How to Access Your Wallet with a Keystore File (2024)

How to Access Your Wallet with a Keystore File

Last updated: October 26th, 2021

Important Information

We do not recommend that you access your wallet via Keystore file.


Keystore files are vulnerable for two reasons:

  1. Theft

    • To use a keystore file means you need to upload this file online and type in a password to unlock the file. If you enter this into a fake phishing website, your funds WILL BE STOLEN
  2. They are not recoverable if lost or stolen

    • MyCrypto does not store any information. We only have access to information that is publicly available on the blockchain. Hardware wallets at least give you a chance to restore your wallet if you lose the device using the 12-word Secret Recovery Phrase if you have backed it up correctly.
    • If you lose the keystore file or forget the password, there is almost no guarantee that you will ever gain access back to the wallet

What Is a Keystore File?

A keystore file (sometimes called a UTC file) in Ethereum is an encrypted version of your private key. They are generated using your private key and a password that you use to encrypt it. If you open up your keystore file in a text editor it contains data pertaining to the encryption of the private key.

Note: Your keystore file has a .json file extension. If you try to convert it to any other file extension, then it may break when you try to convert it back. Don't do this. If you want to understand the contents of your json file, reference this medium article by Julien.Maffre.

Accessing Your Wallet

How to Access Your Wallet with a Keystore File (1)

The desktop application is not actively maintained.

The MyCrypto desktop application is part of an older version of MyCrypto that is not actively maintained. You can find the latest version of MyCrypto on

MyCrypto does not allow you to use the web application to access your keystore file. Instead, you have to download the MyCrypto desktop app. A more detailed explanation on why we decided for this change can be found here.

  1. Follow our guide on running MyCrypto offline and locally.

  2. Open the MyCrypto desktop application.

  3. The "View & Send" tab will appear, click "Keystore File".

  4. Click "SELECT WALLET FILE" and navigate to your keystore file.

  5. Enter the password used to encrypt the file when the wallet was made.

  6. Click "Unlock" and your wallet will show up.

  7. Find your account address, next to a colorful, circular icon. This icon visually represents your address.

    • If you printed out your wallet, check to be sure the circles match. They should be the same colors and shapes. Otherwise, something went wrong and you should start over.
How to Access Your Wallet with a Keystore File (2024)


How do I access a keystore file? ›

Accessing your Wallet

Open the MyCrypto desktop application. The "View & Send" tab will appear, click "Keystore File". Click "SELECT WALLET FILE" and navigate to your keystore file. Enter the password used to encrypt the file when the wallet was made.

How do I restore my keystore wallet? ›

Import via Keystore File

Open your Keystore file and copy the contents of the file and paste it on the Keystore tab. Type the Password to decrypt the file. Put a Name so that you can easily recognize the wallet. Once you are done typing, tap on Import.

Why is keystore file not recommended? ›

Keystore files can have their passwords brute-forced relatively easily, and Mnemonic phrases can be used directly in wallet interfaces to move assets. This is why we do not recommend using these types of wallets, but instead, use a wallet that keeps your key separate from the online world of peering eyes.

What is a keystore wallet? ›

Keystore is password encrypted Private Key that is in text format or in file, which is used to access your wallet. Private Key can be decrypted from Keystore text/file, if matched password is entered, and can be used to import your wallet on another service.

What's a keystore file? ›

A keystore file contains one or more pairs of a private key and signed certificate for its corresponding public key. The keystore should be strongly protected with a password, and stored (either on the file system or elsewhere) so that it is accessible only to administrators.

How does a keystore work? ›

The Android Keystore system lets you store cryptographic keys in a container to make them more difficult to extract from the device. Once keys are in the keystore, you can use them for cryptographic operations, with the key material remaining non-exportable.

What is keystore and key password? ›

Keystore is a binary file that contains a set of private keys. Private key represents the entity to be identified with the app, such as a person or a company. So Keystore password is used to open a keystore and simple password is password of private entity stored in keystore file..!!

What does a keystore file look like? ›

What do keystore files look like? A chunky JSON file with many magic parameters that seem to be vaguely related to complicated cryptographic operations.

How do I recover my digital wallet? ›

If you still have your backup phrase:

Open the app and go to the gear icon at the bottom right. Then scroll down and choose Create or Import a Key. Then, choose Import Wallet and the Recovery Phrase tab. Type out your 12 word recovery phrase and click Import to restore your funds.

How do I get my crypto wallet back? ›

If you have an existing DeFi Wallet, you can also recover it by entering its 12-word recovery phrase. A recovery phrase is a key to accessing your wallet and funds. It usually consists of 12/18/24 randomly generated words that are created when you first set up a wallet.

How do I find my keystore ID? ›

Alternatively, you can use Java 7's Key and Certificate Management Tool keytool to check the signature of a keystore or an APK without extracting any files. The output will reveal the signature owner/issuer and MD5, SHA1 and SHA256 fingerprints of the APK file app. apk or AAB file app. aab .

