How Much Does a $1 Million Annuity Pay Per Month? - (2024)

Key Takeaways

  • A $1 million annuity could pay $6,073 a month or $72,876 a year for a 65-year-old woman purchasing an immediate single life annuity.
  • Annuity providers calculate the monthly payout of a $1 million annuity based on factors such as the type of annuity and the annuitant’s age and gender.
  • The older you are when you start to receive payments, the larger those payments will be, and men’s payments will be larger than women’s since women live longer. used data from Cannex, an independent company that provides access to a database of updated annuity products, to calculate the expected monthly payments of a $1 million annuity.

The estimates shown are for an immediate $1 million annuity with lifetime payments. The payouts listed for a joint annuity with a male and female spouse assume that both spouses are the same age and that payments remain level if either spouse is alive.

Monthly Payouts for $1 Million Immediate Lifetime Annuity

Male Single Life$5,339$5,742$6,313$7,110$8,301$10,166
Female Single Life$5,208$5,569$6,073$6,764$7,756$9,312
Joint Life$5,488$5,110$5,488$6,010$6,740$7,852
Annual Payouts for $1 Million Immediate Lifetime Annuity
Male Single Life$64,068$68,904$75,756$85,320$99,612$121,992
Female Single Life$62,496$66,828$72,876$81,168$93,072$111,744
Joint Life$65,856$61,320$65,856$72,120$80,880$94,224

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For a 65-year-old woman investing $1 million, receiving a guaranteed $6,073 per month is a great strategy for retirement planning, as you can rely on that income throughout your lifetime. The good news is that annuities offer a secure method of generating predictable income during retirement. There’s no market risk or fees involved, just a fixed amount of income over a specific timeframe, which is why retirees appreciate them.

How Much Does a $1 Million Annuity Pay Per Month? - (1)

Aamir M. Chalisa, MBA, LUTCF, MDRTGeneral Manager at Futurity First Insurance Group

Aamir M. Chalisa is the GM at Futurity First, leading Oak Brook’s top branch. With 30+ years’ expertise, chairs GAMA Global, driving diversity worldwide.

Case Studies

To understand how different factors impact the approximate payout of a $1 million annuity, let’s look at three different scenarios. These case studies represent hypothetical estimates and are meant to give you a general idea of how different customers might receive different payouts for the same premium amount.

These payout estimates were calculated using Cannex data.

Scenario 1 – Bob

How Much Does a $1 Million Annuity Pay Per Month? - (2)

Name: Bob

Age: 70

Looking to Invest: $1,000,000

  • Bob wants a guaranteed income stream for life
  • He purchases an immediate annuity with a lifetime payment

Monthly Payout: $7,110

Bob has retired and wants to turn his savings into a guaranteed stream of income he can’t outlive. He purchases a $1,000,000 immediate annuity that pays approximately $7,110 a month, or $85,320 a year.

The estimated payout of Bob’s annuity assumes that he chose a straight life annuity with no period certain and no death benefit. This means Bob’s annuity will pay out until he passes away, at which point, the insurance company will keep the remaining premium and his beneficiaries will not receive the remaining amount of the annuity payments.

Scenario 2 – Linda

How Much Does a $1 Million Annuity Pay Per Month? - (3)

Name: Linda

Age: 65

Looking to Invest: $1,000,000

  • Linda wants guaranteed income in retirement
  • She purchases an immediate annuity with a lifetime payment

Monthly Payout: $6,073

Linda’s circ*mstances are in many ways similar to the previous scenario. She’s a retiree who purchases an immediate lifetime annuity to set up guaranteed income she can’t outlive. However, Linda’s $1,000,000 annuity pays $6,073 a month, over $1,000 less than what Bob’s annuity pays.

Linda gets a lower payout from her annuity because the insurance company expects her to live longer. The younger you are, the smaller your payments will be. Women also have higher life expectancies than men, so women tend to get lower monthly payments than men. A 65-year-old man who purchases a $1,000,000 immediate annuity might receive $6,313 monthly, or $75,756 a year.

