust) is a company owning multiple properties that produce a passive income stream.

The properties that REITs own are typically commercial by nature, and could include:

  • Hospitals
  • Apartment complexes
  • Industrial warehouses

In general, REITs are a pretty illiquid investment, which means your money likely will be tied up for longer periods of time.

REITs, in my opinion, are great protection against stock market volatility because you would be receiving a passive income stream from the rents paid.

How to Create Multiple Streams of Income [7 Proven Methods] (2)

This image illustrates that over the past 2 decades, REITs have consistently earned a higher rate of return for passive income – more than stocks, bonds, or other investment assets.

Another helpful chart is the one below, which demonstrates the consistent returns of private REITs versus stocks and bonds:

How to Create Multiple Streams of Income [7 Proven Methods] (3)

The orange line, representing private REITs, illustrates that REITs like those found in Fundrise offer more consistent returns than stocks do.

Take a look at the following time periods:

  • Dotcom Bust
  • Great Recession
  • Savings & Loan crisis

During each of these volatile times, the stock market drastically sank, while REIT performance declined only slightly.

Here are few more pros and cons:

Pros Cons

Lower than average fees

Private real estate can be risky

Investing is open to anyone

Terms can be complex

Hedge against inflation

Long lockup period

Private real estate investing has so much potential for those of us who are willing to take a calculated risk.

Recommended Reading: Fundrise Review

How to Create Multiple Streams of Income [7 Proven Methods] (4)

The Bottom Line:

Investing in private real estate is a proven strategy to build wealth and earn passive income. Make sure you do your research first before you commit financially.

Rental Income Idea #2: Invest in Rental Properties

Fiona's Rating


Rental Property Investing











Potential Monthly Income

$10 to $500+

Best Resource

Arrived Homes

Have you ever wanted to invest in single-family rental homes but just didn’t know how or where to start?

Then check out Arrived Homes 👇

Arrived HomesInvesting in real estate has never been easier.Learn more

Arrived homes is a new alternative investment platform where virtually anyone can invest in rental real estate shares for as little as $100.

You can invest in single-family homes spread across the country, in places like:

  • Arizona
  • Colorado
  • South Carolina
  • North Carolina

The homes are relatively modern and typically cost between $200,000 to $500,000+.

How to Create Multiple Streams of Income [7 Proven Methods] (5)

Your hold period for these homes will often last for up to 7 years, so before you start investing, just make sure you’re comfortable keeping your money locked up for so long.

With each home investment, Arrived Homes also conducts a thorough analysis of the potential profitability of each home.

How to Create Multiple Streams of Income [7 Proven Methods] (6)

While you could be earning a passive rental income stream from your investment, I would suggest that you consider reviewing the fees as well.

Caution:As with any type of alternative investment, you’ll want to make sure to properly review your fees, as these will typically be higher than investments in the stock market, for example.

In the case of Arrived Homes, for example, you could expect to pay an annual management fee of about 1% plus other, minor fees as well (such as a rental charge and sourcing fee).

Here are a few more pros and cons:

Pros Cons

Earn passive quarterly income from rents paid

Fees tend to be high

Liability protection from LLC structure

Your money is illiquid (locked up for 5-7+ years)

Real estate can be good protection against inflation

Properties available for investment are limited

If you want to learn more about investing in rental real estate, then check out my latest Arrived Homes Review.

How to Create Multiple Streams of Income [7 Proven Methods] (7)

The Bottom Line:

One of the easiest ways to earn rental income is by investing in vetted rental properties across the United States. Just keep in mind that you are investing in something that’s illiquid and potentially higher risk.

Rental Income Idea #3: Invest in Farmland

Fiona's Rating


Farmland Investing











Potential Monthly Income

$0 to $1,000+

Best Resource


Did you know that Earth’s supply of land is becoming more valuable with every year?

Think about it:

The human population continues to grow and needs a place to live, yet the supply of land cannot increase.

With a declining supply and an increasing demand, the value of land has skyrocketed over the past few decades.

How can you take part in the action?

