How To Be “Old Money” In The Social Media Era In 5 Steps (2024)

How To Be “Old Money” In The Social Media Era In 5 Steps (2)

In the glitz and glamour of the digital age, many seem to lose sight of what is truly whispered in the world of wealth:

The quiet confidence and self-assuredness that comes with being ‘old money’.

It’s not about impulsive splurges or chasing after social media likes, it’s about playing the long game — building a legacy of financial security, a lifestyle of refined communication, interests, and attire, and above all, an ethos of enduring class.

In today’s episode of Old Money Luxury, we delve beyond the façade of ostentatious affluence to reveal the core principles of the ‘old money’ lifestyle, from strategic fiscal planning and elocution, to cultivating intellectual pursuits and dressing with timeless finesse.

However, as you navigate this enlightening journey, remember — the ultimate goal is not to simply mimic the ‘old money’ persona, but to imbibe its underlying principles and build a life of authenticity and quiet dignity.

So come join us on this intriguing expedition into the world of practical prosperity, as we describe:

How To Be Old Money In The Social Media Era”

For the uninformed, the phrase ‘old money’ evokes visions of tweed suits, polished manners, and age-old trinkets, doesn’t it?

But alas, we are missing the forest for the trees.

‘Old money’ is not primarily about how you look on the outside or the items you own; it’s fundamentally a relationship with money that echoes down your lineage.

It communicates the ethos of thinking with foresight, of casting your financial nets across decades, not merely years.

Quite naturally, it’s NOT about hasty, impulsive actions, but strategic financial planning.

In this digital age, the ‘new money’ snare is all too common.

With people splurging on whim purchases, accumulating colossal personal debts, and overpaying for extravagant getaways — all in pursuit of that perfect social media post.

But bear in mind, ‘old money’ means investing in your future, not just squandering the present.

My thoughts? Aim for tangible net worth, not fleeting attention or debt-ridden decisions.

Indeed, you must excise your personal debt, first and foremost. No one is “old money” — financially or emotionally — who carries toxic debt.

Embark on your ‘old money’ journey with a comfortable savings and build a financial safety net. Once that’s established, then you might want to graduate to investments.

However, it should go without saying that you must do your own research, and consult a qualified financial advisor on these matters as soon as you can.

Although I’d love to brag about my business decisions… That would not be very “old money”, and I’m not licensed to give financial advice, my dear friends.

So speak with the professionals first!

Finally, viewers, take a deep dive into your subconscious. Examine your spending habits.

Are you shopping out of necessity or merely for the transient approval of your virtual followers?

Trim the fat of unnecessary online subscriptions and resist impulse shopping.

The quintessence of ‘old money’ isn’t about flaunting wealth, but about prudently managing your finances and laying the groundwork for enduring prosperity.

‘Old money’ is not about a facade of affluence.

It’s about wisdom, the art of the long game, and orchestrating a symphony of sustainable prosperity.

Perhaps you perceive it as a minor detail, but let me assure you, it’s monumental.

The way you communicate is a striking reflection of your social stature and your ability to exude the confidence that comes with having ‘old money’ wealth.

So, once your fiscal fortress is comfortably secure, the next bastion to explore is your means of communication.

Do you falter in modulating your voice? Are you uncomfortable making a shrewd point in a conversation in only a few words?

Better yet, are you a boisterous social media ‘over-sharer’? Are your online habits bordering on scandalous public displays?

In the realm of social media, traits like charisma, ‘swag’ or clout are lauded as the crème de la crème.

But to the ‘old money’ faction, overdoing this conduct is nothing less than excruciatingly gauche and irksome.

Even such delicate aspects as your vocal delivery and way you frame questions — these are the small details that high society often perceives and judges — a secret assessment independent of the size of your bank balance.

If your aspiration is to master the refined cadence of ‘old money’, good people to initially study are British aristocrats, both bygone and contemporary.