Scenario 3 – George and Martha

How Much Does a $1 Million Annuity Pay Per Month? - (4)

Name: George and Martha

Age: 65 and 67

Looking to Invest: $1,000,000

  • George and Martha want guaranteed income that lasts for both their lifetimes
  • They purchase an immediate annuity with a joint life payout

Monthly Payout: $5,583

George and Martha purchase an immediate annuity to generate income for their retirement. The annuity they buy is called a joint and survivor annuity, and it guarantees payments as long as either George or Martha is alive.

Joint and survivor annuities tend to have lower payouts than single life annuities because they are likely to pay out for longer. In this example, George and Martha’s $1,000,000 annuity pays an estimated $5,583 a month.

Factors That Impact How Much a $1 Million Annuity Pays Monthly

Annuity providers calculate payouts differently for every annuity contract. An annuity with a $1 million premium can have widely varying monthly payments depending on several factors.

  • Annuitant’s age: Life expectancy factors into annuity payout calculations because the longer you live, the more payments you’ll receive. So the older you are when you start getting payments from your annuity, the higher your payments will be.
  • Annuitant’s gender: Because women tend to live longer than men, they usually receive lower monthly payouts than men of the same age would.
  • Payout period: As mentioned, the longer the insurance company expects to pay out your annuity, the lower your monthly payments will be. An annuity that only pays out for a set period, like 10 years, will have higher monthly payments than a lifetime annuity, and a lifetime annuity will have higher payouts than a joint and survivor annuity that covers two lifetimes.
  • Type of annuity: Calculating payouts on an immediate annuity is relatively simple because the contract starts paying out right away. Other types of annuities accumulate value, either through equity subaccounts, index crediting or a fixed interest rate. With these annuities, the payout cannot be calculated without knowing the value of the contract when it converts to income.
  • Riders: Some contract provisions and riders that owners add to their annuities can lower the monthly payment amount of the contract. Riders like a return of premium rider or a death benefit rider can represent a greater risk to the insurer, so payment amounts may be lowered to offset that risk.

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Last Modified: July 25, 2024

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How Much Does a $1 Million Annuity Pay Per Month? - (2024)


How Much Does a $1 Million Annuity Pay Per Month? - ›

A $1 million annuity could pay $6,073 a month or $72,876 a year for a 65-year-old woman purchasing an immediate single life annuity. Annuity providers calculate the monthly payout of a $1 million annuity based on factors such as the type of annuity and the annuitant's age and gender.

How much will a $1 million annuity pay per month? ›

If you buy that annuity at age 65 and begin collecting payments immediately, you might expect to receive around $4,700 per month for the rest of your life ($56,400 per year), which comes to a repayment rate of around 5% annually.

What is the annuity payout for the $1 million lottery? ›

Those annuities are structured over 20 years. On a $1 million payout, you would get $650,000 in a lump sum before taxes. If you choose the annuity version, you would get 20 annual payments of $50,000 before taxes. The total after 20 years would be $710,000 after taxes.

How much does a $2 million annuity pay per month? ›

If you're eyeing a reliable income during retirement, consider an annuity. It's like a financial security blanket, giving you a steady paycheck when you stop working. So, how much can you pocket monthly from a $2 million annuity? Your monthly payout could be anywhere from $10,000 to $20,000.

How much would $100000 annuity pay each month? ›

Here's a look at how much cash you can expect each month from a $100,000 annuity: Immediate Income Annuity: For someone 65, you might get around $614 each month with an immediate income annuity. If you're a 65-year-old woman opting for a lifetime annuity, it might be closer to $608 a month.

How much income will 1 million generate? ›

Many retirees who follow the 4% rule. With a $1 million nest egg, They withdraw 4% the first year, or $40,000, and they live on this amount. In the second year, they take out the same 4%, plus the rate of inflation for that year. If inflation were 2%, the second year's withdrawal would be 102% of $40,000, or $40,800.