Enter FarmTogether 👇

FarmTogetherDiversify your portfolio and help increase your passive income by investing in farmland. Farmland can provide stability for investors, even during adverse market conditions.Learn more

FarmTogether is a groundbreaking platform that gives accredited investors the chance to buy shares of farms across the country.

Accredited Investor Definition:An accredited investor is an individual who either has a net worth of $1 million+ (not including your primary home) OR is an individual with an annual income of $200,000+ for the past 2 years if single or $300,000+ if married.

So, if you fall into one of these 2 categories, then you are considered an accredited investor and have access to alternative investment platforms like FarmTogether.

So why should you invest in farmland?

Check out the graph below.

How to Create Multiple Streams of Income [7 Proven Methods] (8)

Personally speaking, one of the main reasons why I’d want to consider investing in farmland is because of the low volatility compared to the stock market.

Check out this chart:

How to Create Multiple Streams of Income [7 Proven Methods] (9)

Look at the green line, which represents the growth of farmland from 1990 to 2020.

Take note of 2 things regarding farmland investments:

  • The returns have increased drastically since roughly 2008
  • The returns have been relatively stable with minor downturns

Now look at the other asset classes represented in the chart above:

  • REITs
  • S&P 500
  • Commercial Real Estate

While REITs (real estate investment trusts) do offer higher returns than farmland investments, they have also experienced more volatility over the years.

In the end, whether you’re comfortable investing in farmland or not really depends on your accredited investor status and on your comfort level in taking risk.

Here are some additional pros and cons:

Pros Cons

Diversify your portfolio

Only available for accredited investors

Farmland is a consistent investment that increases in value

High upfront investment

Earn both rent and profits through property appreciation

Your money is typically locked up for 5+ years

Not only does farmland pay you annual dividends (from the rents collected), but you can also earn substantial profits if the farmland is sold in the future. Keep in mind you will need a large upfront investment and accredited investor status.

How to Create Multiple Streams of Income [7 Proven Methods] (10)

2. Dividend Income

Dividend income is one of the best types of passive income.

You can earn dividend income by investing in dividend stocks.

With dividend stocks, you earn passive income from regular payouts from profitable companies.

And the more shares you own, the more dividends you earn.

With dividend stocks, you get:

  • Tax advantages
  • Capital appreciation
  • A reliable source of passive income

And here’s the best part:

Companies typically increase their dividends during a recession to keep their investors (like you) happy.

But don’t fall for dividend traps, where stocks offer excessive dividends.

And that’s the beauty of dividends: Cash flow.

Here’s how to start earning dividend income:

Dividend Income Idea #1: Invest in a Brokerage Account

Fiona's Rating


Brokerage Account











Potential Monthly Income

$10 to $1,000+

Best Resource

M1 Finance

One of the best ways to build your wealth is to invest in the stock market by opening a brokerage account.

Brokerage Account Definition:A brokerage account is an account that you open and deposit money into for the purpose of making trades and investing in the stock market.

Investing in the stock market can be extremely lucrative, especially if you hold your investment for the long term.

In fact, American households that classify in the wealthiest top 10% of the country own about 89% of all US stocks.

How to Create Multiple Streams of Income [7 Proven Methods] (11)

On the other hand, 11% of the stock market is distributed among the bottom 90% of American households.


So how do you become part of the action with the top 10 percenters?

Start owning stocks.

One of the best investment apps that I recommend for long-time investors is M1 Finance 👇

M1 FinanceFlexible, customizable and automated. It’s your money, intelligently invested the way you want, for free.Learn more

You can access M1 via desktop or mobile and it’s free to open an account.

With M1, you can open the following account types:

  • Roth IRA
  • Trust account
  • Joint accounts
  • Traditional IRA
  • Checking account
  • Individual accounts

How to Create Multiple Streams of Income [7 Proven Methods] (12)

There is no minimum investment, and your management fee is $0 (for M1 customers and $125 per year for M1 Plus customers).

Lastly, take a look at the investment options you would have access to if you sign up to M1 Finance:

  • 6,000 stocks & ETFs
  • 80+ portfolios designed by experts

If you feel comfortable with investing on your own, then consider curating your own portfolio by selecting from the 6,000 stocks and ETFs M1 Finance offers.

