How to Become a Blockchain Expert? - Blockchain Council (2024)


In usual conditions, it takes several years for the general public to know about technology to an extent where it becomes part of their everyday lives. The sudden and rapid rise of Blockchain technology and its huge impact on all sectors, from finance and education, has defied this presumption and established new growth bars. Blockchain technology is a decentralized and distributed ledger that records transactions securely and transparently. It has gained significant attention recently due to its potential to disrupt traditional industries and improve existing processes. This rapid growth is not a coincidence or just sheer hype that will vanish over time. If we go by the trends and adoption rate of Blockchain, it’s easy to deduce that this technology is here to stay.

The Blockchain industry is growing rapidly, and there are numerous career opportunities. These opportunities range from Blockchain developers to analysts, consultants, and project managers. The sector needs more passionate individuals skilled to handle the operations and creatively use the technology for innovative objectives. In this article, we will discuss the roadmap that you can follow to become a Blockchain expert.

Blockchain is a new concept even for experts in the IT field, Which makes the fundamentals even more important for an individual to deeply study and comprehend before they start getting expertise in a domain like development or auditing. You can look for courses on Blockchain technology online once we discuss the fundamental skills you need to develop. The following topics, which we have discussed below, are essential to building a solid foundation:

Blocks, Nodes, and Consensus Mechanisms

Blockchain is a distributed ledger consisting of blocks containing transaction data. Nodes are computers that validate transactions and store a copy of the Blockchain. Consensus mechanisms are designed to ensure that the nodes involved in performing a transaction in a Blockchain network agree on the validity of transactions. There are different types of consensus mechanisms, such as Proof of Work (PoW), Proof of Stake (PoS), and Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS). PoW is used by Bitcoin and involves solving complex mathematical equations or encrypted puzzles called hash to add a new block to the Blockchain. Then there is PoS, which requires validators to own some cryptocurrency to participate in the network’s consensus process. DPoS follows a more distributed and transparent approach, where the other participants vote on and verify validators.

Public, Private, and Hybrid Blockchains

There are different types of Blockchains, such as public, private, and hybrid. Public Blockchains are open to everyone, and the nodes work on a monetary basis. Public chains are highly centralized but less secure and need a security mechanism to protect critical data. At the same time, private Blockchains are restricted to a specific group of users, where the participating nodes are pre-verified. The motivation behind this Blockchain is usually non-monetary and used by organizations to perform transactions or share information within a specific group of individuals who may be part of that organization.

Hybrid Blockchains are a combination of public and private Blockchains. This concept is popular due to the slow transaction speed on public chains, which are highly decentralized. Hybrid chains make it possible to perform transactions in private chains and switch to public verification when necessary.

Smart Contracts

Smart contracts are simply programs that wait to act until certain conditions predetermined in the code are met. They facilitate the designer to automate different tasks as they are self-executing and can be used to verify the transactions using a simple program countless times. They can be used for various purposes, such as facilitating transactions, managing supply chains, and automating financial agreements.

Learning Blockchain Programming Languages

To perform any job in the Blockchain sector, programming is one of those skills you must learn in the initial stages. Learning a Blockchain programming language is essential for becoming a Blockchain expert because most jobs, from being a Blockchain developer or analyst to a Blockchain architect, need programming knowledge to perform your job properly and efficiently. The programming languages we discuss below are commonly used in the Blockchain industry.


Blockchain uses concepts like smart contracts and decentralized applications to facilitate its functionalities. Solidity is a high-level object-oriented programming language like javascript developed by Ethereum to code for its Blockchain platform. This programming language builds most applications and smart contracts deployed on the Ethereum Blockchain. Learning Solidity for your Blockchain career is very important because most organizations operating in the sphere have to deal with Ethereum while managing transactions or building a project. Learning Solidity is simple; with the right course on Blockchain technology, you can learn it easier to start your Blockchain journey. You can check our Blockchain Council’s certification to learn Solidity and get a certificate to enhance your credibility among potential recruiters.


