How to Create a Cash Flow Forecast and Statement - Bplans (2024)

A goodcash flowforecast might be the most important single piece of a business plan. All the strategy, tactics, and ongoing business activities mean nothing if there isn’t enough money to pay the bills.

That’s what acash flow forecastis about—predicting your money needs in advance.

By cash, we mean money you can spend. Cash includes your checking account, savings, and liquid securities like money market funds. It is not just coins and bills.

Profits aren’t the same as cash

Profitable companies can run out of cash if they don’t know their numbers and manage their cash as well as their profits.

For example, your business can spend money that does not show up as an expense on yourprofit and loss statement. Normal expenses reduce your profitability. But, certain spending, such as spending on inventory, debt repayment, new equipment, and purchasing assets reduces your cash but does not reduce your profitability. Because of this, your business can spend money and still look profitable.

On the sales side of things, your business can make a sale to a customer and send out an invoice, but not get paid right away. That sale adds to the revenue in your profit and loss statement but doesn’t show up in your bank account until the customer pays you.

That’s why a cash flow forecast is so important. It helps you predict how much money you’ll have in the bank at the end of every month, regardless of how profitable your business is.

Learn more about the differences between cash and profits.

Two ways to create a cash flow forecast

There are several legitimate ways to do a cash flow forecast. The first method is called the “Direct Method” and the second is called the “Indirect Method.” Both methods are accurate and valid – you can choose the method that works best for you and is easiest for you to understand.

Unfortunately, experts can be annoying. Sometimes it seems like as soon as you use one method, somebody who is supposed to know business financials tells you you’ve done it wrong. Often that means that the expert doesn’t know enough to realize there is more than one way to do it.

The direct method for forecasting cash flow

The direct method for forecasting cash flow is less popular than the indirect method but it can be much easier to use.

The reason it’s less popular is that it can’t be easily created using standard reports from your business’s accounting software. But, if you’re creating a forecast – looking forward into the future – you aren’t relying on reports from your accounting system so it may be a better choice for you.

That downside of choosing the direct method is that some bankers, accountants, and investors may prefer to see the indirect method of a cash flow forecast. Don’t worry, though, the direct method is just as accurate. After we explain the direct method, we’ll explain the indirect method as well.

The direct method of forecasting cash flow relies on this simple overall formula:

Cash Flow = Cash Received – Cash Spent

And here’s what that cash flow forecast actually looks like:

How to Create a Cash Flow Forecast and Statement - Bplans (1)

Let’s start by estimating your cash received and then we’ll move on to the other sections of the cash flow forecast.

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Forecasting cash received

You receive cash from four primary sources:

1. Sales of your products and services

In your cash flow forecast, this is the “Cash from Operations” section. When you sell your products and services, some customers will pay you immediately in cash – that’s the “cash sales” row in your spreadsheet. You get that money right away and can deposit it in your bank account.
You might also send invoices to customers and then have to collect payment. When you do that, you keep track of the money you are owed inAccounts Receivable. When customers pay those invoices, that cash shows up on your cash flow forecast in the “Cash from Accounts Receivable” row. The easiest way to think about forecasting this row is to think about what invoices will be paid by your customers and when.

2. New loans and investments in your business

You can also receive cash by getting a new loan from a bank or an investment. When you receive this kind of cash, you’ll track it in the rows for loans and investments. It’s worth keeping these two different types of cash in-flows separate from each other, mostly because loans need to be repaid while investments do not need to be repaid.

3. Sales of assets

Assetsare things that your business owns, such as vehicles, equipment, or property. When you sell an asset, you’ll usually receive cash from that sale and you track that cash in the “Sales of Assets” section of your cash flow forecast. For example, if you sell a truck that your company no longer needs, the proceeds from that sale would show up in your cash flow statement.

4. Other income and sales tax

Businesses can bring in money from other sources besides sales. For example, your business may make interest income from the money that it has in a savings account.

Many businesses also collect taxes from their customers in the form of sales tax, VAT, HST/GST, and other tax mechanisms. Ideally, businesses record the collection of this money not in sales but in the cash flow forecast in a specific row. You want to do this because the tax money collected isn’t yours – it’s the government’s money and you’ll eventually end up paying it to them.

Forecasting cash spent

Similar to how you forecast the cash that you plan on receiving, you’ll forecast the cash that you plan on spending in a few categories:

1. Cash spending and paying your bills

You’ll want to forecast two types of cash spending related to your business’s operations: Cash Spending and Payment of Accounts Payable. Cash spending is money that you spend when you use petty cash or pay a bill immediately.
But, there are also bills that you get and then pay later. You track these bills inAccounts Payable. When you pay bills that you’ve been tracking in accounts payable, that cash payment will show up in your cash flow forecast as “payment of accounts payable”. When you’re forecasting this row, think about what bills you’ll pay and when you’ll pay them.
In this section of your cash flow forecast, you exclude a few things: loan payments, asset purchases, dividends, and sales taxes.