Immerse yourself in erudite media interviews and protracted intellectual discussions.

Use YouTube to tune in into programs like CSPAN book talks, William F. Buckley’s “The Firing Line”, or the classic Charlie Rose interviews.

Though the majority of hosts and authors may not carry the ‘old money’ or high-class pedigree, their communication styles, their choice of words, and their deference in conversation offer a sterling initiation for novices.

And here’s a word of advice — almost fully avoid the quagmire of social media.

Not merely because it’s a notorious time sink, but also because it will subconsciously shape your thinking and speaking styles to mimic the brash ‘new money’ or celebrity personas.

The perpetual clamour and odd intonations of reality TV stars, the hyperactive sound editing of TMZ, or the extravagant Instagram narratives of Kim Kardashian types should not be your standard.

Stick to the subdued and the elegant, and watch as the ‘old money’ charm unfolds.

Now that your finances are climbing the ladder of order, and your vocal intonations have learnt to curb their volatile crescendos, the stage is set to elevate your interests to more eclectic horizons.

Those of means and wealth invariably gravitate towards more intellectually stimulating and globally significant pursuits.

Time to immerse yourself in the ocean of geopolitics, fine art, philosophy, theatre, cultural difference — the topics that would captivate a traveller spending over half the year globetrotting.

In stark contrast, the Social Media Era finds its fascination in celebrity squabbles, fleeting fashion trends, over-processed pop music, and mainstream sports such as football, basketball, and American football.

If you found yourself in a corporate box at a major sporting event, you’d likely find that the affluent guests are only marginally informed about the game at hand.

They’ll likely have more insights into the financial underpinnings of the event itself.

A typical Social Media Era spectator would be more invested in the game’s outcome, while our Skybox residents might barely pay half a mind to the proceedings, utilising the opportunity for business networking.

Additionally, you should strive to be at least mildly conversant in how economics influences global decision-making, rather than be entranced by the theatre of partisan politics — largely a performance for the middle and lower classes.

You should also aim to develop a genuine appreciation for the fine arts. If you were to scrutinise the lifestyles of the descendants of ‘old money’ families — those not at the helm of the business — you’d find a substantial number engaged in the arts (running art foundations, trusts, exploring photography) or…

Perfecting their craft in ‘old money’ sports.

This leads us to the importance of becoming at least somewhat knowledgable about ‘old money’ sports — skiing, equestrian events, kitesurfing, and don’t forget to at least have a Scuba license in your arsenal.

The affluent enjoy inviting potential friends and partners to quick getaways involving these activities.

Proficiency in these sports not only showcases your social standing but also underlines your commitment of time, finances, and distance — a trifecta often essential to excel in these disciplines.

Having laid a solid foundation of stable finances, eloquent speech, and fascinating discourse, it’s time we address how to ‘dress’ the part.

Much like most phenomena in the digital era, the ‘old money aesthetic’ or the ‘quiet luxury’ trend is often mistaken as an attribute you can simply purchase or adorn, transforming you into the sought-after ‘thing’.

Let me emphasize, dear reader, the cardinal rule — never procure a garment solely for its social media potential or the allure it may hold in the virtual realm. Your wardrobe must reflect quality, elegance, and finesse.

Contrary to popular belief, crafting a style that aligns with the ‘old money’ character requires strategic planning and subtlety, much akin to the other aspects we’ve discussed.

It’s not about perpetually parading as a part of the elite by chasing the latest trends or, heaven forbid, the influencers’ wardrobes.

Instead, it’s about adopting a classic and timeless approach to style.

For instance, ‘old money’ individuals are often drawn to high-quality garments — cashmere sweaters from Loro Piana, well-tailored suits from Savile Row, or a classic Chanel tweed jacket.

These pieces speak volumes about their wearers — their discerning taste, their appreciation for craftsmanship, and their understanding of lasting value.

This preference aligns with their long-term mindset — investing in pieces that stand the test of time rather than the ebb and flow of seasonal trends.

