How Much Ram Is Needed For Gaming In 2023? (2024)

You’re building a new gaming PC. When it comes to choosingparts, you opt for the fastest or most powerful components your budget allows.You have your heart set on this graphics card, that CPU, and those storage drives. But when it comes to choosing memory, does opting for the mostamount mean better performance?

Not necessarily. You might end up paying a lot extrafor something that might simply never be used.

How Much RAM Do I Really Need?

In the past two decades, I’ve owned four custom-built PCs. Each new build, I’ve doubled the memory: 2GB DDR, 4GB DDR2, 8GB DDR3, and 16GB DDR4. With my latest rig, I was tempted to splash out on 32GB, or even 64. But in the end, after a lot of research and soul-searching, I settled for 16GB.

I’m glad I did. It’s more than enough memory for my day-to-day gaming requirements, and I give my PC a lot of heavy lifting to contend with. Despite being over two years’ old, this beast still runs AAA titles smoothly.

But what about your needs? Envision what you want to get out of your PC. It depends greatly on the type of games you want to play. If you want to play AAA titles with the graphics settings cranked up while having chrome tabs open, discord and multiple other application without a worry in the world then you should consider 32GB.

I have been using 16GB comfortable for a few years now and I am yet to find that it is my RAM causing any bottleneck in performance.

How Much Ram Is Needed For Gaming In 2023? (1)

What you need from your computer should determine how much memory you actually need. If you have a specific game in mind, check the minimum specs on the publisher’s website, or wherever you downloaded it from, to get an idea of the amount you need.

A good rule of thumb is: 8GB bare minimum, 16GB for mostgaming needs, and 32GB if you want to run multiple high-intensity programssimultaneously. There’s a little more to it than that, but we’ll get ontothings like DDR and RAM speeds in a moment.

8GB vs 16GB vs 32GB RAM

Before you start thinking of RAM, it’s important to checkwhich version of Windows you’ll be using. It’s vital you opt for the 64-bitversion, as at 32-bit the memory is capped to a paltry 3.2GB; not nearly enoughto do very much with. You could have 2TB of RAM stuffed in your PC (the maxWindows 10 Pro allows!), it wouldn’t make a difference: 3.2GB is all themachine could use.

Given you’ll be shelling out for a machine with a 64-bitoperating system, we’ll start with 8GB RAM. This is ideal if you’re on a lowerbudget. 4GB is enough to run basic Windows machines, but if you want any sortof performance, don’t go lower than 8. If you wish to have things run smoothly,but aren’t trying to push your machine’s capabilities to the limit, then 8GB isprobably more than enough for you.

If, however, you want your PC’s performance to pack a powerful punch, then 16GB might be a little more ideal. For gamers, Call of Duty Modern Warfare’s recommended RAM is 12GB. It’s CD Projekt Red’s Cyberpunk 2077 recommends 16GB. If you’re gearing up your new PC for AAA flagship titles like these, then 16GB generally ideal for high-end gaming. If you can get 32GB for a reasonable price then there is no harm in future proofing your rig and doing so.

If you want to push into 32GB territory, you’re most likelysomeone who wants your PC to be a workhorse for high-end creative endeavours. Thinkediting video in 4K, 3D modelling, or rendering post-production visual effects.Adobe recommends32GB for After Effects; Blender the same for optimalusage.

Is 64GB Too Much For Gaming?

If 32GB RAM is more than enough for even the most die-hardof PC taskmasters, hellbent on whipping their workstation to the very limits ofits capabilities, then surely 64GB would be ridiculous? Perhaps.

For gamers, 64GB is certainly overkill: 16GB will be finefor new title releases in the near future.

It’s what else is on your PC hoovering up the memory thatmight require it. Browsers can eat up several gigs, particularly if you have abunch of tabs open and extensions loaded. Sometimes I use a virtual machine toemulate old versions of Windows to play my nostalgic games of yesteryear: thatcan take up a gig or two. Running multiple virtual machines—common fordevelopers—can really start to bite deep into the RAM reserves.

All in all: the only reason for me to have 64GB RAM in my PCis if I’m playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare at 4K resolution,processing a 4K video I edited, of a Hollywood-level CGI scene I created, andrunning a dozen virtual machines to test an industrial-scale app I developed…all at the same time.