Where is my keystore password? ›

bin file in android studio itself. Search for ". storePassword" .. That's it you got your keystore password.

Is keystore the same as private key? ›

Keystores and truststores are repositories that contain cryptographic artifacts like certificates and private keys that are used for cryptographic protocols such as TLS. A keystore contains personal certificates, plus the corresponding private keys that are used to identify the owner of the certificate.

What is the default keystore password? ›

The default password for keystore is "changeit", from Java in general - applicable for both Oracle and AIX Java.

How do I create a keystore file for my wallet? ›

Generate a Keystore File
  1. Enter a strong password. ...
  2. Enter the password again to confirm it.
  3. Click the "Create New Wallet" button.
  4. Download your Keystore File : ...
  5. Read the warning. ...
  6. Print your paper wallet backup.
  7. Print out the current page to save your private key by using your web browser's print option.
26 Oct 2021

When should I use keystore? ›

TrustStore is used to store certificates from Certified Authorities (CA) that verify the certificate presented by the server in an SSL connection. While Keystore is used to store private key and identity certificates that a specific program should present to both parties (server or client) for verification.

Are keystore files safe? ›

To answer your title question: As long as the Git repository is private, and only you (and other members of your development team) can access it, it is ok to leave the KeyStore in the repository, especially when it is encrypted with a secure password.

Where is the keystore file? ›

By default, the keystore that is used to sign debug versions of a Xamarin.Android application can be found at the following location:
  • ~/.local/share/Xamarin/Mono for Android/debug.keystore. ...
  • ~/Library/Developer/Xamarin/jdk/microsoft_dist_openjdk_VERSION/bin/keytool.
14 Jul 2022

How do I import a keystore into MetaMask? ›

Click the circle icon at the top right corner of your MetaMask pop-up next to the network indicator. Select “Import Account” on the dropdown menu: You will be directed to the Import page. Paste your private key and click “Import”.

How do I store keys in KeyStore? ›

To store a key in the keystore, follow the steps given below.
  1. Step 1: Create a KeyStore object. ...
  2. Step 2: Load the KeyStore object. ...
  3. Step 3: Create the KeyStore.ProtectionParameter object. ...
  4. Step 4: Create a SecretKey object. ...
  5. Step 5: Create a SecretKeyEntry object. ...
  6. Step 6: Set an entry to the KeyStore.

How to get keystore password from keystore file? ›

On the search box top right, type your Android app name or part of the app name. You will see the result line, if you had saved the password. Double click on it, check the show password checkbox, give your system password when asked, and it will show your keystore password.

Is keystore password and key password the same? ›

"Error: The Keystore contains a certificate "certName" whose per key password is not the same as the keystore password." The "keystore" and "key" passwords do not match, so it will throw an 'UnrecoverableKeyException' error.

How do I reset my keystore password? ›

How to Change the Java Keystore Password
  1. Become superuser.
  2. Change the keystore password. # /usr/java1.3/bin/keytool -storepasswd \ -keystore /usr/java1.3/jre/lib/security/cacerts Enter keystore password: changeit New keystore password: new-password Re-enter new keystore password: new-password.

How do I log into my Ethereum wallet? ›

Keystore/JSON + Password
  1. On the MEW front page, select 'Access My Wallet'.
  2. Choose the 'Software' option to connect, then select 'JSON File' and click 'Continue'.
  3. Locate your Keystore/JSON file in the pop-up window. It should begin with 'UTC–'.
  4. Enter your password, and click 'Unlock wallet'.
  5. You're done!

Where do I find the Android keystore? ›

To open the Keystore Manager, open the Android publishing window and select the Keystore Manager button.

What is a SSL keystore? ›

The SSL keystore holds the identity key for the server and the SSL truststore serves as the repository for trusted certificates. The SSL truststore is used for trusting or authenticating client certificates (for two-way SSL).

How do I access my wallet account? ›

At the bottom right of your phone's lock screen, tap Wallet . Unlock your phone. You can find and use debit and credit cards that you've added. To find everything that you added to Google Wallet, at the bottom of the screen, tap Show all.

What happens if you lose your digital wallet? ›

Most crypto wallets usually provide a private key in the mnemonic form of a recovery phrase, which contains a human-readable backup allowing users to recover private keys. The mnemonic form is typically enabled through BIP39, the most common standard used for generating seed phrases for crypto wallets.

What is the 12-word phrase? ›

Basically, your 12-word phrase is a set of words that allows you to recover and use your private key. And if you can recover your private key, you can access your wallet from anywhere in the world without having to carry anything around. It's a simple, user-friendly security measure which is very powerful.

How can I recover my crypto wallet without saying? ›

Unfortunately, if you do not have the 12-word backup phrase there is no way to recover your wallet or the funds should anything happen to the device you have the wallet downloaded to. has no control over your private keys or any transactions made; we can not restore your wallet for you.

