How to Bypass IP Ban: Effective Strategies for Web Scraping (2024)

Having your IP address(es) banned as a web scraper is a pain. Websites blocking your IPs means you won't be able to collect data from them, and so it's important to any one who wants to collect web data at any kind of scale that you understand how to bypass IP Bans.

In this article we will cover many of the techniques you can use to bypass IP bans, and offer some insights about solutions you can use to make the problem of IP bans go away for good.

What is an IP Ban?

IP bans block access to IP addresses who violate their terms of service or to prevent spam and to reduce load on their servers. These bans can impact your data gathering efforts, even if you're scraping ethically and within the bounds of the website's terms. How these systems work are opaque and don’t give error messages, by design.

This blog post will teach you how to avoid IP bans when you're scraping websites. We'll talk about different ways to get around IP bans and make sure you can collect the data you need without any problems.

It’s important to note that bypassing and IP bans doesn’t guarantee you can scrape the data you need as other kinds of bans do exist, but IP Bans are the first kind of ban you will likely encounter, and probably the most common ban type too.

Basics: What is an IP Address?

To understand how IP bans work and how to manage them, you need to understand the foundations of IPs, what they are and how they work.

An Internet Protocol (IP) address is an identifier assigned to any device connecting to the internet, similar to your postal address in the physical world. Your Internet Service Provider (ISP) assigns this unique set of numbers and decimals to each of your devices, guiding your internet traffic to its rightful destination.

Types of IP Addresses

IP addresses come in two main types: IPv4 and IPv6.

  • IPv4 is a sequence of four number sets ranging from 0-255, such as
  • IPv6, introduced due to IPv4 exhaustion, consists of eight groups of four hexadecimal digits, like 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334.

Static IPs vs Dynamic IPs

Moreover, we have static and dynamic IP addresses. A static IP address remains the same, typically used for web hosting, VPN services, or other online services that require a consistent, known address. On the other hand, a dynamic IP address is temporary and can change over time, usually assigned by ISPs to conserve available IP addresses.

The MAC Address

Beyond IP addresses, there's another unique identifier assigned to your device's Network Interface Controller (NIC) – the MAC (Media Access Control) address. This permanent physical address is unique to each device and remains constant, unlike IP addresses that can change. However, this identifier isn't typically visible to the websites or services you connect to over the internet. So it’s not anything you need to worry about in terms of bans.

Understanding how IP addresses are used

Understanding the basics of these digital identifiers is important for web scraping. If a server detects an unusually high volume of requests from a particular IP address, or even from block ranges of IPs too, e.g. all those belonging to AWS, or region-specific blocks (or requests behaving in a suspicious way, with unusual browsing patterns), it may result in an IP ban. Hence, strategies to bypass such bans are critical for seamless web scraping operations.

Equipped with knowledge about IP addresses, MAC addresses, and the difference between static and dynamic IPs, you're ready to navigate the intricacies of the digital landscape effectively.

Effective Techniques to Bypass IP Bans in Web Scraping

In this section, we'll explore an array of strategies, including leveraging proxy servers, employing VPNs, rotating user agents, introducing a delay between requests, and respecting website policies (such as robots.txt).

Each of these techniques offers a unique approach to overcoming IP bans, and in combination, they can significantly enhance your web scraping project's resilience and success. Let's delve into the specifics of each of these techniques and understand how they can benefit your web scraping endeavors.

Harnessing Proxy Servers

When it comes to bypassing IP bans, one can hardly underestimate the power of proxy servers. These servers act as intermediaries between your computer and the website you're targeting for data scraping, thus providing an effective cloak for your real IP address.

Instead of directly interacting with the website, you connect to the proxy server, which then connects to the website. The critical advantage here is that the proxy server masks your actual IP address with a different IP address it provides. Consequently, when your requests reach the website, they appear to originate from the proxy's IP address, not yours.

To elevate the effectiveness of this strategy, one can resort to an approach called proxy rotation. In this scenario, rather than relying on a single proxy server, you have a pool of them at your disposal and alternate your connection among them as you scrape data.

With your scraper shifting between various proxies, your scraping activity mirrors the behavior of multiple users accessing from different locations rather than one user or bot making multiple requests. This approach helps lower your scraping profile and drastically reduces the odds of getting an IP ban.