If you are already an experienced developer looking to start your journey in Blockchain, javascript might be the right language for you to start. While most developers choose to program in languages like Solidity, there are plenty of opportunities for individuals who can program or code in javascript. JavaScript is used for building decentralized applications (DApps) on multiple Blockchains. It’s a universal language that’s easy to learn, widely used in web development, and very popular in the Blockchain sphere.


Python is commonly used for building Blockchain infrastructure and tools. It’s a high-level language with a simple syntax that’s easy to learn. Python is considered the best language for individuals seeking to start their journey in the Blockchain because of its easy-to-learn concepts and highly versatile nature. Numerous resources and top Blockchain certifications are available for learning these languages, such as online courses, books, and tutorials, are available for learning these languages. You can consider the Blockchain Council certifications, as we have curated courses on Blockchain training that will help you understand these programming languages and other important skills. These skills include writing secure smart contracts, properly testing and auditing the code, following safe coding practices, and avoiding common programming errors.

Exploring Blockchain Platforms and Tools

Blockchain platforms and tools are essential for developing and deploying Blockchain applications. Here are some commonly used tools and platforms in the Blockchain that can help you build your career as a Blockchain expert.


Ethereum is the most popular Blockchain platform for developing DApps and smart contracts. It allows developers to create smart contracts using Solidity and deploy them on the Ethereum Blockchain. All major organizations use Ethereum for their operations, and understanding it comprehensively will help you to perform tasks related to the Ethereum Blockchain more skillfully.


Hyperledger is an open-source Blockchain platform for developing enterprise Blockchain solutions. It’s designed for permissioned Blockchains and offers various tools and frameworks for developers. If you plan to pursue a career as a Blockchain developer, having a good hold on hyperledger can help you become a valuable asset for top global businesses and hence attract better opportunities.


Corda is a distributed ledger platform for developing enterprise Blockchain solutions. It’s designed for permissioned Blockchains and allows for complex financial agreements and transactions.

Geth, Remix, and Truffle

These are also some tools a Blockchain professional looking to work as a Blockchain developer or architect should know about. While Geth is an Ethereum client that simplifies working on the Ethereum Blockchain, on the other hand, Truffle and Remix are frameworks that can be used to build smart contracts with the help of various tools they provide in their setup.

Join Blockchain Community

If you have been learning about Blockchain, you must know how important community building and management are, especially when discussing Blockchain and Web3. As you continue your journey to becoming a Blockchain expert, it’s important to connect with like-minded individuals and learn from others in the industry who are constantly sharing their ideas and suggestions on new methods and methods being introduced to improve the efficiency of the technology. Joining Blockchain communities is also a great way to enhance your networking abilities while constantly looking for new opportunities when they arise. We will now see how you can do that in detail below.

Participating in Blockchain Forums and Online Communities

While one may think that the only communities related to the Blockchain may be private and not easily accessible, that is not the case. There are many online forums and communities dedicated to Blockchain technology. Platforms like Reddit, StackExchange, and GitHub provide knowledge on various Blockchain topics. These communities are not walled in any manner, and their members can help you gain new insights and perspectives on Blockchain-related issues. Engaging with others on these forums can help you learn new things, share ideas, and get feedback on your projects.

Attending Blockchain Events and Meetups

As someone interested in Blockchain and its applications, you must have heard about the events organizations hold to display their product’s use cases or persuade more people to join the Blockchain community. Attending these events and meetups is another great way to connect with others in the Blockchain community. These events often feature keynote speakers, panel discussions, and workshops that cover a wide range of Blockchain topics. Attending these events can help you stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the industry, network with other professionals, and gain insights into the challenges and opportunities in the field.