2. Loan Payments

When you make forecast loan repayments, you’ll forecast the repayment of the principal in your cash flow forecast. The interest on the loan is tracked in the “non-operating expense” that we’ll discuss below.

3. Purchasing Assets

Similar to how you track sales of assets, you’ll forecast asset purchases in your cash flow forecast. Asset purchases are purchases of long-lasting, tangible things. Typically, vehicles, equipment, buildings, and other things that you could potentially re-sell in the future. Inventory is an asset that your business might purchase if you keep inventory on hand.

4. Other non-operating expenses and sales tax

Your business may have other expenses that are considered “non-operating” expenses. These are expenses that are not associated with running your business, such as investments that your business may make and interest that you pay on loans.
In addition, you’ll forecast when you make tax payments and include those cash outflows in this section.

Forecasting cash flow and cash balance

In the direct cash flow forecasting method, calculating cash flow is simple. Just subtract the amount of cash you plan on spending in a month from the amount of cash you plan on receiving. This will be your “net cash flow”. If the number is positive, you receive more cash than you spend. If the number is negative, you will be spending more cash than you receive.

You can predict your cash balance by adding your net cash flow to your cash balance.

The indirect method

The indirect method of cash flow forecasting is as valid as the direct and reaches the same results.

Where the direct method looks at sources and uses of cash, the indirect method starts with net income and adds back items like depreciation that affect your profitability but don’t affect the cash balance.

The indirect method is more popular for creating cash flow statements about the past because you can easily get the data for the report from your accounting system.

You create the indirect cash flow statement by getting your Net Income (your profits) and then adding back in things that impact profit, but not cash. You also remove things like sales that have been booked, but not paid for yet.

Here’s what an indirect cash flow statement looks like:

How to Create a Cash Flow Forecast and Statement - Bplans (3)

There are five primary categories of adjustments that you’ll make to your profit number to figure out your actual cash flow:

1. Adjust for the change in accounts receivable

Not all of your sales arrive as cash immediately. In the indirect cash flow forecast, you need to adjust your net profit to account for the fact that some of your sales didn’t end up as cash in the bank but instead increased your accounts receivable.

2. Adjust for the change in accounts payable

Very similar to how you make an adjustment for accounts receivable, you’ll need to account for expenses that you may have booked on your income statement but not actually paid yet. You’ll need to add these expenses back because you still have that cash on hand and haven’t paid the bills yet.

3. Taxes & Depreciation

On your income statement, taxes and depreciation work to reduce your profitability. On the cash flow statement, you’ll need to add back in depreciation because that number doesn’t actually impact your cash.
Taxes are may have been calculated as an expense, but you may still have that money in your bank account. If that’s the case, you’ll need to add that back in as well to get an accurate forecast of your cash flow.

4. Loans and Investments

Similar to the direct method of cash flow, you’ll want to add in any additional cash you’ve received in the form of loans and investments. Make sure to also subtract any loan payments in this row.

5. Assets Purchased and Sold

If you bought or sold assets, you’ll need to add that into your cash flow calculations. This is, again, similar to the direct method of forecasting cash flow.

Cash flow is about management

Remember: You should be able to project cash flow using competently educated guesses based on an understanding of the flow in your business of sales, sales on credit, receivables, inventory, and payables.

These are useful projections. But, real management is minding the projections every month with plan versus actual analysis so you can catch changes in time to manage them.

A good cash flow forecast will show you exactly when cash might run low in the future so you can prepare. It’s always better to plan ahead so you can set up a line of credit or secure additional investment so your business can survive periods of negative cash flow.

Forecasting cash flow is unfortunately not a simple task to accomplish on your own. You can do it with spreadsheets, but the process can be complicated and it’s easy to make mistakes.

Fortunately, there are affordable options that can make the process much easier – no spreadsheets or in-depth accounting knowledge required.

If you’re interested in checking out a cash flow forecasting tool, take a look atLivePlan for cash flow forecasting. It’s affordable and makes cash flow forecasting simple.

One of the key views in LivePlan is the cash flow assumptions view, as shown below, which highlights key cash flow assumptions in an interactive view that you can use to test the results of key assumptions:

How to Create a Cash Flow Forecast and Statement - Bplans (4)

With simple tools like this, you can explore different scenarios quickly to see how they will impact your future cash.