This is where solutions like Smart Proxy Manager prove to be invaluable. Recognized for their ability to provide seamless scalability, these services manage your proxy rotation for you, ensuring peak performance and further minimizing the chances of encountering IP bans. It’s worth noting that Smart Proxy Manager will also maintain a pool of healthy IPs for the websites being scraped and even modify requests to be more effective even implementing all of the HTTP-level techniques mentioned already.

There's a wide spectrum of proxy providers offering different types of proxies, such as HTTP, HTTPS, and SOCKS proxies, each with distinct advantages. It's crucial to select a reputable and reliable proxy provider that offers high-speed servers in various locations to augment the efficacy of your proxy rotation strategy.

However, it's equally important to remember that not all proxies are created equal. Some might offer slow or unstable connections, and others may have their IP addresses already blacklisted by specific websites. Therefore, always consider the reliability of your chosen proxies.

In essence, proxy servers, when utilized with the rotation strategy, can be a robust measure to circumvent IP bans, thus enhancing the resilience and efficiency of your web scraping operations. Using proxy services like Smart Proxy Manager can offer additional layers of reliability, a robust measure to circumvent IP ban and performance to your web scraping tasks.

VPNs: A Convenient Tool for Quick Debugging

A Virtual Private Network (VPN) creates a secure, encrypted tunnel for your internet traffic and provides you with a new IP address. VPNs can serve as an effective tool for bypassing IP bans, notably helpful for developers in need of quick debugging.

The ability to swiftly change regions on your own computer via a VPN server makes it possible to gain access to web pages where your scrapers are running, proving their worth in testing and debugging scenarios.

While they are convenient for changing your IP address for immediate debugging, for robust and scalable web scraping projects, alternate solutions like proxy servers could offer more consistent results than a VPN service.

Rotating User-Agents: A Simple Trick to Regain Access

User-agents play a crucial role in web scraping and their clever utilization can help you to bypass IP bans. A User-Agent is a string that your browser sends to the server to inform it about the software and hardware used to make the request. By rotating user-agents, you mimic different browsers and devices, making it harder for the website to detect scraping activity.

Typically, a User-Agent string might look something like this:

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/58.0.3029.110 Safari/537.3

This User-Agent string indicates that the request is made from a Windows 10 system, using a Chrome browser version 58.0.

It's a good idea to have a list of valid User-Agent strings and rotate among them for your requests. This can be easily done if you're using Python's requests library. Here's a simple example:

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from fake_useragent import UserAgent

ua = UserAgent()

headers = {

'User-Agent': ua.random,


response = requests.get('', headers=headers)

import requestsfrom fake_useragent import UserAgentua = UserAgent()headers = { 'User-Agent': ua.random,}response = requests.get('', headers=headers)

import requestsfrom fake_useragent import UserAgentua = UserAgent()headers = { 'User-Agent': ua.random,}response = requests.get('', headers=headers)

One important thing to note here is that if all requests come from the same IP address but with different User-Agents, it may raise suspicion. This is where combining User-Agent rotation with IP rotation (using proxy servers or VPNs) can provide a more robust solution to bypass IP bans.

Rotating User-Agents can be a simple and effective technique to regain access to a website and continue your web scraping tasks seamlessly. With a proper understanding and smart implementation of this strategy, you can ensure your scraping activity is less likely to trigger any IP bans.

Delay Between Requests

Web scraping should balance efficiency and considerate behavior. Overloading a server with a barrage of requests in a short period can lead to IP bans. It's crucial to introduce a delay between requests, mimicking human user behavior and maintaining server friendliness.

Scrapy, an open-source and collaborative web crawling framework for Python, is perfectly designed for efficient and considerate web scraping. Its architecture offers a couple of ways to introduce polite behavior in your scraping tasks.

Manual Download Delay

One way to maintain politeness during scraping is by manually setting a download delay. This can be accomplished by using Scrapy's `DOWNLOAD_DELAY` setting, which introduces a delay between consecutive requests.