Are lifetime annuities worth it? ›

Annuities can provide a reliable income stream in retirement, but if you die too soon, you may not get your money's worth. Annuities often have high fees compared to mutual funds and other investments. You can customize an annuity to fit your needs, but you might need to pay more or accept a lower monthly income.

Can you pass on your annuity lottery winnings? ›

Typically, lotteries allow for the inheritance of annuities through the estate administration process in one of two ways. Some lotteries will pay a lump sum to the winner's estate upon their death, while others will simply continue to make the annuity payments to the named beneficiary.

Has any lottery winner ever taken the annuity? ›

In 2014, Vinh Nguyen, a California nail technician, was the sole winner of a $228.4 million Powerball jackpot. He chose to receive the money in annuity payments over 30 years, where he will receive the full amount, instead of the lump sum, which would have given him $134 million.

Is it better to get an annuity or lump sum? ›

Based on historical rates of return, this is not a likely outcome. The lump sum option is only good for her if she expects a much shorter-than-average life expectancy. The annuity choice provides protection against running out of money later in life, is guaranteed*, and is not dependent on stock market returns.

What is better than an annuity for retirement? ›

In general, 401(k) plans — and the very similar 403(b) plans offered by nonprofit organizations — are a better way to grow your cash for retirement than an annuity.

Do you pay taxes on annuities? ›

You do have to pay taxes on the earnings of your contribution to the annuity when you make a withdrawal or receive a payout. Earnings are dividends, interest and capital gains. The amount of your withdrawal or payment from investments is subject to the exclusion ratio.

What annuity will $300,000 buy? ›

Examples of annuity income levels (September 2024)
Pension Pot ValueAnnuity TypeLifetime Annuity
What annuity will £200,000 buy?Single life, Level£14,259.24
What annuity will £300,000 buy?Single life, Level£21,375.96
What annuity will £400,000 buy?Single life, Level£28,317.36
3 more rows

What is the monthly payment for a $1 million annuity? ›

A $1 million annuity could pay $6,073 a month or $72,876 a year for a 65-year-old woman purchasing an immediate single life annuity. Annuity providers calculate the monthly payout of a $1 million annuity based on factors such as the type of annuity and the annuitant's age and gender.

What is highest paying annuity? ›

Best Annuity Rates This Week
  • Year. 5.65% GBU Financial Life Insurance Company. ...
  • Years. 5.25% Aspida Life Insurance Company. ...
  • Years. 5.65% American Life & Security Corp. ...
  • Years. 5.05% National Security Insurance Company. ...
  • Years. 6.00% Atlantic Coast Life. ...
  • Years. 6.05% Atlantic Coast Life. ...
  • Years. 6.25% ...
  • Years. 5.35%

Which annuity has the highest monthly payout? ›

With an income annuity, you won't be able to access your lump sum once you hand it over to the insurance company. You'll get the largest monthly payouts with a life-only annuity, which continues to pay during your lifetime, no matter how long you live.

How much does a $3 million dollar annuity pay? ›

For a $3 million retirement fund, anticipate a monthly income of $6,250 over 40 years, barring investment growth or loss. Factors such as lifestyle choices, inflation, and healthcare costs will influence how long your savings last.

How much does a $5 million annuity pay per month? ›

How much does a $5 million annuity pay? As of September 2024, with a $5,000,000 annuity, you'll get an immediate payment of $30,000 monthly starting at age 60, $33,041 monthly at age 65, or $35,625 monthly at age 70.

What is the monthly income on a $500000 annuity? ›

Here's what you might receive monthly and annually, depending on your age when you buy the annuity: At age 60: Monthly payments start at $3,049, accumulating to $36,588 annually. At age 65: Receive $3,303 monthly, adding up to $39,696 annually. At age 70: Monthly income increases to $3,652, totaling $43,824 annually.

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Name: Carlyn Walter

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