RAM Speeds Explained

You’ve settled on your ideal amount of RAM: great! Butthere’s more to RAM than picking how much you want. No two sticks of RAM arealike – they could have different speeds, different latencies, differentbandwidth, or different transfer rates. While the technical specs of RAM can bedaunting, the most important thing to remember is that sticks of RAM will onlywork together if they’re of the same generation.

Since the early 2000s memory sticks have progressed through four generations: DDR (“Double Data Rate”), DDR2, DDR3, and DDR4. Keep in mind: these generations are incompatible with each other. You can’t have one stick of DDR4 memory and one stick of DDR3 in the same motherboard. Mainly because the slot shape of each is different, and your motherboard will only support one type.

Unless you’re buying second-hand stock that’s several yearsold, recent motherboards will most likely support DDR4. But check first! Mostmanufacturers have this information on their website. (If you’re upgrading yourcurrent rig and you don’t know your motherboard model, type msinfo32.exe into Windows 10’s taskbar search box, press return, and seek out “Systemmodel”)

Now, check the speed of the RAM – it’ll be in MHz. DDR4’s defaultmaximum speed is 2400MHz, but you can buy DDR4 RAM that goes beyond 4000MHz. Likewith CPUs, a higher number means faster processing, so naturally that alsoresults in higher prices. A pair of branded 8GB sticks at 5000MHz currentlysell for many, many times more than the same brand at 2400MHz.

But is the difference in performance worth it? There areseveral benchmark tests around that suggest that, whilst a higher clock speedon your RAM fractionally increases gaming performance, the larger factor is theRAM’s latency. CAS (Column Access Strobe) latency measures the delay timebetween the RAM receiving information—and then acting on it—in nanoseconds.Having a lower CAS appears to have more of an impact on increased gamingframerates than the clock speed.

When choosing RAM by speed: try to aim for a balance oflower CAS latency to higher MHz speed.

4GB RAM sticks vs 8GB RAM sticks vs 16GB RAM sticks

You now know the amount of RAM you need in GB and theoptimum speed (MHz)/latency (CAS) ratio that fits your budget. Now onto thephysical sticks themselves. Often, you’ll see RAM come in pairs of sticks.Search for 16GB RAM on most sites and you’ll find that, more often than not,the RAM advertised will come as a pair of 8GB sticks.

So why not just buy a single 16GB stick instead?

The answer is simple: double the sticks means double thepipes. Your CPU and RAM transfer a staggering amount of data through a 64-bitchannel. With a single stick, you get one pipeline to funnel this data through.With a pair, you get two. Hence: theoretically double the data transfer. Inreality, however, various benchmarks have proven that “dual channel” setupsgive about a 20% boost over “single channel” rigs.

So, it’s certainly worth buying a pair of sticks, especiallyas the price will be almost identical. Most motherboards have around 4 slotsfor RAM, which gives you the option to upgrade your memory later on, shouldyour PC demand it.

Another point about upgrading: if you’re adding RAM, eitheradd another identical stick (if you have the slots available), or replace itwith a same-generation RAM stick of a larger value. Whilst it’s technicallypossible to use sticks of differing speeds, latencies, or voltages, doing socould cause you endless problems. For system stability, and your own sanity,it’s best to ensure your RAM sticks are all the same speed. Again, yourmotherboard manufacturer should be able to tell you the speeds of RAM itallows.

Closing Thoughts

If you’re a gamer who uses a PC solely as a modern gamesconsole (and browser), then you’re likely to need 16GB of RAM. If you’re acontent creator, where your PC is more of a workstation for editinghigh-fidelity video or processing 3D effects, then opt for 32GB (or even 64GBif you’re operating at an industrial level).

When it comes to speed, aim for high clock speed vs. low CASlatency within your budget. Check that the stick will play nice with themotherboard. There are plenty of tools for this. Both the memory andmotherboard’s manufacturer’s websites will help you out here.

You’ll need a pair of sticks, each half the RAM you require:keep them identical, unless you want to live in a world of pain. 2x8GB forgaming boosts speeds by a solid 20%. That will leave you with two spare slots(depending on the motherboard) for upgrading in the future.

Finally, enjoy your smooth gaming experience, safe in theknowledge that you chose the precise type of RAM you need.

How Much Ram Is Needed For Gaming In 2023? (2024)


How Much Ram Is Needed For Gaming In 2023? ›

Testing Games exemplifies this well in the below video. The differences in FPS you'll see between 16GB and 32GB are marginal at best, but the jump from 8GB to 16GB RAM is far more important.

