How to become a profitable financial coach - Whitney Hansen | Money Coaching (2024)

Being a financial coach is the most rewarding career I’ve ever had. It’s also the hardest I’ve ever worked. Running a business is incredibly time consuming…

But it’s worth it.

As a financial coach, you get to help people get a financial plan in place, see a light at the end of the tunnel and gain clarity around their financial life.

I stumbled upon financial coaching. After graduating from college in 2010 I came face-to-face with my $30,000 of student debt. I felt like an idiot and was constantly criticizing myself for not putting a little more towards school and not working just a little bit harder.

That’s when I made a decision that I was sick of this debt already and wasn’t going to keep it around for 10+ years because I was told it was “normal.” I created a financial plan, focused on it with everything I had and was able to pay the entire $30,000 off in 10 months.

My friends and family noticed what I did and started asking me for financial help. I would sit down with people in coffee shops and show them how to create a budget and put together a debt payoff plan.

I loved it.

But I didn’t think I could get *paid* for it.

I started discovering the online world and found out how you can market yourself and your serving to a global audience AND get paid well.

I’ve been growing my financial coaching business for the past 4 years and have learned so much about what works, what doesn’t work, and what to focus on at what time.

This blog post alone, will help you cut through the crap, save time, money, and energy and get clear on what is most important to launching your financial coaching business.

One of the most common questions I receive is what is the difference between a financial coach, and a financial advisor. The short answer is a lot.

A financial coach focuses on the day-to-day of someone’s financial life. You’re helping clients create and live on a budget, decide which debt to pay off first, set meaningful financial goals, and hold them accountable to their plan. As a financial coach, you’re NOT giving specific investing advice, or insurance advice. There’s also a bit of trust there too, because you aren’t representing any financial products.

A financial advisor is someone who has proved competency by passing examinations and going through a certification process, while working underneath a financial advising company for a set amount of time. Advisors are responsible for giving specific investing advice, recommending insurance policies and educating clients on how to best approach financial decisions like retirement, estate planning, and navigating tax implications that could affect their client’s life. Financial advisors are also very restricted in what they can and cannot say because of certain rules and regulations.

I like to view financial coaching as the pre-financial advisor step. My goal when working with clients is helping them maintain sustainable changes and build up the foundation of their financial life.

I hear a lot of interesting questions about becoming a financial coach. Many people say things like:

“I need to be formally trained.” Not true. People mostly hire you for accountability, and help with the fundamentals of personal finance. Not advanced tax planning or Roth IRA ladder conversions.

“I don’t have my financial life completely together. Can I still help others?” Yes. You just have to be honest about where you are in your financial life.

“I don’t know if I have the skills to help people.” If you can research and you know a little more than the average person– you can help other.

“I have to learn how to be great coach first.” You learn fastest from experience not reading about being a financial coach.

“It’s not the right time for me.” It never will be perfect timing. If you’re passionate about helping others and want to control your income and schedule, it’s the right time. This stuff takes a while to build up.

I understand each of these statements because I have gone through those exact same thoughts myself. And the truth is, they are all based on fear. Anytime we level up in life, the imposter syndrome kicks in. We start to wonder who the heck am I to do this? I’m not qualified, I don’t have a unique financial view. I shouldn’t being doing this.

Frankly, it’s bullsh*t. The person who deserves success is the one who gets in the ring. If you show up and you continually work harder while having good intentions, you are worthy.

You will NEVER feel like you know enough and honestly, you never will. It’s not about knowing everything. It’s about knowing where to go to find the answers.

The best thing to do is learn as you go. Experience is always the best teacher– not necessarily formal education.

Now that we discussed what a financial coach does and the misconceptions about becoming a financial coach, we’re ready to start our business.

Phase 1: Planning and Prep

After we sign up for expensive coaching programs and learning “how to be a coach” many people find themselves disappointed. They learned in theory how coaching works, but the minute they get their first client they are unsure of what to do next. So then they want to dive into launching a website, pricing our services and marketing ourselves online.

But that’s not the best place to start. I recommend starting by getting a very clear understanding of who your customer segment is. Who is actually going to pay you for your services? If you say everyone who has debt, your business will fail. There’s a concept in business that says, the riches are in the niches.

The only way you learn your niche is by talking to people about their problems, what keeps them up at night, and their willingness to pay. You have to physically talk to people to see their body language when you ask questions. (Tip: Pay attention to the verbiage they use- the wording they use will be directly used in your marketing.)

Broad Customer Segment: Women who want to better their financial lives.

Niche Customer Segment: Women who are single, or in a relationship and acting as if they are single, who want to pay off debt, live on a budget, but still have fun with money.

See the difference? The more you talk with people, the more honed in your customer segments will become.