Networking with other Blockchain experts

The importance of guidance can be considered in any domain, and the same goes for Blockchain. Building relationships with other Blockchain experts can help you learn from their experiences, gain mentorship, and potentially lead to job opportunities. You can contact Blockchain experts on LinkedIn, attend conferences and meetups, or participate in online forums, as discussed above, to contact them and use their experience for our benefit while building new and important relations.

Gaining Practical Experience

Practical experience is more effective in becoming a Blockchain expert. It becomes more valuable as there is no standard module that one has to follow to apply for a Blockchain job or a specific degree that can act as an assurance of your skills. Although Blockchain training courses are provided by online platforms like Blockchain Council, which have a vast library of courses on all the skills one will need to succeed as a Blockchain expert. These courses also help you learn the practical nature of the job you wish to perform and use them to build projects and gain experience. Here are some ways to gain hands-on experience.

Internships or Job Opportunities in the Blockchain Industry

Many organizations are open to hiring you as an intern and performing small tasks for them. Internships and job opportunities in the Blockchain industry can provide you with invaluable experience and help you build your network. These internships will help you find the role you wish to take in the future and learn if you are interested in some other position or profession. Some of the functions that you can consider include Blockchain developer, Blockchain analyst, Blockchain consultant, and Blockchain project manager.

Working on Open-Source Blockchain Projects

Contributing to open-source projects has recently become a new trend among developers from different domains. Aside from helping the project you contribute to, it also helps showcase your skills and gain practical experience while you perform the task. Open-source Blockchain projects are a great way to gain experience and exposure. Open-source projects are often collaborative and provide opportunities to work with others on real-world Blockchain projects and gain insights into Blockchain technology and its workings.

Building and launching your decentralized application (dApp)

Building and launching your own DApp can help you gain experience developing and deploying smart contracts on a Blockchain platform. This can be done once you have learned all the technical skills like programming that we discussed above. Once you have done that, you can start by identifying a problem that can be solved using Blockchain technology and then building a DApp that addresses this problem.

Staying Up-to-Date with the Latest Developments

As an aspiring Blockchain expert, it is of utmost importance that you learn about all the developments in the Blockchain industry and learn by taking these developments into account. The Blockchain industry is constantly evolving, and staying up-to-date with the latest developments is essential, as even small developments can affect the whole domain rapidly. We saw how different crypto organizations reacted when the price of all the crypto coins started to fall by laying off workers and stopping the hiring process. Making the right decision promptly can significantly determine your success in the Blockchain market. The only way to do it is by staying on top of all the latest developments. But how can one learn about all of it? We will discuss them now.

Following Blockchain news and updates

The best way to understand and know about all the events taking place is to follow the portals that closely follow the sphere and report on even the smallest of developments twitch is taking place in the Blockchain domain. Many online publications, blogs, and newsletters cover Blockchain news and stories. The most popular ones include CoinDesk, Cointelegraph, and The Block.

Continuously learning new skills and technologies

As Blockchain technology evolves, new skills and technologies emerge. To stay relevant, it’s important to learn new skills and technologies related to Blockchain continuously. You have to keep a close eye on the changing industry needs and evolve your skillset according to the changes which are taking place in the domain. Some areas to focus on include Blockchain security, interoperability, and scalability.

Staying informed about Blockchain Industry Updates

The recent regulatory changes brought many unexpected upheavals in the crypto market. Blockchain technology is often subject to legal and regulatory changes, which can greatly impact how the Blockchain market will act for the next few weeks or months. To stay informed about these changes, it’s important to follow legal and regulatory updates in the industry.

Overcoming Common Challenges in Learning and Mastering Blockchain

Lack of Technical Knowledge and Understanding

Blockchain offers many opportunities, but the need for more skilled individuals to take advantage of these opportunities and help organizations grow has been an issue for a long time. For you to succeed, it’s important to ensure that your technical knowledge and understanding of Blockchain technology are sound and put you in a position to be considered a valuable member of your organization.