How to Create a Cash Flow Forecast and Statement - Bplans (2024)


How to Create a Cash Flow Forecast and Statement - Bplans? ›

Forecasting cash flow and cash balance

How to create a cash flow forecast? ›

How to forecast your cash flow
  1. Forecast your income or sales. First, decide on a period that you want to forecast. ...
  2. Estimate cash inflows. ...
  3. Estimate cash outflows and expenses. ...
  4. Compile the estimates into your cash flow forecast. ...
  5. Review your estimated cash flows against the actual.
May 16, 2024

How to prepare a cash flow forecast ib business? ›

  1. Step 1: Insert the value of the new wages into the relevant space for each month.
  2. Step 2: Calculate the new total outflows for each month and insert them into the relevant space for each month.
  3. Step 3: Calculate the new net cash flow for each month and insert it into the relevant space for each month.

How to make a projected statement of cash flow? ›

There are several steps you can take to create a cash flow projection statement:
  1. Calculate the current cash amount. ...
  2. Estimate projected cash. ...
  3. Estimate potential expenses. ...
  4. Calculate predicted income minus predicted expenses. ...
  5. Add the projected cash flow figure to the current cash amount.
Feb 3, 2023

What is the formula for cash flow? ›

Free Cash Flow = Net income + Depreciation/Amortization – Change in Working Capital – Capital Expenditure.

How to create cash flow? ›

Here are eleven strategies to help generate a positive cash flow:
  1. Bootstrap the Business.
  2. Talk With Vendors to Negotiate Terms.
  3. Save on Production Cost with Technology.
  4. Delay Expenses.
  5. Start a Partner Referral Program.
  6. Have Operating Assets.
  7. Send Invoices Early.
  8. Check Your Inventory.

What is the first step in preparing a cash forecast? ›

The first step to preparing a cash flow forecast is to identify and categorize your sources and uses of cash. Cash inflows are the money that comes into your business from sales, receivables, investments, loans, or other income streams.

What are the methods of cash flow forecasting? ›

There are two primary types of forecasting methods: direct and indirect. The main difference between them is that direct forecasting uses actual flow data, where indirect forecasting relies on projected balance sheets and income statements.

How long is a cash flow forecast? ›

Generally, cash flow forecasts are used for short-term planning. You might create one to check if you can cover the next month's worth of bills, or see what your cash flow position is for the 30 days ahead. Cash flow forecasts are based on recent data – like your actual sales and expenses from the previous period.

What are the four rules for creating cash flow statement? ›

Four simple rules to remember as you create your cash flow statement:
  • Transactions that show an increase in assets result in a decrease in cash flow.
  • Transactions that show a decrease in assets result in an increase in cash flow.
  • Transactions that show an increase in liabilities result in an increase in cash flow.
Feb 28, 2024

What is the cash flow statement with an example? ›

A cash flow statement is a financial statement that provides aggregate data regarding all cash inflows that a company receives from its ongoing operations and external investment sources. It also includes all cash outflows that pay for business activities and investments during a given period.

How do you write a cash flow forecast example? ›

Four steps to a simple cash flow forecast
  1. Decide how far out you want to plan for. Cash flow planning can cover anything from a few weeks to many months. ...
  2. List all your income. For each week or month in your cash flow forecast, list all the cash you've got coming in. ...
  3. List all your outgoings. ...
  4. Work out your running cash flow.

How do you write a cash flow statement for a business plan? ›

Four Steps to Prepare a Cash Flow Statement
  1. Start with the Opening Balance. ...
  2. Calculate the Cash Coming in (Sources of Cash) ...
  3. Determine the Cash Going Out (Uses of Cash) ...
  4. Subtract Uses of Cash (Step 3) from your Cash Balance (sum of Steps 1 and 2)

What is the structure of the cash flow forecast? ›

What should be included in a cash flow forecast? There are three key elements to include in a cash flow forecast: your estimated likely sales, projected payment timings, and your projected costs.

What is the cash flow forecasting method? ›

Cash flow forecasting involves estimating the future inflows and outflows of cash for a specific period. It is typically calculated by starting with the opening cash balance, adding cash inflows (sales receipts, loans, or investments), and subtracting cash outflows (expenses, loan repayments, or taxes).

What is the 12 month cash flow forecast? ›

A 12-month cash flow forecast shows a company its expected liquidity situation, i.e. how high its income and expenses will be in the next 12 months.

How to prepare a financial forecast? ›

The key steps in a sound forecasting process include the following:
  1. Define Assumptions. The first step in the forecasting process is to define the fundamental issues impacting the forecast. ...
  2. Gather Information. ...
  3. Preliminary/Exploratory Analysis. ...
  4. Select Methods. ...
  5. Implement Methods. ...
  6. Use Forecasts.

How do you forecast direct cash flow? ›

The inputs into a direct cash forecasting process are typically upcoming payments and receipts organised into units of time such as a day, week or month. These units of time are then aggregated to the length of time that the forecast is set to cover.

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