How Many Sellers Are on Amazon? | Helium 10 (2024)

How Many Sellers Are on Amazon? | Helium 10 (1)

Josh VanAkker ,


11 minute read

Published: September 11, 2024

The Amazon Opportunity

Listen, if you’re thinking of selling on Amazon, you’re not alone. I mean, who wouldn’t want a piece of the action with 9.7 million total sellers and 1.9 million active sellers in 2024? But here’s the thing: most of these sellers are just throwing spaghetti at the wall, hoping something sticks.

We’ve seen it time and time again—sellers using the wrong tools, targeting the wrong niches, and wasting time and money on products that go nowhere. But what if I told you there’s a better way? Our team at Helium 10 has cracked the code on Amazon product research, and we’ve got the success stories to prove it.

Let’s face it, Amazon is the 800-pound gorilla in the room. And if you want to succeed, you need to play by their rules. That’s why I always say, “Selling on Amazon vs. eBay is like comparing apples and oranges.” One’s a Ferrari, the other’s a clunker. You choose.

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History of Third-Party Sales on Amazon

You know, it’s hard to believe Amazon started as just a humble bookstore. But Jeff Bezos had bigger plans. He wanted to create a shopping behemoth that would change the game. And boy, did he ever.

The turning point started in 2000 when Amazon unleashed its Marketplace feature. Suddenly, third-party sellers could list their products alongside Amazon’s own offerings. It was a masterstroke. Buyers could now find anything they wanted in one place, and sellers could reach a massive audience. Today, how many sellers on Amazon can say they’re part of this thriving community? Millions, actually—with 9.7 million total sellers and counting!

Fast forward to today, and independent sales from third-party sellers account for a whopping 60% of Amazon’s total sales. That’s right, folks! The little guys are crushing it on Amazon. And with more sellers succeeding every day, this number is only going to keep growing.

And what’s more, Amazon’s catalog boasts over 12 million products, including books, media, wine, and services! But that’s not all—when you add Amazon 3rd party sellers, the total product count skyrockets to a staggering 350+ million!

How Many People Sell on Amazon?

  • 9.7 million Amazon sellers worldwide
  • Approximately 1.9 million sellers are active

The answer to the question “How many sellers does Amazon have” is a whopping 9.7 million total sellers worldwide, with 1.9 million actively selling on the platform. Third-party seller services generated $80.5 billion in sales in 2020, while independent businesses saw sales surge over 50% compared to 2019.

Want a glimpse into Amazon’s future? Just look at the staggering number of new sellers joining the party. In 2024 alone, a whopping 839,900 sellers have flooded the marketplace. That’s a mind-boggling 3,700 new sellers every single day! And have you ever wondered how many sellers on Amazon USA are part of this growing community? Well, the numbers are staggering, and they’re only going up!

And we’re not even done with 2024 yet! By year’s end, that number is projected to balloon to 1,350,500 new sellers. That’s a tidal wave of competition, folks.

Now, you might be thinking, “That’s great, more sellers mean more customers, right?” Well, yes and no. Sure, you’ll have access to a larger audience, but you’ll also be fighting tooth and nail for attention. That’s why it’s crucial to arm yourself with the best Amazon seller resources to stay ahead of the pack.

Amazon Seller Performance Insights

When it comes to selling on Amazon, performance is everything. But what does success look like for Amazon sellers? For starters, a whopping 58% of sellers turn a profit within their first year. That’s a staggering number, and a testament to the potential for growth on the platform.

This level of success is a result of careful planning, strategic decision-making, and a deep understanding of the Amazon marketplace. Sellers who achieve profitability within their first year have likely done their research, chosen a profitable niche, and executed a well-thought-out marketing strategy.

And it’s not just about scraping by—52% of sellers report sales over $1,000 per month. That’s a serious income stream, and one that can make a real difference for entrepreneurs and small business owners. This level of sales can provide a sense of security and stability, allowing sellers to invest in their business and plan for the future.

Don’t Get Left Behind on Amazon!

Listen, friend, you’ve seen the numbers. You know the competition is fierce. But here’s the thing: with the right tools, you can rise above the noise and dominate your niche.

That’s where Helium 10 comes in. And I’m not just talking about any ordinary tools. I’m talking about the crème de la crème. With a free Helium 10 account, you’ll get access to:

  • Black Box, the ultimate product research powerhouse (5 uses)
  • Listing Analyzer, to optimize your listings for maximum visibility (2 uses)
  • Market Tracker, to stay on top of your market trends (up to 1 market)

Don’t let the competition drown you out. Sign up for your free Helium 10 account now and start building your Amazon empire.