Is 32GB RAM overkill for gaming 2023? ›

In summary: 16GB is no longer enough if you want the optimal gaming experience, particularly at the highest resolutions and settings. 32GB will quickly become the minimum memory specification you'll want to upgrade to in 2023 to protect you for the future of gaming and more serious pursuits.

How much RAM do I need in 2023? ›

Generally, we recommend 8GB of RAM for casual computer usage and internet browsing, 16GB for spreadsheets and other office programs, and at least 32GB for gamers and multimedia creators. How you use your computer influences how much RAM you need, so use this as a guideline.

Is 32GB RAM overkill for gaming? ›

As for 32GB of RAM, it can be considered overkill for gaming alone. However, if you are also running other resource-intensive programs alongside your games, such as streaming or video editing software, having that much RAM can help ensure that your computer can handle the workload without slowing down.

Is 16GB RAM enough for gaming in 2023? ›

While some people might be able to use 8GB to play a few older games, 16GB will definitely improve your gaming experience if you like to play more modern games.

Do I need 16GB or 32GB RAM? ›

16GB: Excellent for Windows and MacOS systems and also good for gaming, especially if it is fast RAM, though some games still need more. 32GB: This is the sweet spot for professionals and high-end gamers. It's enough to play any game, but pricing is still affordable.

Is 32 or 64 RAM better for gaming? ›

For a gaming system, 32 GB of memory is the sweet spot now and should be plenty for the foreseeable future. There really isn't a need to go beyond 32 GB for gaming – you're really just wasting your money at that point.

Will 32 GB of RAM improve FPS? ›

In conclusion, the amount of RAM in a computer does have an impact on FPS performance. Increasing the RAM from 16GB to 32GB can lead to improved FPS in certain scenarios, particularly in resource-intensive games or when multitasking with demanding applications.

Is 32GB RAM enough for 4K gaming? ›

For a robust Gaming experience, especially for 1440p and 4K Gaming, we recommend 32GB of RAM as a baseline, with serious consideration for 64GB for futureproofing. Pair this with a decent RAM speed, and you'll have a setup that not only handles current Gaming demands but is also prepared for future Gaming trends.

How much RAM do you realistically need? ›

The amount of RAM memory you need for your computer depends on the type of tasks you plan to perform. For basic everyday use such as web browsing and document creation, 4GB or 8GB is usually sufficient. For more intensive tasks such as gaming or video editing 16GB or even 32GB of RAM is better.

Which games require 32GB RAM? ›


Full specifications for the PC version of Returnal can be seen on Steam. In addition to 32GB RAM, Returnal also requires an Intel i7-8700/AMD Ryzen 7 2700X processor and NVIDIA RTX 2070 SUPER/AMD 6700 XT graphics card for the recommended specifications.

Can increasing RAM improve FPS? ›

Being straightforwardly, increasing RAM will not directly increase FPS, but it can indirectly contribute to BETTER FPS. Having more RAM means the system can store and access larger gaming file and data quickly, reducing lag and stutter in games.

Will 16GB RAM be future proof? ›

If the task is above a certain point, 16GB is not future proof, but if the user has tasks that almost always use far less than 16GBs, it''s entirely realistic and future proof. Seriously, don't just take a swing in the dark without any thought into something with an absurd reply.

Is 16GB RAM enough for next 5 years? ›

In fact, you can also do some light-medium gaming with 16Gb ram as long as you have a decent graphic card. But if you are planning to use your PC for heavy gaming and productivity apps good to get 32Gb ram if you have the budget. 16Gb is fine.

Is 16 GB RAM enough for gaming in 2024? ›

Yes, for the majority of games, 16GB RAM is enough. There are a couple of exceptions.

Will future games require 32GB RAM? ›

But no, not really, most games these days require atleast 8gb now. 32gb is a lot but, not overkill. It can come in pretty handy if you need to do more tasks whilst gaming, for example streaming. Streaming can take up just as much ram as the game itself so there's 16gb recommended.

Will 32GB RAM improve FPS? ›

In conclusion, the amount of RAM in a computer does have an impact on FPS performance. Increasing the RAM from 16GB to 32GB can lead to improved FPS in certain scenarios, particularly in resource-intensive games or when multitasking with demanding applications.

How much RAM do you need in 2024? ›

You can check out all of our current deals here. For most gamers 16GB of RAM is still the sweet spot in 2024. This amount provides enough headroom for the operating system, background processes, and the game itself to run smoothly without any bottlenecks.

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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.