When we know exactly what keeps your dream customers up at night and what they are really willing to pay for, you will have a much easier time selling your services and helping people accomplish their financial goals.

During phase 1, you will also be crafting your elevator pitch. This is fancy business terminology for how do you introduce yourself? This takes time and practice, but there is a strategy to creating an elevator pitch that resonates with people and makes them remember you.

Your homework:

  • Interview 5-10 people about their financial lives
  • Niche down
  • Craft your go-to elevator pitch

How to become a profitable financial coach - Whitney Hansen | Money Coaching (1)

Phase 2: Launch + Systems

After you have phase 1 completed, you’re ready for the next phase– launching your financial coaching business.

First start figuring out your coaching structure. How often would your clients prefer to meet with you? How long do they work with you? How much do you charge for coaching? Do you offer payment plans?

My coaching structure looks like this– I work with people for 3 months at a time, and meet with them weekly. I only meet virtually through Skype or over the phone. I also use Google Sheets to help them create their budget.

These are all important things to think through. Ideally, you are asking your dream clients these types of questions, but realistically, it will be a lot of trial and error. You’ll start to figure out what is best when you start getting on discovery calls and chatting with potential clients.

Next step during phase 2 is launching your website and putting together your branding. Many people know me from my red shirt that says money nerd. That has become part of my brand. I also have a very cohesive look between my website, my emails, and the way I talk when educating people about money. But branding also includes things like your go-to color scheme, your font choices, and images used.

You’ll also need to think through what pieces of software you use to schedule sales calls, coaching calls and partnership calls.

I personally use Calendly. It’s $15 per month and takes care of all my call scheduling needs. It even reminds people of our appointments by sending them a text message.

Then you’ll start figuring out how do you accept payment and invoice clients. There are lots of options out there and most are really good, but I always recommend PayPal. It’s well recognized, reputable and easy to use for invoicing. Then when I’m ready to “take a paycheck” I transfer from PayPal to my bank account.

In addition, you’ll need to think through how do you track your client’s progress? Creating a follow-up system to get back in touch with people who reached out for coaching, but weren’t ready at that time. And of course, tracking your business’ revenue and expenses.

Your homework:

  • Create your coaching structure
  • Set up your website and your branding
  • Select software for your call schedules
  • Select how you will accept payments and invoice
  • Set up your clients progress tracker

Phase 3: Growth + Traffic

This is my favorite phase of growing a coaching business. As a financial coach, you must get good at marketing in order to make money. There is a real strategy to growing an online coaching business. This is what I have found works best.

Draft out your sales funnel. A sales funnel is drafting out how people find you, learn from you and ultimately work with you.

Here’s an example straight from my Become A Financial Coach Course:

How to become a profitable financial coach - Whitney Hansen | Money Coaching (2)

When people come to your website, they are going to try and learn from you first. Very rarely are people ready to buy the first time they go to your website. It takes a long time to build trust, so be patient!

The best place to start is by creating really great blog posts with a lot of detail that people are actually searching for, called Read Magnets. Be careful about writing content that people don’t need or speaks to a really small group of people. You want your content to cover topics that people need help with– like budgeting, paying down debt, saving strategies, etc. Then as they are reading through your read magnet, you can have a content upgrade, called a Lead Magnet. If you’ve ever gone to a website and downloaded a checklist, cheat sheet, signed up for a free webinar, or even a free trial, you’ve experienced a lead magnet first hand. Then, through a series of automated emails, you can then pitch the opportunity to work together.

Quick example of how this could look:

Read Magnet- How to create a budget

Lead Magnet- Download the free budget template

Emails- More education and then offering your coaching services

Once you have your read and lead magnets created, now you how to start generating traffic to your read magnet. There are lots of different ways to do this, you can use Facebook Ads, Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook Groups, and start a podcast. There isn’t a right or wrong way to do this, but it is important to stay consistent with your traffic generating channel.

Continue testing and view everything as an experiment. You need data to tell if someone is or isn’t working in your business.

Your homework:

  • Draft out your sales funnel
  • Write your first read magnet
  • Create a lead magnet
  • Draft out 4-5 emails that further educate people on your read magnet topic

This is obviously a very simplified version of how to start a financial coaching business. There is a lot more detail to go into– in fact, I go through each of these phases with more detail and show you exactly how to set everything up. You will learn the ins and outs of how I run a profitable financial coaching company, while working from home, having the flexibility to work from anywhere and make a great living.

You can do it too! It takes time, patience, and strategy of working on the right thing at the right time.

How to become a profitable financial coach - Whitney Hansen | Money Coaching (3)

If you are ready to launch your coaching business, I show you exactly what to do in Become A Financial Coach course.