Understanding the Basics of Blockchain

The first step towards becoming a skilled Blockchain expert is understanding the basic concepts before jumping into complex ideas. This includes understanding how Blockchain is structured, its functionality, algorithms’ working, and smart contracts’ application ad working. All of these concepts are a few of the most basic concepts that are frequently utilized in the Blockchain market. A rookie needs to understand these concepts before start learning about more advanced techniques and skills.

Building a Strong Technical Foundation

The next step is to have a strong technical skillset. Once you have a coherent understanding of the basic concepts, it’s the right time to start understanding the technical skills that will help you become perfect for the job role you intend to perform. Having a strong technical background is helpful when learning Blockchain. It is recommended to have a good understanding of computer science, programming languages, and even cryptography.

Engaging in Active Learning

The last step to complete your learning is to engage in active learning. It is an effective way to overcome the lack of technical knowledge or the gaps that may have remained in your understanding of concepts. Engaging in hands-on activities such as building a Blockchain application or participating in hackathons can help develop a better understanding of the technology.

The complexity of Blockchain Technology

Blockchain is a complex subject, and its complexity may prevent individuals from trying to understand and use the concepts in their careers. But, with a little effort, this hurdle can be passed and help you to understand complex more easily and apply them to your projects.

Breaking Down Complex Concepts

The complexity of Blockchain technology can be overwhelming for beginners. Breaking down complex concepts into smaller, manageable parts can help better understand the technology. This may take some time, but the results are worth the hard work and time required. Such exercise will also help you build a good problem-solving ability where you can break them into smaller bits and operate on them more skillfully.

Utilizing Learning Resources

Online resources, such as courses, tutorials, and online communities, are available for learning Blockchain technology. These resources can help you find a simple explanation of the subject and aid you in understanding complex concepts in a more efficient manner. Utilizing these resources is very important, especially when you start working with different tools, and it requires you to learn them quickly.

Lack of Industry Knowledge and Experience

Even when you have all the right skills and knowledge, a lack of industry and its functioning can be a problem when you start looking for a job. This can be due to the ongoing recession, the number of people competing for a particular role, and much more.

Gaining Industry Knowledge

Understanding the different industries that can benefit from Blockchain technology can provide insights into how the technology can be used. It can help you to work on sector or job-specific skills and get ahead of your peers when it comes to the practical aspect of the skills. Learning about industry-specific use cases and applications of Blockchain can provide a deeper understanding of the technology and help you grow your career in the long run.

Finding Job Opportunities

A lack of industry knowledge can be very harmful, especially when looking for a job. There are many things that an individual needs to know apart from technical skills like understanding the community, organization, and its working along with analytical skills, which can help them get a job more easily in the organization and role they are looking for.

Current salary trends and other developments

With an estimated value of around $7.2 billion in 2022, Blockchain has emerged as one of the fastest-growing industries in the world. It is expected to reach a market valuation of approximately $60 billion by 2025. The current salary trends in the Blockchain market show that an average Blockchain expert can earn around $150,000 on average, and it’s expected to grow along with the growing adaptability of Blockchain technology itself.

Possibilities in future

All industries, from finance to event management, are expected to adopt Blockchain technology in their systems because of the flexibility and security it provides. More and more new roles are opening in these industries according to the application of Blockchain in them. Smart contract auditor can be a great example of such a role that emerged from its sheer necessity. Any individual will have ample opportunity in the future to get employed if they start focusing on their skills now.

Becoming a Blockchain expert requires dedication, persistence, and a commitment to continuous learning. By understanding the fundamentals of Blockchain, learning Blockchain programming languages, exploring Blockchain platforms and tools, joining the Blockchain community, gaining practical experience, and staying up-to-date with the latest developments, you can position yourself for success in the Blockchain industry. The Blockchain industry is still in its early stages, with many opportunities for innovation and growth. If you want to explore this field, now is a great time to start.

How to Become a Blockchain Expert? - Blockchain Council (2024)
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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.