Can I recover my crypto if I lose my cold wallet? ›

Back to our scenario: if you lose your device, you can simply enter your 24 words into a new hardware wallet, and you'll recover absolutely everything that was secured on your lost device.

How do I recover my wallet with seed phrase? ›

Many wallets use the BIP39 standard, which has a list of 2,048 words. To use a seed phrase with a wallet, select the option to restore using a recovery phrase. The wallet will prompt you to enter your seed phrase in order. After you've correctly entered the seed phrase, you'll have your crypto in your wallet.

What is secret key in keystore? ›

the secret key which is generated is used to init the cipher and get the IV. The encrypt text function uses the text and the iv to encrypt the text in the Keystore and gives the encrypted text which can be stored in any general storage medium.

How do I get my private key from keystore? ›

How to export private key and public key from keystore
  1. Export the private key from pkcs12 format keystore.
  2. openssl pkcs12 -in keystore_name.p12 -nodes -nocerts -out private.key.
  3. Export the public certificate from pkcs12 format keystore.
  4. openssl pkcs12 -in keystore_name.p12 -nokeys -out public-cert-file.

Are private keys stored on wallet? ›

Private keys can be stored using a hardware wallet that uses smartcards or USB devices to generate and secure private keys offline. The private keys can also be stored using a hardware wallet that uses smartcards or USB devices to generate and secure private keys offline.

What happens if you lose your keystore? ›

There's now a dedicated form and instructions for case of loosing the keystore. From Play Console's help page: Lost or compromised upload key? If you've lost your private upload key, or it's been compromised, you can create a new one, and then ask your account owner to contact support to reset the key.

How do I view certificates in keystore? ›

How do I find certificates in my keystore?
  1. Check a stand-alone certificate keytool -printcert -v -file mydomain. crt.
  2. Check which certificates are in a Java keystore keytool -list -v -keystore keystore. jks.

Where can I find keystore file in Windows? ›

  1. The resulting keystore resides in the following location:
  2. C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Xamarin\Mono for Android\Keystore\ALIAS\ALIAS. ...
  3. For example, using chimp as the alias, the above steps would create a new signing key in the following location:
10 Nov 2021

How do I access Windows keystore? ›

In order to open Windows User KeyStore, click on Menu File > Open > Open Windows User KeyStore . A new tab will be opened containing the Windows User KeyStore entries.

How do I open a JKS file as readable? ›

Provided you know a JKS file's password, you can open it and view its contents using KeyStore Explorer, a multiplatform app that allows users to create, import, export, and save various KeyStore files. Note that you must have the Java Runtime Environment installed in order to use KeyStore Explorer.

Where do I find my keystore password? ›

The key password and keystore password are stored in the keystore itself. It's self-contained. That way the keystore is portable and can be sent to others who can open it (provided they know the key[store] password).

How do I view a certificate file? ›

To view certificates for the current user

Select Run from the Start menu, and then enter certmgr. msc. The Certificate Manager tool for the current user appears. To view your certificates, under Certificates - Current User in the left pane, expand the directory for the type of certificate you want to view.

Where is the location of keystore? ›

The default location is /Users/<username>/. android/debug. keystore.

What is the password for keystore? ›

The default password for keystore is "changeit", from Java in general - applicable for both Oracle and AIX Java.

How do I use keystore tool? ›

To Use keytool to Create a Server Certificate
  1. Generate the server certificate. Type the keytool command all on one line: ...
  2. Export the generated server certificate in keystore. jks into the file server. ...
  3. To add the server certificate to the truststore file, cacerts. ...
  4. Type yes , then press the Enter or Return key.

How do I import a key into keystore? ›

To import an existing key pair:
  1. Build the certificate chain and convert the private key and certificate files into a PKCS12 file. ...
  2. Import the PKCS12 file into Java keystore: Copy keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore server.p12 -destkeystore store.keys -srcstoretype pkcs12 -alias shared.

Is keystore private key? ›

The SSL keystore contains a private key that is used to prove the authenticity of this SSL side to the other side of an SSL connection. The SSL truststore contains public key certificates of trusted parties.

How to open JKS file without password? ›

The code is available here.
  1. Download the zip file here.
  2. Install JAVA into your computer.
  3. Keep all the files(the Keystore, extracted java files) in one folder.
  4. Open Command Prompt there. ( ...
  5. Run javac
  6. Run java ChangePassword <keystore file> <new Keystore file> ...
  7. Enter a password when asked.
27 Sept 2019

Is keystore and JKS file same? ›

A Java Keystore (JKS) is a common keystore type that is used for Java environments because it is easier to set up. JKSs use files with a . jks extension that are stored in the zFS file system. The JKS is referenced by the keyStore element in the server.

Does JKS contain public key? ›

jks which contains, a 2048 bit Private/Public key pair aliased “sample” created using the RSA cryptographic algorithm and a self-signed certificate (SHA256withRSA) with a validity period of 365 days.

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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.