However, if you’re not completely comfortable with investing (which is completely ok), then check out the 80+ investment portfolios, designed by investment experts for you.

How to Create Multiple Streams of Income [7 Proven Methods] (13)

The best part? All you need is $100 to start investing.

Here are a few additional pros and cons:

Pros Cons

Low fees, as long as you invest in low-cost index funds

It’s difficult to stay invested for the long term, especially during volatile times

Create a custom portfolio or select from 100 pre-made investment portfolios

Investing could be confusing for new investors

Good protection against inflation

Could lose money by investing in high-risk stocks

If you’re looking for a long-term and low-cost investment option, then M1 Finance is likely a very good option for you.

How to Create Multiple Streams of Income [7 Proven Methods] (14)

The Bottom Line:

Arguably one of the best ways to invest and build multiple income streams is investing in the stock market. This type of investment should be long-term, as the stock market does experience volatility.

How to Create Multiple Streams of Income [7 Proven Methods] (15)

3. Earned Income

Earned income is the most common income stream.

Here are the different types:

  • Tips
  • Overtime pay
  • Wages and salaries
  • Contractor payments
  • Bonuses and commissions

Now you might be wondering:

“What’s the best income stream outside of my 9 to 5?”

The answer is starting a side hustle.

And it’s not impossible for your side hustle to out-earn your 9 to 5.

In fact, the potential money you can make from a side hustle isunlimited.

Here are 2 ways to start earning earned income:

Earned Income Idea #1: Paid Surveys

Fiona's Rating


Online Surveys











Potential Monthly Income

$5 to $50+

Best Resource


Want to know how you can stay in your pajamas all day long, watch TV, and still make money?

Here’s how:

Sign up to paid survey platforms and start earning money!

Caution:You won’t make a lot of money by taking paid surveys.

Typically, you can make between $20 to $50 per month, per paid survey platform… and that’s why I have a trick up my sleeve.

Pro Tip:To make more money with paid surveys, sign up to multiple paid survey sites!

The more paid survey sites you register for, the higher the chances are that you’ll make extra cash.

Below are some of the top survey sites:

  • MyPoints
  • InboxDollars

Here’s what you’ll have to do:

  • Answer questions about yourself (demographics, age, etc.)
  • Qualify for surveys by answering qualification questions

If you don’t qualify for the surveys, you can still earn money, and if you do qualify for the surveys, you’ll earn likely 5 to 10 times the amount of money than if you didn’t qualify.

Pro Tip:You want to sign up to as many survey sites as possible exactly for that reason: Qualifying for surveys.

If you cannot qualify for 1 survey on 1 site, then hop to the next survey site and see if you qualify there.

The good news is that the qualification questions won’t take up too much of your time.

Earned Income Idea #2: Get Paid to Go Grocery Shopping

Fiona's Rating


Instacart Shopper











Potential Monthly Income

$700 to $2,000+

Best Resource


If you have some spare time during your week and if you’re looking to earn more money, then you should consider becoming an Instacart shopper.

Instacart Explained:Instacart is a popular grocery delivery app in the US and Canada.

As an Instacart shopper, you would:

  • Accept a customer’s grocery order
  • Drive to the grocery store and go shopping
  • Drive to the customer’s house and deliver their order

Check out some of the companies Instacart is partnered with:

How to Create Multiple Streams of Income [7 Proven Methods] (16)

Just keep in mind that if you do want to become an Instacart shopper, you must be:

  • At least 18 years old
  • Have a valid driver’s license
  • Have a working smartphone
  • Be physically able to lift between 30 to 40 lbs. of groceries

Pro Tip:If you work during prime time (lunch and dinner time) and if you’re willing to deliver in a city, then your chances of earning more money increase significantly.

My favorite part about Instacart is that you can set your own schedule (since you’re effectively your own boss).

Here are some more pros and cons of Instacart:

Pros Cons

You can earn additional money through tips

Might be exposed to disgruntled customers

Flexible hours

Wear and tear on your car

You could receive free groceries

Not all orders pay that much money

Honestly, if you have extra time and if you like taking your car out for a spin, then Instacart could be the app for you.