Here's an example of how to set download delays in Scrapy:

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class MySpider(scrapy.Spider):

name = 'myspider'

start_urls = ['']

custom_settings = {



def parse(self, response):

# Your scraping logic here...`

class MySpider(scrapy.Spider): name = 'myspider' start_urls = [''] custom_settings = { 'DOWNLOAD_DELAY': 3, } def parse(self, response): # Your scraping logic here...`

class MySpider(scrapy.Spider): name = 'myspider' start_urls = [''] custom_settings = { 'DOWNLOAD_DELAY': 3, } def parse(self, response): # Your scraping logic here...`

In this example, `DOWNLOAD_DELAY` is set to 3 seconds, introducing a delay between consecutive requests.

AutoThrottle Extension

Scrapy's AutoThrottle extension offers a more dynamic approach. It adjusts the crawling speed based on the load of both the Scrapy server and the website being scraped. Instead of using a static download delay, AutoThrottle adapts the delay based on the server's response latency, aiming for a target average number of concurrent requests per remote website.

Here's an example of how to enable the AutoThrottle extension in Scrapy:

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class MySpider(scrapy.Spider):

name = 'myspider'

start_urls = ['']

custom_settings = {



def parse(self, response):

# Your scraping logic here...`

class MySpider(scrapy.Spider): name = 'myspider' start_urls = [''] custom_settings = { 'AUTOTHROTTLE_ENABLED': True, } def parse(self, response): # Your scraping logic here...`

class MySpider(scrapy.Spider): name = 'myspider' start_urls = [''] custom_settings = { 'AUTOTHROTTLE_ENABLED': True, } def parse(self, response): # Your scraping logic here...`

Whether you choose to manually set download delays or utilize Scrapy's AutoThrottle extension, both methods can significantly reduce the risk of encountering IP bans. By combining these techniques with Scrapy's robust capabilities, your web scraping activities can be more efficient, effective, and server-friendly.

Respecting Website Policies – The Robots.txt File

When dealing with web scraping activities, it's important to consider the website's crawling policy. This policy is often stated in the robots.txt file located in the root of the website. This file informs web robots which areas of the site should not be processed or scanned.

While ignoring robots.txt rules doesn't usually lead to an immediate IP ban, it's considered good practice to follow them. Repeatedly scraping disallowed pages might make a website more likely to block your IP address.

Scrapy, once again, proves its usefulness here by automatically respecting the rules defined in the robots.txt file of the website being scraped. To enable this functionality, you can set the `ROBOTSTXT_OBEY` setting to True in your Scrapy settings.

Here's an example:

Plain text

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Open code in new window

EnlighterJS 3 Syntax Highlighter

class MySpider(scrapy.Spider):

name = 'myspider'

start_urls = ['']

custom_settings = {



def parse(self, response):

# Your scraping logic here...`

class MySpider(scrapy.Spider): name = 'myspider' start_urls = [''] custom_settings = { 'ROBOTSTXT_OBEY': True, } def parse(self, response): # Your scraping logic here...`

class MySpider(scrapy.Spider): name = 'myspider' start_urls = [''] custom_settings = { 'ROBOTSTXT_OBEY': True, } def parse(self, response): # Your scraping logic here...`

In this example, `ROBOTSTXT_OBEY` is set to True, enabling Scrapy to respect the rules defined in the robots.txt file of the website being scraped.

Respecting website policies like those mentioned in the robots.txt file promotes healthy and considerate web scraping practices, reducing the likelihood of encountering IP bans.

CAPTCHA: Another type of issue

When talking about IP bans, it’s tempting to go off-topic and conflate CAPTCHA related blockages with IP bans. After all, both prevent you from accessing data but in very different ways.

We’re not going to go into depth on CAPTCHA here, and focus instead on IP bans that are generated by websites looking at network traffic.

However to cut a long story short: many websites using CAPTCHA look at the browser to help determine if they should challenge your session - this will lead to a rabbit hole of fingerprinting and many other topics we don't have time to talk about in this IP BAN focused article. If you want to learn more about that you will need to research headless browsers, fingerprinting and a range of other topics.

It is possible to avoid CAPTCHAs altogether (most of the time) by having a good understanding of the website, or by using more advanced services, like web scraping APIs.

Speaking of which…

Do you need Proxies or a Web Scraping API, and what is the difference between them for bypassing IP BANs?