On the other hand, the ‘new money’ social media influencers often fail to embody this ‘old money’ aesthetic.

They’re seen chasing the ‘it’ brands of the moment, favoring “logomania”, and endorsing a consumerist culture.

It’s not uncommon to see their wardrobes teeming with off-the-runway pieces from brands that often favor bold designs and logos over the understated elegance of ‘old money’ staples.

For a more comprehensive understanding of how to distinguish between ‘old money’ and ‘new money’ fashion, I invite you to watch our dedicated video on that topic, which you can view by clicking the card on screen.

Remember, the essence of ‘old money’ isn’t about sporting the most expensive or trendy attire, but rather about embodying a class that appreciates quality, longevity, and a timeless sense of style. It’s about the value of the garment, not its price tag.

Remember, ‘old money’ doesn’t follow fashion, it defines it.

Once you’ve navigated the preceding steps, it’s time for a twist — dispel everything you’ve learnt and cease your attempts to mould yourself into an ‘old money’ caricature.

The surest way to induce cringing among the genuinely comfortable — be it financially or socially — is the perceived effort to mimic another persona.

But don’t misconstrue this as an instruction to disregard steps one through four!

On the contrary, once you find yourself comfortably mingling with the upper strata — or assuming the role of the most sophisticated in your circle — refocus your energies on just being a kind, dependable, and honorable human being.

Contrary to the stereotype of the affluent as condescending hoarders, a large proportion are fundamentally kind, discreet, respectful individuals with a genuine desire for societal betterment.

They hold in higher regard those who are true to their core, as opposed to those struggling to play a part.

Even the more greedy among them, when encountered, often project more respect and relaxation than the flamboyant ‘new money’ magnate or the individual striving to scrape by.

Your task is to draw inspiration from the serene, humble aspects of ‘old money’, then to nurture your self-confidence and capabilities.

Embody the relaxed assurance and the unpretentious dignity that speaks of ‘old money’ without uttering a word.

Because, at the end of the day, ‘old money’ isn’t about the ostentatious display of wealth, it’s about an inherent class and grace that resonates in one’s demeanor.

It’s not about striving to ‘be’ something; it’s about being comfortable in your own skin while navigating the path to prosperity.

And now it’s time for you to share your thoughts in the comments.

How To Be “Old Money” In The Social Media Era In 5 Steps (2024)


How To Be “Old Money” In The Social Media Era In 5 Steps? ›

Beyond fashion, the old money lifestyle encompasses values, behaviours, and etiquette, highlighting cultural appreciation, intellectual pursuits, excellent social skills, philanthropy, and a preference for discretion and privacy.

How do you become old money? ›

6 Ways Millennials Make New Money Become Old Money
  1. Don't Leave It in Cash. Inflation will eat away at your wealth if you leave your money to molder in cash savings. ...
  2. Diversify Your Investments. ...
  3. Invest on Autopilot. ...
  4. Get Strategic About Tax Planning. ...
  5. Get Adequate Insurance. ...
  6. Create an Estate Plan.
Apr 30, 2024

How to act like you are old money? ›

  1. They are generally well behaved and know good etiquette. This is something which is instilled from childhood.
  2. They are always well groomed and have a put together look.
  3. Always wear timeless clothes and accessories. ...
  4. Always well informed and well connected. ...
  5. Closeness with old money peers only.
Mar 27, 2024

What are the old money practices? ›

Beyond fashion, the old money lifestyle encompasses values, behaviours, and etiquette, highlighting cultural appreciation, intellectual pursuits, excellent social skills, philanthropy, and a preference for discretion and privacy.

How to become the old money aesthetic? ›

To embody the old money aesthetic, focus on investing in high-quality, timeless pieces, such as tailored blazers, chic dresses, and quality accessories. Choose classic silhouettes, muted colors, and refined fabrics to create an effortlessly elegant look.