How to Create Multiple Streams of Income [7 Proven Methods] (17)

The Bottom Line:

If you want to earn extra income, then consider delivering groceries with Instacart where you could earn up to $2,000+ per month.

How to Create Multiple Streams of Income [7 Proven Methods] (18)

4. Royalties

Royalties are one of the most underrated income streams.

What are royalties?

Royalties are payments made to creators for each sale of your book, music, public performance, etc.

But here’s the thing:

You have to put in the upfront work with royalties, to reap the rewards for years after.

For example, I wrote my first eBook,How to Get Rich from Nothingin June of 2021.

Since then, I’ve sold thousands of copies of my eBook, which took me about 1 month to write, edit, and market.

Now, my eBook continues to make sales almost 3 years after it was first published.

Here’s how you can start earning royalties:

Royalties Idea #1: Write an eBook

Fiona's Rating


Writing an eBook











Potential Monthly Income

$0 to $2,000+

Best Resource

How to Create an eBook

Sales from my eBook is one of my favorite income streams.

eBook Definition:An eBook is simply the electronic format of a book that would otherwise be printed. You can read an eBook on a computer, tablet, phone, etc.

The best part about an eBook is that it virtually costs you $0 to start – at least that was my personal experience.

Modern business owners would jump for joy if they could earn 100% in profit without any upfront costs.

That’s why the eBook can be so effective.

The good news is that you can write about anything in an eBook – as long as you:

  • Are professional
  • Are grammatically correct
  • Are experienced in your subject matter

You don’t even have to be a pro at something, just show that you can be trusted by your reader because you have some sort of experience.

Here are a few additional pros and cons to writing eBooks:

Pros Cons

You set your own schedule

Can be a lot of upfront work

Very little upfront cash is needed

You need to be patient

Earn passive income for life

Sales can be inconsistent

The best part about writing an eBook is that you can earn money on this product for years to come.

How to Create Multiple Streams of Income [7 Proven Methods] (19)

The Bottom Line:

Writing an eBook is likely one of the best ways to earn a recurring income stream – practically for life. You’ll have to put in hard work in the beginning of your eBook journey, and as long as you market and promote your product properly, then you could expect consistent income in the future.

How to Create Multiple Streams of Income [7 Proven Methods] (20)

5. Business Income

The highest chance of becoming a millionaire is if you are a business owner.

In fact, if you are self-employed, you are 4 times more likely to become a millionaire than if you worked for someone else.

Yetonly 18% of American households are run by business owners.

Of course, being a business owner can have its own ups and downs.

For example:

  • 100% responsibility
  • No guarantee of success
  • Extreme financial pressure
  • More demanding work hours
  • No consistent income stream

As you can see, owning a business might not be for everyone.

But if you want to give it a try, here are 2 ways to start earning business income:

Business Income Idea #1: Build a 7-Figure Blog

Fiona's Rating













Potential Monthly Income

$0 to $10,000+

Best Resource


I want you to picture the following scenes:

  • You’re at the beach or pool
  • You’re soaking up the warm sun
  • Your laptop is on the table next to you
  • You just heard a “ping” and see you earned $200

You are making money while actually enjoying life.

Believe it or not, you can actually make this scene become a reality if you start building a blog.

Did you know?You can earn $10,000+ per month by blogging.

And you can literally write about anything:

  • Cars
  • Dogs
  • Food
  • Music
  • Fashion
  • Finance
  • Shopping

Here’s how much money you could expect to earn if you started a blog:

How to Create Multiple Streams of Income [7 Proven Methods] (21)

It’s not easy to make money blogging.

Based on the chart, about 50% of bloggers reported earning less than $1,500 per month for working about 8 hours on their blog each week.

However, if you really dedicate yourself to your blog, you can really see a positive difference.

Pro Tip:With blogging, the amount of time and effort you put into your blog will typically reflect your future blogging income potential.

Here are some of my favorite ways to earn money blogging:

  • Selling eBooks
  • Selling courses
  • Sponsored posts
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Selling your own services
  • Selling your own products

If you are thinking about getting into blogging, then just make sure you are actually passionate about it and not just doing it for the money.