Ultimately you can solve IP bans multiple ways, with various degrees of nuance, skill and automation. One question to ask yourself though, is:

Should you build your own anti-ban solution around proxies? Or should you consider an automated anti-ban solution offered by some of the more advanced Web scraping APIs?

Manual vs Automated IP Ban Avoidance

We have given you some techniques to manually bypass IP bans, but let's now talk about some of the newer services out there which can automate all of these techniques and more, so you can scrape the web without having to navigate these bans.

Building your own IP Ban avoidance system vs Using an API that is built for purpose?

Our thesis is that if an API can automate all these techniques and configurations for you (and do it faster, cheaper and better while monitoring and adapting itself) it should be a no-brainer. You can spend less time thinking about IP Bans, and instead focus on writing quality parsing code, and/or working with the data you get.

Web Scraping APIs are interfaces that interact with the internet on your behalf, collecting the data you need while managing all the technicalities of IP management, including proxy rotation, user-agent rotation, etc. These APIs are designed to make your requests appear like those of a typical user, thus reducing the likelihood of attracting an IP ban.

While there are numerous web scraping APIs available, it's crucial to choose one that offers robust functionality, including high-request volume handling, diverse geolocation support, and strong anti-ban features. Some web scraping APIs also offer advanced features like JavaScript execution, which can be useful when scraping more complex, dynamic websites.

Notably, by using a Web Scraping API, you can focus more on analyzing and utilizing the data collected rather than spending time on the data collection process itself. The automation of the IP ban management process enables you to streamline your data extraction and make your web scraping efforts more efficient and effective.

What is Zyte API?

Zyte API, our web scraping tool, can significantly enhance your data extraction approach. Crafted to efficiently counter modern anti-bot challenges like fingerprinting, headless browsing, and session-based scraping, it ensures near-zero downtime, making it an invaluable resource for all your scraping needs.

Zyte API not only excels at browser automation and managing HTTP requests but also adapts to each website's unique demands. Its automatic IP rotation and proxy management, enabling users to extract data without having to worry about or manually configure, test and monitor all their web scraping infrastructure to bypass bans. Charging only for the techniques used per site, it guarantees cost-effectiveness. In essence, it simplifies complexity and readily tackles the tasks you'd rather avoid.

So, if you need to bypass IP bans to scrape web data, you can simply use a web scraping API to do the job for you.


Web scraping is a potent tool to add web data to your pipeline, but hurdles such as IP bans can often hinder your efforts. This guide has provided an array of effective strategies and tools to bypass these impediments and ensure uninterrupted data collection.

By utilizing techniques like harnessing proxy servers, employing VPNs, rotating user-agents, and introducing delays between requests, you can streamline and optimize your web scraping tasks.

We presented Zyte API as a web scraping API that can automatically overcome many challenges, offering robust functionalities that facilitate tasks beyond basic data extraction. With features such as geolocation, browser actions automation, IP rotation, and more, Zyte API is designed to optimize your web scraping endeavors and circumvent IP bans.

Using these strategies and tools can facilitate efficient and effective web scraping activities, without the constant threat of IP bans. This guide described the basics, but there are many more techniques and this is a constantly evolving area. This introductory guide aims to offer valuable insights that will help you bypass IP bans, enabling more efficient data gathering.

How to Bypass IP Ban: Effective Strategies for Web Scraping (2024)


How to Bypass IP Ban: Effective Strategies for Web Scraping? ›

Use a Proxy Server

By using proxy servers, you can change your IP address and appear as if you are accessing the website from a different location, especially with residential proxies. This effective tool can help you bypass IP bans, as the website will not recognize your original IP address.

How do you bypass IP detection? ›

Use a Proxy Server

By using proxy servers, you can change your IP address and appear as if you are accessing the website from a different location, especially with residential proxies. This effective tool can help you bypass IP bans, as the website will not recognize your original IP address.

How to bypass restricted IP? ›

One of the most straightforward methods to bypass IP bans is by changing your IP address with a virtual private network (VPN) or using proxy services. These tools mask your real IP address, making it appear as though you're accessing the internet from a different location.