Sign Up For Free Now!

How Many Amazon Sellers Joined in 2024?

  • 839,900 sellers have joined in 2024
  • This averages to about 3,700 new Amazon sellers every day
  • At this rate, Amazon is projected to have 1,350,500 new sellers by the end of the year.

The Amazon seller numbers vary a bit when you start looking at different countries. When you look at how many sellers on Amazon there are, you might be surprised to learn just how popular Amazon has become. Over 2 million active sellers thrive on Amazon, with a staggering 1.1 million based in the United States alone!

But here’s the kicker: 180 million Amazon Prime members are just waiting to be tapped. That’s nearly half the US population, folks! And get this, a whopping 80% of Americans have bought something on Amazon at least once. That’s a seller’s dream come true. With Amazon seller statistics like these, it’s no wonder why so many entrepreneurs are flocking to the platform.

So, what does this mean for you? It means you’ve got a vast, hungry audience waiting to devour your products. It means you’ve got a chance to ride the Amazon wave and reap the rewards.

How Many Amazon Sellers Are in the US?

  • The US has a seller count of 1.1 million active Amazon sellers.
  • 180 million Prime members in the US.
  • Nearly 80% of the US population have purchased something on Amazon.

If you think the US is the only game in town, think again! Across the pond, a thriving marketplace is waiting to be tapped. Did you know there are 281,257 active Amazon sellers in the UK? That’s a staggering number and nearly 10% of the global total. But have you ever wondered how many sellers on Amazon USA are dominating the market? The answer might surprise you!

But here’s the best part: Amazon accounts for a whopping 20% of all UK online spending. That’s a massive chunk of change, just waiting to be snatched up by savvy sellers like you. And what are the Brits buying? High-demand products like books, beauty products, and fitness gear are flying off the shelves. With the right Amazon seller statistics on your side, you can tap into this lucrative market and take your business to the next level.

Whether you’re targeting the US or UK market, make sure you’re armed with the right seller tools and knowledge to succeed. Trends and best-sellers vary wildly by country, so stay ahead of the curve and reap the rewards.

How Many Sellers Are There in the UK?

  • The UK has an estimated 281,257 active sellers on Amazon.
  • Amazon makes up 20% of the UK’s total online retail sales.
  • The most popular product categories in the UK include books, beauty products, and fitness equipment.

Amazon’s empire even stretches across the globe, with a significant presence in Europe, Asia, and beyond. But have you ever wondered how many sellers on Amazon there are worldwide? Germany, Italy, and France are the next powerhouses of Amazon selling, with over 600,000 active sellers combined. And don’t forget India, with a whopping 205,884 sellers.

And if you’re looking for a sweet spot with fewer sellers, Mexico and Australia are the new frontiers of Amazon selling. With fewer sellers, you’ll have more opportunities to tap into the vast number of people who use Amazon every day. Less competition means more opportunity for you to stake your claim.

Don’t wait until it’s too late—cast your net wider and tap into the global Amazon gold rush, where millions of items on Amazon are waiting to be sold. Your bank account will thank you.

How Many Sellers Are on Amazon? | Helium 10 (2)

Active Amazon Sellers By Country

Ever wondered where the most active Amazon sellers are based? Let’s take a look at the numbers:

  • United States: 1.1 million sellers (37.82%) – the largest community of Amazon sellers
  • United Kingdom: 281,257 sellers (9.54%) – a thriving e-commerce hub
  • Germany: 244,425 sellers (8.30%) – a significant presence in European online retail
  • Italy: 216,610 sellers (7.36%) – a growing force in the Amazon marketplace
  • France: 211,859 sellers (7.19%) – a strong contingent of online entrepreneurs

And here are some more countries with a notable number of active Amazon sellers:

  • India: 205,884 sellers (6.99%)
  • Spain: 203,413 sellers (6.90%)
  • Japan: 173,483 sellers (5.89%)
  • Canada: 163,595 sellers (5.55%)
  • Mexico: 51,087 sellers (1.73%)
  • Australia: 24,227 sellers (0.82%)
  • UAE: 20,842 sellers (0.71%)
  • Brazil: 15,605 sellers (0.53%)
  • Turkey: 5,987 sellers (0.20%)
  • Singapore: 1,721 sellers (0.06%)

These numbers represent a sea of opportunity, a vast ocean of potential customers and collaborators just waiting to be accessed by you. With Helium 10 as your guide, you’ll discover how many Amazon daily active users are on the platform while tapping into their vast customer base. And with millions of products to choose from, you’ll find the perfect niche among the countless items on Amazon.