Blogging might be right for you, if you:

  • Like to write
  • Love to create content
  • Are focused on the long-term
  • Are passionate about a certain topic
  • Understand how to work with computers

So if blogging sounds like the right choice for you, then you can start by creating your website with Bluehost 👇

BluehostBluehost is one of the largest website hosting providers and powers millions of websites.Learn more

If you’re a beginner blogger, then I’d choose Bluehost because:

  • It’s simple
  • It’s easy to use
  • It’s relatively inexpensive

If your ultimate goal is to build multiple income streams for the long term, then I encourage you to consider blogging.

It can change your life.

Here are a few more pros and cons to blogging:

Pros Cons

Unlimited income potential

Beginning stages are tough

Flexible hours

Will require a lot of work

Very low start-up costs

Results take years to show

If you want to break free from the rat race and the daily 9 to 5 grind, then building a blog is likely one of the best ways to escape.

How to Create Multiple Streams of Income [7 Proven Methods] (22)

The Bottom Line:

Blogging is arguably my favorite activity here. You are your own boss, you can create whatever you want while connecting with interesting people from around the world – all while earning money.

Business Income Idea #2: Build a 6-Figure Social Media Empire

Fiona's Rating


Monetizing Social Media











Potential Monthly Income

$0 to $3,000+

Best Resource

X Mastery

Did you know that you could make 6-figures, and potentially even more than 7-figures, just through social media?

Digital stars are becoming more and more popular – and their paychecks are skyrocketing.

Celebrity Salary


$54 million

Jake Paul

$45 million


$38 million

Ok, so these numbers are the outliers, but seriously, you can make a lot of money from social media.

My go-to platform is Twitter.

While I don’t make millions (yet!) from Twitter, I do earn a consistent monthly income that ranges between $1,000 to $3,000 per month – just from Twitter.

Now, I’m going to show you how you can make money from your Twitter account too.

First, check out the content creation guide, X Mastery 👇

X MasteryDiscover the exact methods I used to gain 265,000+ followers and $100,000s in income from X.Get Instant Access

I’m not kidding when I say that this course works.

In fact, I gained over 260,000 followers just by consistently implementing the strategies in this course.

Note:You don’t need to have 100,000’s of followers or even 1,000’s of followers. Quality matters more than quantity.

Here are the steps you can take to build a quality audience:

  • Follow the strategies in X Mastery
  • Design an appealing social media profile
  • Create consistent content with value
  • Engage with your audience
  • Build relationships

As long as you are consistent with your branding and with your message, you should start building a high-quality audience.

Caution:Building a social media following can take a lot of time – and hard work.

You have to be patient with yourself.

Once you have built a loyal following, the next step is to monetize your social media account through strategies like:

  • Ghostwriting
  • Sponsored posts
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Selling your own products
  • Selling your own services

Here are some more pros and cons to building a social media empire:

Pros Cons

You are your own boss

Not a good fit if you don’t take initiative

Income earning potential is unlimited

You have to be patient

You can work from anywhere

Requires hard work before results show

In my opinion, building a social media empire is 100% worth the upfront effort and time.

How to Create Multiple Streams of Income [7 Proven Methods] (23)

The Bottom Line:

If your goal is to build a business with flexible work hours, passive income, and unlimited profit potential, you may want to consider creating a social media empire. It’s a lot of hard work in the beginning, but the results can and will likely pay off – as long as you’re diligent with your efforts.

How to Create Multiple Streams of Income [7 Proven Methods] (24)

6. Interest Income

Interest income is one of the easiest income streams to get.

And I’m about to reveal a trick to earn you the most interest income.

Here it is:

Instead of storing your cash in a savings account that will earn you 0.1% APY…

Consider using a HYSA (aka a high-yield savings account).

With the current interest rates, you can get over 5% APY in a HYSA.

A 5% rate on $10,000 of cash would earn you $500.

For doing absolutely NOTHING.

Talk about making your money work for you!

Here’s how to start earning interest income:

Interest Income Idea #1: Invest in High-Yield Savings Accounts

Fiona's Rating


High-Yield Savings Account











Potential Monthly Income

$0 to $10+

Best Resource


A high-yield savings account (aka HYSA) is a liquid and accessible savings account that is generally only found through online banks.