What is the old money strategy? ›

Families with "old money" use accumulated assets or savings to bridge interruptions in income, thus guarding against downward social mobility. "Old money" applies to those of the upper class whose wealth separates them from lower social classes.

How to carry yourself like old money? ›

The Old Money Aesthetic is more about quality than quantity. It's about investing in a few timeless, well-made pieces rather than having a large wardrobe. Look for classic items at thrift stores, vintage shops, or invest in high-quality pieces that will last for years.

How do you give old money vibes? ›

One of the key elements of dressing with an old money vibe is prioritizing quality over quantity. This means investing in timeless pieces made from natural fabrics like wool, silk, and cashmere. Stick to classic, neutral colors that never go out of style, and avoid trendy, flashy pieces that will quickly look dated.

What are old money principles? ›

Old money families are known for their aversion to publicity and ostentatious displays of wealth. They tend to keep their personal lives and financial affairs private, valuing discretion and a sense of mystery. 2. Understated Elegance: Old money favors a sense of understated elegance over overt displays of luxury.

How can I become rich later in life? ›

Savvy savers limit their spending so that they can put more money to work for them. Maximize your retirement contributions every year to earn tax-deferred or tax-free growth. Building wealth also involves investing in yourself by learning new skills and capitalizing on career opportunities to earn more money.

How do old money people behave? ›

This lot — the old money crowd — they have an entirely different approach to wealth and society. They're not into random flashy cars, colossal yachts, or diamond-encrusted watches. They value discretion, education, philanthropy, good manners, and long-term thinking.

What are examples of old money today? ›

Q: What is an example of old money? A: The Vanderbilt or Rockefeller families are examples of old money, as their wealth has been inherited over generations. You can also find examples of “old money” on current billionaire lists, including the Walton family of Walmart fame.

What are the core values of old money? ›

The Core Values.

These include: Health, Education, The Work Ethic, Etiquette & Manners, Financial Independence, Family & Marriage, and Privacy.

How to be classy old money? ›

Focus on tailored suits and blazers in classic colours. Incorporate crisp dress shirts, preferably in white or pale blue. Invest in stylish shoes, such as loafers, oxfords, or brogues. Accessorise with understated accents like leather belts and elegant watches.

What are old money vibes? ›

Staples of the 'old money look' include the aforementioned linens, polos and “quiet luxury” designer items, in addition to argyle vests, white sneakers, capris, quilted coats and tailored pieces.

How to live an old money lifestyle? ›

  1. #1 Adopt The Long-Term Financial Mindset. For the uninformed, the phrase 'old money' evokes visions of tweed suits, polished manners, and age-old trinkets, doesn't it? ...
  2. #2 Master Your Vocal Tone and Speaking Style. ...
  3. #3 Pursue Erudite Interests. ...
  4. #4 Reflect Quality In Wardrobe. ...
  5. #5 Stop Trying To “Be” Old Money.
Jun 26, 2023

How do I turn in old money? ›

Exchange worn currency at a local bank.

Deposit the money into any account, and the bank's relationship with their country's central bank and minting service will ensure that it is swapped for fresh currency. You can also just ask to swap it out without depositing it.

What is the old money lifestyle? ›

It's a lifestyle that exudes a sense of permanence and enduring sophistication, emphasizing the notion that true luxury is not in extravagance but in the preservation of timeless traditions and values. Embracing the Old Money Aesthetic means adopting a manner of living that mirrors a bygone era's gentility and poise.

Do old money people still exist? ›

In the U.S., families like the Vanderbilts and Rockefellers represented early examples of old money. Today, old money families include the Waltons (Walmart), the Disneys (The Walt Disney Company), and the Kochs (Koch Industries).

How many generations to be considered old money? ›

But despite this tremendous inherited wealth, the Walton family are not considered “old money people.” Most social scientists state wealth must be sustained through more than three generations before being considered “old money”.

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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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