Join the course and start your journey to becoming a financial coach today! The world needs people like you who care about helping others better their financial lives.

How to become a profitable financial coach - Whitney Hansen | Money Coaching (2024)


How much do financial coaches make? ›

$39,500 is the 25th percentile. Salaries below this are outliers. $56,000 is the 75th percentile.

Can you make money being a financial coach? ›

A financial coach's salary depends on their fees, how many clients they serve and whether or not they run their own practice or work for an existing firm.

How much should I charge for financial coaching? ›

Financial coaches don't manage your money or investments, so they don't charge a fee based on assets under management (AUM) the way some financial advisors do. Rates for financial coaches can vary, but hourly rates of $100 to $300 are fairly common.

Is there a demand for financial coaching? ›

The demand for financial coaches continues to grow as individuals and businesses recognize the value of professional guidance in achieving their financial goals. Plus, according to Practice's State of Coaching Report for 2023, coaches with certifications charge 3x more than those without.

Do I need to be certified to be a financial coach? ›

Financial coaches often meet with their clients on a weekly or monthly basis. There are no formal education or certification requirements for how to become a financial coach. Unlike advisors, financial coaches cannot sell any financial products (e.g., investments, mutual funds, etc.)

What can financial coaches not do? ›

Another important difference is that financial coaches are not licensed to provide financial advice like advisors are. Therefore they cannot provide specific product recommendations. Coaches can provide basic advice on the concept of investing, but they cannot recommend how to allocate your assets.

How much does Dave Ramsey charge to become a financial coach? ›

Dave Ramsey's Master Training program currently costs $2,295, which includes training materials, live lectures, and a certificate of completion.

How to market yourself as a financial coach? ›

How to Market Your Financial Coaching Services
  1. Build an audience. It can be hard to attract clients and make money if you don't have a lot of engaged followers. ...
  2. Create a financial coaching funnel. Building an audience is just the first step. ...
  3. Launch a financial coaching newsletter. ...
  4. Ask For Testimonials And Referrals.
May 1, 2023

How to start your own financial coaching business? ›

How to start a financial coaching business in 7 steps
  1. Identify your niche.
  2. Get the required training, education, or certification.
  3. Create a business plan.
  4. Develop your coaching plans.
  5. Build a coaching website.
  6. Develop a promotion strategy.
  7. Build a client base.
Jun 13, 2024

What does a Dave Ramsey financial coach do? ›

Help you uncover your financial goals. Work with you to make a plan (so you'll actually achieve them) Hold you accountable to your plan (with a budget that works) Help you change your money behaviors.

What is the difference between a financial coach and a financial planner? ›

A financial coach cannot give investment advice, sell insurance, or provide tax or legal advice due to lack of regulation. Additionally, they are unable to provide the same kind of services as a CPA or certified financial planner, such as giving investment advice.

How much should a coaching session cost? ›

Personal life coaching typically costs $75 to $200 per hour, with an average of $120 per hour. Packages of four 30-minute sessions may cost $300 a month, while programs of eight 90-minute sessions can cost up to $2,000. Corporate life coaches typically have monthly charges of between $750 and $1,000.

What coaching is in most demand? ›

Popular coaching niches
  • Career coaching. Career coaching helps people advance in their careers. ...
  • Health coaching. A health coach helps people improve their health. ...
  • Life coaching. ...
  • Mindset coaching. ...
  • Financial coaching. ...
  • Relationship coaching. ...
  • Weight loss coaching. ...
  • Nutrition coaching.
Jan 13, 2024

How many clients does a financial coach have? ›

A good average number of clients per financial advisor to have is usually in the range of 50 to 150. But you may need fewer than that if you're primarily targeting high-net-worth individuals. Finding your ideal number of clients can depend largely on your goals as an advisor.

How long is a financial coaching session? ›

Coaching sessions can last either 30 minutes or 1 hour depending on the preference and/or the topic. How personalized is a coaching session? A coaching session will cover what you would like to discuss about finances.

How much does it cost to be a Dave Ramsey financial coach? ›

Dave Ramsey's Master Training program currently costs $2,295, which includes training materials, live lectures, and a certificate of completion.

Is a financial coach the same as a financial advisor? ›

Financial advisors manage money for clients, often in the form of managed investment portfolios. Financial planners provide comprehensive money management services, including advice on saving, investing, and taxes. Financial coaches are money experts that provide reliable advice to help you manage your own finances.

Can you really make money coaching? ›

Yes, you can make money as a life coach, both through your coaching offers and then increase your life coaching salary with passive income (such as online courses).

Can coaches make good money? ›

What's a realistic income as a life coach? The national average salary is $67,800/year. Now, that's the average. Many life coaches make significantly more than that.

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Author: Frankie Dare

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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.