With Helium 10, you’ll navigate these waters like a pro, uncovering hidden treasures and forging alliances that’ll make your competitors green with envy.

Seller Operations and Funding with Amazon FBA

So, how do Amazon sellers actually run their businesses? For one, an overwhelming 82% of sellers use Amazon FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon). That’s a clear vote of confidence in Amazon’s logistics and shipping capabilities. By leveraging FBA, sellers can focus on what they do best: sourcing products, marketing, and growing their business.

And when it comes to funding, 81% of sellers fund their business with their own money. That’s a sign of confidence in their own abilities, and a willingness to invest in their success. This level of investment can be risky, but it also allows sellers to maintain control and flexibility in their business.

Of course, that investment can be costly since 47% of sellers spend less than $500 on advertising per month. That’s a relatively modest budget, but one that can still drive serious results. By being strategic with their advertising spend, sellers can reach new customers, drive sales, and grow their business.

Seller Goals and FBA Costs

What do Amazon sellers want to achieve, and what’s holding them back? For one, 70% of sellers aim to improve financial management in 2024. That’s a smart goal, given the complexities of Amazon’s accounting and inventory management systems. By getting a handle on their finances, sellers can make better decisions, optimize their operations, and drive growth.

But it’s not all smooth sailing. Top challenges for Amazon sellers include increasing FBA costs, shipping costs, and cost of goods. These are serious hurdles, but ones that can be overcome with the right strategies and tools. By staying focused on their goals and adapting to changes in the market, sellers can overcome these challenges and achieve success.

The Role of AI in Amazon Selling

Finally, what role does AI play in Amazon selling? The answer is a significant one. 48% of sellers use AI—such as Claude—to help run their business, from optimizing listings to streamlining inventory management. That’s a sign of the times, and a recognition that AI can be a powerful tool in the pursuit of success on Amazon.

By leveraging AI, sellers can automate routine tasks, gain insights into customer behavior, and make data-driven decisions. This can be a game-changer for businesses of all sizes, allowing them to compete with larger competitors and drive growth. Whether it’s optimizing product listings or predicting demand, AI is becoming an essential part of the Amazon seller’s toolkit.

Launching an Amazon Seller Business

Want to join the Amazon gold rush and become one of the many Amazon sellers? First, you need to stake your claim—sign up for a seller account and choose your plan (individual or professional). Then, it’s time to start listing products and making that dough. But have you ever wondered how many sellers on Amazon you’re up against? With the right strategy, you can find out while standing out from the crowd.

Here’s the thing, though: it’s not just about throwing products up on Amazon and hoping for the best. You need to know how many people use Amazon and tailor your approach to meet their demands. Choose products that are in demand, but avoid the overcrowded markets. Price smart, keeping an eye on that profit margin. And don’t forget to market like a pro using Amazon PPC.

And let’s face it, succeeding on Amazon isn’t always easy. That’s where Helium 10 comes in—your trusted partner for Amazon success, helping you navigate the vast number of items on Amazon. We’ve got the tools, resources, and expert community to help you grow and profit. So why go it alone? Visit Helium 10 today and start building your Amazon empire.


Frequently Asked Questions

As of 2024, 86% of Amazon’s 1.9 million active sellers use FBA, with 82% preferring it over other fulfillment methods. This overwhelming majority trusts FBA for streamlined logistics, faster shipping, and improved customer satisfaction.

About 46% of Amazon sellers achieve a success rate of 11% to 25%, with 64% turning a profit within their first year. Success varies, but the right strategies and tools can make a difference. Helium 10’s expertise and tools can help streamline your product research and achieve success on Amazon FBA.

A significant 24% of SMB Amazon sellers have achieved lifetime sales of over $100,000. Additionally, 47% have reached under $25,000, 10% between $25,001-$50,000, and 6% between $50,001-$100,000.

The average income of Amazon FBA sellers varies widely. While 40% earn between $1,000-$25,000/month (up to $300,000/year), many others achieve higher sales, with some “super-sellers” exceeding $100,000/month.

Amazon boasts an impressive 9.7 million+ global sellers, with 2 million actively selling on the platform. Notably, 64% of sellers have adopted Amazon’s convenient Fulfilled by Amazon (FBA) feature, streamlining their logistics and growth.

As of 2021, an impressive 60,000+ Amazon sellers have achieved $1 million+ in sales worldwide, marking a remarkable 100%+ growth over the past three years.

How Many Sellers Are on Amazon? | Helium 10 (2024)
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Author: Kelle Weber

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Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.