You typically earn a much higher interest rate than with brick-and-mortar banks.

Let’s take a look at a classic example of the savings account interest rates offered at a local brick-and-mortar bank in my area:

How to Create Multiple Streams of Income [7 Proven Methods] (25)

You can see that the interest rates are only 0.01% to 0.04%.

Now, take a look at the interest rates you could earn with an online high yield savings account:

How to Create Multiple Streams of Income [7 Proven Methods] (26)

That is a 13,050% percent increase when you level up from the 0.04% interest rate (for brick-and-mortar banks) to the 5.26% interest rate (for the Raisin high-yield savings account).

So if you want to maximize the interest earned on your savings, consider checking out the high-yield savings accounts from Raisin 👇

RaisinOpening a no-fee Raisin account only takes a couple of minutes and allows you to easily spread your savings across their exclusive network of federally insured banks and credit unions.Learn more

Believe it or not, you can get the biggest bang for your buck by opening a HYSA today – for free.

Here are a few additional pros and cons for Raisin:

Pros Cons

FDIC insured

No monthly maintenance fees

No access to an actual branch (since this is 100% online)

Higher interest rate than most other savings accounts

If you’re looking to build your emergency savings fund (which should have about 3 to 6 months’ worth of your living expenses), then to get the biggest bang for your buck, you should consider opening a high-yield savings account.

How to Create Multiple Streams of Income [7 Proven Methods] (27)

7. Capital Gains

Capital gains are one of the most powerful income streams.

What are capital gains?

A capital gain is the profit earned from selling an asset for more than its original purchase price.

Now you might be wondering:

“What assets go up in value so I can sell it later and make a profit?”

Well, the good news is many assets appreciate in value.

Here are 2 appreciating assets you can use to earn capital gains:

Capital Gains Idea #1: Invest in Fine Art

Fiona's Rating


Fine Art Investing











Best Resource


While the world of fine art is often only available to the ultra-wealthy, that’s no longer the case.

Enter Masterworks 👇

MasterworksPurchase shares in great masterpieces from artists like Pablo Picasso, Claude Monet, Andy Warhol, and more.Learn more

Masterworks is an alternative investment platform that allows virtually anyone to buy shares of fine art.

With Masterworks, you could:

  • Diversify your investments
  • Protect yourself against inflation
  • Invest in million-dollar fine art for a fraction of the cost

Artwork could also protect your net worth because it’s not really correlated with stock market volatility, based on the graph below.

How to Create Multiple Streams of Income [7 Proven Methods] (28)

In the image above, when the S&P 500 goes down (red bar), nothing happens to the contemporary art market (it goes neither up nor down).

This could be a good thing, since you would protect the value of your art assets, even during potentially rough economic times.

Caution:One of the reasons why I’m not the biggest fan of investing in fine art is because of the high fees and the long lock-up periods.

While you might not earn an active income stream on your fine art investment, you could earn a profit once the fine art is sold.

So, just make sure you do your thorough research before committing to the fine art market.

Here are some more pros and cons to fine art investing:

Pros Cons

You have access to fine art worth millions of dollars

Your investment is typically illiquid

Fine art is a good diversification feature

Investing in fine art can be risky

Fine art is stored and insured in a safe and secure facility

The fees are much higher than your low-cost index fund

If you are interested to learn more about Masterworks and the fine art investing world, then check out my latest Masterworks Review.

How to Create Multiple Streams of Income [7 Proven Methods] (29)

The Bottom Line:

Another proven strategy to build multiple streams of income is by investing in fine art. Fine art is a protection against inflation and could help you earn a profit, as long as you are willing to stay invested for the long run.

Capital Gains Idea #2: Invest in Fine Wine

Fiona's Rating


Fine Wine Investing











Best Resource


Are you a wine lover?

Do you enjoy making money?

If you answered yes to both of these questions, then you might want to consider investing in fine wine.

Enter Vinovest 👇

VinovestFine wine investing for everyone.Learn more

Vinovest is a groundbreaking platform that is considered the world’s very first wine robo advisor.

Believe it or not, investing in fine wine could help you earn higher returns than if you just were invested in the stock market.