How to avoid being blocked while web scraping these counter anti scraping strategies you have to know? ›

  1. Use premium proxies.
  2. Use a web scraping API.
  3. Use headless browsers.
  4. Set real request headers.
  5. Outsmart honeypot traps.
  6. Automate CAPTCHA solving.
  7. Avoid fingerprinting.
  8. Use APIs to your advantage.
Jul 12, 2024

What's the best way to unblock a banned IP address by a website? ›

You can change your IP address to regain access by using a VPN. Another option that can help is using a tool like MoreLogin which combines with proxies to change your IP address to enable you bypass the ban and also utilizes unique digital fingerprints to prevent detection by websites.

How to get past an IP ban? ›

Here are four ways to help you easily bypass some of the internet's most common IP bans:
  1. #1: Switch out your Media Access Control (MAC) address.
  2. #2: Change your IP address using a VPN.
  3. #3: Clear your computer's cache & 'digital residue'
  4. #4: Uninstall the program or browser.

Can a VPN bypass an IP ban? ›

This is where combining User-Agent rotation with IP rotation (using proxy servers or VPNs) can provide a more robust solution to bypass IP bans. Rotating User-Agents can be a simple and effective technique to regain access to a website and continue your web scraping tasks seamlessly.

How do you master web scraping? ›

You can learn web scraping by studying the basics of a programming language like Python or Node. js. There are many free practical tutorials and guides to understand the fundamentals. And after some practice, you can build your own projects to find and solve new challenges.

How do you prevent detection when web scraping? ›

Consider disabling response caching. If response caching is enabled, the system does not protect cached content against web scraping. The Application Security Manager does not perform web scraping detection on legitimate search engine traffic.

Is it possible to block web scraping? ›

The first and most common method of bot mitigation is simple IP blocking, a simple and effective method to block traffic from known or suspected scrapers. IP blocking is relatively simple to set up, but it's important to be selective with your blocking to avoid blocking legitimate users.

How do I remove IP ban block? ›

By using a VPN, proxy server, or Tor Browser, you can bypass the IP ban and regain access to the website. However, it is important to use these tools responsibly and to be aware of the potential risks involved. Always choose a reputable VPN or proxy server provider and use the tool according to their terms of service.

How to fix a banned IP address? ›

Ways to resolve IP bans
  1. Change your IP address. ...
  2. Use a virtual private network (VPN) ...
  3. Use proxies and other tools. ...
  4. Check for malware. ...
  5. Clear your device's cookies and cache. ...
  6. Uninstall the program or browser. ...
  7. Reach out to admin. ...
  8. Wait for the ban to expire.

How do I unblock a banned website? ›

9 ways to unblock websites
  1. Use a VPN to unblock any site you want. ...
  2. Unblock sites with an open proxy. ...
  3. Install a VPN or proxy browser extension. ...
  4. Use an IP address instead of a URL. ...
  5. Use the Tor Browser to unblock banned sites. ...
  6. View blocked content with Google Translate. ...
  7. Take advantage of a dynamic IP.
Aug 1, 2024

How do I make my IP undetectable? ›

4 Ways To Hide Your IP Address
  1. VPN. A virtual private network (VPN) is perhaps the easiest and most effective way to hide your IP address. ...
  2. Proxy Server. Using a proxy server is another way to hide your IP address. ...
  3. TOR. ...
  4. Public Wi-Fi.
Jun 13, 2024

How to override IP? ›

How to change your public IP address
  1. Connect to a VPN to change your IP address. ...
  2. Use a proxy server to change your IP address. ...
  3. Use Tor to change your IP address for free. ...
  4. Change IP addresses by unplugging your modem. ...
  5. Ask your ISP to change your IP address. ...
  6. Change networks to get a different IP address.
Jun 16, 2024

How do I bypass IP geolocation? ›

How can I bypass geo-blocking? A VPN, like ExpressVPN, SurfShark and NordVPN, can allow you to bypass geo-blocking wherever you are. VPNs can disguise your IP address to make it look like it's coming from another country or region.

How to avoid VPN being detected? ›

You can, however, use additional tips and tricks to make yourself as close to undetectable as possible:
  1. Switch VPN servers.
  2. Change your VPN protocol.
  3. Use obfuscated servers or a stealth VPN.
  4. Get a dedicated IP address.
  5. Change ports.
  6. Change your DNS settings.
  7. Send your VPN traffic through a proxy.
  8. Swap to mobile data.
May 2, 2024

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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.