How to Create Multiple Streams of Income [7 Proven Methods] (30)

Take a look at the image above.

According to this chart, from Vinovest, fine wine has consistently outperformed the Global Equity Index for the past 15 years, which includes market downturns (like 2008).

In other words, fine wine might be:

  • A good protection against inflation
  • A good strategy to increase your net worth
  • A good protection against stock market volatility

As an example, if you’re not a fan of recent stock market volatility, then investing in fine wine could be a good option.

Here’s why:

How to Create Multiple Streams of Income [7 Proven Methods] (31)

According to this image, fine wine has a very low correlation to the stock market, like the S&P 500.

So, when the S&P 500 goes down in value, fine wine should not, or minimally at most.

With Vinovest, you can start investing in fine wine for as little as $1,000.

Pro Tip:With Vinovest, you’ll own physical bottles of wine that are stored in an off-site and secure facility.

Your bottles of wine will also be insured.

Overall, I think investing in fine wine is a great idea.

Just keep in mind that your fees are much higher (2.25% for the starter kit) than if were to invest in a low-cost index fund in the S&P 500 (typically around 0.10% or less).

Here are some more pros and cons to fine wine investing:

Pros Cons

Fine wine is insured and stored in state-of-the-art facilities

Fees can be relatively high

Fine wine returns have outperformed the market in past years

You typically need to hold your investment for 20+ years

You actually own the wine – not just a share of wine

Fine wine investments are largely unregulated

To learn more about fine wine investing and Vinovest, then check out my latest Vinovest Review.

How to Create Multiple Streams of Income [7 Proven Methods] (32)

The Bottom Line:

Fine wines have proven to perform consistently even if the stock market is volatile. The only downside to fine wine investing is that your money will likely be locked up for longer periods of time before you see a profit.

The Importance of Multiple Income Streams

Millionaires understand how important it is to diversify the source of their earned money by building multiple streams of income.

Multiple income streams can not only help you build wealth, but they can help you:

  • Retire early
  • Pay off debt
  • Pay for college tuition
  • Pay for healthcare costs
  • Increase your credit score

And so much more.

In the end, your additional income streams can set you up for the life you’ve always dreamed of.

How to Evaluate Your Income Streams

It’s important to first evaluate your income stream options before financially committing to any one of them.

Here’s a list of factors that I would use to assess each potential income stream before moving forward:

  • Flexibility – Is it remote?
  • Cost – Is there a large, upfront investment?
  • Enjoyment – Do you actually like what you are doing?
  • Sustainability – Do you have to devote time to the job?
  • Scalability – Do you have a high income earning potential?

Before you devote money, energy, and time to building your new income stream, it’s important that you consider these factors first.

Multiple Sources of Income: FAQs

To have multiple streams of income means that you are not just relying on 1 source of income to live and save for retirement. Instead, you are earning money from 2 or more income streams.

Here are some steps you can take today to create multiple streams of income:

  • Consider your passions
  • Do your thorough research
  • Find a mentor, if necessary
  • Start building your income stream
  • Remember to be patient in the process

The average millionaire has about 7 income streams. This statistic is so important because millionaires do not just rely on 1 source of money to live. Instead, they have multiple streams of income as backup plans.

Closing Thoughts

There are so many ways you can start building multiple income streams even in just the next 6 to 12 months.

Keep in mind that creating multiple streams of income is not an easy task, as it typically takes:

  • Hard work
  • Research
  • Patience

Depending on the type of income stream you are building (like a long-term side hustle), then you might not see results within the first 12 months or even the first 24 months.

Unless you win the lottery, you probably won’t get rich overnight.

So, put in the work and stay focused on the long-term goal of building wealth and you’ll start seeing results.

Your bank accounts will thank me later.

How to Create Multiple Streams of Income [7 Proven Methods] (2024)


How do you create 7 multiple streams of income? ›

The 7 Streams of Income to Get Rich
  1. Earned Income. Earned income is the most common and traditional form of income that most people receive through their employment. ...
  2. Capital Gains. ...
  3. Interest Income. ...
  4. Dividend Income. ...
  5. Rental Income. ...
  6. Business Income. ...
  7. Royalty Income.
Mar 7, 2023

What does 7 streams of income mean? ›

The most written about income streams typically include: earned income, profit income, interest income, dividend income, rental income, capital gains, and royalties. The theory goes that diversifying your income in this way can protect you against financial downturns and accelerate wealth accumulation.

Does the average millionaire have 7 streams of income? ›

According to a report from the IRS, the average millionaire has not one, not two, but seven different sources of income. That's right – seven streams of money flowing into their bank accounts, building their net worth and securing their financial future.

How to make an extra $1000 a month passive income? ›

Passive Income: 7 Ways To Make an Extra $1,000 a Month
  1. Buy US Treasuries. U.S. Treasuries are still paying attractive yields on short-term investments. ...
  2. Rent Out Your Yard. ...
  3. Rent Out Your Car. ...
  4. Rental Real Estate. ...
  5. Publish an E-Book. ...
  6. Become an Affiliate. ...
  7. Sell an Online Course. ...
  8. Bottom Line.
Apr 18, 2024

What is the most profitable passive income? ›

25 passive income ideas for building wealth
  • Flip retail products. ...
  • Sell photography online. ...
  • Buy crowdfunded real estate. ...
  • Peer-to-peer lending. ...
  • Dividend stocks. ...
  • Create an app. ...
  • Rent out a parking space. ...
  • REITs. A REIT is a real estate investment trust, which is a fancy name for a company that owns and manages real estate.
May 1, 2024

How do millionaires make passive income? ›

Stocks and Stock Funds

They seek passive income from equity securities just like they do from the passive rental income that real estate provides. These millionaires simply don't want to spend their time managing investments. Ultra-rich investors may also hold a controlling interest in one or more major companies.

What are multiple streams of income? ›

Multiple streams of income are different types of income that come from different sources. You can have multiple streams of personal and/or business income. Each income stream can be passive, semi-passive or active. We'll look at some examples of each later.

What does the Bible say about 7 streams of income? ›

The Bible also offers some pretty amazingly specific guidance on diversifying our income streams. Ecclesiastes 11:2 says, "Divide your portion to seven, or even to eight, for you do not know what misfortune may occur on the earth." In other words, don't put all your eggs in one basket.

How do beginners start passive income? ›

Passive Income Ideas
  1. Open A High Yield Savings Account. ...
  2. Buy Dividend Stocks. ...
  3. Build A Digital Product Teaching Something You Already Know. ...
  4. Write A Book. ...
  5. Generate Sales For Someone Else's Book Or Product. ...
  6. Attract Ad Revenue Or Sponsors For A Site You Create And Manage. ...
  7. Partner On A rental Real Estate Deal.
May 4, 2024

What do I put for source of income? ›

Some common income sources include:
  1. Wages, salaries, and tips. This is money you earn at your job. ...
  2. Interest and dividends. Interest income can be earned from your bank accounts, such as savings accounts and certificates of deposit (CDs). ...
  3. Social Security and other benefits. ...
  4. Miscellaneous income.

How do you build 7 streams of income? ›

7 Streams of Income You Can Explore
  1. Earned Income. This one is easy enough to understand – this is your regular job and most people's primary source of income. ...
  2. Business Income. ...
  3. Interest Income. ...
  4. Dividend Income. ...
  5. Rental Income. ...
  6. Capital Gains. ...
  7. Royalties or Licensing Income.

What is a rich monthly income? ›

The amount of money you need to make each month to be rich depends on which metric you're using. If you're going by the IRS standard, then you'd need to make approximately $45,000 a month to be rich. On the other hand, if you're aiming for the top 1% as measured by the EPI, you'd need a monthly income of $68,277.

How many millions do you need to be considered rich? ›

Americans say you need a net worth of at least $2.5 million to feel wealthy, according to Charles Schwab's annual Modern Wealth Survey, which surveyed 1,000 Americans ages 21 to 75 in March 2024. That's up slightly from $2.2 million, compared with last year's survey results.

How can I set up multiple sources of income? ›

How can I start creating multiple sources of income in India? Start by investing in stocks, mutual funds, and real estate. Consider starting a side business, freelancing, or creating digital products. Affiliate marketing and investing in gold are also viable options.

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Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.